8 hours of labor, 6 tubes of industrial glue, and over 2,000 buttons:
I put together a time lapse video of the entire process as well as close up photos of button detail. Hope you enjoy it! It was fun to make!
Are you a Frida fan? Here are some other related posts:
I am speechless! Wow! That’s the most amazing thing that I’ve ever seen you make on here. Love it! I’m going to share it on my page. Just beautiful!
Wow, wow, wow that is the ultimate button up cycle. I too will be linking this on my blog too. Love it.
Fabulous. I’m so glad you did the time-lapse video to show us the process. Absolutely fascinating.
Wow. I really enjoyed seeing the time lapse video. I am not the least bit artistic, so it was amazing watching the process of your art. Thanks.
WOW!!!! That is just awesome! And I can imagine how your back feels!! But it turned out sooo worth it! It makes me want to do one of my girls in their tutus and hang it in their room!
You are amazing. The time lapse was such a great idea!!! And I love Frida!
I am IMPRESSED! So beautiful!!
This is so beautiful! Love it! Love Frida and the Music As well! Great Job!
This is so cool!
That is amazing! I only learned of this artist last summer with my son at a children’s library program. Sad, I know. I was very art deprived as a child. 😉
I love how Boo pops in and out of the video.
Super cool! Love that you took video of it.
Ah-mazing! I adore everything about this! The time lapse video was genius. (and btw, I didn’t see you being bossy at all! ;))
When do you sleep? That’s just briliant.
So amazing! And really neat to watch the process, looks like so much fun!
Wow!!!! Brooke watched this with me (she’s 7) and she said ” That is Crazy, Awesome!!! Wow, I’m speechless as well. You are so Talented!!! Wish I had the patience to do that, I would get a migraine half through it!! Love it! 🙂
Where did you find all the buttons? They are SO expensive that I only have a small jar to use for my sewing projects. I sure wish I had a big bucket of buttons so I could make something like that. TOO cool.
I love it, and it’s exactly the wacky kind of art that Frida would have loved. Her home in Mexico City is filled with brightly colored art pieces and lots of self-portraits. Your piece would fit right in. The video was a fantastic idea and captures how labor intensive it was. Way to go.
Thanks for sharing the process. I would also like to know where you got all of those buttons, my whole family is somewhat button obsessed, so I would love to find out your secret button source 😉
Buttons by the pound can be found on the Internet.
dick blick (dot) com. 2.99 a pound
What else can I say but……..WOW!!!!
This is awesome, I definately think Frida would approve!
Beautiful and amazing! My 4 year old daughter insisted on us watching it 5 times so she could point out all the skulls at the end. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Wow! Lovely, amazing, inspirational.
WOW!!! How amazing!! you are a WOW Artist!! I am really impressed!!
oo and where do you ger time to do all that you do?? you are a super mom!
thats awesome! Shannon Sewell just did a really awesome photo shoot that was Frida inspired. You should check it out since you love Frida as well. Awesome job!!
I could probably say AWESOME one more time. LOL. <—weirdo.
All I can say is WOW
Wow. You’re amazing!
amazing!!! I love, love, love your great work!!
Hugs from Spain
¡¡Me encanta!! Es asombroso y el resultado es espectacular.
¡Felicidades por este magnífico trabajo!!
Besos desde España
WOW! That is amazing! You are so talented!
Fabulous show. Frida would be proud.
you just blew my mind!
is this piece for sale?
Thanks for sharing all your hard work…so beautiful and creative! Love it..looks like your helper didn’t last for long…!
Spectacular!!! Thanks for the video! Loved watching the process.
Incredible! I wish I had the time/creativity to do something like this! Someday maybe…
DANG, woman! This project takes the cake.
I really enjoyed the video and the music. Frida is a favorite of mine also. I’d love to see some stills of the button art as well, I hope you’ll post some. Magnificent!
You are amazing! As we would say here, in my country: “Capísima!”
Very industrious. I love the fabric print of her work in the pic. Colorful
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! Rock on, sister!
So AWESOME, I loved seeing Boo pop in and out!
This is incredible! You are so creative. True art.
Wow! Interested in selling it?
How did you collect or find so many buttons? Did you purchase them somewhere specific?
Wonderful job, you’ve inspired me to think out side of sewing for a change. 🙂
Um…speechless! Just saw this and the Lisa one. WOWza. Love that your daughter helped and just how great they both came out. You’ve inspired me to maybe try something similar. Definitely something the kids could help with. Love, love, love it! 🙂
Forever inspirational. It looks totally awesome!!
Wow. That’s cool. It would be adorable to make family portraits this way.
And, how on earth do you have so many buttons? Heh, I only see bags of maybe 10 or 20 at the craft store. 10 x 20 times… 2000… wowza.
Wow love this 🙂
watching the mona lisa button video the other day brought me here today to watch the frida kahlo button video…. i didn’t know anything about her (born and raised in the midwest that’s my sorry ass excuse) so i went searching online… what a colorful life she had…. left scarred physically by the accident and emotionally by her husband…. died at the young age of 47 and left us these beautiful paintings… i also noticed the date that u posted this video… before cancer correct?…. how different life is for u now…. not that u didn’t enjoy life and live it fully prior to ur diagnosis… but rather, i just can’t imagine one would come through an experince like that and not be changed in some way… not sure where i’m going with this…. other than, thanks for helping me to ‘choose joy’ and cherish eveyday…. cuz u never know what tomorrow will bring ❤