Yep…..he gets worse. This elf is definitely going to jail! This will be the LAST installment of Elf on the Shelf photos this year….because I officially will be the world’s biggest loser if this continues…..and my family will stage an elf-intervention. Let’s start out with the harmless ones…..enjoy!
CLICK HERE to visit all the Elf on the Shelf posts THAT EVER WERE.
Mile High elf is awesome!
LOL! Mile High! That’s awesome!
I think we need a sparkly vampire elf for the next round.
I agree! Can’t have a Team Jacob scene without a Team Edward to go along with it!! Team Edward rules! Dang I sound so gay! Love him though. 🙂
love them all.
it’s almost morning here – am up doing late night editing 🙂 and your posts are always a welcome distraction – I wish you wouldn’t stop 😀
I LOVE all of the Elf outtakes! I it has inspired me to have more fun with it myself and for the little one. Ours is riding a my little pony today 🙂
Mile high club elf is over the TOP!! Love it Ashley…so good. 🙂
I totally agree! I laughed out loud for a good minute!
Oh my gosh these are hilarious!
LMBO!!!! It’s a tough call between Camel Toe Elf….and Mile High Elf!
Bahahahaha those were my two favs also!!!!!
OH MY GOSH that was too funny!!! You have a wicked sense of humor, I love it! Oh and no, no, no on the camel toe!! Hilarious…
Hahahahaha!! Team Jacob Elf! 🙂 And of course camel-toe elf. Too funny!!
Please don’t stop!! I love Formaldehyde Elf!!
I’m in Australia and getting an Elf sent out from the US (we don’t have them here yet), your posts have entertained me THAT much!
Mile high was my fav, just so wrong!
Loving urban legend and kidney thief elf! I can think of a few Justin Timberlake skits from SNL that would be funny for Buddy to reenact! Not to mention a keg stand 🙂 Thanks for all the laughs over the last few days! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who enjoys some dark humor every now and then.
Body Piercing Elf made me LOL! (loud)
Loved Urban Legend Elf (it fits my age, lived it)
But… HUMAN TRAFFICKING was so wrong… so it was my favorite 😉
Okay Mile HIgh Elf had me laughing so hard my co-workers started looking at me to see what I was doing. These totally made my day. I can’t wait to see what you do next year.
Based on my laughing, I’d have to say cameltoe elf…only because I just had a conversation about this subject matter with my brother-in-law not long ago. They are all too funny though. Thanks for the laughs:)
Oh my word. I snorted when I saw the twinkle in his eye as he turned toward the camera after stealing Ken’s kidney. Please, go on…….surely there is an Easter bunny version.
Love love love.
i can’t stop laughing about Human Trafficking and Camel Toe Elf. You are a genius. I’m inspired to get my own elf to take on mis-adventures. You could start an elf adventures blog!
Camel toe elf! That just cracks me up. That was our high school phrase.
Aww, the last one? Nooo, do more! I love these! I think my favorite was the Team Jacob one or the kidneys on ice… there’s just something super creepy about the smile on his face in the bad ones 🙂
These were so funny and I can’t stop laughing here at work! Love love love them all….but the Mile High almost made me choke on my water! Now I’m cleaning my screen from the spray of water coming from my mouth!
thanks for the laugh….too cute!
and as always Prayers from Texas!
I just loved them all!
Started following your blog recently and you have given me such needed laughter! Thank you….I won’t think you are evil at all if you post another set of R-Rated elf on the shelf. I love your humor!
An absolute cack.
Don’t listen to your family. Continue please.
I’m going to have to go with mile high elf! 🙂
Ashley you need to enter these in babie rabies contest!!! Win an iPad 2,
Camel Toe Elf just made me spit out my diet coke. You are hilarious!
oh, please don’t stop. this is a highlight of my day!!! thank you!! Mile High Elf tickled my funny!
the mile high club… too freak’n funny. the pictures are fabulous, you capture just the right angles.
These are SO naughty!! But so hilarious!! I’m laughing so hard, please do another round, I love it!!
Agree Tossed between Camel Toe and Mile High… LOL!!!
gotta say I love the Team Jacob one, I laughed out so loud that my family wanted to know what was going on!!!! i love it!
Loved them all. However, I probably shouldn’t be drinking anything while veiwing Elf photos. I need to clean my keyboard and monitor now.
Cute ideas.
you are killing me! I love the twi-hards so much, and the camel toe is sooo funny!
OMG this to funny….Dont stop…keep posting…haha…love the Human Traficing and the Extreme body piercing
Urban legend elf is a riot! I made withces brew punch for both girls classes this year at Halloween…it was essentially sprite, apple juice and then add pop rocks. My hubby thought I was insane! He totally believed the kids stomachs would explode!
These are all great– glad you are having fun with it….do more….do more!! (I”ll be your naughty enabling little friend who takes you to Vegas just before the intervention 😉 )
camel toe elf is my favorite!! but they are all just plain hilarious!
Kidney theft? That was so good. I laughed hard on that one.
Very talented, Ashley & very funny! I love them all….
LOL…ok, im w your family…however, since I live on the border and human trafficking is a real part of my world, I thought that pic was pretty funny, but my mouth opeed wide with a giggle at the mile high pic…G I R L L L L …now I’m shaking my head at you and wondering what’s going on in your head…tooo funny!!! 🙂
I agree with everyone else-DON”T STOP! These are so hilarious! I laughed out loud with a couple of them, but mile high was my fav.
Definately the MILE HIGH!
