A few new things in my life in the last few weeks that I can’t explain:
I drink coffee first thing in the morning (never did before). I haven’t had a soda since being in the hospital.
I haven’t bitten my fingernails since my surgery…..they were always in my mouth before.
My doggy Diesel actually likes me and wants to cuddle.
I crave capers. Weird.
Has anyone else ever experienced alternate personalities like this?
You crave capers because of the salt. My bf’s son (who has leukemia) eats bacon on EVERYTHING! It’s the chemo. At one point he was eating hot dog omelets! 🙂 And Diesel knows you need the cuddles. He’s a smarty pants.
Guess I need to make chicken piccata again! 😉 that was one of the first dinners and it was loaded with capers. Lisa might beat me if I don’t bring mac n cheese, though. 😉
A friend told me some drugs make soda’s taste awful, no fizz. She took it back several times before she realized it was her tastebuds and not the restaurant. Don’t know about coffee, I love the smell, just not the taste until same friend brought me a white mocha latte (I think that was it) and I loved it. Then I find out it’s fattening. Can’t win. LOL Praying you through. 🙂
If you go to Starbucks the non-fat, no whip white chocolate mocha is heaven in a non-fattening cup.
Diesel cuddles because he knows you need the company! Dogs have a strange sense…the whole day before I borrow went into labor with my first daughter, my dog followed me EVERYWHERE! And paced beside the bed all night. It was strange! And now, when the girls are sick, she sits beside their bed all night, as if she’s keeping watch! I should have named her Nanny! Lol.
Diesel would be totally peeved if he knew you posted a picture of him being sweet.
I’ve heard chemo changes your sense of taste and makes you crave thinigs you never did before. I hope someone close to you reads this and loads you up with capers! 🙂
you have slowed down…. you are not running around with a million projects (lack bitting nails, your dog knows where to find you and you are chilled out,)
Praying for strength and peace (for you and your hubby and extended family)
Diesel is very smart and can sense that you need extra love. He is being with you to show you he cares. Fortunately I have not had chemo but after I had my spinal tap I could no longer stand tuna. It was the strangest thing.
When I was younger, I had a poodle that would insist on laying atop of me when I was sick. I have asthma and she always stayed snuggled up next to my chest. I would feel better and she would go about her merry way. Regarding the soda~I LOVE a large icy McD coke…that is until I began taking meds for migraines. Now they taste horrible. Can’t explain it~ maybe as if it is only carbonated water? EEK. Only good think, No soda, I have lost some weigh….but I still daydream about the bubbily goodness. Yes, it’s a drug. My name is Charlotte and I’m a CokaColaholic. Continued prayers. Blessings, and Chosing Joy.
Diesel can sense something and he is in protective mode I bet. That’s what my dog did when I was sick and stuck in bed she never left my side. Not sure about the other stuff.
Try capers cooked in sour cream slowly, then pour it oven salmon cooked in veggie bouillon and rice!!!!!! I discovered this a couple of years ago and now love capers!!!
I’m only want to say hello. And give you a big huge.
I love your comment!
How Sweet. We had 3 yorkies, the most recent one, Johnny Cash, we rescued last September at the age of 5. He was my shadow and completely ignored my husband. Well, in September of this year we lost our oldest yorkie, Beau, who was my husbands little baby. Since his passing Johnny has really made a complete 180. We truly think he can sense how much Beau is missed by my husband and he is really making the effort to warm up to him by snuggling with him and licking him. Animals are truly amazing.
Hi , it’s your anniversary twin. I have another song to share, no words of wisdom, just a song. I LOVE the Walk to Remember soundtrack(and bawl everytime I watch the movie) and I love this song. Switchfoot just posted a link on their site to this fun cover of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Zn6n3boBMJg
I hope it works! enjoy.
It’s said that sometimes dog can sense cancer. How sweet of him becoming your buddy! 🙂
I have not experienced it either but when my dad was undergoing chemo he had a lot of the same changes. He LOVED beer, then couldn’t stand it. His chemo dulled all of his taste buds so the saltier, spicier, tangier etc the better. I completely agree about the posts from everyone else, your doggy knows you need the cuddles and is there for you. Prayers for you and your family. Be strong.
Maybe the donor blood from the transfusion has something to do with that! My Uncle received a liver transplant and came out listening to rap… True story 🙂
Hi Ashley!
I stumbled on your blog last summer looking for random tutorials and bookmarked it, but haven’t had the chance to read your daily entries, until now. I really loved the post about your father and I really want to see the movie, “7 Days in Utopia” too after reading about him. I am sorry for you loss and what you’re going through is tough. Thank you for sharing your journey with us through your blog. You’re in our prayers.
Awww, sweet puppy. He knows you need some sweet puppy love’n.
I hate that you’ve had to go through so much with this experience, but I have to tell you that I find your medical journey very fascinating! My mother is a three-time breast cancer survivor and she just finished chemo this past summer. Between the two of you, I have learned so much about the invasive nature of tumors. Yes, I’m a nerd! Like you, my mom is doing well, and I thank God that she has great medical care. I hope and pray for speedy healing for you!
P.S. I’m a Charlotte native too! I co-sign about Mary Jo’s!
I’ve been bed ridden on and off for the past few years with different illnesses. Animals seem to know when you need them most and are always there to offer support. My husband had to drag the dog out for walks when I was sick(he was normally a hyper dog and loved his walks). Our cats would only leave to eat and take care of business. It’s funny how they always have to touch you like they are trying to suck the sickness from you. It’s great you have your 4 legged
I have to say my husband says coffee helps him poop! I can’t drink coffee because of that! haha!! Sometimes things change! I think back to the way I used to do things and they are completely different now compared to a few years ago!
