Disclaimer: This post may cause cravings and/or obsessive doughnut thoughts.
Today was Boo’s big doughnut party! I put it together in about a week….only with the help of my friends and family and Krispy Kreme. We had about 4o kids and adults and the day was all about Boo! She’s been such a trooper the last 6 months with my surgery and chemotherapy…..I wanted to do something big for her.
I grew up on Krispy Kreme donuts so when Boo said she wanted a donut party for her birthday I immediately envisioned the red and green theme!
If you’ve never had a Krispy Kreme donut…..you. are. missing. out. They melt in your mouth!
Here’s Boo in her “donut shop”……with her donut hat and a hand silk screened apron. I bought the apron at Michael’s and added the “Bestest Everest” artwork specially designed by Stephanie Corfee:
I even enlarged the neon “HOT NOW” Krispy Kreme sign to make it authentic. I printed it at Staples and used spray adhesive to attach it to foam board:
Lisa helped me with all the little Krispy Kreme themed tent cards for all the food:
The doughnut table….complete with little vintage-themed mini milk bottles! I found them at Sav-on-Crafts for about $15 for a dozen!
“To-Go” bags for the guests to take a doughnut home!
The coffee station:
Krispy Kreme hats for everyone!
The food table:
Boo and Mr. LBB….I had white aprons for about 6 adults so that we would have some donut servers:
No cake….just donuts!
A few of Boo’s friends….all wearing LBB!
For some of the entertainment I spray-painted doughnuts and games onto our yard:
My little niece Sawyer playing in the doughnuts:
I was SO excited for everyone to get their favors! Gicela helped me silk screen doughnut t-shirts for all the kids and Lisa made the cute little tags:
Little favor bags with stickers and pencils…..easily made with plastic bags and stapling printed paper over the opening:
Boo’s Choose Joy tee was made by Cristy of Paperlili! Isn’t it adorable?
I love this photo of my in-laws and Boo’s cousins. Boo’s mouth is full of doughnut! My father-in-law was in doughnut shop character:
Look at all the Choose Joy bracelets at the party!
A few behind the scenes notes for planning your own party:
The awesome tower of doughnuts? I found it at the thrift store and repainted it! The platters were found at the 99 cent store and fit it perfectly!
I spray painted various frames and added chalkboards to them for table decor…..easy and inexpensive!
I made large stencils to spray paint the doughnuts and games on the grass. Hours of entertainment was added for the cost of 2 cans of paint!
A special thanks to Lisa, Gicela, Gale, and Jenn for helping me put all this together in such a short time! A VERY special thanks to our family friend Jim Morgan of Krispy Kreme for all the little details that made the party possible!!! Every little detail was just perfect….including the fresh Krispy Kreme doughnuts that we had brought in from Ontario more than an hour away. Thank you Jenn and John for picking them up for us!!!
It was a great day of hanging out with friends and family that we haven’t been able to spend time with in quite a while!
This is the best party I’ve ever had.
I went to a pj breakfast 4 year old party this morning… I think I am going to combine the pj part and this donut theme for my oldest next year. I LOVE IT. everything was so cute. Boo was so cute, love her shirt too! She is looking so much like your husband to me (no offense) – her features are changing. my oldest, boo’s age, is changing too. It has been fun to see boo virtually grow up:) lol I hope you had a great day too and felt good. You are one awesome chica!
Super Mom strikes again!!! You are amazing! What a fun party.
What a fun theme!
Seriously… In complete and utter awe of your creativity! LOVE everything! What a fun party!
LOVE LOVE LOVE each and every detail, the perfect party! I know Boo had the bestest birthday eva!
We are big donut fans in this house, every Sunday is family donut day and we haven’t missed one in 6 years! Yea so with that being said we would love some screened donuts for the kids to wear to ‘donut day’ <3 Mere
What a fun party idea!
LOVE it! Been following your blog for a just a few weeks and love it. I was getting my girls ready to go to Dunkin Donuts this morning and my 4 year old looked in the mirror and commented that she’s eating healthy foods and growing. I asked, “Are donuts healthy?” Her response,”No, but they are LOVE.” Laughed more when I knew I’d be seeing your donut party blog soon.
ps- Your friend Mollie sent me a Choose Joy bracelet through a mutual friend. Much appreciated!!
The cutest and most original party!! You are amazing, as always!! I would LOVE to have that doughnut graphic!
Cutest Idea and Party Ever. Love Love Love it.. Happy Birthday Sienna Boo!!! Jamie
I love the theme! My boys would go crazy for a doughnut party. Looks like a fun time!
gorgeous as always. love seeing all the family and smiles. Happy birthday Sienna!!!
