I got some REALLY good news yesterday. My HCG levels dropped to 37 this week.
That’s HUGE.
Why? Well, the markers for choriocarcinoma are the high production of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and my HCG levels had been slowly dropping for so long…..so painfully slow…..that I seriously thought I’d be on the methotrexate regimen for years. During those first 8 weeks of methotrexate it had also spread….so maybe my tumors were growing a little in new places and getting smaller in other places and averaging out to those small drops. Who knows. What I do know is that the type of cancer I have is the most invasive malignant disease known to humans. The cells it originates from are specifically designed for reproduction and multiply extremely fast….but it also responds extremely well to chemotherapy. All of that combined made the switch to EMA-CO an easy decision, even if it was right before Christmas.
Basically, I stay on the EMA-CO until my HCG levels are less than 1…..and then there are 3 more cycles after that to make sure the disease is eradicated. The curve isn’t linear so I can’t wait to see what they will be next week. I always try to predict it. I’ll be super positive and say my levels will be zero
I start the whole cycle over again on Tuesday. Tuesday is my 8 hour day at the infusion center…..hope they are ready to have me ALL day again.
My mom and I went to LA yesterday to finalize a fabric order. It had to be done….and it was exhausting…..but we had about 5 hours in the car of quality girl time which was awesome. My leg and hip pain is almost unbearable today though….but only in one leg……maybe it’s my white blood cells bursting at the seams. My WBC count was 24,500 on Tuesday (between 4,100 and 10,900 is normal) so I was feeling like I had permission to do anything and everything I felt up to. On the trip yesterday, I left a trail of hair in my wake….sorry LA. My ponytail is still looking pretty good (as depicted in my “back” self portrait)…..it just feels so thin all the sudden. Brett said he found hair ALL over the house yesterday.
My mom and I talked a lot in the car about my time at Loma Linda and my surgery in October. I asked a lot of questions about the night of October 21st and what her experience was. Her most distinct memory is of Dr. R coming out of surgery to talk with everyone…..she pretty much remembers it word for word. Anytime a doctor uses the word miracle I think it’s pretty amazing….it’s definitely not a clinical word. The surgery was also a lesson that I know my body better than anyone. Leading up to the surgery I’d had nauseating pain on my right side….it never felt right. I knew going in that I was going to lose something. Brett too. He was adamant about donating blood.
I had some visitors today. My sister-in-law Carolyn brought me her hand-me-down magazines. My friend Aileen came over to chat a bit. She’s undergoing treatment for breast cancer and it’s great to be able to talk about chemotherapy and wigs etc with someone who is going through the same thing. While we were talking I remembered this movie I’d watched back in 2006: Crazy Sexy Cancer. It’s a documentary about a woman diagnosed with an incurable cancer…..and her journey for healing. In this movie Kris is determined to survive, regardless of her diagnosis:
Image from Crazy Sexy Cancer
Thank you for the prayers! Boo says every night “I pray that Mommy is healed from the top of her head to the tip of her toes.“
What fantastic news! A great start to 2012! Thank you for sharing your story and your amazing attitude. 🙂
Wow. Thank you so much for sharing. Every single time. Every single word. You are inspiring. Praying for you too form the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Sleep well miracle!
FANTASTIC news!!! You inspire the crap out of me. Figuratively, of course. 😉
Again, you have incredible strength and I love coming here to feel uplifted and motivated and just…well…good!
Continued prayers for you and your family.
Oh man, praise God for SO much for everything in this post….I’ve not commented before but your story and the way you embrace it resonates with me so deeply. Congratulations on the low numbers, and I am totally believing with you that they will be 0 next time!
Stay strong….thinking of you so much.
SOOO Happy for you! You are such an inspiration and such a beacon of God’s love! You have touched so many people! I think about and speak about you every day. Sending you love, and lots and lots of healing prayers! I say prayers for your family too! Your news made my day~Valerie
Congratulations Ashley! I hope you do get down to 0 superfast!
Boo’s prayer is the best I have ever heard and how can it not be believed!
I am so happy for the great drop in HGC (usually such a welcome thing!). You are educating and inspiring so many people. I hope you continue to see another great drop this week! We are all envisioning you healthy and happy!
How exciting!!!!!! So happy to hear the great news. Thanks for always keeping us posted and up to date.
I believe in you
Yay! Thanks for sharing. We will keep on praying 🙂
Reading those last words from Boo & You gave me goosebumps. I believe in you too!
You really are my inspiration. I look forward to your positive attitude every day. There are so many times I ask myself, “what would Ashley do?” I pray for you all the time and so does my family. I want you to know that at this moment my son Cooper is back at University up in L.A. (Loyola Marymount) handing out CHOOSE JOY bracelets to his Ignatians Service Org peeps. I showed him your blog during his Christmas break and gave him most of the braclets I ordered because he wanted to give them to his friends. I’m going to order more so he can hand them out when he goes around L.A. to the shelters, etc. Hang in Ashley, and get better soon. So glad to hear your results are looking better. I have no doubt that based on sheer will and positive energy alone, you will make a 100 percent recovery! Blessings, Tia
that is fantastic news:) prayers for you and your family!!
