Mr. LBB and I often lay in bed at night waiting for Boo to fall asleep and her conversations down the hall just entertain us to no end:
Boo: Tomorrow I’m going to tell everyone why Pluto isn’t a planet anymore.
Me: That sounds great. Why isn’t Pluto a planet anymore?
Boo: I don’t know yet.
Me: Daddy will Google it in the morning for you. Goodnight.
Boo: HEY, I’ve got a great idea, why don’t you make me a polka dot dress?
Me: Ok. Goodnight.
Boo: A dress covered in dots like my blankie.
Me: Sounds good. Goodnight.
Boo: I’ll wear it to school and everyone will say “that’s so soft I want to eat you.”
Me: Great idea.
Boo: I’m so glad you bought me a flashlight with no batteries. I don’t have to put batteries in it.
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