Okay, forgive my lack of eloquence, but… freaking magical!!! Yay for celebrating our girls today!!! Now REST girl! 😉
I love all the little details you added. So much love went into this I can feel it thought the web. Thanks for sharing your life with me. I love reading your blog and pray for you still!!
Ontario?!!! You know I tasted my first Krispi Cream donut, at that same spot? A ritual every time I went to the movies at Ontario Mills. Yup. Good times.
The party turned out great and I loved the idea of painting games on the grass. Might try it at the next party, but with chalk.
Happy Birthday Sienna! You have an awesome mom that loves you bunches! Just look at the amazing party she put together for you!!!
What and awesome party! ♥ Such an awesome idea!!! 🙂 Praying for you! Hugs!
Charity Bruner <
What a fun party! Love the donut theme! Pictures are incredible! I wanted to jump right thru the screen and get after some of those donuts. Job well done. xxoo
What an amazing party! Wow! It looks like a great success! I am totally impressed!
Oh my goodness….. Such a cute party!!!!!! Great job Ashley! Love all the details! Perfect party for Boo! Happy 5th birthday Sienna!!!
What an awesome idea for a party! Everyone looks like they had a great time. You amaze me…
I loooove this idea! As an NC girl Krispy Kreme is part of my DNA. I love driving by and seeing the “HOT NOW” sign. How can a girl resist that?!
I bet Boo will remember this party as the best party ever! It’s so wonderful to give children a happy memory in the midst of family crisis. Kudos to you supermom!
I want a party like that…lol what fun!
SO FUN! Happy Birthday Boo! My Mom use to work at a Krispy Kreme, she use to bring us her free share of Doughnuts all the time and the the coffee YUM! We love stopping for the doughnuts too :).
You are incredible!! Looks like such a wonderful day with friends and family. I absolutely love the picture of your in laws and the kiddoes around them; everyone looks like they are having such a great time! So glad you could do this for Sienna.
Have I ever told you you’re an AMAZING PERSON??? 🙂
A few days ago, I was thinking “A donut theme . . . Really?”
You did an amazing job – WOW!
On the subject of joy:
Choose the talk by. “Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work”
Never saw or heard anything like it! What a beautiful and memorable party !! xoxo
So awesome! I know she enjoyed the day you planned for her and all the attention to be for her!! Great party and lots of great ideas you had!
Love it!!! And…I really want a Choose Joy T shirt.
Every time I feel tired, or like I don’t want to do something, I think of you. And then I just do it.
Love it! Pinning these ideas. Thanks for sharing 🙂
So simple but cute and well thought out.
GREAT idea for a party, and I love all the details. There is nothing like a HOT krispy kreme donut. I’ve been known to eat a few in one sitting. The kids look like they are having so much fun, and your grass is so pretty it looks like artificial turf!! Glad you all had a fun day. The smile on LBB’s face says it all!
Feliz cumpleñooooooooooooooooos Boo!!!
Y felicidades a su mama que la trajo a este mundo, y al papa tambien.
Te quedo todo lindo toooooooooooooooooooodo hermoso, se nota el amor que se le invirtio a la fiesta, los regalos, bellisimos, te faltaron fotos de tu tiendita de verduras, ¿o no era para esta fiesta?.
Hermosos los delantales, los gorros, las camisetas, los vestidos, las pulseras TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODO!
Muchas felicidades a todos!
My goodness what a wonderful party you threw for your darling little girl!!
Everything was so authentic !!!!!
Haven’t had a warm Krispy Kreme for a few years now but
boy there is NOTHING like it!! Yummmm!
You are amazing sweet Ashley!!
Love love love the birthday theme! I introduced Krispy Kreme donuts to my daughter 3 years ago and she loves them :).
Looks like your party was the bestest everest!!
Congratulations – it looks like a wonderful time was had by all. I look forward to your posts and pray for your speedy and permanent recovery.
Boo’s party is unbelievably cute!!! I love the doughnut idea…I cannot even believe that y’all pulled this off so quickly. It looks like you planned for months. Amazing!
So glad that it was a wonderful day for everyone. Good for all to get away from the worry for awhile.
You never cease to amaze me with your energy and enthusiasm. You live in the moment and celebrate BIG in everything you do. You are practicing what you preach girl-you’re CHOOSING JOY!! Prayers going up daily for you!!!
Such a cute idea!
The Photo of Mr LBB & Boo was great.
Hugs and best wishes this week
Our prayers are with you
How amazing! Definitely a party for Boo to remember….not quite sure how you are going to top that for her brithday next year though lol!! 🙂 It looks like everyone had tons of fun. YOU seriously *rock* ~ <3 (((big hugs)))
*birthday….not brithday…silly fast fingers 😉
Amazing! I love the whole feel of it. You done good, girl.