It’s your mission in life to make us cry, isn’t it? Just teasin’. Such a sweet report of the miraculous blessing of your surgery. Your life is, you know– undoubtedly a blessing to us all. Hugs and prayers tonight, Ashley!
Woooo! Go Ashley!
You continue to leave me breathless with your words and approach! Live life the way you want, and you are so right believing you can get well (and everyone else doing the same) is 1/2 the battle it is positive thinking and simple reasons to keep fighting that will beat this! Much Love and positive energy!
Oh Ashley what an incredible story. I truly believe as well that Boo’s prayer will make it so. God is certainly watching over you and guiding you through this process.
Much love and prayers (as always)
I am so happy to hear of the great news. Thank you for inspiring and sharing your journey through your words.
Reading this brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy that you got good news, and I am praying that the next test shows your levels less then 1!!
You are so strong and such an inspiration, I am honored to “know” you through here and own some of your awesome creations.
you are strong, amazing and an inspiration. i think its great to imagine birdies using your hair to make nests. i find strength knowing that if you can go through your trials with such grace that I surely can do the same.
You really are such a strong and inspiring woman. I am so amazed by your strength. What a positive influence you are to everyone around you. Stay strong. Thinking about and praying for you…
Ashley, I am SO incredibly happy to hear your #s are going down and the treatment is working so well. I cannot agree with you more that attitude is so important. I think of about you everyday, several times a day, and often when I do, I think “Choose Joy”.
Fantastic news! We are all pulling for you!
Kris Carr has also written a few books. I read up on her when her documentary recently aired on OWN.
Prayer for continued healing!!
So so happy to hear your wonderful news, love your spirit, always praying for you!
I love Boo’s prayer for you, Ashley. I think children’s prayers are the most powerful of all, because their hearts are just so pure.
We love you! XOOO
If I may borrow that sweet prayer of Boo’s- sometimes I just feel without words to offer up because my heart hurts so for the ones I care for- and this sweet prayer is like writing words on a slip of paper, attaching it to a balloon, and watching it drift straight up to heaven. Thank you lil Boo <3
You are so brave and I applaud you for sharing it all!
You will be fine. We are praying for you.
That is wonderful news!!!! YAY, Happy Day!!!!!! 🙂
I’m so excited for you…I have learned so much about cancer and the different types from my dad. You must stay positive and believe that you are a MIRACLE just like the doctor said. I think of you every night in my prayers and when I get frustrated that I can’t get things done because the kids are too loud or messy….I turn it to JOY. You are an inspiration to me, cancer or not…as a human being, a mother, wife, daughter and survivor…I believe in you.
Lucky 7 Design
Ash- As far back as I remember my mom & dad always prayed the exact prayer Boo prays… Anytime we didn’t feel well, this is the prayer that was said, but in addition to that we always prayed “Your Word says, “if 2 or more agree in His name, it shall come to pass” and how amazing that you to have at least a thousand, if not more, praying for you daily! Girl, you are blessed to receive so many prayers. Believing for a full & speedy recovery for you. Just imagine the story you will be able to tell in 2013 about where you were and the fully recovery you will have made by His grace. Take care.
Ashley, First of all, that is WONDERFUL news! Yay!!! keep those levels coming down! You are such an amazing woman! Thank you so much for letting us into your world, both creatively and personally. I make sure to check in almost everyday to see how you are doing. At first I felt kind of strange,being that we don’t even know each other, but I thought surely I am not the only person “checking in” on you that you’ve never met! You have such a huge support network and we are all cheering you on! Thank you for letting us follow along with you. You are such an inspiration! Lots of well wishes from over here on the east coast! <3 ~Heather
awesome, awesome, awesome news!!!! 🙂
Dear Lord,
I lift up Ashley to you and pray that your healing hand will wipe away every single cancer cell in her body. That you will blanket her and her family with your peace. Lord, bring clarity to her Dr.’s so that they will be guided to the perfect treatment for Ashley. Please give everyone involved good sleep, energy to tackle each day, and a positive attitude. I pray that you will use Ashley and her family as a shining example of your love. Thank you for Ashley, for her courage, for her openness to share her fight and for her positive, encouraging attitude. Lord, bless this family as only you can. In Jesus name, Amen
THAT IS HUGE!!! So happy for that amazing news!!! I bet you get under 10 for sure. At the end, my levels dropped slooooooooooowly to 0, which was frustrating, but at least they were getting there eventually! Hang in there girl. You have SO many people praying for you. I feel like I am right there with you during this process and because you keep your blog so updated, I am rooting for you 100% of the way. So neat.
WOW, truly amazing Ashley…. so glad to hear the ”good numbers”. I wear your bracelet everyday and I’m sharing with everyone I know…”Joy” and your bracelets 🙂 . Thank you for the everyday reminder to choose joy and to actually “live”. ❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Fantastic! So glad to hear the good results! I second Boo’s prayer!
Love your good news! Hang in there tomorrow!
You have put your trust in the Great Physician our most high God so you are in the best hands. Keep believing and professing your healing!! Love the sweet prayer of your daughter. By the way, I work with your cousin Shana in SC :]. Praying for strength for you and your family!! Godspeed
Knockout is fantastic. Great work is being done to help cancer patients and their bodies live with cancer. Lots of positive healing vibes your way!
