I had my PET scan this afternoon. They had to sedate me so I wouldn’t mess it up with my horrible cough. I had to sit for 45 minutes with a warm blanket in a “quiet room” as the isotope traveled through my body. I think it was the best part of my day. As I sat there all I could think about was the radiation symbol on the wall and I wondered how it came about. Turns out it is supposed to represent activity radiating from an atom……that makes sense. Anyways, I made it through without coughing until they got to my upper thigh…..then I felt like I was going to pass out from a coughing fit…….a few minutes longer and I would have unstrapped myself and crawled out of the machine.
The radiologist Dr. B came out and talked to us right away and basically there’s more questions than there were before I went in for the scan. The good part is that now we have a full scan to use as a baseline going forward to compare to. I’ll talk to Dr. L tomorrow to see what he thinks. Here’s what I took away from the meeting (and why I could never be a doctor):
So…I’m still on track for my new treatment (called EMA-CO) on Tuesday. etoposide, methotrexate, actinomycin D, cyclophosphamide, vincristine. Don’t those ingredients sound lovely?
Lisa brought me this nice, warm blanket as a present so I won’t freeze when I’m there next week…..then Diesel promptly claimed it as his own:
I’m obsessed with scans…..looking at my body one little layer at a time. The 3-D images I have are hilarious….you can totally tell I was wearing a push up bra because of the shape of my boobs. I can only imagine what radiologists see all day…..all different body types, boob sizes, maybe a butt implant here and there. We had some friends over tonight and I had a good time showing them every layer of my body on the computer…..we had no idea what we were looking at……I failed anatomy.
I just want to say that you’re amazing and an inspiration!
Buwahahahaha…pretty flowers. Only you Ashley… xo
I especially loved the heart and flowers too! 🙂 Sounds like a good plan of attack – stay strong, we’ll be praying for you and your family!!!
I remember having that weird one that makes you feel warm. (like your peeing) SO bizare!! Can not remember what it was? Maybe I blocked it? he he. Glad you got to relax during =)
I’m guessing the “pretty flowers” weren’t floating around in your body. LOL! That would have really had those doctors scratching their heads!
😀 😀 😀
you did a great job explaining it to us Dr, Ashley 🙂 and ohh my … Diesel warming up to Lisa?!?!
Prayers for you. What a wonderful spirit you have.. I love the story of your father.
Oh, those are insides? Yeah, I never even took anatomy. Oops.
I like the pretty flowers.. um, the pretty flowers by the pelvis. lol.
I hope things improve for you soon.
Love the flowers…so ADD…lol
HAHAHA! Love it. Sounds like me…O.k. what were we talking about?
Keep your spirits up! You are right in saying that you now have a baseline! I am thinking and keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers! Keep up the hope! Happy holidays to you and yours!
My sister had her boobs scanned one year for some tests. Then about five years later she went back for some more.The results were hilarious. Her boobs had sagged and dropped so much in those years.She said she couldn’t concentrate on what the Dr was saying,as she was mesmerised by the decline.
Hope you get to snuggle with Diesel today.It’s snowing here in the UK. X
I swear Ashley, next thing we know you are going to silkscreen an outfit with targets on it for the chemo to aim for – with flowers and all. Prayers and hugs, Bev
Sedation sounds lovely. Sorry the scan caused more questions but you’re right in thinking about it as a baseline. Very important for the future 🙂 Hope you have a fantastic Friday!
I think every busy mom would love to be sedated from time to time just to feel RELAXED. Actually, I’m sure my husband would love it after taking law school finals. Yikes. He has been so stressed and wacked out. Thankfully, it’s OVER! Until the next finals come in May….booooo.
That little dog makes me laugh so hard. He looks like a little doll!!
At first I thought those were your boobs— not your lungs! lol! Does your tutorial have anything to do with understanding anatomy? 🙂
You are FABULOUS Ashley! Thanks for inspiring my world! xo
Is that little indention your belly button?? (on the right side of your scan) That is so interesting, I think I could look through them all day too! Very cool. 🙂
Whoot wooo! Nice scans! I think I can see your omlet! :). I had an ultrasound a while back and was so curious what everything was. So I asked what’s that. The Dr. Says ” uhh, that’s poop.” Hahaha. Good luck, we pray and think of you often.
My MIL had a unknown spot and inflammation in her pancreas. The doctors just told her to come back in a year since they knew it wasn’t cancer. She started taking oil of oregano gel caps (“the good stuff, not that stuff you don’t know what they’re putting in there!”). After a year, there was no spot and no inflammation. The doctors said they don’t know what happened. It may be worth looking into. I really admire how you stay so positive during a difficult time.
Have you ever looked into foods you can eat to heal faster? My FIL had cancer and he started turning his body alcaline (sp?). I guess cancer grows in an acidic environment and can’t in an alcaline…. Just passing that along.
Hi, I do think this is a great site. I stumbledupon it 😉
I will revisit once again since i have saved as a favorite it.
Money and freedom is the best way to change, may you be
rich and continue to guide other people.
