I wasn’t sure when I’d write about this……but I just felt like tonight was a good time.
I haven’t been feeling well the last few weeks. I took a pregnancy test and it was positive…..but I felt like something wasn’t quite right. I went in for an ultrasound and I knew right away from the technician’s silence that my gut feeling was right. There was no baby. But I still had to be scheduled for surgery (my 2nd D&C in 3 months) because my body thinks it’s pregnant. I wasn’t that worried about it…..my last D&C was easy.
When many things seem to be going wrong, trust me. When your life feels increasingly out of control thank Me. These are supernatural responses and they can lift you above your circumstances. If you do what comes naturally in the face of difficulties, you may fall prey to negativism. Even a few complaints can set you on a path that is a downward spiral, by darkening your perspective and mind set. (my daily reading from Jesus Calling)
Last Friday, my doctor called at 4:45pm and asked if I could come into the office. I told him I had to pick up Boo from school and his reply was “I’ll wait for you.” (first thought: that can’t be good) He’d consulted with an oncologist and they determined my pregnancy was a molar pregnancy and suspected it stemmed from my miscarriage a few months ago. I needed an immediate MRI and CT scan of my brain, lungs and abdomen to make sure cancerous or cancer-like cells weren’t spreading.
I remember driving from the doctor’s office thinking: With everything that has happened this year and now this……why am I so calm? Is God piling this on until I reach some limit? Maybe I should start acting overly dramatic or emotional so it will all stop…..wait, that won’t work…..God would just know I’m faking it.
So I had an MRI and CT scan on Monday. My father-in-law Barry (a doctor) called “well, it’s not good…..Dr. Jacome wants the family in the office at 9am tomorrow to discuss.”
Trust me enough to let things happen without striving to predict or control them. (my daily reading from Jesus Calling)
Tuesday at 9am, my husband, my father-in-law, my mother-in-law and I were all sitting in the doctor’s office. All I really remember hearing is:
the molar pregnancy has turned into an invasive growth in your uterus
it’s spread to 9 areas on your lungs, and one on your liver
it hasn’t spread to your brain yet
you’ll see specialists at Loma Linda first thing
you’ll need chemotherapy
We aren’t labeling it yet….it’s either cancer or cancer-like. The doctors are fairly confident it’s a rare form of cancer called choriocarcinoma, but one that is very responsive to chemotherapy.
It hasn’t set in completely yet either. I’m not sure it ever will. I’m the kind of person that just takes it day by day. I’m not scared or worried. I know it will all work out how it’s supposed to. Worry and anxiety take the joy out of my day so I just don’t do it. It’s much easier to hand everything over to God.
Monday at 9am we meet with a new doctor at Loma Linda University. We’ll know more about my options then. I’m super blessed to have an amazing family and amazing friends that are so supportive. My sweet hubby has been doing everything around here in the morning and night….mornings are the hardest for me right now…..it takes a while to get going. I’ve been working from bed all week because I have this side pain that just won’t go away and the pain medication makes me nauseous. Lisa and Gicela are awesome and keep things running smoothly here…..and they don’t mind when I’m still in bed when they show up for work. Lisa crawls into bed with me every so often trying to wait on me and take care of me which I can’t stand (but secretly love lol!). She surprised me with a new handbag on Tuesday saying I have to throw out my ugly old suede bag….she said she’s embarrassed for me to take it to doctor appointments. I’ll be stylin’! I can’t think of a better way to end this post than with a photo of a pretty handbag:
Anyways, I’ll keep you updated! If you don’t hear from me for a few days it just means I’m taking a little time off. There will be some tutorials and fun stuff soon….’cause that’s how I roll.
Your thoughts sound so much like I think mine would be. Trust in God, pray, love your family. It sounds like you are doing just that. I’m sorry that you have to I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers! “Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
I just wanted to tell you how incredibly brave you are and how much I appreciate your positive attitude and faith in the Lord. I have been struggling with some health issues lately and have been feeling pretty sorry for myself. Thanks for putting things in perspective. You are an incredible woman! Hang in there.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
You are an inspiration! Thank you a million times. We will all pray for you and your family. Thank you again for sharing.
Ashley I am so so sorry!
I am sending you many many healing and positive thoughts.
I’m thinking of you at this time. I know I’m just a follower on your blog and Facebook but I was thinking of you the other day when I saw a post and was wondering if you tried to get pregnant again. I really send all my well wishes your way.
Take care,
I am praying for you and your family. I am blown away by your strength. God is able to do immeasurably more than we can even imagine.
Praying for you Ashley and your entire family. I’m so glad you have family and friends to lean on. Hugs!!!
thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.
I think you needed some extra prayers, I haven’t logged into blogger for quite some time, this post is the first one on my list. You are amazing, and God is great. You will be in my thoughts and prayers! Your faith is amazing & a breath of fresh air. To be so calm & relaxed during such a scary time truly shows your faith and trust in God. Keep that faith & remember that God will never ever give you more than you can handle. Lean on him in the weak moments and remember there are so many praying for you! <3
You are such an inspirational woman! I will be praying for you and your family.
I am so sorry! What a horribly difficult year this had been for you. You will be in my prayers, and I hope it all goes as well as it possibly can.
Ashley… I am so sorry. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Everything will be just fine…you are such a strong and incredible person! Please take your time for recovery…we all can wait as your health is most important!
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! What an incredibly hard few months you’ve had. Many prayers to you & your family!
You are a strong woman! I read about your father, then the miscarriage and now this? I’m praying for you and wishing you a speedy and easy recovery for what they will give you to make you better. Take it easy and take care of yourself, Boo and hubby too!
Holding you up in prayers tonight. Our Jesus has got you covered, what a blessing you are Ashley.
Oh my gosh. I’ve been following your blog for a few months now, and my jaw dropped when I heard this.
You are beautiful and strong and such a great mom. You do so much and share so much. You really are inspiring.
My heart and healing thoughts go out to you!
Sending love!!!! oxooxox reggie
i’ll be keeping you in my prayers.. God never gives us challenges we can’t handle.. i think its so great you are so positive and keeping faith.. you are loved by so many more than just your family…
I’m praying for you and your family!!
My prayers are with your for strength, wisdom and guidance. I’m so grateful that God is in control, because when we try to manipulate “life” things just mess up. Keep your hand in the Master’s hand and draw from the strength only He can give. You are such a wonderful light, Ashley. You have a ton of supporters out there!
Peace and prayers to you.
Thank you for sharing. Your candor allows your family, friends and fans to strategically pray for you and lift you up to God. I, specifically, will be doing so nightly. You are such an inspiration.
I will be praying for you. Lots and lots of prayers.. And hugs to you and your family. I hope things get better for yins soon!
I will be praying for you.
Ashley, You are in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you and your beautiful family.
I’m so sorry Ashley. I’ll be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. You are so inspirational. Best of luck with your treatments, and hope things start looking up soon.
I will be praying for you sister. Love how God is right their by your side through all of this. He is more amazing than I will ever comprehend.
You are in my prayers. Your strength is such an inspiration.
My sincere wishes of love, health and strength to you and your family. If u can write all your feelings in a journal. It always helps.
I am so amazed by you and your strength. God is the be all end all and he always has a plan. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!!
I’m so sorry. My prayers and positive thoughts are with you. You have an amazing attitude.
I too am a follower but wanted to say continue to choose faith over fear. Just choose faith over fear. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!
I am so sorry to hear this. I will keep you in my prayers. I hate it when bad things happen to such kind hearted people. Keeping positive is the best thing you can do and research research. Also never hesitate to question your doctor if you think you aren’t getting the best treatment.
Thank you for sharing such a personal struggle. Praying for you and your family as well as your medical team as you walk this path.
Okay, this is going to sound really crazy…I have followed your blog for over a year now and this is the first post I am making. I thought about posting when you had your miscarriage because I had just been through one too, but I chickened out (dork!). I read this post and I just had such an emotional reaction to it (okay, I cried like a baby – I’ve gone all soft since my daughter was born) I knew I had to reach out to you. All I can say is I hope you kick its butt, keep us all posted, because even though I don’t know you personally, I really do care and never forget that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.
I’m so sorry for another hurdle in your already crazy year. You are such an inspiration and I’m in awe of your ability to handle things they way you do … your frankness here is just another reason why I so enjoy your blog and being a ‘virtual’ friend – if you will! Prayers and hugs to you and your family!
WOW, Ashley. Just WOW. Your strength never ceases to amaze me. I’m so glad you have your faith, family and friends to support you through all of this. I’m wishing you and your family more strength and comfort during this incredibly challenging time.
We are here for you. We are ALL here for you, pulling you through.
All my love,
Laura (Baxter)
Ashley, you are a truely amazing and gifted person. One that many aspire to be like. I believe with your positive thinking, you will conquer this. Like you said, just take it one day at a time, and don’t over do it. Let those wonderful friends and family pamper you so you can continue to do what you do best, create!! I will be praying for you and looking for your updates. Keep your head up!!!
Sending only positive thoughts, prayers and energy your way, with something like this no other kind would do!
You are in my prayers! I love your attitude.
I’m praying for you and your family.
Ashley, so sorry you are ill. I’m so glad you’re finding comfort in His arms. We’ll keep you in our prayers.
Sending you good thoughts for a speedy recovery.
Sending prayers your way! Keep your head up and stay strong!
praying for you right now with tears streaming down my face. i can’t even imagine…
You will be in my prayers. It looks like you have some amazing faith!
My heart goes out to you. Your bravery and strength are an inspiration. I am keeping you in my thoughts and sending positive healing energy.
I will be praying for you tonight and sending you healing energy. Gos works in very misterious way…you are a very remarkable person that touches the hearts of many on a daily basis…you inspire, we learn from you, you share, you make beautiful things, you are kind….you have a mission in this life….and I said this to you once before….and I still strongly believe it….you are an Angel in disguise….we love you Ashley, stay positive and know there are many of us that will ask God to make you better. You are my Angel…I bet you didn’t know that! <3
My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are such an inspiration and amazing person. Stay well and positive.
Jacque 🙂
Praying for you. Been reading your blog for forever and love your attitude always. Take care of yourself and let those that love you carry the load for a while.
I love the bag! And I’m sending lots of love and strength to you! Ten years ago (when I was 31) — I was diagnosed with a big ol’ load of cancer. I was oddly calm about it all too — I mean really — I’ve never been a drama queen, why start now? Modern medicine is AMAZING. Chemo sucks — but you just do it. And girl — you are strong — you CAN do it! Take time for you and please know that sooo many people out here in blog land are sending love and prayers your way. <3
You amaze me. You seem like a friend, and I always pray for my friends. Be well.
Sending lots of prayers your way. Be well.
God bless you and your family. May your light continue to shine!
You are such an inspiration, I admire you so much. I am so sorry about what is happening, you will be in my prayers day and night.
Oh my goodness, Ashley! We will definitely be praying for you and your family! You ar so strong to have gone through all that you have, so I know you will make it through this wonderfully, too. God has a plan. Just keep trusting Him! <3
I LOVE your positive attitude! I will have you in my prayers and just have a feeling it is all going to be ok 🙂 xoxo we all love you even though we’ve never met you!
prayers for you and your family. xo
Sending positive thoughts of strength, love, and healing to you and your beautiful family.
As a choriocarsinoma survivor, your post took me back to those initial moments of shock, disbelief, confusion, terror… yeah… not the fun feelings of life. I’m so sorry Ashley. I’m one (of probably many) secret stalkers of your site and I’ve loved getting to know you from your blogs. I try out your tricks and my house is pretty darn cute because of you, so I’ll post (which I normally don’t) and just say that although the path you are about to walk is hard, there is hope, and peace, and love. At the end of my journey I got two beautiful little boys. I learned more about myself, my family, and the man I choose to love by walking (and sometimes crawling) that path then anything I’ve ever experienced before or since. I hope your peace continues. Much love.
