I feel like a pool being tested for chlorine.Β My mom left these ph strips for me to test my alkaline levels.
I can’t go crazy with nutritional stuff……if it’s complicated I get too overwhelmed and won’t do anything. I let my mom read all the books and then she filters the important information to me. So, here’s what I know about testing your ph in a nutshell according to my mother:
:: Diseases like cancer, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, etc are associated with excess acidity in the body.
:: Cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment.
:: Things I eat that causes my body to be too acidic: beef, artificial sweeteners (Splenda ugh), cheese, soft drinks
:: Things I can eat to bring my body the other way to alkaline: olive oil, broccoli, almonds, celery grapes, raw spinach
My takeaway: I ate donuts this morning…..but I also ate a ton of celery, cucumbers and a little cheese for lunch. It all balances out.
A great book, with a horrible name, is “Alkalize or Die”. Why or why anyone would name a book that….I even hesitate to recommend it to people because of that scary name. But, the info is smack on, with so useful recipes in the back.
Janice is right on — horrible title, wonderful information. You can also drink alkaline water, although it can be a tough balancing act on chemo. You need to alternate between alkaline and regular filtered water, or you can get foot cramps. Alkaline water helps your body metabolize medications VERY quickly for some odd reason, so if you take pain medications be very cautious. I, unfortunately, had to learn that last part the hard way and felt wonky for hours. Wheatgrass is still an excellent addition to your diet, since you are juicing, and researchers are finding useful anti-cancer agents in Dandelion Greens – they are available at Clark’s and you can hide them in your juices that you make. Sending prayers.
My mom survive stage 4 breast cancer. My dad gave her coral calcium faithfully which is also suppose to make your body alkaline. She is cancer free officially. That was almost 13 yrs ago. It works! Kill the acidity, kill the cancer!
I’ve been thinking of you today….praying for good results in the morning!
Try this!!!!! Amazing broccoli.
I’m reading Crazy Sexy Diet right now and it talks about PH levels as well. Love that book, can’t put it down. It recommends so many different great sources of information.
I am reading that as well. Very interesting book so far.
Crazy Sexy Diet and http://www.crazysexylife.com are wonderful resources. Kris Carr founded the site and started on her cancer journey with the correct nutrition. It’s amazing that just from changing her diet she is able to ward off cancer, since she too will always struggle with the cancer all of her life. I am so sorry for what you are going through right now, but I am so inspired by your positive outlook on life, you truly are amazing and God’s Will will pull you through.
Well been thinking about you and your donut smuggling, glad your PH is normal. I will pray for good news tomorrow, and that you have a fun evening.You are like sunshine a true blessing to a lot of folks π
will be praying for good results and anxiously waiting to read your post tomorrow β₯
I have been drinking ionized alkaline water…I am lucky because the spring is just down the road from me where the make it but if you have an earth fare grocery store or maybe a whole foods I bet you can get it there….I don’t know if there is anything to it but I do know I drink more water because it cost more….no pouring this water in to the plants…I think your mom would totally approve of alkaline water π
Praying for wonderful results tomorrow!!!
See about getting a Kangen Water Ionizer to make your own alkaline water. I am also reading Suzanne Somers book Knockout which about doctors successfully treating cancers with alternative treatments. Not using chemo or radiation. One doctor did say in it that not all cancers are alkaline deficient related, there are a couple of them that are due to too much alkaline in the body. Tell your Mom to get her book. I also have a good book and DVD that I would like to send to you, for your mom to read and watch. π Just need an address.
I just watched a tutorial of one of your outfits and had no idea you were dealing with cancer. Best wishes for a healthy recovery.
I need to go get some of those strips. I’m looking on the food list and see that most of the foods that I “crave” are one the alkaline side of the table. Tomatoes and Garlic are two things that I crave more than anything else and I’m wondering if that could my bodies way of trying to balance my ph levels. So many common and easy foods are on that acid side of the table on that site.
Very good stuff, you taught me something new today!
Praying for positive news tomorrow π
Learning. And thinking of you Ashley!
Eat the donuts and wear the wonky bra tomorrow. Just check the Ph of the donut first. Thinking happy thoughts and sending good vibes your way…
I have been following your blog for over a year now. At first it was because I loved all of your fun projects and your funny stories about Sienna. I even introduced my friends and family to your blog to see all of your fun ideas. Then, one day I logged on to see a sad story. Now, I can hardly go a day without checking to see how you are doing. I feel you in your every day ups and downs. Watching you on this journey is helping me to “Choose Joy” in one of the hardest times of my life. Thank you for being such and inspiration. Praying for you!