I believe you will too.
You are amazing!
Praise God for His blessings! Hope you continue to get good news!
Fantastic news ! You are going to beat this for sure 🙂 As for the hair .. well you could crop them short and donate to locks of love … and the “shedding” would not be as bad to deal with.
As always sending good vibes and prayers your way
I love Boos prayer! I hope you heal quickly~ I loved all of your post. And I am soooo glad you are close to 0~!!!!!!!! The girl time sounds fun! It is so nice your family and mom are there for you. 🙂
I pray the same prayer Boo does!! She is such a sweetie!
Still praying. Great news. I have chills. A precious lady at our church who is a might prayer warrior prays the exact same thing. She has prayed for me and many others with these words and I have prayed the same for you. Boo is such an insightful child and I know God hears every one of her prayers. Thanks for the update and we are praising God for your good news. I am a breast cancer survivor and I know some of the same feelings you may be going through. I did not have to go through chemo or radiation but Jesus walked with me through each surgery and pain along with my family.When people said you’re going to be fine (they didn’t know what else to say), I said, I know, either way, I’ll be fine. I had such peace. I am still BRCA-2 positive and have a pre-malignant cyst but it is dormant and I have regular tests and doctors visits and meds but I’m not going to dwell on what might never happen. All we can do is just enjoy life.
Thank you for writing this blog. I am honored you share your journey with me.
Most of all I am glad for your wonderful news. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I hope you have a painless night. Maybe we’ll see you tomorrow.
God Bless you
I love your faith! Since I was introduced to your website a month ago my 2 year old and I pray for u daily. We have a list of people we ask God to help. I say it and she repeats it. When I introduced your name…help Ashley…she said mommy who is Ashley? I told her a mommy who has a little girl and we need God to help her feel and get better. Then she wanted to know where you live. God bless and know that so many, young and old, out here are praying for you!
It seems like every night when I check your blog to see how you are doing, my husband walks in to find me with tears on my face. He immediately wants to know what is wrong. I have a hard time putting into words that they are happy tears brought on by your inspiring, positive attitude. You are amazing and it seems that your sweet baby girl takes after her brave mother. You are in my prayers and I know that God is holding both you and your family close as He carries you over each obstacle in your path. He has a plan for you – from the top of your head to the tips of your toes!! Be Blessed!
Wonderful news!! You are amazing Ashley!! God Bless!
HI Ashley, I don’t comment often but I do stop by every day and check on you. So grateful for the huge drop. I always say a little prayer for you and your family, stay well and keep fighting.
You have a mission here…..You are such an inspiration to so many reading your blog. Thank you for continuing to “choose joy” no matter the situation.
You are in my prayers daily.
Ummmmmm! We all have our guilty pleasures! I’m just glad someone shares them with me and I’m not the only “trash reader” in our family! I love you MUCHO!!!!!!!!
Yeah good news! Yeah an even better attitude you always bring!
Keeping you in my prayers!
I look forward to your posts. It might be deemed odd by some people, looking forward to something called “the Cancer Chronicles”. But you gave me hope when I needed it most. I had my cancer scare in November and had surgery shortly thereafter. I was lucky because everything came back benign. The scar I have left is a scar I love. It reminds me every morning that I’m alive and healthy. Anyway, we’re not here to talk about me. I just wanted to thank you for writing your experience. I think you are helping more people than you will ever know. You have a pretty powerful tool here, and you use it wonderfully. Thanks for everything.
I cannot remember how I stumbled upon you site, but when I did a few months ago, I have been so inspired by you! You are an amazing person! I received my choose joy bracelets today and wanted you to know, my 2 girls and myself are wearing them 🙂 I put the rest in my purse and plan to hand them out. I just wanted to drop a quick note to you letting you know I think of you and pray for you often.
Hallelujah! Happy, happy dance for you. Thank you for the inspiration and the belief in miracles.
Continuing to inspire, Swenson. Simply amazing. Love to you…Baxter.
YAHOO!! That is truly awesome news.
Ashley, you bring tears to my eyes. Tears of admiration and joy. You rock girl.
What wonderful news!! Praise God! May you continue to give Him all the Glory! Praying that you will see ZERO next week and knock our socks off with that update!
Standing in faith with you and praying for continued healing.
You go girl! Wonderful news! I admire your faith and will keep praying for you. I too believe in the power of believing that you will be healed. Stay faithful and stay strong. Blessings!
I believe you will get better!!!!!
This is great news! I am so happy for you! I am praying for you and that zero!
That is wonderful news, Ashley. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
What a precious prayer from Boo
All of your friends here are so sweet just like you! Everyones comments fill me up with a feeling…it must be love. I pray for you and your family. You have a beautiful attitude and your light shines so bright. Than you.
All I am saying right now is, “praise God, praise God, praise God!!!!” I am so thankful! You will be at 0!!! Much love to you:)
<3!!! Hugs & Blessings!
All I can say is Wow! God is good!! Ashley, you are blessed, and you’re a blessing!