This post brought me to tears. You are so talented, inspirational and AMAZING in every way. God will carry you through this, He will never leave your side. Praying for you and your family!
Wishing you much strength, courage, faith, and healing in the coming days. I’m glad you have such wonderful support there, and here.
I feel like I know you, since I’ve been following you for awhile now. You’ve been through so much, and no doubt, with your positive attitude, you will get through this with flying colors. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Sorry to hear about your news and I know you will pull through this because of your strong faith in God. You are an inspiration and tonight I ask God to watch over you and your family. Hang in there!
Gods light and peace shines through your words. It is so evident that His Spirit lives in you. Praying that God wrap His arms around your whole family! You are such a testament to faith and strength!
What a beautiful response to shattering news. I know this virtual community will reach out to you in whatever ways are possible. Take care, and I will keep checking back for good news about your recovery.
Ashley I am very sad to read this & yet you are so strong. My thoughts are with you & your family. Many prayers.
xo Tiff
That peace you feel is pure God. I’m so thankful that you have it, because I’m a mess over here. =\ And I’ve never even met you.
I don’t want you to feel sad, you’ve got so much love all over the world for you. So many friends who care about you and are praying for you. I have faith that God will take care of this. He is the ultimate healther. I’m so thankful for your strength and your faith. I’m sorry I don’t have better words of encouragement for you, but I just want you to know that I care about you.
You are incredibly brave and an inspiration to so many (me included). I wish nothing but the best for you and your family and I will be thinking of you in the days, weeks, months to come. You are a strong woman surrounded by much love.
Loma linda is like 15 min away from me! I know you would think i was a total wacko , but i just want to go, see you come out and give you a great big hug! I promise i will not do that, but just know i will be covering you and your precious loved ones in prayers!! Love you ash!!
Romans 8:28
In His Love,
WOW Ashley! I still can’t believe what I’m reading. You are such a strong woman and an inspiration. You will be in my prayers. May God give you health, strength, peace and comfort during these difficult times!!
Ashley, I don’t Know how to express what I’m Feeling right know. English is Not my language!
I thought before you must have some innatural energies and today I’m sure again! Your faith, your Faith, your strenght to sare it with us!
I’m sure you will win this battle and we will all pray for you here.
Thinking of you from, now on *hugs*
Ashley, your positive attitude is a tremendous inspiration to me over and above your incredible outpouring of talent here and on the New Home Ec. Thank you for choosing to share your life as well as your skills with us. You are incredible and bring so much positive energy into so many lives, now it’s payback time. I will add my prayers along with the others. And for the record, I CHOOSE JOY!
I will keep you and your family in my prayers. ((hugs)) thank you for sharing.
oh Ashley, I am so sorry for all the things happening to you right now. When I read this the first time, I thought it was some sort of fiction story you were doing. I can’t even imagine all of the emotions you are going through. I will continue to pray for you and your family. I am so thankful that you have so many wonderful people who are there for you. I think the only thing we can do at this moment is lean on God and trust that things will be better. You are in my heart.
Ashley I will be praying for you and your family!
Oh Ashley, I am praying for you! God is your strength, shield and fortress. And you’re exactly right to hand it over to Him! He is strong when we are weak and He can (and will) take care of you, precious daughter of Christ!
Isaiah 40
28 Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Your blogs was one of the first I started to follow last year. I am so sorry for this very difficult time you have had this year. I truly admire your strength and willingness to trust in God. You will be in my thoughts!
Dear One,
What an amazing testimony. You have expressed the gospel in a way that only one who truly Believes can state. You are living in the love and light of Christ and I join my prayers with others and our faith says that you are in His hands. He will be glorified and you will never be out of His hands. For courage, strength and wisdom I make supplication for you, Dear Sister. Let not your heart be troubled … you are evidence of God’s love in a harsh world.
Ashley, you are in my thoughts. I’m so sorry, I wished I lived near you so I could help in anyway.
in my thoughts and prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so sorry. It seems particularly unfair to have something so wonderful as a potential baby turn so bad. I enjoy your blog and your voice, and I send you much love and strength as you come out the other side of this challenge.
I will be praying for you.
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Jesus Christ to all generations forever and ever. Amen. Eph 3:20-21
Much love to you and prayers being sent for you, brave girl. If there’s anything…feel free to ask.
Ashley you are amazing. I remember reading your blog about your Dad and was so touched. You are so creative and so special. Know that so many of us are praying for you and thinking of you and your family. Your strength will be so important. Your faith is to be admired. God is with you. I know you will give it your all. Bless you Ashley!
There is a quote I always think of from Mother Theresa when things are at there breaking point, it goes something like “I know God won’t give me more than I can handle, I just wish he didn’t trust me so much!”
Thank you for your honesty, courage, and opennesss. I can already see from the string of comments that God is truly using you and your experiences to change lives, and encourage and inspired people just as you do with your creativity and artist gifts. You will be in my prayers!
Ephesians 3:16-20
“That according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.”
you will be in my prays everyday!
I don’t know how I stumble upon your blog but I’ve been following it for a little while now.
I have to say, I know exactly how you feel. I was told I had cancer when I was nineteen years old. I felt just as you described. I tried not to worry or think too much about it because worrying can make you crazy. I tried to just go on with life as much as I could and I knew that God would give me the strength to deal with whatever was placed before me. But underneath it all, I was terrified and thought about it constantly. I drew closer to the Lord and prayed more in that time than any other time in my life and honestly felt comforted every time. I was reaffirmed that every thing would be okay – over and over again.
I’m a perfect stranger to you but I’ll be thinking of you.
God Bless!
Bless you and your family. I hope that all goes well.
You are such a positive and strong inspiration for everyone you touch and it saddens me that you and your family have been through so much already this year and now this. Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way.
My darling Ashley – we will never meet this side of Heaven. Please know that along with all your dear personal friends someone is praying for you from Idaho.
My husband is LIVING with cancer. He, like you, from the very beginning turned it over to the Lord. God has been so very, very good to us. As we lean into Him we are completely awash with His love. Our lives are submerged in the peace that passes understanding. I’m praying yours will be as well.
Blessings – Norma
Ashley, I’m sorry to hear about your news :(. I’ll be thinking and praying for you and your family. Hugs! Jenn.
I am praying for you, Ashley. Take it easy, lean on others. You are not alone in this fight, there are so many people behind you, so many that you don’t even know! Most of all lean on HIM, he will support you and bring you through this. You will come out stronger than ever before. Thank you for always being such an inspiration in everything you do!
Oh Ashley my heart aches when I read your blog. We don’t know each other but one thing for sure I’m a big fan of yours. I will include your speedy recovery in my prayers. Miracles do happen and God hears our plea =) God speed!
Good luck Ashley – you can fight this. You are an inspirational lady x
My Flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:26
Prayers going out to you & your family <3
Hugs and prayers from your Australian fans. Oxo
His grace is sufficient…..it’s easy for me to say that b/c I’m not living with your pain. I’m just a subscriber (lurker) and have been amazed at your talent of design as well as captivated by the love your have for your family. Right now it’s hard to see how this suffering is for your good….but there’s hope.
If you are a reader, the Bible is always the best to comfort, confirm, and bring peace/rest to a weary soul. However, if you need something lighter, I suggest reading, One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp. You will realize why after reading the first few pages.
I feel awkward about hitting POST COMMENT in a few seconds. How will God use this post (among many others) among others to speak grace to your heart? We don’t even know one another, yet the true Gospel of Jesus binds HIS children together.
John Piper, a pastor in Minneapolis, preached on suffering as he pressed on through his own diagnosis. http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/taste-see-articles/dont-waste-your-cancer
Many prayers for your family,
– Jawan M.
Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul
Your in my thoughts and prayers. God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. You are an amazing person. Everything happens for a reason your reason might be to blog about this. There might be someone that feels so alone dealing with something similar to this and your blog will reach out to them. (((hugs)))
Choosing Joy, just like your Dad. You are incredible. I’ll be praying for you.
I am a devoted follower of your blog and think you are such an inspiration in so many ways to so many people. Ironically I was reading your blog today (as I do everyday) and I thought “she must have a permanent cape with an S on her back because she HAS to be super woman to do and handle all the things she does”. You are an amazing person! I will be praying for you and your family. Know that all of us that follow you will be praying for your speedy recovery!!!
If you put the same positive, creative energy into fighting your cancer as you put into your wonderful blog/business/tutorials you should be in good shape! Hoping things go well for you; it sounds like you are in good hands. I had a melanoma diagnosis last year and I remember fighting so hard to keep the negative thoughts at bay.
Dear sweet Ashley, my heart goes out to you during this strenuous time. You need some time off and some “me time” to recoup and to absorb all this. I know it is alot. I am praying for you and your family for the strength and courage you will need. It is a blessing you were given a sign that prompted you to go to the Dr and this has not spread. God is always there, lean on Him he will hold you and heal you.
Thanks for sharing. I am convinced that everything will turn out ok. While I was reading your post at first I was thinking, wow so much has happened with your family and now this!!!! But then as you began to talk about your trust in God and a sense of peace/ calm during the whole ordeal I thought that your ‘art/ craft’ gifts and talents that God has blessed you with has put you in the position to reach so many people from everywhere through your blog and the real gift is your demonstration of love, trust and faithfulness to God as your endure difficult times in your life. I believe that God blesses us with gifts and talents so we may be a blessing for others. May your faith and trust in God be an example and a blessing to someone who may need it. God knows exactly what He is doing so stay in faith!!! Praying for you and your family……
My prayers are with you and your family! You are an inspiration! Hope everything turn out all right in the end! Take care!
Dear Ashley, my thoughts are with you. Keep up the strong positive attitude and allow yourself to be taken care of. Get wel soon!
x Esther
You are not forgotten.
Miles and miles away, across the ocean, it pained me to read about your health condition.Not only are you creatively inspiring but also you show hundreds the path of courage and faith. We will believe along with you and all will be well. Take good care. Bon courage from France.
I know people say that God doesn’t give you more than you can handle but i have a different take on it. God didn’t give you anything. He allowed this sickness into your life. I belive though that he does allow us to have more than we can handle. If WE could handle it why would we ever need to rely on God. We turn to God because we need him and we can’t do it all by ourselves. I have always wished i knew why God allowed such wonderful people to go through such terrible sickness and sorrows. But I know i will never have the answer. We do not know the ways of God.
God bless you and your family at this horrible and frightening time. I know Loma Linda is a great hospital. I am currently having a disagreement with God over some sorrows in my own life at this time so I am not doing alot of praying right now. But you will be in my thoughts.
BTW your gonna rock with that fab purse!
Hi Ashley, I join the ranks with those that don’t know you personally but enjoy reading your blog. I think its probably been a year or so of me just reading your posts and as many have said, I’m also one of those that has never posted before, but as an encouragement, just wanted to share that I will be praying for you…for God’s grace, strength, and supernatural healing and for your family as well.
Oh, Ash, I have no words… sending you lots of healing vibes and positive thoughts.
Thank you for sharing this with us Ashley. I’m sure this was not an easy post to write but reading your words gives me courage and helps me better understand the meaning of resilience and faith. I send my love and healing vibes to you and your family. ((hugs))
Another follower sending you love and positive thoughts. Take care of yourself and stay strong. Wx
Dear Ashley, i am so sad whilst reading your posting. I wish you strength and power to support all this, and I know you will be well soon. You are a strong women and you will make it in a good way! I always admire you. I live in Germany, and since I discovered your blog I can’t wait to see new postings. I was very
sad when reading the posting about your dad. I was crying because It was so emotional. Now this! dear friend you have to know that I am
Always with you in my mind and with my heart! Get well soon!!! XX
The world needs more people like you. You are so brave and strong and so right that there is no use in worrying. I will be thinking about you and your family and praying with you every step of the way.