Can’t wait to hear the GOOD news tomorrow! Praying that God will hook you up π
Oh Ashley you are a riot! I wish I could have made green smoothies for my little girl when she was sick. But she was only 3 1/2 and quit eating altogether. Keep juicing, even if it’s only to make your mom happy. π
Ashley, you are an incredible inspiration! I’m praying for good news tomorrow! I wanted to share a bible verse that I claimed as mine when I had cancer…Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above ALL that we ask or think…
So interesting! I had no idea about PH in the body and want to check it out.
Alrighty. More waiting. But the news is going to be amazing tomorrow! Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way!
have you looked into alkaline water? theres systems you can buy [for an arm, a leg, a kid, and a kidney.] but ive also seen bottled water in my local grocery store…its not a special health store or anything, its publix, a big chain in the SE USA…so it should be pretty simple to find it in other stores. π ive heard TONS of great things about alkaline water…it tastes better, helps your body clean out impurities better, boosts energy, etc. its alkaline instead of a balance 7 on the pH scale, so maybe itll help you out in your feat to be basic? [lol! get it? basic? not complicated? okay, maybe its not THAT funny…moving on…] so maybe itll help fight cancer, too! either way, at least it tastes good! lol! and maybe itll help in your quest to become a pool. π
Just wanted to say hi and praying for great results tomorrow!!!!!
I wondered if you have heard of IP6 supplements. It is an amazing cancer fighter. Praying for you!
Wow! I have not been doing myself any justice. Thank you for the wake up.
I agree, thanks for the information, I never heard of this alkaline/acidity effect. You really are an inspiration and I can just feel your upbeat spirit through the blog. I’m sending good thoughts your way Ashley and hope you do get good results tomorrow.
Ashley, being a recent newbie too. Learnng more from you and your sweet mommy in added nutrition to add to my daily wellness. Does ur mom adopt ?
THANK YOU for sharing, caring and giving us amazing chuckle’s thru difficult times.
Added coconut to my juicing today (how do i cut the dang thing?)
No Bee pollen yet.
PH strips pick-up tomorrow ;))
My 90 year old grandfather cured himself of cancer by changing his ph. He said he was too old for chemo…the doctors still don’t believe they cannot find any cancer. He juices everyday and drinks water with baking soda.
I’ve heard the same thing…baking soda in the water, add molasses if you can’t tolerate the taste….and drink!! Kills the cancer since it can’t live in an alkaline state. =)
Praying for the best news.
A few books and movies that changed my way of life…
books / websites:
Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr
Engine 2 Diet by Rip Esselstyn
Eat to Live by Joel Furhman
Clean by Dr. Alejandro Junger
Forks over Knives
The Beautiful Truth
Crazy Sexy Cancer
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
I had not heard of this before. Some articles rave about alkaline diets, and others not so much… I found this:
It says all foods that leave the stomach are acidic, and the body controls acidity within a small range. I’m really curious how this all works, which doctors to believe or how this came about. The alkaline thing sounds interesting… seems to make sense.
Either way, I certainly hope everything you’re doing works good!
Sending good thoughts and prayers for all. Laughed about the poop story. I am undergoing chemo too. Ask your nurses, but mine told me to eat 1-2 pieces of Russell Stover sugar free candy (or any sugar fee candy that is sweetened with xyorbitol (sp?) because it will make you go. They said don’t go crazy and eat 4 or 5 pieces because then you will have a blowout!!!
I am a huge proponent of alkaline water…I have a very bad acid stomach problem and was under a doctor’s care w/meds….started drinking alkaline water and now I’m just fine….at first I went to the health food store and bought alkaline water from their machines…it got pricey…also when I felt like I could splurge I would drink Fiji water cuz it’s pretty close to where I want to be….for the last few years I go online and buy alka-trace drops and put them in my water every single day….on the occasional day when I feel my stomach starting up I drink a half cup of VERY strong alkaline water and usually within a few minutes I feel better…I carry a small (Tiny) squeeze bottle of the drops in my purse so that no matter where I am I feel safe….!!!! I even take it on airplanes by putting it into the bag that holds our little liquids……look into it if you like…I also do what u r doing as far as eating organic and foods high in ph…if you want the link that I buy my drops let me know and I will send it on…..my prayers and thoughts r with u as u recover…..<3
You made me laugh out loud. I love that! You said bollocks and wished you were British! Ha ha! I’m British and I am a cancer survivor. I love your attitude and your demeanour; you are inspirational. There is definitely a help book in your musings. I had breast cancer (I don’t know what cancer you have) and I got hung up on the deodrant thing too. But I’m over it now and smell sweeter for it! If you’re up late one night and all your friends are in bed – email me – I’ll probably be at work – so we can email-chat. I’m sending you a huge hug x x x
Oh yeah! One more thing comes to mind. I work on a Hairdressing Magazine. The girls that used to work there when I was having chemo were real fashionistas with long flowing curls. One of the girls, Louise, was staring at my head and when I caught her eye she said: “You are lucky Jo. You have a very nice shaped head!” I couldn’t stop laughing x
how can i contact u ?