Bless you Ashley. I read your posts more than I comment but I just want you to know that periodically God brings you to mind and I say a little prayer for you. My sister just went through cancer treatment, different cancer, different treatment, but still I think because of her experience your experiences hit close to home. You are on my heart.
Thank you for sharing. You are so brave and amazing! May God bless you and your family. Love from Singapore – Wendy
I can see a shirt with the radiation symbol silk screened on it for a future tutorial. I am not sure how you do it but you make cancer not seem so scary.
Everyday I check your blog to see how you are doing and every day I am inspired by your strength. You should be on the front page of some national magazine to tell the world your story. It would inspire every single person that read it. <3
Your attitude is incredible. You are really an amazing woman. We are praying for you! (and i agree with others, you make cancer not seem scary… and that is a feat.)
Keep smiling Ashley
Ashley – you are truly amazing! Will be thinking of you.
Cancer sucks huh? I had no radiation for personal reasons but chemo for months. I ended up with a double mastectomy. I like how you are comfortable opening up about your personal life to people. I came to this blog for crafty purposes only but still pop in once in awhile to see if you have started any new projects. I guess I’m not that open to discussing such personal parts of my life but I applaud you for it. Take care
So glad that’s over now on to treatment and getting better! I love the drawings that’s actually what I would have come out of the visit with too! I love your attitude…stay strong.
As always…prayers from Texas!
Yeah for Sedation! Yeah for Sedation! – That’s where those beautiful flowers came from, those wild and fun dreams while you were sedated!
Loving your attitude and love you cuddly little Diesel.
Praying for you and the family.
I so admire you and your family for keeping your spirits up and finding a little humor during this time. I agree, I see perhaps some sort of screenprint in the future, incorporating the little flowers too! I love your blog and check in almost everyday for an update on your treatments. Thank you for sharing with us. My thoughts are with you every day.
I just wanted to let you know that you are always in my prayers. I’m constantly amazed by your strength and courage. As a mother of a 4 year old, I am inspired by your bravery and candor.
Love your illustrations. I, too, am always looking at my scans and comparing one to the other. (Multilple monitors help with this). Have you used the measuring tool yet? Enjoy the weekend. Prayers for you and family.
I like your drawings, Ashley! Especially the little flowers ;). I have learned so much more about choriocarcinoma since “meeting” you. They didn’t tell us much when I had it almost 50 years ago. It was interesting to see what chemo you will be taking. I also took methotrexate and actinomycin D combined with chlorambucil (sp?). I started out on the methotrexate, then to actinomycin D and onto chlorambucil, then hysterectomy and then all three at once. That finally did it. I’m sure there have been breakthroughs with this cancer with meds that are more advanced and able to really hit the spots. You are so strong and good and your zest for life will pull you through. Love and prayers.
I am a regular reader of your blog. I have never commented before. But I want to send my good wishes for a speedy recovery. I pray for you. Take care and Happy Holidays!
Big hugs and positive energy!
Ashley, you are absolutely the most positive and inspirational person! Your testimony will help many others through difficulties of all types. God bless you and your family and know that many prayers are being said for you!
I was treated with Cyclophosphamide and Vincristine when I was a child. I lost my hair and threw up a lot of Spaghetti O’s, but it has been 30 years since and I am very healthy now. I cannot imagine I would have your strength now. Your family is very lucky to have you!
oooh scans are cool! I think the one on the left is a giant monster with his mouth open! See the uvula (the little hangy thing in the back of the mouth?) LOL.
Hi Ashley- I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you. Whatever will be, will be. Peace and love this holiday season.
ps. would love the license for berets at your convenience. : )
I am a PA in Florida and I love reading your blog about how you are recovering! The way you talk about your testing and the pictures always make me laugh. You are amazingly strong to be taking everything in stride! You are truly an inspiration to those around you!! Have a wonderful holiday season!
Love your attitude. You are loved by many and we are all praying for you in our own ways. I am new to your journey but so glad I found you. Because of you I am “chooseing joy”!
Blessings and prayers from Arizona. I would not miss one of your amazing posts. You are an inspiration to so many of us.
You continue to inspire me. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Know that there are prayers and love and warm thoughts travelling down from Vancouver.
I just started reading your blog and I am filled with Joy! What an inspiration your father was in leaving you with that message and now you have become an inspiration for others! I purchased your bracelets…I will be spreading the joy and sharing your story. I send you loving, healing and joyful thoughts and prayers Amazing Ashley!! EnJOY the Holidays…and the love that surrounds you. xoxo
Wow you are amazing. I was on pinterest and I came across a picture of a bracelet that said “choose joy”. I loved it. I thought that would be such a great reminder. I tend to wallow in self pity while I watch my daughter who was born with two very rare and sever heart defects. She has had 3 open heart surgeries and is still waiting for another. I had a very difficult pregnancy, spent a lot of time in the hospital. Since then I have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. So I followed the link to find out how to get one. Then I found your blog. I was touched by your attitude towardslife even though you are fighting such a difficult battle. Thank you for sharing your gift of joy with the world.