Truth is- Chemo sucks but you are so gonna rock a head scarf! God bless and keep you…….praying:)
Ashley, you are such a beautiful, smart, strong woman, and you will fight through this, coming out the other side better than ever. Good luck with your upcoming treatment, my prayers are with you and your family.
Ashley, you truly are one of the most wonderful and inspirational people in my world. I pray for you and your family xx
How can I be crying for someone I’ve never met in my life?
We are with you here in Europe too! Stay strong…we still need many, many amazing ides from you:) You can do this!
It’s so amazing how God can give us such peace when it would be so easy (and expected) to freak out. I pray you continue to rest in His arms as He carries you through this next trial. You are His precious daughter and He is using you to Bless so many through your blog…me included! Thank you so much for sharing this. May you continue to draw from His strength, love and mercy. I’ll be keeping you in my prayers….daily.
I know this is a familiy-friendly blog. But can I just say F*CK! This is so unfair! I am so sorry hon. I am not a religious person, but I do have faith in medicine and science. And I trust in these. I mean… if they can grow an ear on a mouse, then what can’t they do. It’s a good thing your docs are acting so swiftly. Sounds like they’re the right people for you! I wish you lots of strenght to fight his horrible thing.
(((ashley))). when i first say the title in my twitter feed, i though, oh, “are you there god, it’s me, margaret,” i wonder what ashley has conjured up with this!!! but, aaaaaaaahhhhhh, this post brought me to tears on so many levels. first, i just feel for you. it has been quite a year for you…and now this. wow. i just can’t even imagine. it makes me sad that someone who brings so much joy and inspiration has to go through this. i am very confident, though, that all will be okay for you. it amazes me that you can take an experience like this and serve as inspiration to others. which, by the way, was another reason why i cried. i have been going through a rough period myself (nothing like you though!). like you, i felt oddly calm about everything that was going on and feeling that with everything in me, that it would all pass and be okay. i had to get through this and learn some things along the way. people have been telling me i can’t be superwoman, and that it’s too much. i allow myself to have moments and cry, but after listening to people, it started bringing me down a bit. then i started worrying rather than just living each moment out and knowing that it was a process, a necessary stage to get to a “rebirth” and new beginning. then, i read this post, and felt so humbled by all that you’re going through and the strength, conviction, and faith you possess. i felt like a whiney baby. you have given me the inspiration to refocus and continue with my faith and conviction. thank you dear ashley, for being such an angel. i think God is smiling down at you and nodding his head “yes” at how you have handled each “hardship,” how you dealt with it, and how you touch and inspire others as you live through it.
i send you love, strength, happiness, courage, and healing. thank you for being you.
much, much aloha to you.
p.s. ashley…others are right…you will rock that bag! 🙂
Ashley, you are a great woman! I admire you for your trust in God and the way you face the events of the last months. My prayers are with you and your family.
Don’t give up!!!!!
Be strong – this too shall pass.
Ashley – I am so inspired by you *always*!!! You have been through so much, especially this year! You have soooooo many who love you and will continue to lift you up through this journey!! I talk about you to my family all the time and I will ask them to pray for you (and Boo and your family) along with me! We are known prayer warriors! Thank you for sharing with us so that we *can* pray for you because we love you so much!
God Bless you,
I’m so sorry to hear this news. My thoughts are with you. Big hugs…
My thoughts are with you! Sending hugs your way and hope you get some good news soon xxx
Thank you for all the strength and creativity you share with us every day. We’ll hold you through this with our hugs and prayers.
I’m so touched by your faith and inspired in the peace that God has given you. Thank you. We’ll be praying for you and your family x
My goodness Ashley. Im praying for your health and take care of yourself. A friend of mine had this molar pregnancy too last few years and she is now ok, with a 1 year old baby boy, after quite few chemo treatments. Hope all is well. Sending you all the positivity and love ~
Ashley- I am so sorry that you are going through this. I can feel the peace and strength of God’s love in your words. You and your family are in my thoughts and in my prayers. May God continue to give you hope, peace, and the strength to fight.
What an amazing testament to our wonderful Creator that you are clinging to him and letting him carry you through this and holding on to his promises. Even in the muck he can use you for his glory and wonder… Our infant daughter has been through the wringer this past year, she will be one next month and there were many times when I didn’t think she would stay and I learned that God uses everything even the smallest mustard seed of faith and can grow it into something wonderful. I was sure that being stuck in the hospital I wouldn’t be used by Him, but he continues to amaze me at how he used that time to reach people for Him. I am praying for you and your family, for strength and endurance and the wisdom of His word….
With tears in my eyes I just want you to know what an inspiration you and your blog is to people all around the world. I know the feeling of waiting for a molar-pregnancy-answer, but in this case it was a good answer. With all my heart I hope that you will get a good answer too, sooner or later.
Love from Sweden.
Hi Ashley
I’m so sorry for all the pain you’re going through, and so happy you have God to lean on too. I want to “give” you Psalm 31
I am so inspired by you because with evrything that you have going on you still keep going and your strenght for GOD is still there. Mnay prayers for you and your family.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I’m sorry to hear about all you have endured over the last several months. You are an incredible person.
Wow Ashley! I am first off so blown away at your attitude! That along with your faith and family and friends are going to pull you through this! You and your family will be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing so openly and honestly with us! We will support and love you!
definately praying for you and your family
Sending warm donut thoughts your way this morning. I am so sorry this is happening to you. It is extra sad when bad things happen to the best people.
Wishing you the best news possible. You are inspiring on so many levels.
You are a pillar of strength. I am sorry to hear about your news but so glad you are handing it over and trusting. Thank you for posting that quote today. Boy, did I need to hear it. BAD. Prayers and healing being sent your way. You’re an inspiration. Feel better real soon.
You are in my thoughts! You are strong and wonderful person ♥
I also know the feeling of waiting for a molar-pregnancy-answer, and in this case too it was a good answer. With all my heart I hope that you will get a good answer too, sooner or later. I hope for all my heart that You’ll get well ♥
I have been a follower of your blog for a while now. I recently thought of your miscarriage a few months ago because 1 week ago we lost our baby to an emergent ectopic pregnancy. It’s been a blur.
I see you are going to LLUMC. I worked in their ER for 5.5 years and still stay in contact with everyone. I love Loma Linda and all their work. Many of my friends and church friends went to medical school there and did their residencies there. This is a place of miracles and brilliance (I’ve seen this with my own eyes). I will begin praying for your and the modern medicine God gifts us with. Loma Linda University is a faith based organization and I still work for the organization in Orlando, FL. Know that God moves in that place and will move in your space too. I was seen for a possible cancerous tumor there and the first thing the doctor said was, “Be strong. Have faith and know God is here.” I appreciate a physician recognizing there is a higher power than the modern medicine they practice.
Continue to be an inspiration. Hold tight to God. I believe we are all like Peter walking on water in life’s storm. We have two choices: 1. Turn around and get back in a boat full of experienced fisherman who have weathered storms before OR 2. We can look to Christ/God walking on water and reach out for His hand. Continue to reach out for His hand….
Praying for you from Orlando
Big love to you and your family, beautiful lady. You and your attitude ROCK oxoxoxo
prayers and well wishes lifted up for you and your family. xo
I’m not a “pray-er” by stretch of the imagination. But today I will be trying it out, because it seems like the right thing to do. Prayers coming your way.
praying for you!
Wow–I don’t know you at all–I found your blog/website by accident a few months ago, but you inspire me so much. Like they say in Soul Surfer you have given me a new perspective. Thank you, and you will continue to be in my prayers.
you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the positive outlook!
I am crying reading this post. Your strength is so admirable. I will have you and your family in my prayers and thoughts. Many hugs your way.
Ashley, thank you for sharing your story. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I had a partial molar pregnancy at 25 and had to be monitored closely for a year with bloodwork and tests. Mine did not spread, but the possibilities of what could happen were discussed. I am so sad that you are going through this. My heart is with you. Lots of love and prayers.
Oh Ashley, I’m in tears right now. I’m stunned and shocked as I’m sure you and your family are. I will pray for you every day and I’m certain that all the prayers that will be said for you from all over the world will certainly reach God’s ears.
I never understand why these things happen although when my husband died I remember the church service the week after his funeral (the pastor’s son had recently died as well) and he was saying how we may want to look at these things like we look at a large mosaic or needlepoint picture. From the back (our view from the world) it’s a bunch of knots and messes and troubles but from the front (God’s view) it’s a beautiful work of art. We may not understand all of this now, but when we reach heaven we will see how each and every piece had to be there to create such majesty.
I know I messed that up a bit (it’s been a long time since I heard that sermon) but it helps me to comfort me a bit to realize that everything is under God’s control and in His plan. He has you in his grip and will care for you and will never turn away.
Jeden Tag schaue ich hier vorbei, weil du und alles hier so voll Engergie ist und es Spaß macht, dir und deinen Lieben beim Leben zuzusehen und sich inspirieren zu lassen. Auch ich weine beim lesen und wünsche euch allen alles erdenklich Gute! Du wärst nicht du, würdest du das hier nicht weitermachen und ich komme jeden Tag wieder.
Karin aus Köln
Oh my gosh, this was the first post on FB for me this morning. I’m sitting here crying. I’m so sorry to hear this, Ashley. I will be praying for your health and for your family’s strength. You will get through this.
My prayers are with you and your family and my heart goes out to you all.
Hi Ashley,
You don’t know me, but after “stalking” your AMAZING blog the past few years I feel like you’ve become a dear friend of mine. I am sooo sorry to hear what you’re going through right now, it truly brought tears to my eyes. You have been through so much… I can’t even begin to imagine how you must be feeling, but what I do know is that you’re doing the right thing by handing it over to God. It’s all in His hands and I strongly admire your faithfulness. You are such a strong, talented woman with so much determination! And you are a fabulous mother to Sienna– she is so very, very blessed to have you!! I was in a car accident 11 years ago and suffered a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and I thought I’d share a few things that helped me through the darkest, most painful times. Here is some scripture:
1 Peter 5:7
7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.
And one of my most favorite songs (still to this day) to listen to was “You’re My Little Girl” by Go Fish. I remember laying in my bed at night just sobbing while listening to this song, feeling God’s loving arms wrapped around me and reassuring me that everything was going to be okay– Reminding me that He’s my Daddy and He’s going to take care of me. And when I hurt, He hurts.
Here’s a link to the song on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpY6L0G3JdE
And here’s a link to the lyrics: http://www.lyrics.com/youre-my-little-girl-lyrics-go-fish.html
I would love to send you some happy mail! 🙂 I know how something so simple can bring a smile to your face on a really rough day. Would you mind emailing me your mailing address? My email address is happyisyellow (at) live (dot) com. Please take care of yourself and get lots of rest. I will be thinking of you and praying, praying, praying my friend. Lots of sisterly love sent your way!!
Prayers from Charlotte, NC are on their way, God is good , your faith in Him will support you as well as all of these prayers!
Your faith is so strong, Ashley. Such a testament to your life in Christ. Thank you for sharing this. I will pray for you, that the Father will continue to make you aware of His presence day in and day out. Continue believing in the good, the true stuff. I’m believing with you. Blessings.
Sending positive thoughts your way! Here’s to 2012!
I am a silent reader of your blog but I wanted to take the time and tell you that my prayers are with you and your family. You are such a strong woman and I am sure you will overcome this trial.
Prayers from Dallas, TX are lifting you and your family up.
prayers, prayers + more prayers! thank you for sharing-God is good and has a plan and a purpose-praying you continue to find joy, peace and comfort in him.xo
I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t had much time lately to read your posts. I have a newborn and my best friends dad passed away unexpectedly three weeks ago. I clicked on this one today. What a perfect day to click! Thank you for sharing your words of hope and inspiration. You sound just like my best friend she is so positive and looking forward after an awful year. Keep looking forward and just know you have a mass following of people praying for you. Thank you again for your honesty and positive spirit.
I too am a silent reader but major fan of your work and blog. Praying for you and your family Ashley. Thank you for sharing with us which I am sure is not an easy thing to do. We are all here to support and rally for you.