I am very interested in the alkaline diet concept. Bad news: I love cheese and diet soda π π
I’ve started a word document with everyone’s suggestions.
With just one more chemo treatment to go, I am more nervous than ever of cancer returning, I don’t want to go through this ever again. I worry about my mom and sister too. Every woman on my mom’s side of the family has had cancer, it skipped a generation and went straight to me.
Hope you are doing well. <3
greetings from a snowy mountain village in the Czech Republic :)!
through my good friend, who is a nurse and a masseuse i came across alkaline bath salts β Jentschura Alkabath and i highly recommend it! i take foot baths every once in a while(when i donβt have time for a full body bath, or when i have achy feet after a long day), a full body bath helps me whenever i feel a cold coming up, or have achey muscles – the next day i feel so much better! and i also like making myself a honey-alkabath facial scrub! i live in the Czech Republic, so i get mine here, but my parents live in the US and buy theirs from a Ca and Canadian internet shop. i have also tried the Alkaherb tea which has helped me with migraines or just to drink as a daily tea(i don’t drink it now, cause i’m still breastfeeding my baby) and it tastes good too – like herbs de provencne :), but it is key to drink alot of water along with the tea.
good luck :)!
Ok, I am a freaking cheese LOVER! Tilamook sharp cheddar is my love BUT I am learning soooo much by hanging out with you, Ashley! Thanks to you and your sweet momma! YOU are making a difference, Sweetie Pete! Thank you and prayers-always! Choosing JOY!
Hi ya Boo’s Mommy! I was fascinated by this POST I gotta tell you. (oh,,,,by the way,,,, tell you sidekick I LOVED her post about what its like to hang with u) (oh, also, you’ll notice I’m alot ADD cause I skip around everywhere, sorry bout that, I’m like….thinking, thinking, SQUIREL!) I started reading your post a few months ago and didn’t have a clue about your c-word until I spotted it on one of the side bars… HOLY CRAMINITELY GIRL! I am soooo rooting for you, you are one STRONG BROAD!! (loved the Poop-Shirt) but this post really intrigued me. I’ve never heard of this PH-stuff before… course, I’m usually under a rock somewhere.
Can you, or ANYBODY OUT THEREEEE please tell me how to make babysteps to start….. My hubby just got fired…so I doubt if he’d let me go full-bore juicing or anything….but can somebody tell me a starting point?? (does anybody read this comments beside Boo’s Mommy??
I am HUGELY rotund ;o(, have arthritis, old, copd, fibro, and 2 hangnails that are totally gnarly. I need HELP! Any cheap way I can start, without it tasting too horrible… I got a hammer, I CAN juice honey! Talk about a stress reliever! If this would help, I’m into it….kinda-almost all the way totally…..just so it doesn’t taste too bad :o)… Are Cheetos on that list?
Any help would be GREATLY make me do a happy dance. Lists of good/bad foods. I’m SUCH a newbie, that even your newbie link made no sense :o(.
Keep up the positive attitude… it makes so much difference. Hugs, Linda
oh..if my email doesn’t show up on my post and some of you healthy types have some suggestions…please email me at: [email protected]
thank you. u may proceed to the next post now
So this has little to do with cancer, and definitely my problem is much much much more minor, but to speak more with your “health quest”. Mainly because, I’m on a “health quest” myself right now. After having a thyroidectomy so that I could breathe and not have a plum size cancerous growth in my neck (minor detail) I’ve been heading down this little path of “being healthy” so that I can hopefully stop anything else from getting any wise ideas. I can barely remember my multivitamin and they’re talking about a medication I HAVE to remember or else… (I asked or else what, and the doctor said “you’ll start forgetting things and be in a brain fog if you don’t take it” does anyone else see the irony here?)
So basically, this post made me think “hmmm maybe I should see if my alkalinity could affect my thyroid levels?” So I’ll be off to google that next.
I’ve also learned that if you become a vegetarian you could possibly get rid of cancer and other health problems (watch Forks over Knives – it’ll explain everything). So for Lent I’m going to become vegetarian and see how that works out.