Because I know that all of you are waiting on pins and needles for this news:
(It only took a few cumulative days of senna-Miralax-colace-enema-cocktails. TMI? Sorry. It’s big news around here.)
Living a simple, creative life in #smalltownusa Bryson City, NC. Renovating a 1960s ranch house and an old train depot. Thank you for reading! Read more in my about section.
That’s awesome.
That’s hilarious!
Seriously awesome shirt, and so happy to hear the GOOD NEWS !! Bless you tonight and always <3
!!!!!! that IS good news!!!!!!!
Yay for turds!!!! 😉
Life is Good!
That’s wonderful news! You should wear your shirt one time to chemo because I’m sure other patients would share in that same Joy!
May God continue to be with you every step of the way.
Your are too funny! Congrats on your achievement!
I was SOOO scared while that photo downloaded LOL!!!
Very relieved when it was just of the shirt 🙂
That is hilarious and great news! Keep it coming….. the great news, that is… lol 😉
We have this in coffee mug form–a Christmas gift from my younger brother.
lol You are awesome!!
You are too hilarious!
Hilarious!!! This is wonderful news…and not tmi for me!
This is my first comment, but I check on you every night when I go to bed— I always pray for you. And, yay! Nothing beats a great poop! … Except maybe a great poop before you take a shower!!! LoL … Just sayin’ I “heart” you Ashley!!!
You’re AMAZING!! And that just gave me the biggest giggle.
xx S
YAY! So glad to hear!
This is seriously awesome! As an occasional problematic pooper myself, I love it!
You Go Girl!
Ps. Totally love the shirt
Bet you feel light as a feather! Yippee- happy for you 🙂 xx
We use this all the time for our Patients who can’t go, and it has to be WARM! I swear it sounds pretty gross, but I have heard it is pretty tasty! No specific measurements, but the cup should be 1/3 Apple juice, 1/3 Purple Grape Juice, 1/3 Prune juice. Warm it up in the microwave for about 15-30 seconds and drink, Usually works in a short time! :o)
Where were you, @Liz when I was going through chemo. Love it!
You continually crack me up!!! I am a faithful follower and think about you & pray for you & your family everyday :0) I am amazed by your positive attitude & strength….. and I kind of think you “rock”!!! I’ve decided I want to be you when I grow up :0). The fact that I’m 41 is a minor detail :0) have a great night!
Too funny! and YAY!
Hilarious! You are a dag! 🙂
Yay for poop! Love the shirt 🙂
. Senna tea always works for me. Can I get that shirt for my constantly constipated six year old?!?! Lol!!!!
What? No photo? (sorry. . . tee hee!)
Now you can go to bed with an ::absence:: of compacted matter in your bowels!!!
Love the shirt! 🙂 xx
Yay! Congrats on the poop! Love your t-shirt. 🙂
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (love the shirt!!) congrats on the achievement 🙂
I love this place – you are a very nice person and I wish you all the best thing, energy and lucky in the world!
WooooHooooo You “GO” Girl! 😉
Whoopie!!! That’s fantastic news. Love the t’shirt.
can you make a special order in size 3 for my little girl? Seriously, I think I have never laughed so hard.
WOOHOOOO!!!!! Poop is good 😉
I have been following your blog for a while and I can’t believe that this is the first time I am going to leave a comment. Bizarre! Anyways, here it goes. My mil is famous in her parts. She has been fighting cancer all but 5 of the last 26 years. Her remedy for fighting the constipation is a shot of olive oil with a little bit of salt and pepper to make it more palatable. To me it sounds gross, but I’ve never been on chemo or needed to poop that badly. Her doc now recommends it for other patients, because it works so well. Good luck! (btw I love, love, LOVE you guys!)
I will NEVER take poop for granted again!
Yea for you!! Love the shirt, love the sentiment. I think I’d wear the shirt out just to see people’s reactions and maybe reply with “Yes, it’s true, I did, today!”
You are always in my prayers.
Yay for you!!! Love your shirt!! you are a hoot!
We used Mirolax in this house for 2.5 years with my youngest one. She went poop one time and it scared her cuz she felt pain and wouldn’t go and would hold it until she couldn’t hold it anymore. Mirolax was a God send for us! After letting her “forget” the pain we now are good but if anyone needs it for pooping, I highly recommend it. When we first starting taking it it was a prescription but about a year into it it became over the counter. Good luck and my girls cracked up today when I was reading this post and they saw your shirt. Great news!