Praying for you Ash! I am so thankful that you know and trust in Jesus! May His peace and grace continue to be yours as you walk with Him on this journey one day at a time. He will bring beauty and growth out of this ugly word. We know that our God is mighty to save!! God bless you, rest and know that this little place will wait for you!
I hope that between God, you, the doctors,a and everyone who loves you you feel better soon and can lick this.
I just recently began following your blog and have enjoyed it so much. I just wanted you to know that I will be thinking of you and praying for you in the days ahead.
Words cannot express how I feel for you and your family right now. You are incredibly strong and amazing. I know you must be scared a little too. Your faith is such a testimony to all of us and to God. I am so sorry you and your family are having to go through this and I will pray every day for all of you. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I feel as if you are a true distant friend. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you, besides pray and love you.
Sending you prayers and strength as you and your family walk along this new path. XOXO
I wish I had some great words of encouragement or wisdom, but I know anything I say would fall short. It looks like you know EXACTLY where to get your encouragement and strength from–our Lord. Hang in there and know my family will be praying for you and yours.
First, I have to say I’m crying because I am super emotional and you are so strong. Ashley, while I may not “know” you, I’ve witnessed your loving, giving, caring, and hilarious personality for quite some time. You are in my prayers and a positive attitude goes a long way when it comes to healing and beating situations like this. If you ever need anything, please know there are people all over this country supporting you.
I think you can see God is here by the responses you have received. We are all with you and I am among the MANY who are already praying like mad. You can do this!!!
Praying for you, sweet lady. God has many healing promises for us in His Word. I’ll be praying hard for you!
Ashley, I am so sorry you and yours are going through this. I’m writing with tears on my cheeks. Not because I don’t believe you’ll be okay (I do. God has a plan for you–you know that.) but because this monster cancer just makes me so angry. I lost my sweet husband to the monster a few months ago, and I can’t help but hate it when another family is invaded by this horror. I will keep you in my heart and prayers, as I know so many others will, too. You’ll be surrounded by love, even during the hardest moments. And, I know God hears you. He hears, and He is also calm because He has you in His hand. Take good care. Remember, you are loved.
What a year you have had! I am so sorry that you have to go through this. But if anyone get get through it – it is you! When I am having a hectic morning I look at this blog not for the tutorials, not even for the posts really (although both are very good:)). I look at it because you always inspire me to push myself to make more with my day and appreciate every second of it! I’m not sure how you do it all but your message regardless of the topic you write about, to me, is always about living your life to the fullest. Thinking & praying for you:)
Ashley, even though I do not personally know you, this has brought tears to my eyes. I’m so sad for you, but I love your amazingly positive attitude! That will get you through this tough time, along with your faith in our good ol’ Lord. I will certainly be praying for you and Boo and the rest of your family. Stay strong! XOXO
You really are some woman and I believe you will win this fight! God is with you and your family. You have MANY followers praying for you, as I will be too. Such heart-breaking news. God CAN and DOES perform miracles every day. Try not to worry about the blog (Im sure that is easier said than done). Focus on what is truly important, your health and family. I hope that darn side-pain goes away SOON!!! I bet you want to get out of that bed so bad!
I’m so sorry to hear that you’re having such a rough time. I’ll be praying for you. Keep your faith up, the devil doesn’t like it when we do that! It’s always difficult when you’re hammered with one thing after another, but that is when your faith can really grow. It’s an opportunity to become more like Jesus and to grow closer to Him. Hope that you start feeling better VERY soon! *hugs*
Oh Ashley, my heart hurts for you. I know you will get through this, because you are nothing short of amazing, but I hate that you are having to go through it all. Much love to you and your family, and many prayers.
Praying for you and your family!
Oh wow, that is a lot to take in !
You have the right attitude towards all this and I’m sure you will get through this!
Take good care of yourself and keep your wonderful positive way of dealing with this very challenging thing .
We can all learn from you!
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
All my best
Sue ✿
what an example and inspiration you are! I am humbled just reading your post. you will be in my thoughts and prayers, God bless you! Alison
Hugs to you and your family. Thank you for being an amazing witness in a time of struggle. He will provide and he will take care of you, even when we don’t understand it.
Ashley, you are an inspiration to me. I hope you are back to your normal amazing self very soon!
My thoughts are with you and your family.
I’m so sorry for your news, and again, so inspired by your attitude and faith. I will be lifting you up in prayer.
Thank you for sharing your story, I recently had a miscarriage and that doctor was concerned about the same thing you have, a molar pregnancy. Luckily I escaped but was so down on myself and let myself feel so sorry and mad and scared and then I hear that you are keeping such a bright attituide and you didn’t escape…Thank you for being a strong mom and role model. I should go home and sew those pants for my kid that I keep putting off because I am too upset. Can’t let sadness get in the way “Worry and anxiety take the joy out of my day” too.
As always, I’m so impressed with your attitude through trials. I love your comment about how God would know you were faking it if you got dramatic…I bet he got a little giggle/smile out of it too! 🙂 God loves you.
James 1-My friends, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure…Happy are those who remain faithful under trials, because when they succeed in passing such a test, they will receive as their reward the life which God has promised to those who love Him.
I’m praying for you, Boo, and Mr. LBB.
Praying for the best for you and your family. You are do such an amazing work!
My husband graduated from LomaLinda! =) You are in good hands.
I dont even know what to say right now! You and your family are in my prayers SO hard right now! You are amazing!
Love your guts
Oh, my. You’ve had too much recently. May this be the last! Come through smiling and back to normal, please.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
Praying for you and your family.
My gosh, I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. You are in my prayers. Keep your spirit up and be sure to get lots of hugs and kisses from your little one. (That always makes me feel better…)
~Jamie S.
I’m praying for you right at this moment! I’m amazed by your attitude and trust in God to take it day by day. Praying for strength and for complete healing on your body. Please let us all know if there’s anything beyond prayer that we can do for you and your family!
Praying for you…
Words cannot express what my heart feels .
You and your family are in my thoughts.
You are in my thoughts and prayers!!
I was reading a post you wrote a while back about your father. Everyday since, I have reminded myself throughout each day to “choose joy.” I am amazed by your calm and strength. You are in my thoughts and prayers- I know God will carry you through this!
Praying for you & your family.
Praying for you and your family! God will never give you more than what you can handle and you have the right attitude — give it to God and he will take care of it.
I will be praying for you as you go through this difficult time!
I’m sending my prayers for you and your family. You’ve been through so much lately..you are such a strong woman!
Was directed here from “Crap I’ve made”. Your faith in God is inspirational! Sending prayers for you and your family. We had a tragic accident in our family a couple weeks ago and he progress she has made is miraculous. I believe it is the prayer. The Dr. even said she should not be here. Hope you are feeling better soon!
I know that you already have almost two hundred loving thoughts, but I couldn’t not add my own. I will be thinking of you and your family in the coming weeks and months. Thank you for all that you share and all that you give to so many stranger/friends out here in the online world. Hopefully we will be able to give back to you now in some way.
I will keep you and your family in my prayers…trust in God, stay positive!
Oh Ashley I hope this road is a short one. I will keep you in my thoughts. Sending much love your way, hugs! Mere
Hugs and Prayers are heading your way from Saskatchewan, Canada! The power of prayer is amazing!
I don’t even know you, but your story brought tears to my eyes. I’m praying for you.
My father is living with Cancer and I try and focus on – Attitude and Gratitude! Your positive attitude is incredible!
Sending you healing thoughts and prayers! Smile when Boo smiles!
Sarah Crank
Ashley–Know that we all love you and are praying for you and your family. I love your positive attitude! Your faith in God will get you through it!
Ashley, I am a reader who doesn’t often post replies. Loma Linda is an incredible hospital and I will be sending prayers your way for the best prognosis possible and prayers of love for Boo and strength for all of those who love you…especially your husband. Keep creating it will help you heal.
Trust in him, as you are doing. We will all be thinking and praying for you. Thanks for sharing, we are here to listen and won’t mind a break in the crafts….
What a great attitude and perspective you have. I can definitely learn from you. But I love how you trust God because that’s what we are supposed to do but many of us can’t look past our circumstances. I am believing that God will completely heal you and I know you believe that too. I will be praying for you and your family and keep trusting him.
your outlook on life is amazing and a testimony to me today!!! just know if you do feel like crying and being emotional God is there to carry you! one of my friends had this very thing happen to her about 2ish years ago. She too had cancerous cells and had to have chemo. She is now cancer free! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
Ashley – I am sending good thoughts your way! I will keep you and your family in my prayers. God Bless!
Oh Ashley, your spirit moves me. From your 5 alarm string beans to your kick @ss tutorials & now your spirit in the face of adversity. Keep on rocking girl. Bigg Huge gigantic huggs from Pennsylvania.
Praying so much for you, Ashley. I praise God everytime I realize that a blogger I’ve been following is a sister in Christ! You are such an example of faith through the hard spots of life and of perserverence despite setbacks. May you feel the prayers of many people who are concerned for you and share your faith. Praying for your husband and lil boo too.
I’ll be praying for you, Boo, your husband and family. I can’t imagine what you are going through but God has a great plan for you and He must since I felt the need that I HAD to tell you that. I’m not one to comment on blogs either. Good luck! God bless.
Sending up prayers for you. Stay strong.
Ashley, when I read your post I gasped out loud and said Oh No!! I felt like a friend told me this news. I just wanna say you’re gonna be ok. It will be hard at times in the months ahead but you will be ok. Keep this wonderful outlook that you have. It will serve you well when the going gets tough. All of us out here in blogland love you so much! Love, Hugs, Kisses!
I am soo sorry this has happened to you. I will be praying for you in Canada!! Life is sooo unfair, but it sounds treatable – so that is great! Keep your chin up, but don’t be afraid to cry – it’s not a bad thing, we came into this world crying.
Sounds like you have been blessed with an amazing family and friends! Praying for you all!
Oh Ashley! I am so sorry to hear this news. You will certainly be in my heart and prayers. It’s such an inspiration that in the midst of all you’ve dealt with and continue to deal with this year, you are choosing joy. And for the record, I have no doubt that if anyone can kick cancer’s ass – it’s you!!
I look forward to calling you a cancer survivor. Loma Linda is first rate. From experience, please know that cancer support groups are an amazing place to let go without feeling like you are burdening your family. Holding you in my heart and prayers.
You have the most amazing outlook and are so inspirational. I too will be thinking of you and hoping for the best. Take care of yourself, we’re all cheering you on.
Praying for you Ashley. I messaged you….I too went through a Molar Pregnancy almost a year ago…..and had chemotherapy. I hope I can help you in some way. It was life changing for me. I am cancer free now and you will be too……my oncologist told me that if you are ever going to get a cancer in your life, this is the one to get. You will beat it. Please let me know how I can help you. xoxo Amy
You are such a strong, brave woman. I can’t imagine staying as calm as you are. I wish you a quick recovery, and a healthy, happy life there after.
Dear Ashley,
Sending healing and positive thoughts and prayers your way. You will get through this.
My heart fly out to you. This is hard times but you are so strong and so loved by so many and you will come through this even stronger. LOVE all the way from Denmark.
You in my thoughts and prayers. You are on the most amazing people that I have run across in my life. You are the first blog I go to in my reader and I strive to be more like you. I am amazed by your positive attitude. Keep it UP!
You and your family are in my thoughts and in my prayers. You continue to be an inspiration to me through your creativity and the way you handle the good and bad in life. Sending many positive thoughts your way…
Dear Ashley,
I’m praying for you right now and I’m choosing to pray that God will completely heal you as a testimony of His strength, grace, and love. I have had God completely heal me from a cells that were one grade under being labeled as cancerous all over my cervix. When the doctor got the results back from my surgery, he was dumbfounded that everything came back at negative, I told him I was not surprised that MY GOD had healed me. I’m going to pray that for you. I will pray for your family and LBB staff. Know that some of us who only know you through your company and your blog, still consider you a friend and if I did not live on the opposite coast, I could drive over and help the LBB gals and bring you some yummy donuts. Take care of yourself and know that you have made a difference in so many peoples lives and your positive God centered outlook is making an impact on so many people. Hugs to you and Boo!!!
