Sometimes I’ll venture out in the morning for a donut and diet coke and 2 hours later I make it back with a few extra items….I can easily get side tracked into the small thrift stores nearby. Everyone thinks I often spend too much on some items….but I can’t pass some things up!
A flour sifter to hold pens and paintbrushes
An old globe to start teaching Boo geography. First lesson: Iraq where her Uncle Gene is stationed right now.
A vintage necklace that caught my eye:
I love finding good things at a thrift store. I volunteer at one twice a week on base and its amazing the stuff that comes through!
Enjoy your newfound goodies!
i love the flour sifter. my two and a half year old can point out iraq and afghanistan on a map. can you guess where her dad has been most of her life. I bet boo loves that globe.
I love it!!!!! Great job!
Wonderful finds! I love old globes, and this one is great.
I love finding new uses for thrift store finds, I also LOVE scouring craigslist for freebies. I check it every day! I went to pick up a free dresser today that needs a little TLC and I got a mirror and a shelving unit too!! The stuff you found is so neat!! Thanks for always posting great stuff to read and look at! oxox
That’s awesome stuff! I will go to Goodwill when I get the chance, but I usually end up looking at clothes! =\
Ooh, score–especially on the globe! That’s such a great idea!
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Great finds!!! I am obbessed with globes and my hubby does not get it at all!!! I really want a white one! Great price on it!
OMG, that globe is the best! The colours on an old globe or atlas are amazing, I just love it!!
I make brooches and pendants from old books, including atlas’s, I would love it if you had a look!
Thanks for all your inspiration! I’m doing a screen printing class tomorrow and will no doubt be turning to your blog for some extra hints and tips in the future.
Rach x
A globe for $5.99?! Jealous.
I love all your posts, even the “real life” ones (praying for your family) And only losing 2 hours in a couple of Treasure Stores well, that’s nothing, especially if you’re at a Goodwill Outlet
I love the red/blue ducks on the flour sifter..a little high but it’s an unusual piece.
I just started a blog & it’s mainly about Thrift store shopping if you want to check it out,
I’ve been checking Goodwill for girl’s clothes I can copy, I mean create like you do for Boo 🙂
I love old flour sifters & old cake carriers… I collect them and display them on top of my cabinets in the kitchen..
They look like awesome buys to me! Great job!
Wow!! I *NEED* that globe lol
Great morning! Donut, thrift store goodies, and for me, I would substitute coffee for the diet coke. Sounds great!
Fun stuff! We got a globe at the goodwill a while ago, and take it into Leila’s room every night. She randomly points to a country and we tell her what we know about it, and what we don’t know we google the next day!
I have a green sifter I bought at an antique store for cheap and I use it for baking utensils on my kitchen counter. Love it!