Wahahaaaaa! Funny.
really hoped this may have solved some of the pain you were feeling in your abdomen. thinking and praying for you and your sweet family!
Are you considered a “girl who poops at work” now?
Thank you for your living example of joy in all situations!
Definitivamente haremos una fiesta cada dia que suceda esto, que te parece?????? creo que es digno de esto y mas, se siente uno horrible con todo eso dentro duro y sin poder salir, y cuando sale doy gracias a Dios y en verdad lo considero motivo de FESTEJAR.
Yupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii salió salió!!!!
haha, I love it! I bet you feel a bit better now! Happy Saturday!
Lol!!! It’s amazing how you keep everyone laughing, even through your circumstance. Continue to keep your spirits up as we keep you lifted in prayer.
I had a moment of horror when I thought you might actually post a picture of THAT, but I’m very happy you pooped. (And only posted a picture of the shirt!)
love the shirt!! have a great day 🙂
Ya! Love the shirt, have a great weekend 🙂
Girlfriend! Please ask one of your entourage to sew you a few LBB berets! The thug ski hat is SO NOT YOU! Congrats on “dropping the deuce”!!!!
You define “comic relief.” Thanks for making my day. Sending love and prayers your way. 🙂
LOL!!! What an excellant way to start the day!!! A good poop and a laugh!!
YAY!!!! Me too! 🙂
Great shirt! & good news. BTW – I think you look amazing without hair. It’s like your strength & joy just radiate even more. The hat is cute too! Just got onto your blog yesterday. Very inspiring! Thoughts & prayers for your recovery. 🙂
Its always an Awesome day when that happens!! 😀
hahah!!! You’re awesome! Congratulations on your achievement!
Congrats!!! Love the shirt! Have a great Saturday!
You just made my day!
Congrats on being a girl who poops at work. Lisa isn’t alone now… all is right in the world. Great news… the start to an awesome weekend! xo
I know you must relieved. We have been praying for you.
Only you, my dear, can get 65 comments on a post that you pooped today. HA! Oh, how I love you! LOL!!!
Its a christms MIRACLE :–)
woo hoo for poo poo!
Glad to hear it! The shirt is awesome!
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 I read the first line and before I had looked at the picture I wondered if you were talking about pooing. I crossed my fingers and read on! About a year ago my dad was battling cancer and had a hard time with that as well. Thank the Lord he is cancer free now, but that issue is still a problem and it’s a big deal when it happens. 😀 Love your shirt by the way!
Ha! Just found your blog through a friend. I have been in remission for just about a year for lymphoma. I definitely needed that shirt during my months of chemo!!
Woot Woot! Love the shirt! Keep on poopin’ on….. lol.
You inspire me, Ashley! I just “found” you a couple weeks ago and look forward to seeing what you have to say or show me. I, too, went through chemo about 16 months ago and I’m in remission! PTL! The worst thing about chemo was the constipation. It was torture! It may sound SILLY (you don’t even know me), but I thought “Jesus suffered more on the cross for my sins.” I felt VERY sorry for Jesus. Blessings to you, dear girl. It looks like everyone is sharing some helpful ideas to help you through it.
Thank you for making me smile. You bring “Choose Joy” to us on a real level and we love it.
I keep my mom updated on how you are doing and she wanted me to let you know that there is a book you can get on Amazon. It’s called Toilet Yoga. She heard about it from the tv show called The Doctors.
whoohoo! I am just a nursing student but I am currently taking a pharm class right now( I always research your “chemo cocktails”) but I was just reading about ginger, It is supposed to help reduce pain from chemo and inrecrese GI motility (make things move faster in your gut). Just thought it might be something you could add to your loaded smoothies.
That is SO funny!!! A year ago I began having debilitating abdominal pain while 16 weeks pregnant. Long story short- after an emergency exploratory ab surgery they found that… my OMENTUM had died.. yep.. write up a case study friends. I had been NPO for a week already and after the surgery still couldn’t eat or drink, OR be released until… well.. YOU KNOW. A few painful days later finally… VOILA! My husband actually ran down the hospital hallway in glee. It was like our first child had been born.
Who cares about number one when you can be number two!?
Hi Ashley ….I too have been where you are in the POOP department.. and tried EVERYTHING…. last year while in Palm Desert… I did a lil doctoring….. he gave me amitiza 8mcg…one or 2 daily… lil pills…. I;m not very good at taking pills..but oh my..this cramping.. and it is so simple.. pills small easy to take…they are prescription..but soooo worth it… thinking about and praying for you and your family….are the choose JOY shirts available for adults????