Love, Tleshia
Thinking about you and your family!!! Your positive attitude is really an awesome lesson for everyone! Thank you for sharing your story!
I’m just stunned! I’m so inspired by you and your unique creativity every single day…I don’t even know you, but I do…you know? I love your blog and your precious family, and I will be praying for you.
Prayers for you and yours. God bless.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless you and your family.
Oh Ashley, prayers are being said for you & your family…you are one amazing woman…you will get through this & will never be alone. xoxo
I love the calmness and inner peace you possess. You have a beautiful faith and loving family and friends! I am praying for you and your family and know God will never give you more than you can handle! May He Bless you always! Much love!
when my mother-in-law was in the middle of her cancer battle, a dear friend of hers sent a card with this written inside, “it is the realization that we are loved that saves us when the world around us crumbles; lavishly loved by family, by friends, by God.” may that provide you comfort in your journey and it did for us.
my heart breaks for you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You are such an inspiration to so many people, creatively and spiritually. Hang in there and God bless you!
Take care,
just sent up a prayer for you and your family – for comfort, strength, and peace – and a special prayer of protection and comfort for boo. many more to follow….
Ashley –
I am so sorry to hear that you have this struggle ahead of you – God Bless you for your positive outlook – that is the best medicine for you right now. Keep it up – you are amazing. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. xo
My heart is full this morning after reading your story and reading all of these beautiful comments {with tears in my eyes I might add}.
I just really wanted to stop and say that I am truly praying for you and your family. I love how a previous commenter said “kick it’s butt”, I second that! Know that you have many, many friends supporting you through this tough time.
God Bless You.
I have a quote book that I write my favorite Bible verses and quotes in. Here are a few that I hope bring you encouragement.
Thought this a great verse to take to & from treatments:
You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. Deuteronomy 28:6
I hope this quote is a blessing too as it reminds us that God always stand with us in everything we go through both good and bad.
“Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will sheild you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually; ‘The Lorid is my strength and my shield; my heart has trusted in Him and I am helped. he is not only with me but in me and I in Him’.”
St. Francis de Sales
Praying for you that you will have a complete and total healing and that you will find peace in the Lord as He takes care of you through whatever this diagnosis brings your way. Vicki
Praying Ashley….it is my daughter’s 2nd angel birthday today. Instead of dwelling on sadness, I will ask her intercession for your healing, quickly and thoroughly…..
Bless you and your family…..
I’m new here. Ucreate shared this on FB and I popped on over to read. God bless you. Praying for you (and the family) as you go through this.
One of my favorite things to remind myself: There is nothing that will happen today that God and I can’t do together!
You’re faith is inspiring and you’re optimism is encouraging. I’m standing in Faith with and for you that your entire body is healed. You have a great support system and look on life. But remember you’re human and you’re allowed to let it all sink in and then let it all back out.
God Bless
O Dear, may God give you peace, strength, and understanding, wise doctors and strong family. I pray that this will be an opportunity for you to feel God’s love even more as he wraps his arms around you and makes his love known to you. Keep trusting, and never give up hope. With God all things are possible.
A sister in Christ
Ashley, sending you love and light for the best possible outcome. If you need any blog help, let me know.
There is a lot to be said about how we get caught up in “virtual” friendships and that we do not really know people if it is just a computer based relationship BUT.. You have changed my life in several REAL ways!!! I was led to LBB (you) during a very hard time and you have inspired and strengthened me. My life is better because of you and your willingness to openly share your faith, talents, love and personal battles. Thank you! My prayers, love, good vibes, positive thinking, etc., etc., etc. are all flowing to you and your family 🙂
Ashley: I don’t even know you and I feel like I love you. Your faith inspires me and I thank you for sharing your journey with us. My daughters and I love your tutorials and we have tie-tied, sewed, stenciled, and jewelry wired our way through several all ready. Thank you for being you. I know God will see you through. Remember Phillipians 4:13! 🙂
Ashley ~ You have always been such a creative inspiration to me. Now, you’re not only that but so much more. You are such an amazing woman. I’m so impressed {not sure that’s the word that I’m looking for, but it works :)} at your ability to turn this over to God. I struggle with that sometimes, but that is the only way to get through situations like this. God knows what lies ahead for you, and I will be praying for you that you will all come through this and be better for it. Lots of love and prayers coming your way!
~ Ashley
Huge hugs. Prayers – and lots of luck to you.
I’m so sorry! My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Praying for peace for you and for miraculous news of healing. Thank you for sharing this with us so that we can pray.
Thoughts and prayers for you and your family are pouring out!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
My family and I wil keep you in prayer. GOD is The Great Physician, and I know HE will bring you thru this ♥
You and yours will be in my thoughts. Take care.
You are an incredibly strong individual with unwavering faith! I can really see us being the best of friends. You are definitely someone I admire and look up to.
My mom says we have three days to mourn bad news…stay in bed, feel terrible, think of the what ifs and on that fourth day TACKLE IT. Reclaim your life and show the world what you’re made of.
Medicine has come a LONG way my friend! You are going to hurdle this in no time and you’re going to do it in style with that awesome new bag. 🙂
I’ll be sending you prayers and quiet support!
sending you all my prayers..it wil be o.k.
i have tears whilst reading your blog today. its bringing back memories of my cousin who didnt make it this year. will keep you and your family in my prayers . God bless you
enJOY your moments with you family and friends.
take many JOYrides with the windows down and music loud.
be JOYous that God never gives you anything that you can’t handle.
be strong and think about all the JOY you have & all the JOYfulness that you bring to all of our lives.
I’ll be storming heaven for a quick and speedy recovery.
Eleanor (friend of Lucine’s)
Praying for you, Ashley!! Please let me know if there is anything at all I can do to help!
I just wanted you to know that along with many others that read your blog, my family will be praying for you. You are such a strong woman and I know that you and your family will be able to get through this all.
Extra special thoughts headed your way for Monday morning.
You have a fan praying for you and your family in Lakewood, WA.
I really have no words as nothing seems appropriate at times like this, but I do know that God is bigger and crazily enough, He is in control! You are in my thoughts and prayers, Ashley. Hugs!
I’m so crying over this! What a year, it’s been. This sucks. Totally sucks. But you can do it, Ashley! I’m praying for you and you family! (I read the kids’ version of Jesus Calling and today’s entry was right on target – the devil’s trying to get you down). God will pull you through this!
Wow, what a difficult journey you are on but you are handling it with such grace. I wish you peace in the days ahead and lots of strength.
Ashley, I am so amazed by you! It sounds like you will be (and are) in great hands amongst your family and medical team. I will be praying that God gives you the strength you need to fight this. Thank you for the daily inspiration you bring.
Ashley, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through, but you seem to have a great attitude. God will carry you through this. I’ve never met you and I’m sure I never will, but I feel as though I have. You are an amazing talent and inspiration. I will be praying for you and your family through this challenging time. God Bless.
I am sorry to hear of your medical troubles, but also blessed to hear you speaking to God throughout this tough time. My sister is going through some cancer issues and let me say her attitude has brought our entire family closer to God through this really hard time. My sister has said on numerous occasions that if cancer is what God has in mind to use as a witnessing tool for whomever, bring it on. It doesn’t make it easier for us seeing her go through it. Please keep in mind that your family often times feels powerless in these situations and waiting on you is the only way they feel like they are helping. Take it in and don’t take away their opportunity to bless you through this hard time. God bless and you are in my prayers.
You are such an inspiration to so many. I thought of this as I read…John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” 🙂
You are in my prayers!!!
Lifting you and your family up in prayer!
Oh Ashley, I’ve been there. I was diagnosed with cancer when I was 22. It is all just such a blur in the beginning. It sounds like you have a great “I can beat this” attitude, and that’s the first step in this fight. I’ll offer a couple pieces of advice as you travel through the beginning of this process… 1) Take notes or take a tape recorder to doctor visits. It can be nearly impossible to remember what the doctor has said with everything you have going on. Even better, have a friend take notes so you can concentrate on what the doctors are telling you. 2) Find the nearest 24 hour pharmacy now. Don’t wait until you need one. Take care, ann
I love your outlook! With God All Things Are Possible! I will be praying for you!
It is so nice seeing everyone pray for you. I will pray for you too. I wish I was strong as you. Some days I am and some days I am angry with what I am going through right now. 4 weeks ago I had brain surgery to remove a 5 x 5 x5cm brain tumor. Nerve number 5 and 6 still need to heal and it usually takes 6 months. So the left of my face is numb and my left eye can’t move so I see double.
So some days are really hard. However I know God loves me and that I will heal good. I pray all the time to God. I will pray for you and me.
I read through some of the comments…. you have some very sweet people following your blog and are as inspired by you as I am. What an amazing thing to have touched so many lives. You are an inspiration to so many. That however doesn’t mean you have to be “perfect” we are inspired by your realness… YOU! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Ashley–I’ve never commented on here before, but I’ve followed your blog for a while now. As I read this post, these verses came to mind. They were a rock for me to stand on when I was going through a difficult time several years ago. Praying for you and that Christ will be more and more revealed in and through you. Hang in there!
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you. 2 Cor 4:7-12
Ashley, I don’t know you, and I’ve never visited your blog before today. But I am so blessed to have read your amazing post. I see and appreciate your faith and the power of your words. You are so right about the words and attitude. My prayers are that God would see your faith in Him and answer every cry of your heart. Blessings, Kim
P.s. I am gonna become a follower, so I can be “there” when your healing is complete!
Oh my dear Ashley, I just saw the post on facebook. I have been admiring you and your work for a few years now. You are an inspiration in many ways. I’ll certainly keep you and your family in my prayers.
I am so sorry to read this. You and your family are in my prayers. Lots of hugs.
I am so sorry that you are going through this, as it is a loss and a battle all at the same time. I had a family member who went thru this. She came out of it fine after chemotherapy. Sometimes there is just a blighted ovum, for some reason, and it just doesn’t even get started right…..God will be with you, and you will come out of this okay…. blessings, Karen N.
Chère Ashley,
Je suis une fidèle lectrice française de votre blog et je suis profondément attristée par ce qui vous arrive. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage. Je pense bien fort à vous et votre famille et prie pour vous tous.
Dear Ashley,
I am a faithful French reader of your blog and I am profoundly saddened by what arrives at you. I wish you a lot of courage. I think very hardly of you and your family and prays for you all.
Ashley, my heart, my prayers and my strength are all being sent your way. You are an amazing woman and have such strength and support from your family. We are all here for you – always.
I will pray for you.
We love you Ashley,
I’ll be praying for you. Taking it day by day is what it’s all about! <3
Thoughts, prayers and general good vibes in your direction
Godbless,totally agree with prayer and positive thinking. We wish you the best.
A mother’s worst nightmare. I am thinking of you, and want you to know how much I appreciate and LOVE your blog.
Ashley, I don’t know you, and I’ve never visited your site before today. But I am so blessed to have read your amazing post today. I see your faith and your belief in the power of the spoken word. You are so right about the words and attitude. My prayers are that God would see your faith in Him and answer every cry of your heart. I have decided to follow your blog, so that I can be “there” to celebrat when your healing is complete!
Blessings, Kim
Ashley, Thank you for sharing your story. I will specifically pray that your spirits stay up and you beat this if it’s cancer. My sister in law had the same exact thing that stemmed from her miscarriage, and she is now cancer free. I know everyone’s story is a little different, but I’m hoping you have the same outcome.
Wow, don’t even know what to say, really, but I just wanted to add on my thoughts and prayers for you, too. You are a tremendous example of faith, and all my little problems seem completely insignificant. I will pray for you and your family.