My friend Carolyn Novy suggested that we become friends. I have stage 3 breast cancer and I try touse my humor and sarcasm to get through it..i wasn’t sure how to friend request on ur page, but I’d love to b friends. 🙂
Yeah it is pretty funny when you find out you have Gods Cancer… when our daughter
was diagnosed the Doctors said she had the best Cancer you could have… now really to anyone else that would sound reticules right?? Well in the state of mind we were in it sounded pretty darn good coming from a Doctor… Hey sounds like you have some great family love and support, you will reach the other side… it is a journey one that not another soul can identify with… Much love and positive thoughts sent your way each time I see a new Post. Stay strong and don’t stop eating! ox
Amazing. Praying, praying, praying. I love this update!
I prayed for you today:)
My fingers are crossed for you! xx
Praise God Ashley!!!! These improvements are so encouraging to hear. I’m also thankful that you can get out of jury duty, who wants to do that???
you’re amazing… you have such a great attitude! Boo’s prayer is so sweet too:) praying for you…
From the top of your head to the tip of your toes, I’m praying for you also, Ashley. I deeply appreciate the many gifts you share with us — your humor, artistic vision, style and grace are so uniquely you and so refreshing. I feel so lucky to know you.
My aunt is battling cancer right now and I always reference your blog. It helps others believe and have faith. Thank you for sharing your journey. As much as it stinks to go through it, you are touching lives all over it more way than you will ever know! I continue to pray for you as do my 2 little girls. God bless our sweet sole and your fabulous star leggings.
Also, my husband had lung cancer when he was 32…weird huh…. But he got John 11:4 tattooed over his scar. It is perfect for you as well.
“This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for Gods glory so that Gods son maybe glorified through it” John11:4
Thank you so much for having the strength to share your story. I can’t tell you how much it has inspired and affected me. I think about you often and pray that you continue to find comfort and strength and that you continue on your road to a full recovery.
I have been following you for a little over a year and i love your work and creativity. Thank you Ashley, for being such a brave, beautiful, inspiring, insightful, positive and wonderful person. Thank you for sharing every night. You are amazing. I truely and deeply appreciate hearing from you. Such great news tonight. I’m cheering for you and praying for you while you kick cancer’s butt. ((hugs))
I’m joining Little Boo’s prayer. That’s the best prayer ever!
Now get beating your white blood cell count back down like your HCG! More power to you!
Yay! That is awesome news :).
As always, you inspire me! 🙂
Yay!! 🙂
Yay Ashley, this is amazing news. I’m so happy for you. God bless!
Dear Cancer,
Suck it!! You are going DOWN.
Everyone who reads Little Blue Boo
Fabulous! Keep on healing xxx
Simply wonderful!
Fantastic news 🙂
See, & then you go and make a line graph about CANCER look CUTE! How do you do that?? So so happy you are on your way to healthy!
What a lovely post! Such great new Ashley 🙂 Keep on keepin on! Love Boo’s prayer! xo
Such a great post Ashley!!! HURRAH on those HCG levels!!!! I’m voting for zero next week as well!! Continuing to cheer you on from NC!
Your strength is unbelievable and I wish you the best of luck through your treatment… your words are giving hope to so many people facing the same battle. Keep your head up and stay healthy!!<3 🙂
You so deserve that good news! I ordered my choose joy bracelets a couple of days ago, they match my new year wished and resolutions greatly inspired by you. I don’t know if you had people in France buying them but now you will have people in France (where I live) wearing them with a meaning and a will. Attitude to life is so much stronger than the cards we are dealt and you are a living proof of that. So this year I didn’t wish my friends and relatives for riches and fame but for an enlightened heart to enjoy what they already have and find joy everywhere. If you read French or if any of the people popping here do, this is how I expressed it: “A présent que la nouvelle année est arrivée et que les voeux ont commencé à fleurir, voilà ce que je souhaite pour vous, pour moi, pour nous, ou plutôt, voilà ce que je ne vous souhaite pas:
Je ne vous souhaite pas ces mots tout en dorures qui sonnent un peu creux à force d’être répétés: parfait amour, manne d’argent et brillante réussite. Je ne vous souhaite pas une année de veine incroyable, de présents fabuleux et de richesse infinie. Mes voeux, cette année ne se tournent pas vers la lumière aveuglante des souhaits plus grands que nature.
Mes voeux tiennent en un verbe, ce matin il m’est venu en anglais “enJOY!” …
…”savourer, jouir, apprécier,” ne pas attendre de cadeaux faramineux de la vie pour cette nouvelle année, mais savoir se les offrir dans les gestes les plus quotidiens. S’enraciner dans la joie ici et maintenant, faire d’hier le terreau fertile des promesses du jour pour croire en demain. Se rappeler éphémère et les autres aussi. Etre sensible à la magie d’une caresse, la tendresse d’un sourire. Et les jours qui chouinent, se rappeler l’évanescence de l’enfance et se dire que cris assourdissants et tapage en forment tout autant la musique que les rires et les joies.
Je ne vous souhaite pas la santé, mais la force de surmonter les maux.
Je ne vous souhaite pas l’argent, mais l’art de faire votre bonheur avec ce dont vous disposez déjà.