Oh. Em. Gee. Kidney thief elf is definitely the creepiest. I think Buddy the Elf should send this blog post cards throughout the year, just to keep in touch and let us know what he’s up to.
A.Maze. Ing.
My fave is the double parking in the expectant mother spots. When prego with my twins….oh. If someone did that I would have picked up my big old belly, covered my daughters eyes & ears, punched him in the face then give him an earfull! These are great! You always come up with the best ideas, even this elf!
HAHAHAH I like Human Trafficking Elf, kidney thief elf and team Jacob elf the best, but so far I have laughed at all the PG-13 to R rated elf outtakes! Thanks for these.
This is hilarious. Great pictures. 🙂
If only of elf “Elvis” was this exciting. Thanks for the fun pics, Ashley! You made my day!
Extreme body piercing lmao love what chimo is doing to your sense of humor !!!!! You make my day too!
I absolutely love the misadventures of Buddy. I had not heard of Elf on the Shelf until last year. My son is 18 and I decided this year I was going to get one. Our elf, Beepers, is very mischievous! I have so much fun “helping” him every night. Both my husband and son go looking for Beepers every morning for a good laugh. I will graduate to the R-Rated antics some day! Keep posting the great photos! LOVE them!
Camel toe elf had me laughing until my sides hurt. Please don’t stop! These are fantastic and so creative!
Holy cow I don’t know how you come up with these but I am so glad you do! It is so hard to choose which Elf is funnier – Cameltoe Elf, Kidney Theft Elf or Mile High Club Elf – they are all hilarious! And Formaldehyde Elf definitely got me thinking about our whole beauty regimen – maybe we are using the wrong products? LOL
I love the Urban Legend Elf. You must continue to give us a good laugh a day.
I thought Formaldehyde Elf was the best, then saw Mile High Club Elf and almost peed my pants laughing so hard!
This could be a skit on a late night show! Has anyone submitted this to letterman, leno, etc? You are SO funny!!!!!! Thanks, Ash for cracking me up yet again! PS,,,,my favorites are Human Trafficking Elf & Mile High Elf!
you are killing me. Seriously. Hilarious. I think the human trafficking one is my fave. Haha or Roofie elf. You are too much.
These are hilarious! Great Job!
Please keep them coming …. Camel toe elf … Baw haaaaaaa … That’s there is funny — I don’t care who you are 🙂 please don’t stop with the PG 13 elf pranks l
Formaldahyde! These are hilarious!! I’ve shared them with my friends!! Awesomeness!!
Bahahhaa… funny!
I love your dark side. I wish we could drink margaritas together.
OMG(ness) these made me ROFLMAO!! My daughters are too old for this (17 14 & 10) but your pictures make me want to get one anyway!! They could appreciate a more devious look on EotS … maybe a competition. 🙂
LMFAO I love the Double Parking Elf. When that would happen to me it would piss me off!
BAhhaaaahaa!! Camel toe for sure!
I vote for camel-toe elf!!! HighLarious!
oh my goodness! this post made my day! thanks for the creativity!
p.s. you are my hero! i am so inspired by you and your amazing story. thank you for sharing and know we are praying for you.
These just crack me up!! I have been showing my husband and son and they love it, so clever! I don’t want you to stop!
Oh my goodness! You are to funny woman! Im rolling here! Jim has officially made a list of his own elf ideas for us to do and take pictures of to send to you! Haha! Would that be ok?
I think your going to need a new elf next year! This ones a little corrupted! Lol! I love the Mile High elf! 🙂
hahaha idk whats my favorite, maybe the peeping tom elf from yesterday!!!!
best elf on the shelf yet! i laughed out loud at every single one!
i love the toy people in the box. just silliness! made me think of Toy Story the movie.
HAHAHA, that last one is SOOO FUNNY! Made me laugh. You are so creative and that poor elf…well let’s just say it’s a good thing he’s just an elf!
Roofie elf, by far my favorite. I am now going to request an elf of the shelf from Santa this year, but I am not telling why. Thank you Ashley for your ability to make my day so much more tolerable.
THIS IS SO GREAT!!!! I was torn between Urban Legend and Kidney
LOL…you make me want to suggest some more possible scenarios. Don’t stop me! I’m gonna do it! LOL
Drive-by Fruiting (ala Mrs. Doubtfire “you wicked, wicked monkey”)
Bobo and the Sparkly Glove
Some sort of Paris Hilton reality gag (pun intended)
Twitter obsessed
Tiger Blood
Hahahahah!! I love them all, but Team Jacob elf is my favorite!! You are hilarious!
this is the funniest thing! i absolutely LOVE your sense of humor! Mile high elf is the BEST!
the roofie and sex trafficking are the best!
OH MY GOODNESS!! I have laughed at these…but mile high elf takes the prize!
oh DANG girl, you just had me ROFL… These are PRICELESS!!!
I just lost my $@!& reading all your Buddy posts. Not only so freaking funny and clever, but your photography is so beautiful. Awesome, awesome, awesome!
Thank you for the much needed laugh!! I hope you had fun setting these up, way to fun!!
This made my day. Thank you. 🙂
These are hysterical!!!
No, you musn’t stop! This is genius! I love these outtakes and want to see more, please!
or is it mustn’t? Either way, these are too good to stop. So, you must continue:)
Considering this is a little kids tradition, i think alot of these were so discusting? especially for little kids. , like the peeping tom, the pills in the drink, being high, a camel toe? as if little kids even know what that stuff is!
what is this world coming to. you can even do a kids tradition without someone turning into some kind of sick joke