What a HUGE relief, now the doctors will have nothing to look at on your x-rays.
Love the new t-shirt too!
I’m on several antibiotics for Lyme Disease… I have no problem in this area LOL Happy for the good news… um, love the shirt!
Rock on!
So happy for your news! I always read your blog to check on you…your sweet spirit is so obvious in your posts. My best wishes to you.
Great news – great pic (I love the pic of the day posts!). I think Lisa needs a shirt too…
Whoo Hoo!! Love the shirt!
Yay! LOL I thought you “pooped” and quickly screen printed a shirt to celebrate :P.
OMG that is so funny! You never realize how important “pooping” is until you can’t. I went through that with my 2nd pregnancy and it was a nightmare. Keep up the good work – bahaha 😉 Happy weekend Ashley!
and here I was having a dull day at work…that is….until…………. I saw that shirt *whew-feel like I dodged a bullet there thinking it was a bit “more” than the shirt I’d be looking at”
The Pastor and Youth Pastor at my church where I am the janitor always went to the basement bathroom to ‘do a 2’ for some reason. I always thought that was odd. It’s such a natural thing and the church had soft Charmin paper which Pastor really liked. Me too. Loved the shirt!
As Don always says, “Nothing better than a good ol’ Shitada-shiitteh!!! He’s right! Keep up the good work! Also need to get you to talk to the rep that signed me up for Laminines. It was originally for cancer patients. Talk to you tomorrow! hugs to all
too funny.
THIS IS WHY I FOLLOW YOUR BLOG!!!! LOVE this shirt!!!!! Where can I get one?!?!
Glad everything came out for you…
Very very funny!!!! Yea!!!!
We need that shirt at our house! I saw that my autobiography will be entitled “My life in pee and poop”. I have had to deal with more pee and poop with just kids than any mom should have too! Both my kids have pretty severe constipation. Not sure what people did before Miralax!
Laugh my butt off…first the enema and now the poop!! haha. Great laughs before bed. Praying for you to get some much needed rest tonight. I pray that God will reduce the size of those tumors. He has much more in store for you!!
Funniest thing I have seen today! Great tee!
So awesome….I want that shirt! 😉
That is such an awesome t-shirt. Wish I had one when I was going thru chemo cause then I would’nt have had to say it out loud to all the family that kept asking. I just LOVE checking in with you everyday! Keep going girl!
Great day!!! Thanks for the great laugh you gave me! Love it.
Ha ha! Yay for poo! Great tee! Hope u had a good day.
Miralax is awesome. So glad you’re feeling lighter. 🙂
That must have been horrid!
Glad everything worked today!
woo hoo!!!!!!! what a relief!!!
I bet that feels much better!!! Great T -Shirt, people will want to buy it!
Ashley – I just found your blog and started reading from the beginning. I decided to read your Chronicle. What an inspiring woman you are! My husband passed away from lung cancer almost a year ago, so I can really relate to a lot of what you write. It is an incredible journey. You have your faith and that is all you need to get through this. I am putting you and your family on my prayer chain and will pray for you every day. God bless you and I pray for nothing but the best for you and your wonderful family.
I’m new here, but so happy I found this place! This site is bookmarked and I will be back often. Thank you for sharing your journey and spreading so much joy. I know that’s not the anticipated response to a blog entry about poop and cancer, but I can’t help but feel your postive vibes. Ashley, you are an inspiration and I feel lucky to have stumbled upon your musings!
Hi Ashley,
My sister has a problem having regular bowel movements due to the medication she must take daily. She found an herbal tea in our Publix grocery store here in Florida called made by BADIA. The name of the tea is: “SLIMMING TEA”. She found it in the aisle where all the TEAS are, and also in the MEXICAN foods section.
She drank a cup in the evening, and lo and behold, she had a “movement” the next morning! She has continued her evening cup of this tea and “everything is coming out just fine”!
Just thought I would share something NATURAL, instead of you having to take another pill, or two, or three!
You are in my daily thoughts, Ashley.
(((hugs))) congratulations on your movement!!! and you are so welcome. Love ya, Cousin Vicki
Too funny. Glad for you.
Wasn’t that the best feeling EVER?? Just like a cememt block had been lifted off your back?? I know (knew) excatly how you felt. Aaaahhh.Bless your heart!
Woo Hoo for Poo!!