J’ai bien failli vous souhaiter le temps, car s’il en est un qui me fait défaut c’est bien celui là, mais c’est le plus illusoire de tous. Je ne vous souhaite pas le temps donc, mais l’art de le broder au fil de vos jours.
PS1: maintenant, si je vous croise, j’ajouterai surement ma voix au choeur des “Bonne année! Bonne santé! pour toute l’année!” parce que ça va plus vite à formuler, mais dans mon coeur, je vous souhaiterai de “savourer”.
PS2: Je pense que la formulation de mes voeux cette année est liée à la lecture d’un blog. Un blog créatif que je suivais pour ses bonnes idées, mais qui ces derniers mois, alors que la jeune femme au clavier a découvert qu’elle était atteinte d’un cancer au stade”avancé” et nous raconte avoir “choisi la joie” , se révèle un exemple de courage et de goût de la vie incroyable qui pousse à l’admiration. https://www.lilblueboo.com/ CHOOSE JOY! ”
So thank you and think of the joy you’ve helped spreading in France too!
So happy for #37. C’mon Zero.
Have you ever watched “the Big C”? I just watched the first season. I liked how normal conservation shifts to other level of depth an meaning because of what she knows and what the others don’t know at the beginning of the season? Puts a lot into perspective. I don’t want to wait for some major challenge to enjoy my life, you’re teaching me that! thank you again and O it will be!
Lisa or Ashley..can you email me?? I am attempting to make a cashmere tam for Ashley.. I would like a head measurement. .I know that sounds crazy but we have big “walnut” heads in our family. I have some awesome silks and cashmeres to experiment with. I may even use my new silk dyes from Dharma.
Whoa lady … you and chemo are kickin’ as*! Keep on rockin’ it Ashley!
What wonderful news! You have amazed me through your cancer journey (I almost wrote struggle but that doesn’t describe your attitude at all). You are so strong and positive and inspiring. As a small sewing business owner, I have always looked up to you and your successful sewing business but over the last year through your blog I have become so inspired with your attitude towards adversity as well. Thank you for sharing with your readers.
Thank you for being so open, honest and sharing everything with us– you are an inspiration to many and I look forward to new posts every day so I can check in on you to see how you are doing. I need to make an effort to Choose Joy every day, and not harp on the small things– this life we’ve been given is beautiful, and no matter what path God leads us down– we are there for a reason.
Awesome news! I am so happy for you and all your family that you are begining to get better:) Thank you for sharing your story with all of us!
You are truly a woman of great faith. You are inspiring! It really is amazing to see the hand of God in your life and the wonderful effect it has on your own family.
Beautiful wording and yes God is everywhere helping and guiding us if only we would listen and obey!
I can’t wait to hear those numbers at 0 next week!
Good news! Good news! Continued prayers for you!
Yay Ashley!!!!!!!!!!! C’mon ZERO!!!! I love Boo’s prayer….I may borrow it 🙂 My aunt used to pray before her many surgeries for God to guide the surgeon’s hand & head. I love a doctor who realizes that a greater power is at work. My surgeon does a LOT of pro-bono work for women with cancer in 3rd world countries & here. Sending prayers & positive energy your way!!
Ashley – I am doing my best to spend less time reading sewing blogs and more time getting many things done that have been on my list for ever. I’m doing alright but read your new entries every day because I truly care about your well being. You are a fantastic writer and an amazing person. Thanks for putting your story out there with such grace. You have me thinking every day about what is most important to me and how to make the most of my life. Also – my maternity jeans fall down all of the time so I went out shopping for leggings recently because they stay up. All I found were jeggings and only even knew what they were because of you. 🙂
Thanks for sharing so honestly Ashley! I was in tears reading this (which is a weird feeling considering we’ve not met, and likely never will); I am just so thankful for your good news. My little girl and I pray for “Boo’s mom” (she loves looking at the blog and all the fun pictures of things you and Boo come up with to do together) every night. We will continue to pray for complete healing! Blessings on you and your whole family.
Thank you for your beautiful and graceful inspiration. Your strength and faith is a gift, and I thank you for sharing your story. You remind me to focus on the positive in life, and ignore the negative.
F-you, Cancer!!! (Sorry…had to be said.)
I too have always doled out the “God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle” advice. But deep down I wonder if I will be able to Practice What I Preach should I meet an obstacle in life. I check in on you every day, and because of you and God, I know I’ve got a head start on my abillity to handle “it”. You have a big fan in Maine. Thank you for being you!
Thank you for continuing to let us walk with you in this journey. I’ll continue to pray for your healing, continued courage for you and your family to see God’s hand always in the midst of every. single. moment.
Hey girl! I just came across your web site. I think I had the same type of cancer you are dealing with. I was 24 when I was told I had cancer.Mine was in the uterus and considered very rare and fast growing. The medical term is Trophoblastic cancer. Resulting from a molar pregnanice.
I am on year 31 of being clear. I was at M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston, Texas and was given some of the most aggressive chemo there was at that time. After I began to get well the Dr’s told my husband that they gave me to much to fast,but being at a research hospital allowed them to be very aggressive and that is what saved me. I would love to share my whole story with you.