Sorry …sending love and prayers to your family
GOD watches over the sparrows in the field, HE is watching over you. You have my prayers. Edna-okc
Oh, my heart is aching for you. You have such a wonderful attitude and are a great example for all of us to follow. I’m thinking of you, praying for you, and hoping for the best.
Sending prayers your way!
We KNOW his eye is on the sparrow. We pray you, little bird, find rest in the palm of his hand. And, we shall believe the report of the Lord. Nothing but love to you!
I know God is holding you softly in His hands. Sending healing prayers and warm thoughts your way.
Ashley. I am so sorry. I feel like I know you because I read you everyday. I’ve even talked about you on my blog. Please get well and I will say prayers for you every day. Your Boo deserves to have you as her mom until you are old and wrinkled. Much love to you. Cheryl
What a difficult hardship to go through, but I love your attitude. May God bless you and be with your family at this time. I pray everything goes well!
This is not what I expect to read in a blog…but I am glad that I did, I know that God is in control and he is with you and your family every step of the way. I believe that God does not give us any more than what we can handle…some of us must be really strong. haha! I am praying for you and your family. Praise God for your healing.
Hang in there girl – I am putting you in my prayers!
I’m so sorry that you are going through this. I will be thinking of you and your family. Hugs!!
Hi Ashley,
I’ve been to your site a few times in the past and saw Where Women Create post on Facebook requesting prayers. I’m sorry to hear of your condition and sending prayers your way to you and your family. Your attitude is so inspiring!
Wow !!! You are so inpsiring and I love the quotes you shared from Jesus Calling. I pray healing over your whole body and comfort for you and your family. Your right nobody can steal your joy unless you let them and who wants to walk around depressed I mean it doesn’t help by no means. .. So in Jesus name I call that cancer out of your body and Lord I ask for complete healing .. In Jesus name … Amen
Love Gweny
Thank you for sharing what you are going through. Stay positive and keep fighting no matter what. I am praying for you and your family.♥
Lifting prayers for you this day, asking that Christ would grant you peace through this. I am trying to imagine all you must be experiencing and can only trust that God will fulfill His promises in Scripture to you—that He will supply all that you need at every turn down this road.
Trusting Him and His goodness for you and asking for His mighty hand to bring healing in every way.
I cant say anything more or better than all that has been said, but just add me to the list of people out there thinking of you and sending healthy, strong vibes your way.
Ashley, I’ve never visited your blog before, but your post really struck me. What an amazing attitude. You are such an inspiration and I wish you nothing but the best, with this trial and anything else that comes your way in life. You seem absolutely remarkable.
He will sustain. praying for you and your family! ♥
Ashley, I’ve been following your blog for several weeks now and really enjoy them. I will be adding my prayers to the vast number of fans already praying for you. God is good and He’s good all the time!
I know you won’t believe this but I think you are a phenomenal being. You must be since God created you. I am sending you my thoughts, love and prayers to you and your beautiful family.
You will be in my prayers. God bless you
Best wishes as you go forward. Your positive attitude will help more than you know. We live in a country with amazing medical resourses (I live in MN an hour from Mayo) that surely will find the right solution for you. Hugs!
Ashley, you and your family are in my prayers as you go through this. I’m so sorry for what you are going through. I came over to my computer after getting some not so great news and came here for the first time in a long time. I really think that God sent me to give me some perspective. You are handling yourself beautifully. I need to learn how to do the same.
Hi Ashley,
My name is Carie Hart and I live in Louisiana. A friend of mine shared your blog with me because about 3 years ago I suffered a molar pregnancy that sounds about like yours. After 2 dnc’s, I also had a MRI that showed a massive tumor in my uterus that had invaded the muscles of my uterin wall. I was having massive bleeding and knew somwthing must be wrong. I immediately started Chemo (Act-D) and had 8 rounds every 2 weeks. I had 2 blood transfusions from all the bleeding and felt my life was over. I write all this not to scare you but to give you hope!! After finishing my chemo, my HCG levels returned to 0 and my tumor was gone!!!! A little over a year later (after one more miscarriage…a normal one) I concieved my angel from God, Charlie! He will be one on November 3rd! I know that right now it seems so scary but I know God will take care of you and your family!! There are Great support groups on facebook and also a forum at molarpregnacy.co.uk….THESE GIRLS ARE WONDERFUL AND HAVE BECOME MY BEST FRIENDS!!!! Please fell free to email me at anytime!!!!
I was just diagnosed with “a lot of Fibroids” in my Uterus, yesterday. Your courage and faith inspire me. Thanks. Best of luck.
Sending you positive thoughts and grace your way.
Oh Ashley. My heart sank when I read this. I too had a molar pregnancy. No one I knew did and it was surreal. I pray that chemo will take care of this and that you have the support you need both personally & professionally. Take care.
I am praying for you and your family. You have all been through so much lately. Take care of yourself and let those love you so much help with that
I love the attitude….I hope I could be as serene & confident as you if I ever have a similar situation. I really hope that is how I will “be able” to roll! 🙂 God Speed.{{Hugs}}
I have no words. You are in my thoughts. So much love to you and your family.
My prayers and thoughts are with you.
You are a strong lady and there’s something to be said about all that. Some day you will look back and be amazed at all this that you’ve had to go through and wonder how on earth you had the strength. You keep people like me in check with your positive attitude and acceptance. My baby was born with special needs 2 1/2 years ago and I am still working on my “God issues” and “why me attitude”. Please know I’ll be thinking about you.
Hi Ashley,
I just “met” you today and I am so grateful I did. I saw your story via Mermaids of the Lake and am so happy to meet you.
I want you to know that you are& will continue to be in my prayers and am sending as much positive energy to you that I have. Although my heart is aching for you& your family,I am so in awe of you, your strength and your grace. You are a beautiful person and family. May prayers and love going out to you. I will be watching for updates. xoxo Joy God Bless You
Praying that you keep your awesome attitude! There is a reason and a purpose!!! Always remember that! Praying for healing from the doctors, God’s hands, and from your own self! Praying for your family.
…Just praying…
This is the second time I have read this post, I guess I just don’t want to believe it! You are such a strong, spiritual woman. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I hope you can keep your amazing outlook throughout this whole trial. Remember that the Lord only gives you as much as you can handle. That is saying a whole lot considering everything you have already been through this past year. The Lord obviously thinks highly of you and your faith. May you continue to be strong. I will be checking your blog regularly for the updates! Get some rest and stay strong.
-Kristen (Sending Love from the Carolinas, Us Carolinians have to stick together) (GRITS)
You are so brave.. you always have been. I will pray for you till you have beat this. I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I wish that I could help. You are strong and such a HUGE inspiration to me and to others. I love you friend. You are in my heart and prayers….
Katie Poer
Ashley, you are amazing. I am so sorry you have to go through this. The miscarriage and losing your dad are definitely enough already. I know your dad is rooting for you like crazy and will be there with you. And I know you are strong and will be blessed. Thank you for sharing the daily readings. They were beautiful and perfect. Sending prayers.
I just read this and I want to offer you all my prayers. You have great faith and attitude, you have had a rough time of it lately but you remain strong. God bless you!
You are in my prayers.
Sending you and your family blessings and a BIG HUG from Michigan. You are so amazing and talented, and an inspiration.
I am stunned at this news…you have been so kind to me personally and such a warm and open presence with your blog, I can only offer you any and all support and best wishes. If positivity is the answer, you will be safe, well, and happy sooner rather than later! There is no one who deserves a good outcome than you…I’m certain you will have it….take care, rest, and stay the strong woman that you are….Kat
I’m so sorry to hear this…I am without the proper words…but as you are in God’s hands and you already realize that…I will simply say a prayer…
I know that peace you have is from God. Only He can give you that kind of peace. It’s the kind of peace that only He can give. I honestly don’t know how those that don’t know Him get through moments like this.
I will pray for God’s complete healing and for His continued peace in your life.
Dear Ashley,
You are an incredible encouragement to so many! May God fill you and your family during this time with more of His peace, His love and His joy.
Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability to all of us…may God be Glorified!
All the best,
ps. I read that same devotional every day, “Jesus Calling.” God uses it incredibly in my life!
I believe in the power of prayer, Ashley, and your whole family will definitely be in mine. God is here.
Hi Ash,
I think you have a wonderful outlook about all of this! Having a positive attitude is everything! Your right all we can do is let GOD handle it knowing He’s in charge anyway! I will keep you in my prayers and hoping the difficulties soon pass and your back to your regular routine soon! 🙂 Keep your chin up girl!
Oh, Ashley! I will be praying for you. Thank you for sharing this story with us. God is with you every step of the way. HUGS!
hi Ash,
my friend has this happen 2 years ago and it was devastating for her. She did chemo for a year and had a pic line put in to make it easier…apparently, most people’s dont go that far. Either way, I just wanted to let you know she’s 1 year chemo free and baby #2 is on it’s way. there is hope and you will be in my prayers.
best of luck,
ps. getting your daily update in my email box is a highlight of my afternoon! 🙂 you are so talented!
I don’t know how you do it. God bless. You, Mr. Boo, Boo, and diesel are in our prayers.
I am praying for you!
you are in our prayers
What a beautiful purse and a very special friend! Feel better and prayers your way!
Ashley, I am sending you much love and prayers and positive thoughts all the way down from Argentina. You are a Strong woman with a capital S.
God is there… even when we feel like he is not… he is always there… we may not understand his ways sometimes.
Hang in there, pray a lot… your family, friends and God will help you through this and any difficulty you may encounter in your life.
A long time follower first time commenter. Like so many others who don’t know you but feel like we do, I will be praying for you and your family so you can kick that cancer in the you know what!
oh Ashley! take your time and take what you need! 🙂 The world just got a bit smaller because you were willing to share a part of your life with everyone. That “edited blog life” just became real and relate-able.
HUGS!!!! I wish you the best.
your tall friend : )
Ashley, I just wanted you to know that if the diagnosis is cancer, living with it is hard but not impossible. My youngest daughter had breast cancer at 28 and later a recurrence. Yet she is strong as you are too and gets more out of life than any dozen other people together. She like you sprinkles joy like fairy dust on others wherever she goes. Her dad wears a pink teeshirt this month that says on it, “I fight like a girl!! That says it all. With your girl power you will win this fight!
I am sending you positive energy and praying for you. Your strength and resilience are an inspiration— as are your beautiful, creative tutorials!
Best, Kelly
Wow, I’m just really not sure how to respond to be completely honest. I hope you know without hesitation you will be in my prayers, and my prayer circle here in WI as well.
But I just wanted to mention that you are fighting a few struggles and nobody shares your story. Losing a baby, then the molar pregnancy, now the cancer and it spreading to your liver, these are all things that by themselves would bring most people down to a place of uncertainty and disbelief in their faith.
All at once? Really God? Here is the thing, I don’t mean that in a bad way at all. I mean it as an, “Wow, all at once God? What kind of absolutely amazing, wonderous story are you telling through Ashley to the world on this platform, of LBB?”
How He will use your story will be a journey we are blessed to follow if you choose to share it with us.
You hang in there. I actually wrote a post titled “worry” this week before I read this. I don’t know, maybe just take a look if you get a chance…it has some of my favorite scripture about finding peace in situations of uncertainty and things of that nature. I think it’s from the Oct 12th if you feel led to read it.
XO Ashley….
WIsh I lived around the corner to bring you donuts and hang. Your faith and strength are such an inspiration!!! Love you, Boo and Mr.LBB lots and lots. Opening my arms as wide as I can to hug you from here. Have got some great prayer warriors here with you on their list. God will here all our prayers. Try to take it easy as difficult as I know it is for you.
Love, C
PS I know it is “hear”, not “here”. Past my bedtime!
