….Iron Man (or Iron Girl I guess). Gicela made me these jeggings as a joke but I actually love them. I will be a superhero today if I complete one task: make it to Costco…..it’s only 5 miles away but it seems like 100. It’s all relative. Compared to how I felt yesterday, today I am Samson. I’m going to wear my jeggings too.
Cram that up your cramhole Cancer.
I didn’t even have to spin the “Spin-spiration” wheel….Boo puts it on Iron Man every morning anyways.
Cram it Cancer!! WOOHOO Jeggings!! 1 mile at a time, YOU CAN DO IT, Ashley!
Yah…………cram it! xoxo
Wondering if Gicela would make me a pair of those…though I doubt they would look half as cute on me!
You go Ashley!! I’m wearing a Choose Joy bracelet today and just waiting to run into someone who needs it more than me! Sending you love girl!!
Ps. You look AWESOME in your superhero jeggings!!
You are beautiful. Enjoy costco!
Wooo-hooo!!! You can do it! Enjoy getting out of the house today and going to Costco! Go show them how it’s done Iron Woman! 🙂
LOVE IT! You rock those jeggings!!!!! I hope the costco trip goes well and you feel better 🙂
I love your jeggings, love your spirit and look-out Costco!!
Leggings are adorable!
Ummmm jealous! Costco 5 miles away! You lucky girl!!
Cram THAT up your cramhole Cancer! LOVE THAT!!!! Leggings are great too!! Enjoy Costco 😉
LOVE IT!! Today I am sporting one of my daughter’s HUGE floppy flower clips in my 2 inch after-chemo hair!! CRAM it is right!!
Ashley You ROCK! and so do your jeggins!
I LOVE that spin spiration whell. and I want a pair of those pants!
What EVER! Those leggings are awesome. I would totally rock them and I think you should do more adult clothing options! Hello? I fully admit that I’m a little jealous of the little girls and their adorable outfits. You go girl! Get that shopping done with you’re awesome self! LOL!
You are awesome, inspiring, loveable, cute as a button and a fantabulous blogger.
Keep the faith and CRAM it to cancer!!
LOL @ Cram that up your Cramhole Cancer. You are a fiesty one Ashley 🙂 xo
how great is that?! you have such a great attitude:) happy shopping.
Go Ashley!! I’m cheering for you the whole way, in my Steve Madden bukkie boots. Great choice, thanks for sharing it.
Sending strength, love and white healing light.
Girl you are Captain America today!!!!
@Heather Clark get in touch with me girl I’ll send you some fabulous free hair goodies to rock out in you hair! Be proud sister!
*your… lol
Rock on. Impressive and fun as always!
i see a twitter hashtag gaining in popularity #cramitupyourcramholecancer! love it!
I am one of Robert’s workers at Vineyard Vines. He told me about your business/website after I told him everything i’ve been through and how I lost my dreams when I lost my job. Recently, I just found out I have some possibly life-threatening health problems and got my heart recently broken. Nonetheless, I launched my business three days ago and have already had an incredible response. Reading this entry has been incredibly encouraging and makes me want to fight back stronger with a bigger smile and live life with continuous joy. Thank you for the inspiration. Please email me i’d love to talk to you!
rock it girl!!! much love to you!
Love the spinspiration wheel…however I just check your blog for my inspirations then feel ridiculous for even thinking about having any sort of self pity party I might feel like I’ve earned…wow, talk about a run on sentence…geez
Good look at Cosco…guess I’m going to have to get up and go to Hobby Lobby whether I feel like it or not…Thanks Ash!
P.S. I love the joggings…they rock!
You go girl! Those jeggings are awesome!
I love how you always mange to Choose Joy, even in the smallest things like jeggings. Keep the faith Ashley!
Those jeggings are super awesome…I could use a pair in my super hero arsenal !!!! It is amazing how such little things can motivate us…and big things to of course! I know you can defeat Costco….you ARE iron woman!!
Keep up the beautiful smile! One day at a time. God will give you the strength.
“The joy of the Lord is my strength” – that’s you my dear sister!
those are amazing! of course i love anything with stars on them. i love reading all your posts. no matter what they are they always make me smile and pick me up! so i wanted to say thank you, and you are always in my prayers
I completely love this post!
I think you could wear anything and look adorable! Way to rock the jeggings!! Hope your Costco trip goes well…
Love the jeggings they look great on you. You can do anything Ashley! 🙂
I love your attitude about cancer! Joles/laughter is the best medicine. Kick that cancer’s trash!!!! And wear those leggings with pride 🙂
I am all over those jeggings. I wish I could cram my fat butt into a pair of jeggings.
you tell ’em Ashley!!!