The power of prayer is at work…so happy for your good news and I will keep up the prayers!
Hi Ashley…I just found your website after entering a search for a pattern for a camera bag insert. Let me, first of all, thank you for making that pattern available as it was exactly what I was looking for! Secondly, and much more importantly, let me say that as I read your ‘story’ the Lord really touched my heart and I will add you to my prayer list. Your strength is amazing and I have been told that is a large part of the battle. My husband has also been dealing with cancer since 2007 and every day we spend together is a gift from God. Love, hugs and prayers coming your way!
Yeah on the great numbers. We’ll be standing with Boo and praying the same thing. He’s got you in His hands…it’s the best place you can be.
How does it get any more inspiring than this? I am not one that believes in a specific God and I do not claim to be a member of any church or religous sect. I do believe that everything happens for a reason and being able to find the reason for the trials that we go through is not the easiest part. You are a very inspiring individual and I have laughed and cried all while reading what you are willing to share. Thank you for having this courage to be so open with complete strangers. I definately believe that your trails are helping many people because I am one of them! I wish you and your family smiles, laughs and many years to come.
Beleiving with you. That means you for sure will be healed very soon! I see 0 in your near future!!!!! Love you, Sis.
Wow, you are such an inspiration! Continue to keep that positive outlook and remember that God is always there with you. Cast your burdens on Him. I will be praying for you and your family.
Ashley, I am intrigued and fascinated by your medical journey. Thank you for your openness and willingness to share the experience. I love the mantra “choose joy” and try to embody that every day in your Dad’s honor and for you, because your outlook helps me to frame my own outlook each day. {Things could be worse?!} I think of you often, and although utlimately we are strangers, you have created a feeling of intimacy in your writing that makes me feel like you are a friend. So thank you for sharing this fantastic news. Hopefully all of this medical excitement will die down very soon, and all we’ll have to look forward to is the return of Boo’s elf…(I mean, I am seriously looking forward to what you’ll do with that poor guy next year when you’re feeling 100%!!}
Yeah! That is awesome news! Congrats, I knew you were due for some good news!
Thank you once again for sharing your story. You are very inspiring. So glad to hear the great news about your levels. Can’t wait for even more good news updates from you.
Truly awesome news, Ashley. The book I wanted to send you is called “God’s Creative Power for Healing” by Charles Capps. It’s available on Amazon. I always carry a few of these booklets with me and hand them out to people that need them…..I’ve lost count of how many I’ve given away. When you mentioned that believing you will be healed is 50% of the battle, it reminded me of when I had the revelation that the battle of cancer was more in my mind than in my body. Have a Blessed day!
Praise the Lord for such awesome news! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Hi. I don’t know you personally but was directed by a friend to your blog a few months ago. I have been reading about your journey ever since!!
Your words and blog have touched me…and I can relate to the road you are on…a few years ago (2.5 to be exact) when I had a 4 month old son, I was diagnosed with cancer…Hodgkins Lymphoma (I know not the same cancer as you..but cancer/ chemo/shots/wbc/etc are all the same at some point haha)…turned my world upside down! But we stayed positive..exaclty as you say it…its 50% of the battle (can be hard sometimes during treatment BUT overall it goes a long way) and now in a few weeks I’ll get my 2 years cancer free check and it feels great. Being a survivor is one “title” I am so proud of!
But good luck…keep kickin’ ass!! xoxo
Thank you for sharing your story. It is quite amazing.
Awesome about the HCG levels! Go you! You write so well Ashley. Your story and the way you tell it, but by far mostly your positive attitude, is so inspiring. I totally totally believe you will get better too. I also totally believe that your Dad had a say in that miracle during your operation 🙂 Sending you more positive wellness vibes from Australia!
This is awesome news I am so happy for you
Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I have to admit, when I read your posts there is absolutely NO doubt in my mind that you’re going to kick the big C to the curb! You make me determined to become the kind of person who could be even half as strong if I’m ever half as challenged (100% as kick-ass? Well, that’s reserved for the truly special ladies who can rock it the way you can!)
This is amazing news! Thank you Lord! Ashley, no one is more deserving of some good news than you. Praying that the good news will just continue to come your way. I pray you’re on your way to healing and good health.
Bless you,
I am so glad your numbers are moving so quickly and in the right direction. What great news. You are an inspiration!
Meredith From A Mother Seeking Come find me on my blog, A Mother Seeking…
I love the way you write. You are so much fun, yet you give us all an honest and personal experience with cancer too. I am always brought to tears as I read.
Stay positive and keep getting better…
Sending you much love and hope,
Wonderful news! Continued prayers for a complete healing for you.
You are STRONG. You are BEAUTIFUL. You WILL beat Cancer in the BOOTY! Awesome news! Congrats! Yay! 🙂
It is so true what you said, no one knows a woman’s body better than she does herself. Sadly, I tend to ignore mine. The Lord has demonstrated this to me twice in the past year. The first time, I ignored it for a about a month, until I started having stomach pains and leg numbness. Turned out I had a UTI and a kidney infection. This worried my husband, and when something wasn’t right with me female wise, my husband said, “You should call Dr. T. I don’t want you to hae another undiagnosed infection or something.” I went in yesterday and it turns out (I hope this isn’t TMI, but we are on the topic) my body is breaking down the ability to moisturize itself as a woman needs. That was discouraging to hear. I told my hubs yesterday evening, “I’m not even 30 or menopausal. And now I hae to use a special cream.” But at least now I know and there is an easy solution. I pray for an “easy” solution for you. What a wonderful doctor you have!