When our son had Chemo he could not get enough of the “blue gatorade”. Probably from the sodium. But, it did GREAT things for his lab counts (really). Take care.
That’s so funny… I drank GALLONS of Gatorade while getting chemo too! I hadn’t thought about the salt being part of th appeal. It seemed to be one of the few things that would stay down though. I always drank that flourescent yellow stuff!
Don’t know about the chemo part, but after my hyster my hormones did some weird things until my body got used to everything (don’t know about you but they left my ovaries). Without them the change would be greater and you could go into early menopause. I started early anyway (early 40’s) even with ovaries. But all is great I take HRT!! Keep well & God bless!
Thanks for the updates!! I LOVE coffee..so glad you can at least “enjoy” that right now. And if capers taste good, then eat them! Continue to send you prayers!
Interesting changes! Recently heard on the news about a lady in Atlanta recovering from a brain injury (if I remember correctly) – after the injury, she started speaking with a British accent! It’s too funny! The doctors can’t explain it, but apparently there are other similar cases in other parts of the world!
When my MIL was on chemo, she sd everything tasted like metal, but she loved salt, so I will bet it’s the meds. I shared your website with my women’s bible study and you are on our prayer list.
I had to share something funny today. You have Booisms, we have Alessondraism’s(my 6 yr old granddaughter.) She and Boo would get along well. Same personalities it sounds. We were having something engraved for her today and we wanted her to pick out “the font” so she could read it easily. We gave her the choices of “Block or Roman” and her reply was “but I can’t speak Roman”:)Hope this brings a smile. Cindy
P.S. You’re so inspiring to me! I love your sweet, powerful, creative spirit! I’ll continue to pray for your full recovery.
I’d say, it is always fun to mix it up a little.. and an alternate personality is a great way to do that 🙂
I think within each of our lives, we have many different lives..
That is one cute dog. Looks like a keeper. And congrats on not biting your nails.
ANIMALS ARE SO PERCEPTIVE..your little guy knows that you need his love…and he needs yours…
so glad to hear that your lab report was good
Sweet Ashley, I’m so sorry to hear this monster attacked you ;(
Stay strong and positive and you will get through this.
I have some experience in ‘healing’ although it wasn’t cancer – but through this I found some incredible information that I would like to share briefly with some things to look up.
I’m a very solution-driven person, and I think you are too so this might be helpful.
First, look up Dr. Burzynski – he currently has a non-invasive treatment (cure) for cancer – he’s in Texas and I’ve personally heard great things about a little a little girl in our neighbourhood cured by him.
2nd, Look up Kriss Carr – she is a cancer goddess that is now thriving exceptionally well after her diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer. She will introduce you to a great diet and lifestyle that really is healing to the body.
3rd. Look up alkaline/acidic diet, wheatgrass, spirulina, boost your enzymes – which are naturally found in raw foods, increase your oxygen – by eating sprouted grains (like fenugreek) and also by literally breathing (look up Pranayama) these are awesome breathing exercises that will literally add more oxygen to your blood. increase your Flax oil supplement, remove sugar from your diet – look up Candida and it’s affects on cancer and try the anti-candida diet (your cravings of capers actually worries me as Candida feeds off fermented foods, sugar and yeast in foods)
I have lots more advice but I don’t want to drain you too much right now…. 😉
When you get a few minutes please read this also:
I do hope you will grab a big GREEN SMOOTHIE and check out BURZYNSKI and Kris Carr (although very different approaches)
I do wish you the best from the bottom of my heart.
I did not suffer through cancer, but I was destined for a wheelchair if I did not look for an alternative treatment.
Good luck my dear!
When my father was going thru Chemo, he too stopped biting his nails. It was the strangest thing, he barely had nubs for nails all my life, and then somehow he has the strongest nails that are beautiful and healthy! His hair came back thicker than ever too!
How do you manage to be the cutest little thing even going thru chemo?! I LOVE your positive “fighter” attitude girlie! I have been praying for you sweet girl! Cancer, you’re go’n DOWN! Keep smiling that beautiful smile!
Sounds like you’re getting just what you need (especially the puppy love part).
I’m the same way when I do treatments and I think it’s the meds. Soda just tastes nasty during that time but I can tolerate coffee. Sometimes the meds make it where I can’t sense cold in my mouth which makes everything taste lukewarm. Okay for water, tea and coffee; not so much for soda. I imagine you will get your other taste back once you are done with your treatment. I think it’s so sweet that the puppy is loving up on you. Take care and surround yourself with happy, positive people and things. 🙂
As a fellow nail biter since I was young, I congratulate you on overcoming this horrible habit! Keep it up!
I am a new subscriber but had no idea what you were going through. God led me to your blog for a reason so I will be storming heaven for you.
Good Morning Ashley, and what a good morning it is for you!! SO glad to hear so much positivity from your posts, you are incredibly strong!! And who wouldn’t be with your support group, including wee Diesel?
Every time I’ve had a health issue, during multiple nasty miscarriages and having both feet operated on last year, my Lads have been like velcro….I don’t know what the mechanism is that makes them so empathetic, but I couldn’t have gotten through any of these episodes without them. My difference is that the Lads are three massive Golden Retrievers, and when they are affectionate, THEY ARE AFFECTIONATE!! I wonder about the sanitary impact of being covered with dog kisses, but the emotional support overcomes any concerns! Somehow a wee, pocket sized dog seems much more civilised?
Stay strong, I hope you feel all the support from your HUGE internet support group, and well done on the nailbiting…see how well you are doing?? Kat
My take on Diesel is this. Before you were moving so fast that he either thought he’d get squished or he couldn’t keep up. Either way enjoy the love!!
LOL I thought it said you were craving ‘diapers.’ HAhaha