One of my earliest memories growing up was my mother dragging the three of us to Mary Jo’s Cloth Store in Gastonia, NC. Whenever I have the chance to go back east I try to visit and do a little shopping. Many of the same women still work there from when I was little! The last time I went was November 2009 and I even got to talk with Mary Jo herself for a few minutes as she stacked fabric. (read her story here) I went with my sister when we were visiting a few weeks ago…..I always take my camera!
It’s a huge place (32,000 square feet to be exact)….
(more photos after the jump)
…..with many different departments:
….and rolls….
….and rolls of beautiful fabrics:
Tons of helpful information posted everywhere too… what yardage you’ll need for almost any project:
All the signs are hand written…..and I think many have been there since I was little:
Many people travel far and wide to visit:
Huge selections and great prices:
One of my favorite sections: the flour sack section. Love the vintage fabric look:
I bought some of this circus fabric:
I always buy more than I plan:
My sister Perry (Perfectly Perrywinkle) is lucky she lives right near Mary Jo’s and can visit anytime she wants!
Ashley, Thank you so much for posting this! Now more than us NC girls will know about this gem of a place. I was dragged there as a kid some 27 years ago and I have been known to drag my three little ones along with me as well. The memories of my childhood are dancing in my head. Thanks for the reminder.~Tifaine
Oh my goodness Ashley, wish I was there when you were! I like to go there with my mom, we live in Greenville, SC so it’s a little bit of a drive…but well worth it! :0)
waaahhh- why cant we live closer!
Wow, I’ve never seen so much fabric! I can’t sew worth anything, but I would go nuts in that place. How fun! And I love the handwritten signs…
I go there EVERY time I go home!!!! And have been since I was little too. Just like I used to do when I was little, my kids “help” them clean all the strings off the floor when we go! 😉 Such helpers.
Can’t wait to see what great goodies you got….and what you’ll make out of it all! <3
LOVE LOVE LOVE Mary Jo’s!!! I got my fabric for my bridesmaid’s dresses there almost 18 years ago! I live about 2 hours away now, but still go about every 3 months or so!!! Love it and the folks there! Love your blog as well!! 😉
When I read the intro I was wondering if there was a Mary Jo’s somewhere besides the one in NC. I love that place.
So fun! My Dad used to have a minor league baseball team in Gastonia! The Gastonia Rangers. I was little then, and not a sew-er yet, but we had a store like this in New Haven when I was growing up. So lucky for you that it’s still there. Ours is not….
Wow I would be like a kid in a candy store! Good thing I live far away from there, I would always be broke. 😉
I love Mary Jo’s!!!!! I was just there 2 weeks ago with my MIL. It’s a good thing I live in North Myrtle Beach, SC I would always be broke (although I would have an awesome fabric stash)
we sure dont have anything like that up in new hampshire! man i wish i could have a store with 1/ 10 of what is in there:)
I could spend hours and hours in that place! We don’t have any stores like that here! Glad you got to go during your recent visit.
I LOVE MARY JO! She was in my parents’ wedding…and we always have to make a stop to see her on our way to Charlotte. The store has really come a long way since the early days. You can never go too many times, though! Love it.
I’m so jealous. . . looks like a dream store full of lovely fabrics, Something I do not have nearby, maybe I should fly out to the States?
I LOVE Mary Jo’s….It’s definitely not “up-to-date” with its decor/signage, but that’s one of the things I like about it. It’s all about the fabric. My kids even like going to pick out PJ’s fabric. It’s a 4-hour drive for us, but definitely worth it!
I grew up in Conover and my mom and I loved making the trip to Mary Jo’s too! AWESOME store!!!
I have to make a list of fabulous fabric shops from your posts, just in case I make a travel to USA! But in that case I would need some additional empty luggage… 😀
Luckily, I am about an hour from the store and just love it. Spent many many an hour there shopping to my heart’s content. Wonderful clerks and great customer service.
I had a chance to visit Mary Jo’s on the way home from a family vacation. The kids and hubby went to the Chuck E Cheese’s near by while mommy (me) got to shop for an hour. It was amazing. I nearly lost my mind. An hour was not nearly enough time but I had a grand time.