Fuck Cancer.
The power of prayer. You have a lot of us out here praying for you each and every day.
I believe in healing!!! *
*sorry, my english for my english Google, but my feeling is true!
I’m rooting for you!!
My heart is with you, Sweet Pea! Meghan
I can tell what a strong woman you are! That strength and determination is going to kick the cancer’s butt!! Plus you have the strength from all of LBB flowers to pull from also!!
Fantastic news, Ashley! Keep it up! xo Bunny Dannelly
Ashley this is such great news!!!! Keep it up!!!
Praise God for the excellent report!! I believe in miracles!! I stand in agreement with Boo……..You are healed from the top of your head to the tip of your toes in Jesus’ name!!
Ashley – bless you and your healing! I’m sure that God is listening to Boo’s prayers every night. Thanks for the info on Crazy Sexy Cancer and Knockout…
We’re all pulling for you.
I am a pastor’s wife. But more than that I am a believer in Christ Jesus and His Word and happen to also be a pastor’s wife. So excuse me while I preach for a moment! =]
There’s a scripture that says that God gives life to the dead and calls those things that are not as though they are (Romans 4:17). (background note if you’re not familiar: He’s referring to Abraham in the old testament who had been promised as many descendants as stars in the sky…and his wife was barren at the time! and – BAM! – we’re all descendants of Abraham!!!)
In other words – speak it out loud (like Boo’s prayers). say it with confidence and don’t let naysayers pull you down with their hopelessness. And with all the people all over the world praying for you, God will honor the prayers and HEALING is yours!
Be blessed, oh healed daughter of God.
Michele Ward
Preach it Michelle!! Jesus didn’t give up his life for nothing!! By HIS stripes we are healed!! I strongly agree in speaking it out loud!!
All our prayers are being answered! You have so many blog folks praying for you everyday. Your positive attitude is wonderful and I know it is so important, so keep it up!
Praying for you, believing our healer will 100% restore you! You are such an inspiration to me. I choose JOY with you!
So happy to hear your good news! Each day when I open my emails I look for yours in my inbox first and skip over to see how you’re doing. It is truly wonderous how even though we’ve never met I care so much about you (along with tons of other people). Keep fighting the good fight!!
YAHOO!! Ashley, this is such good news…..37!!!! 37!!!! WOO HOO!!! I am cheering for you sweetie. You will hit negative next week…..I just feel it. You are such an inspiration…….you have such an amazing family. Keep doing what you are doing because it is working!!!! love and hugs!! amy
ZERO! (clap-clap-clap) ZERO! (clap-clap-clap) ZERO! OK, I’ve been watching a LOT of sports lately.
Praising God for getting you to 37, and thanking Him in advance that He WILL get you to ZERO!
Praise God Ashley!!! You are such an inspiration. I’ve started making gratitude journals because you have inspired me to not take anything for granted and to appreciate each and every day. You have already won the battle and equipped others soldiers to follow.
You have a gift with the written word…you, Brett and Boo are in my thoughts…everyday.
Can’t wait to read your HCG level is at 0!!!
Ashley; GREAT news on your HCG levels. Doesn’t it feel soooo good when the doctor has news like that. It gives you the courage and optimism heading into your next round. I honestly feel thathaving a positive attitude is 95% of the battle and you’ve definitely got all of that and more.
Your hip pain is all too familiar. My hips bothered me after my Neulasta shots as well. Just remember, all side effects are temporary but wellness is something you should plan on for a very long time!!!
Dream of wellness tonight. Fondly, Heather
Going to sleep tonight I’ll smile knowing that you have finally gotten some good news!!!
Amen, little Boo. Amen.
What GREAT news Ashley! I am SOOOO happy for you! You are such an inspiration – thinking of you and your family and sending healing thoughts to you.
Keeping you in my prayers!
You are a HUGE inspiration in me… I have become so busy in my family life that I choose too only keep up on a few blogs and your of course is one of them and I am truly moved and inspired on your positive outlook in life. I pray and believe that you will completely recover. xoxo
I’m clapping and cheering too!
I can honestly say you and your family ROCK.
PRAISE GOD from whom ALL blessings flow!!
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven”……..Ecclesiastes 3:1 thru 8
This is my personal favorite…it says it all!
Sending my prayers for you and your family in Alberta, Canada!
You are one brave woman and truly and inspiration to everyone. Sending prayers to you and your family.
Yay!!!!! What wonderful news! Praying for that big 0. XOXO
CONGRATULATIONS on those numbers going down! Super exciting! I am praying for you every day!
Wonderful news, Ashley. I continue to pray for you every day.
Awesome news!!!! I am praying for you everyday. (((hugs))) Cousin Vicki
So excited for the dropping levels and good news! I had a partial molar a few years ago (at 25) and I remember the constant blood checks to make sure levels were dropping like they should. I think about you often and pray for you daily!