Oh Ashley, I just read your post. I will be praying for you. You are such a positive person and I love that. I like to live life like that too. I am wish you a speedy recovery. Amber
I just started following your blog about a month ago. You are truly an inspiration to me. I have really enjoyed doing some of the tutorials that you have posted! My prayers are with you and your family.
Girl you are the strongest and talented girls I know. You keep that pretty lil head up Giod will be right with you and your precious family live you girlie.
You’re an amazing person Ashley, truly amazing…
Sending lots of prayers your way!
Ashley, your blog is amazing. I find you such an inspiration; as someone who has now been working in finance for a few years and felt I had lost most of my creativity and passion for crafting, I am so inspired by all that you do with Lil Blue Boo! Please know I will keep you in my prayers – God is with you and I’m sure your dad is too. God bless you.
“One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one only.
This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?”
The Lord replied, “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.”
Prayers to you! You are truly amazing. I admire your strength.
I don’t know you personally, but your posts are so honest and I love reading them. I’m so sorry to hear that you are going through a time of unknowing. My heart is with you as you walk through this. Your story touched me and I will be praying for you and your family.
I’m praying for you LOTS!
Well from all the comments you’ve definitely got the prayer factor covered but i’m gonna join in just in case it gives you a boost 🙂 and the Lisa sounds like a keeper!
oh Ashley! I will also be praying for you and your family. And am sending big cyber hugs!
Ashley, your posts are such inspiration. I hope some day I too will have the strength, and faith you have. I hope you recover health soon.
Lifting you up in prayers to Jesus tonight! God bless!! xoxo
Ashley, I love your blog and your enthusiasm. You do all the things on my “one day I will do _”(insert amazingly talented craft/art). I’m praying that God will heal your body quickly. It took huge courage to publish your story, but I know you have lots of prayers going up because you did. Rest. Heal.
Love from tuscaloosa, al
Ashley..I am so sorry…I feel like you are a friend, I follow your blog and always look forward to what you post! I am praying for you and your family…you have so many people praying for you. You are in my prayers and in my heart. Be well soon.
You have such a positive spirit. May our Heavenly Father bless you with peace and strength as you go through this. You will be in my prayers each and everyday.
Thanks so much for sharing this personal struggle with us. I’ll be praying for you & your family in the months to come. May you feel Christ’s presence and peace as you fight this. Stay strong, sister!
Oh my goodness Ashley,
I just read your post. I wish I lived closer and could help you as you go through this. I will be praying for you every day. I have admired you for so long and it’s been wonderful getting to know you better through Babble. Hang in there and take each day one day at a time.
Isaiah 40:31
“But those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint. “
I am thoroughly blown away by this post. Not because of such sad circumstances, but the strength, honesty and courage surrounding it. I am just one of your blog followers, but I hope I can say that I truly hope that good health, luck and blessings come your way.
You and your family are in my Prayers…I know that God only gives you as much as you can hndle…May He bless you and guide you through all of this…Keep your faith…
Dear Ashley,
I’m praying for you and your family and hope you will recover soon. I can’t believe how you deal with the situation. You must be a very strong person. I’d also like to thank you for all the inspiration I received from your blog. My children get compliments all the time on their Lil Blue Boo inspired clothes and I have the greates time making them! THank you so much!
Best wishes from Germany,
Love, hugs, and more love sent your way. I am so sorry for what you are going through Ashley. Your strength is truly inspirational. You and your sweet family are in my prayers. XOXOXO
Ashley, I’m just one more of your readers/admirers who is sending love, support and many, many prayers!
Thank you for sharing. My thoughts are with you, your family, and friends.
Ashely, I don’t even have words… Your post really shocked me, first because of what is going on, but mostly because of how you are handling it. You are incredibly strong, and courageous, and obviously full of faith. You and your family, especially Boo, will be in my daily thoughts and prayers.
Dear sister in Christ, will be praying for you and your family, We servie a great God, He will lift you up on mighty eagles wings, Keep your eyes on him and he will supply all your needs,love and prayers Gloria
Dear Ashley- This is probably what every one of us fears… You amaze me with your positive spirit and I hope that this will help you to get through this difficult time! You will be in my thoughts.
Ashley, I am so sorry for the news you’ve received. I admire your positive attitude and your strong faith in God. It is hard when life doesn’t make sense..it just makes us trust Him even more. Praying that God continues to give you “…a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.” (Isaiah 61:3)
Prayers for you and your family. So sorry for your loss and the news, but in awe of your outlook! What a blessing to be surrounded by such an amazing family and friends. And thank you for using your life and circumstances to encourage us all to remember truth and priorities in our own! Blessings and hugs!
Your site was forwarded to me by a friend up here in Washington. I was diagnosed with a molar pregnancy in March of this year, had a D&C, cells returned- hysterectomy on April 8th. April 26th I sat in the Oncologist’s office and heard spread to liver too (not lungs here, though.). Coriocarcinoma was my diagnosis- and Chemo started on 5/19. The mass on my liver was photographed during my hysterectomy- and was pretty large. By the time I had my body scan, (5/23) the mass was GONE! True miracle by our ultimate healer!! I had 18 chemo treatments in 11 weeks (EMA-CO) Chemo ended on 8/4. I am in remission, feeling great, getting my hair back- and so ALIVE! God was so awesome to me through it all, He always IS, but was just so IN YOUR FACE awesome- through it all! I knew from the moment of diagnosis on that I’d be healed here or, I’d be healed in Heaven….but I KNEW He’d heal me! I’d LOVE to talk with you and share some of my journey- this is such a rare cancer, I have only come in contact with one person that has had a molar pregnancy, but no one that has had it turn to cancer! I am friending you on FB and willmessage you my number- if you feel like it- call!!
In the meantime- keep your attitude right where it is. I kept my trust in Him through the entire journey. I decided early on to NEVER let me attitude waver, to keep positive and not go to the pity-party. Don’t get me wrong, this is a very HARD journey, physically and emotionally- but He is ALL you need!! You will see, create and receive SO MANY blessings along the way- I would do it all again if I were called to- it was THAT amazing!
Love to you and yours- F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely On God)
I am speechless really. It was so moving to hear you be so positive when I know that if I were in your shoes I’d be a nervous wreck. I always find inspiration here at Lil Blue Boo! I wish you the best with this and will keep you in my prayers! I hope that you and your family stay strong.
Your on my prayer list
I am praying for you, Ashley. I am so sorry for all that you have endured this year. You have handled it all with so much grace and beauty. You’re a true example of one turning lemons into lemonade. Wishing you lots of love and peace! xOxO
Praying, praying…..praying for you.
Immediately adding you to my prayer list. Praying the Everlasting Arms hold you and your family close thru all of this.
Dear Ashley,
what can one say reading this?
I pray and hope with you.
Dear Ashley,
I’m so sorry! 🙁 I’m praying and hoping things go well for you. I just lost another baby last week and am learning that God “visits his people in their afflictions” (Mosiah 24:14). Love to you and your family.
Well this really blows. I just found your awesome blog and then I read your sick! I’m definitely going to spend time looking at old posts but I am really looking forward to new ones. So for purely selfish reason you better get your stuff together and get well! …..And that how I roll!
Ashley, Jay Buckman let me know that you were sick. I just want you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Sincerly, Rob
I’m sorry to hear this news. I wish you all the best.
Be well. You are in my prayers. Please write about the important things in your head now so we can be reminded.
I cannot imagine what you are going through right now. What an amazing calmness and peace you have. What a testament to the Lord’s grace and love in your life that you are able to remain calm and feel his presence despite this! I am sorry for your heartache. Please know that you are being lifted up daily in prayer.
Dear Dear Ashley I am so very shocked as I am sure everybody else is to hear of this nasty detour that has taken hold of your life right now. Your calmness amazes me. But then again it really is part of who you are. Stay strong, there is a world sea of positive energy out there wishing you & willing you to good health real fast. Our love & prayers go to you & your family. x
The power of positive thought is incredible, and you have it down. Hang in there and stay strong.
Keeping you and your family in my prayers.
Praying for you and your sweet family. *hugs*
I am so sorry for all that you are going through. Thank you for sharing all of your story with us. You are honoring God by the way you are going through this trial in your life. Just continue to trust in God and not lean on your own understanding through all of these trials in your life.
I have truly enjoyed your blog. I just found it this summer and have been so inspired by it.
Thank you for sharing your life and loves with all of us.
I’ve just recently connected with you via Blogger. I don’t know how I found you. Nor how long I’ve been subscribed. But,
recently I wanted to make a real effort to connect with the virtual world and your blog was there for me to be inspired by.
This circumstance has broken my heart. I can only imagine one thing more difficult than what you are
very beautifully walking through – and that is what it would be like to be your Mother. And I wanted you to tell her for me,
that as the mother of 4 daughters and 3 grandsons, I can only begin to imagine what she must be going through.
I wanted you to know I was praying for you and being inspired by your courage and peace and then your mother came to my mind – to my heart and if you would just please let her know that this mother is grieving with her and praying FOR her.
Blessings to you dear one – shaken down, pressed, and overflowing.
You are an amazing woman! I love your blog, your perspective and most of all you attitude. You will get through and move on from it. Thank you for sharing your world with us the way you do. I hope you feel joy knowing how many people are thinking positive thoughts for you and saying prayers for you. Keep your head up. I’m sure you will.
Thoughts and prayers are with you!!
I have been following your blog for months now and your ideas and musings always give me inspiration. I was devastated for you when your father passed away and when you had that terrible miscarriage. And still you persevered through it all, handling each situation with a sense of graciousness and true elegance. Your newest test of strength and courage has bowled me over – and still you handle it with more grace than most would, sharing your trials and tribulations with us. You are amazing. Beautiful inside and out.
I wish you a complete and speedy recovery and may God grant you good health and happiness always.
Your grace and strength is amazing. Prayers are with you.
From a silent feader of your blog and a huge fan of your work, I am so truly sorry that this has happened to you and your family. You have inspired people around the world with your creativity and it doesn’t suprise me that you are so strong emotionally with dealing with all this. Rest, recover and may 2012 lead you into good health. xx
Your faith is a true inspiration. Sending you lots of love, strength and prayers.
Wow Ashley. So inspiring to see you turning to God and His word (as always) and so shocking to read these words from your doctors.
Will continue to hold you in prayer.
sending you love.
This life is not easy. You never know what is around the corner. You are brave. You have faith and you are surrounded by love. You are in good hands. Sending prayers for you for peace and good care and good news.
Since I’m comment #418, (geez, you must be pretty awesome) 😉 I’m sure you won’t even get to it, BUT……just in case you do, I want you to know that I got a lump in my throat when I read this post. I starting sending prayers up right away. I’ve loved your blog, products, and tutes and am so glad I found you and Boo. From what I’ve read, you’ve got such a great group of supporters around you and I’m sure they will all be your rock as you go through this season. Sending love and prayers your way!
I am just a reader of your blog but I know how you feel. That is the same way I felt when that “C” word came into my life. I wasn’t scared, I refused to give into in any way. When I got home I went straight to my room, shut the door, got on my knees and gave it all to GOD. I will put you on my prayer list and if you just go through and read all your comments and realize all the prayers, you will understand the power of prayer. May GOD work a miracle on you and the doctors. Many prayers from me to you all the way from south ALABAMA.
Your faith and atitude are an inspiration. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
For the longest time I have been inspired by your crafts, work and work ethic as well as your personality. This past year you have continued to inspire me with your amazing amount of strength. I will keep you and your family in my prayers as well as the medical team that will help you through this time in your life.
Keep Strong,
I heard about your trials from your sister-in-law Christy. She is my neighbor and good friend. I am inspired by your faith and trust in God. He is so big and will see you through this. In the meantime know that I and many others are praying for you and your family.
Holding you up in prayer. Our God is an AWESOME God! He is bigger than these cells……..
Ashley…the way you are handling this is such a testimony to your faith in God. Your strong faith is such a testimony to His grace and His power. I too believe that things always work out they way they are meant to be. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray God will carry you through all that faces you and that you will feel His sweet presence through it all.