My mother in law started Chemo today, so I am looking to your blog for inspiration to keep us all in the moment and loving the love we have.
Thank you for being you!!! xoxo
you are superwoman in every way. definitely the inspiration queen. 🙂
Cancer: This skinny girl thinks she’s going to Costco.
Ashley: Who gone check me, Boo?
I heard ‘dat!
Just don’t take your eyeballs out and drive blind to Costco—I am getting entirely too crude on this blog–apologies. Just hoping laughter might be some good medicine??
you ROCK those jeggings – go you! <3
Ha! “Cramhole” this post rocks! hahahhahahah I’m still laughing!
You rock those jeggings!!! Keep up the hard work, you’re doing amazing!
You are beautiful and amazing and wonderful and joyful! I just found your blog and I will pray for you and send lots of hugs.
Love them..her joke needs to turn into a LBB adult jegging exclusive add on! I will totally buy them size 6-8 please!
loving those “jeggings” …glad you made it out the house! You are IRON GIRL!
Your spirit is contagious. Keep rocking one day at a time!
Prayers from Texas!
we need to make you a wonder woman wristband/headband set!
You are so amazing, Ashley!!!!!
Ashley your totally rock these jeggings!! I love love them… you should sell these!! I would def buy a pair, do they come down to your ankles? And I LUV your boots!!! you look awesome!!
Hope your trip to Costco was a success!!
now time for a nap (for you)… rest and have a relaxing stressfree week! huggs
Hope your day went well Capt. A
A*S*H (clap, clap, clap) L*E*Y (clap, clap, clap)
Go Ashley Go!!!
You bring out the cheerleader in all of us Ashley…thank you:)
Thats right girl ! KICK IT IN THOSE AWESOME JEGGINGS YO!!!!!!!!
bet you rocked costco did nt you ?
HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and keep kicking butt!
You are beautiful, and you look really good too.
You TELL that cancer WHO IS BOSS =)
With those legs, and those boots, and the cool stars – you totally make jeggings cool. Too bad the majority of the rest of the female population can’t pull them off the way you do. But we may all try!!!!!!
You are absolutely beautiful.
love it…although they remind me more of wonder woman…which is fitting because you definitely are!
You are SUCH an inspiration to me. I enjoy reading your posts and absolutely love your positive attitude about everything. I have had 4 miscarriages this year (right around the time you were going through yours.) I was severely depressed but it was you that completely changed everything about the way I think. As I read your struggle with your own loss, and then cancer and saw just how happy and positive you were no matter what came your way. I knew I had a choice. I’m happy to say that I chose JOY! I chose NOT to be depressed anymore. I chose to wake up with a positive outlook on the day because moping around feeling sorry for myself does nothing for me or my children. Thank you so much Ashley for sharing everything you are going through and for teaching (all of us) how to CHOOSE JOY.
Awesome jeggings, and I kind of want to hate you because you actually pull them off really well 🙂
That’s right! One foot in front of the other! You’ll get stronger and stronger! still praying for you.
Haha. So funny. Go you!
SO Iron Girl, Ashley! Strong, beautiful & loving life today! That’s my girl!!!
you are awesome!! you really are. Love the jeggings! 🙂 Choose JOY!
Cancer can cram it!! For you and so many others I know right now affected by cancer. I am still praying for you girl!
I think you look stinkin cute in your jeggings! I have a pair of jean jeggings from target and I heart them. never thought id say it….but i heart them.
I think the jeggings are cute!! I am a new follower and think that all of your post are inspirational! Your spirit is amazing!!!
The jeggings are great! And I love the insult to cancer. Cram that! 🙂
Way to rock the Iron Girl look! And to show cancer it’s going down!!
I don’t know where to start. I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of your story but I hang on every word as I read through your posts. I sit here in tears, realizing so many things about myself, things that are ugly, things that I don’t like about me. Things I have chosen to ignore because I don’t owe it to anyone to be fake. And here I sit in an emotional awakening realizing that not all happy people are fake. I’m so mad at myself for allowing myself to be so self richeous. Taking everything in my life for granted. For god sakes I took my childrens christmas away from them tonight. Not because they were being bad, because in truth they were just being kids! I was being bad, a bad mother by not seeing it sooner.
I have had cancer, and beat it. I was also very young so the impact it had on my life was much different. And most of it now has long since been forgotten. Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for waking me up.
Go gett’em girlie!!!
Love the leggings. And Cancer take a hike. This girl is on Fire
Every time I read one of your posts I say a little prayer for you. I hope you know how much of an inspiration you are just by choosing to find joy in the little things and smiling. You can so kick cancer’s ass with your attitude. Go Ashley Go!
You should sell some like this, I would totally buy them 🙂