I believe you will be healed from your head to your toes.
As I have been following you, I have been so awed by your take on your cancer. I am a 2x cancer survivor, dx first when I was 28 and with a recurrence at 33. I have had the awesome pleasure of spending time with Kris Carr when a young survivors organization I was on the board of had her come speak. She is amazing. And since following your blog, Ive often thought of emailing her and having her check YOU out . . . b/c you two seem like soul sisters. Keep it coming — you are inspiring hundreds by documenting your journey. Peace to you . . . and blessings be.
Ashley, I had no idea! I’ve been out of the loop, and now my stomach is twisted up. But I am thankful to read the good news in this post. Reading your experience relives what we went through with my husband, and that makes me ache for you. You have smack dab landed yourself on my prayer list. so happy that you have support and a wonderful attitude. Thinking of you.
Praise God! I’m just catching up after a week out of the country and am so happy to see that your levels are down. I’m so happy for you and will continue to pray for healing like your sweet daughter – from the top of your head to your toes!!
Great news!!! My little Olivia (3) and I are still praying for you, girl. You constantly motivate me- art-wise and otherwise.
So awesome to read about your Mom giving you a copy of Knockout, too. I read it recently- just after I read about your cancer– and really felt like I should forward you a copy, but I don’t know you and am all the way in VA and didn’t feel it’d be appropriate. So each time it popped into my head (that you could greatly benefit from the info in those interviews), I prayed that the Lord would just send just the right person to point you to that information. He is faithful. Even when we aren’t.
Take care, and be encouraged!
“Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the LORD!” Ps. 27:14
So happy you’re reading Crazy Sexy Cancer and Knockout.
I remember writing to you about Kris when I first found out about your cancer.
In knockout – pay attention to Dr. Burzynski. His clinic is doing non-invasive treatments that really work, except he’s struggling to get the FDA to approve his treatment. But it’s available to anyone.
Good luck to you!!!!
Have you seen 50/50 – that is one entertaining emotional ride 😉 a lovely movie 😉
I just found your site via FB. It sounds like we are going through similar battles! My daughter has ALL {Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia}. She was diagnosed this past summer, and just lost her hair about 6 weeks ago. What you are describing about hair loss is just about accurate! We have different chemo regimens {obviously}, but she received something for three weeks called Doxorubicin. That’s what finally made her hair fall out! It was in good one day, and out the next. She wanted her bald doll {that was promised to her when we talked about hair loss prior}, that when we woke up one morning and it was coming out pretty good, we had a hair pulling out party…lol! Sounds disgusting {it was, but hey we are strong people now!!}, so she went bald in just a couple of hours!! When people asked us how it went {hair loss process} I describe it like an autumn tree losing it’s leaves, the hair was so dry and brittle you pretty much touch it and it falls off.
I am glad I stumbled upon your blog, I will be staying around now 🙂
We will be adding you and your family to our prayer list, God is able!
I am just now learning of your fight against cancer Ashley. Your video of cutting your hair is truly amazing. Because I didnt know about your cancer until now, the video had me bawling. I have now been reading your posts and I am truly inspired by your strength and faith. I can testify to you that God IS watching over you and that he loves you so very much. Because you are so strong and so amazing, He knows you can handle this. You are already inspiring so many others by sharing your experiences.
I have been a big ‘fan’ of yours for quite some time. I am always trying to reproduce your art projects. You simply amaze me. I do not know you personally, but your experiences right now are close to my heart because I admire you so much. Hang in there. Stay strong. You are beautiful in every single way.
-Inspired and grateful
I do not know you, but have been following some of your blogs. You are such an inspiration…amazing the grace God has given you during this time. God’s hand is truly on you and He will give you the desires of your heart! Know that you have someone praying for you in South Carolina. God Bless you and may His wings of protection cover you~
Psalm 91
I’m so glad I found your blog!! I’m fighting breast cancer and can relate to your story so much! It didn’t bother me to lose my hair either…..it is only hair it will grow back. I watched crazy sexy cancer last summer and I loved it!! Just wanted you to know that you are such an inspiration!!
I am humbled by your courage and generosity. You are so right about physicians and hope. 20 years ago I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, according to some drs , a really bad prognosis. I found the ones that would treat me and give me hope. I don’t know why I am still here, and the journey has not always been easy but every day is preccious. Fr.Ralph DiOrio, a Catholic priest , and Sr Briege McKenna (“miracles do happen”) have written wonderful books on the healing power of the Lord. I went to one Fr Di Orio’s healing services when I was really sick. I ve seen miraculous things happen there. I have met Sr Briege and she has a prayer line that you can call and all of the wonderful Srs of St. Clare will send up their prayers for you.
Prayerline: #727-781-5906
My son is a resident medical resident , I am always telling him that they don’t know everything and to make sur he gives his patients hope.
Well Ashley, I will be following your amazing blog and amazing you. You are so talented and obviously strong. You will get through this. God Bless You
I read my previous post and realized that I left out an important sentence. I believe that I was healed at Fr DiOrio’s healing service. You might want to attend one if you can.
I will put you on his prayer list. xoxo