All my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You are an amazing person!
Just sending you tons of prayers! Good luck tomorrow!!!
Ashley..I will be praying for you and your family!
God is always good!
Wow….you don’t know me but I know your sister Perry. You really are an inspiration. I have been wallowing in self-pity, feeling depressed, etc….and this was a good slap in the face. You have such an awesome attitude!!!! You Remind me so so much of my late mother. Her motto was “Praise God”…and when she said that she meant it…she praised God for EVERYTHING!!!! And you seem to be the same 🙂 what a blessing it was for me to come across this. I have faith that you will be healed…and will be an example to every doctor, physician, and doubter out there! You have truly given me a much needed “pep talk” without even knowing it 🙂 GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!! I’m sure your dad is looking down, so proud to have raised such an inspiring, unique, talented and Godly daughter. In Christ, Natalie
Positive thoughts, love & prayers to you & your family.
I have really enjoyed your blog & all the amazing projects. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
Your faith inspires me! Sending well wishes and prayers your way.
I am also a long time follower of your blog. A very silent one, I am sad to say. I had to post to let you know that I am praying for you, and you are truly an inspiration to us all. God bless you Ashley!
So funny that it feels like I know you though we have never met. Your blog/life is amazing, open, and real! Thanks for that. I am definitely praying for you and will be especially reminded when I read MY daily Jesus Calling…love, love, love that devotional!
Hi Ashley and thanks for sharing your creative mind with people like me who need all the direction they can get. We all go through times of worry and dis-ease but never fear because your positivity will help you pull through anything. PLEASE stay off the diet coke (I know you’re a big fan !), the stuff is poisonous for the body ! the last thing you need right now.
Love and Blessings xoxox
I just read this post this morning when I saw some other comments on the FB page. So sorry that you have to endure this trial. And, so glad that your faith and trust in the Lord are evident. Sometimes I think that is the most important part of our trials – do we continue to trust and do our actions give glory to God? Thank you for sharing and being so open. Praying for healing, strength and grace for you and your family.
that is so scary!! i hate to hear such news. please take care and know that everyone that has posted is thinking and praying for you. your positive attitude and thankful spirit will help pull you through!!!
I am so sorry to hear about everything you and your family is going through right now. I am sure this post was very difficult to write, however, I just want you to know how much I appreciate you being open about this. Your story was beautifully written, and you have truly inspired me. Your positive attitude is amazing, and you are proof that if we just give it all to God everything will be ok. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
Thank you for sharing. I can’t imagine what you are going through. Just know that we are praying for you. Thank your for your continued inspiration everyday!
I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through. You’re so generous in not only sharing your creativity, inspiration and now your personal obstacles. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Prayers for you and your family.
I’m sending my thoughts and love across the ocean. xoxo
Ashley, I want so much to tell you, you are brave but no one needs to tell you that because you already know. But something I can tell you is that God is watching over you and your angels are with you; if they weren’t you wouldn’t be as brave as you are. You have a lot of faith even through the thickness of this challenge in life and that is amazing. It’s God’s gift to you, you can rock this out doll! {{Big Hugs}}
Ashley, Bless Your Heart! You are dealing with this the best way possible. Put all your faith in th Lord. I don’t remember which verse it is but in Psalms it says., Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. This kept me going when I was diagnosed with cancer. Pray, Pray, Pray. I kept a bundle of my favorite Bible verses on index cards with me all the time. I would pull them out and read them everywhere and you know what it really helped. Such peace would come over me. Your devotional, “Jesus Calling” is the right way to go. I will put you and your family in my prayers. Deb
I just recently found your blog and was so sorry to read this post. I know how overwhelming it is to receive news like this.
When my son was in kindergarten, my husband and I were trying to conceive our second child. The very first month we’d decided to try, I was diagnosed with lymphoma. It was a scary time and I was only focused on my family throughout my months of treatment. I have to admit, though, I was a little bitter about not being able to have a baby NOW, like I’d planned. And I knew there was a good chance I’d never be able to.
Well, we are now eleven years past my diagnosis, my son is a junior in high school, and I have a beautiful seven-year-old daughter. God blessed my family so much after that trial.
I don’t know you, but I will be thinking about you. You are a strong woman and I know with your will, your family and your faith, you will get through this.
Dear Ashley: I´m a fairly new follower of your blog. I said a couple of times that you inspire me… And this time you do too…
I can´t say that I know how you feel. It never happened to me, but I can almost imagine what this is like.
I just can say that I guess you need to be as positive as now. And enjoy everything: your caring husband, your beautiful little girl, those wonderful collaborators of you and your family, although they´re a little bit away. This way, everything will go away and you´ll forget it all
I send you a big hugh.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are so positive & so strong that I know you will get through this. You are such an inspiration.
I just want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am praying daily for you. For strength, courage, energy, and peace. You are such an inspiration to me! Not only because of your amazing craftiness or enterpenuership, but because of the strength of your faith. Just know blessing are prayed over you and your family daily!!!
Ashley, I was in tears reading this. My heart is breaking for you. I want you to know that I will be praying for you and for miraculous healing. Keep leaning on God and he will carry you through this.
Hi Ashley, I have not been one of your many blog readers but a link from my friend Amy Miraflor’s facebook page directed me here asking for prayer. Your grace and confidence in God is beautiful and inspiring. I just wanted to let you know that I am adding my prayers to the heap that I know are piling up for you and your family.
Prayers and hugs for you and your family!
I am so sorry. I hope everything will go OK, you are a strong woman.
Un beso.
Ashley I too was in tears reading your post. You are in my family’s thoughts and prayers everyday. Though I have never met you,(I just stumbled across your blog oneday about a year ago) I know you are a very special and talented person just from reading about you and your family. I know lots of people feel the same about you. I wish you and your family the best and pray for a speedy recovery for you. Hugs to you!
I’m just now getting to read your blog post. I’ve been finishing up my dissertation, so I’m more than a bit behind on my standard reading material. Please know I’m thinking of you and praying for you and your family. You are strong, and you can make it through this. We are all standing strong with you. Much love, Shelley
I just added you to my prayer journal. This is sucky and no fair, but your outlook is inspiring. Keep leaning on Jesus – He promised to never leave your side! I can already see how He is using your trials to minister to others. Lots of love!
I’m a little late reading this but I am so sorry to hear this news. Good for you for the positive attitude and faith. I don’t think I could be so strong, but I’ve seen how healing those things can be for others who have gone through similar situations. I will certainly be keeping you and your family in my prayers!
Chills came over my body as I read your post. I am so sorry to hear that this illness has come into your body. Your attitude toward your healing is amazing and I am inspired by your determination. I hope things begin to look up for you soon.
Ashley as you say God never gives us more than we can handle. You are an inspiration to everyone whose life you have touched. Keep the faith and stay positive.
Your positive attitude and your faith will keep you goin’!! Prayers are with ya’ 🙂 Hugs from Texas!
I am so sorry to hear this. I wish you a smooth recovery.
Ashley, I only know you through FB and Little Blue Boo but I want you to know I am praying for you , Bonny
Praying for healing and that you continue to rest in Him.
Love, light, courage and strength to you and your family <3 <3 <3
oh ashley, my thoughts are with you. I’m so glad you are always so positive.
Ashley, I haven’t checked in here in a while… but I just love you, your style, personality ect… your a lot of fun, and bring joy! I am a follower of Jesus… and I want you to know that I am praying for you and your family. I am asking the Lord for a complete and total healing in your body… and that everything that you have gone through will bring glory to Him… that you will see how He has used this for the good in your life and many others. Much love! ♥
Blessings & hugs,
Charity <
Ashley, I hadn’t read you blog for a couple of weeks, but happened to catch up while waiting for my mom to get out of her own cancer surgery Friday. I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you and your Boos.
dear Ashley, losing a little one during pregnancy is a very hard time. And becoming seriously ill is even harder. I wanne wish you all the best and hopefully there’s a way to win this fight. I will be thinking about you.
hugs Anita.
Positive thoughts and Prayers are coming your way from all over the globe! There is strength in numbers and I visualize the prayers of many holding you and your family up in these difficult times! God’s Blessings be with you and you family.
Just wanting you to know that you are in my family’s thoughts and prayers. May God be with you during this time and do what only He can do. May he guide the dr’s hands and be with you all during your struggles.
Get well soon !!!!
I hope everything comes out perfect =-)
You are an amazing woman. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
My husband had cancer. I was the care giver. My heart ached for him but I told him everyday – Remember one day down to the next which gets you closer to all better!
So always look at the day you are in just that much closer to being yourself again.
God Bless. We are all praying and know things will be ok. Just tell yourself that.
PS your belly healed beautiful.
I’ve been looking at your blog for a few weeks and thought what a talented and inspirational person you are! Everyone says we have a twin…well I WISH you were mine. Your talent and love for the everyday is how life should be lived. I thank you for sharing your artisitic talent and hope to become a better artist due to your tutorials.
You and your family are in my prayers.
Hi. I don’t know you and I don’t even remember how I found your blog but when I read your post today I cried. I cried, not out of pity or fear really because I can see that you know Jesus 🙂 But I cried because, though our situations may be drastically different, I feel what you feel. Fear, confusion, and questioning the plan of God. Not in a “I don’t trust you anymore” kind of way, but rather a “None of this makes sense, could you fill me in” kind of panic way.
I am begging God on your behalf, because people did that for me.
You are such an inspiration. Like you our family has had a rough year, we had a daughter diagnosed with Turners syndrome and go through two surgerys, lost a pregnancy at 15 weeks, and during the time of my miscarriage I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Reading your blog has made me so thankful for what I have been given good and bad. You are a strong woman and I have no doubt that good things will come your way. You are in my thoughts and prayers and from now on I will wake up each morning and choose JOY!
Your strength is an inspiration. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
Ashley, I just want to let you know how much your words have touched me. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. My heart goes out to you and your wonderful family. You, to be so young, sound like a woman with amazing strength. You have been told by many others above that you are inspiring. It’s true, you really are. Thank you for deciding to take us on this journey with you. I’ll pray for God’s loving hands to wrap you up and give you strength as you travel this path of uncertainty. Know He is constant and never leaves your side, especially when you are feeling weak and unsure. He is there. Many of us strangers to you are there too, in spirit. Hang in there and know we are all pulling for you. If you need ANYTHING, let us know. Sometimes not know what you need or what to do is so helpless to those of us who care and want to help somehow.
– Karen
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Ashley, I have been reading your blogs for months, but this is the first time I ever went back and saw the first post about your illness… I am beyond words at your strength and perspective from the very beginning. As always, my head is down and my prayers are going up for you!!
I actually found out about this blog from a coworker. I am currently going through the exact same situation. My husband and I found out about my pregnancy in December. We were all aflutter with excitement about our first baby. That excitement was short lived. We went in for an ultrasound, and there was no heartbeat, no chord, no baby. I was absolutely devastated. Once you see a positive sign on the EPT, you are already a mommy.
I went through 2 D&Cs with my OB-GYN and after the tissue kept being produced and my HCG levels kept climbling, I was referred to an oncologist. CT scans, MRIs, visits to specialists at UNC Women’s Hospital, port surgery, and finally chemo.
Honestly, this is where I kinda went numb. My coworkers kept saying that I was handling things so well, but little did they know, I just wasn’t handling things. I started blogging to keep myself sane, and I did spiritual yoga. I really enjoy regular vinyasa yoga and I also found that scripture always made me think. No matter when I opened my Bible, or read my daily verse from my Bible app on my phone, it always applied to my situation. I started picking a short verse a day and incorporating it as a mantra into my yoga. It really helps me keep doing light exercise during chemo treatments, it helps me de-stress, and it keeps me centered in my faith. I highly recommend it.
Also, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. The power of prayer really is an amazing healer. I wish you all the best.
((Hugs)) to you and prayer sent up for you Ashley!