For a minute there I thought WOW Palm Desert has a Krispy Kreme. We also go to the Ontario one, the kids love to get hats and watch them being made. I of course just love eating them. Seriously looked like a great birthday party. I hope you are resting today.
love it all! i bet she was a very happy birthday girl!
You know, when my darling son, Paul was 3, he’s now 14, I had his first “big deal” home birthday party with his friends. I was probably ahead of my time because I took photos with my Polaroid camera with the birthday kiddos and the birthday boy and then had acrylic frames to put the photos into along with cute little extras for each child to glue onto the frame. The kids and the parents just loved the idea and we probably went to 6 other parties with the same plan. No biggie, it was really fun. Future years we had other home parties that were equally as fun. The party that was least fun for Paul was the party at LaserQuest. No reason that I can recall but I think that it was a slight let down for Paul, who truly LOVED his home birthdays! Looooove Krispy Cremes!!!
Oh my goodness you are amazing! Your daughter is a lucky little girl and you are an inspiration. The love in your family really shines through. Now I’m craving a Krispy Kreme doughnut!!
Love! It!
What a fabulous party! I’m sure Boo is still on cloud 9 🙂
that is amazing! what a cool party. i love all the little touches like the favors & the spray paint in the yard. I can’t wait til my daughter is old enough to appreciate a party like this. Great job to you, Lisa & your friends!
What an AMAZING job you did!!!!!!!! I’m SO impressed, as usual!
FAB.U.LOUS! Happy Birthday Boo! I’m glad you loved your party. You deserve it!
Happy Birthday Boo!! Looks like it was the “bestest everest”!!
Happy Birthday, Boo!! LOVE the party and felt like I was there!!! Fantastic!
A – MA – ZIIIING!!!!! Boo may of had the bestest everer apron, but you are the bestest everer Mummy. xxxxxxxx
AMAZING!!! Can I hire you for my kids birthdays? Yall did an AWESOME job!
What a great idea! – Well, so many great ideas! Thanks for sharing! You did a great job.
I am absolutely in love with this. What a cute party and it’s even better that she LOVES donuts so much and you were able to incorporate it into her birthday party. LOVE LOVE.
What a sweet party!! Literally and figuratively :)…..it’s one she’ll never forget….we need a bestest everest shirt!!!
So cute! She’s such a little doll, and it looks like she had an awesome party. Nice job, mom! 🙂
LOVE LOVE LOVE the party…how clever! Looks like everyone had a blast…!!!
You are AMAZING!
Love the party, all the details! You have a beautiful family and boo is lucky to have such a fun creative mom!
Oh muh gosh. Yes. I am now craving a 30 minute drive to go get some Krispy’s and this party is just perfection. Job well done!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE BOO’S SHIRT!! I WANT ONE!! It’s adorable. We need these in adult sizes too!! They are fantastic!! :] Have a good one ash, as always praying for u!.
The 4th is my birthday! 😀 Never tried krispy kreme, I’ve only ever seen them sold in London, not in “middle-of-nowhere-Wales”. Didn’t quite have doughnuts for my birthday, really wanted custard filled ones, but there was none left in the shop. Had to settle for profiteroles instead, still equally yummy! Such an awesome party, Boo looked like she enjoyed herself!
You have the CUTEST parties!
OK- you are going through intense chemotherapy and put this incredible party together in a week??? I bow down to you! Awesome job!! Love looking at the photos! Happy Birthday Boo! I am planning a Minnie Mouse birthday party and I’m ready to give up, but I love the way the hand crafted parties look. I’m using your tutorial from the Tinkerbell shirt.
I want a KK donut party!! My birthday is March 1st. I’ll be 45, and I would LOVE a Krispy Kreme Party.
Awesome Party Idea!
OH. and now i’m craving a DONUT. haha. should have taken that disclaimer seriously!
Boo is so lucky!! What a GRAND party!! LOVE all of your fun ideas!!!
Happy (belated) Birthday Boo!!
What amazing memories you create for Boo Ashley. You make my heart sing!!
I thankfully don’t live too close to both the KK’s in my area because they are so addictive and my booty couldn’t take it! What a beautiful party and a strong mama to put it all together and give her a wonderful day! Stay strong in your fight!
You’re inspirational…just found your blog today and am enjoying reading (through tears) your journey and am truly humbled by your joy. Thanks for sharing!
Such a fantastic party for your little girl – big girls (like me) would love a doughnut party it too!!
I just have to stop by and say haw much I loooove your Donut Party. You are a very talented Mom. I’m so following you. You are such inspiration!!!
I was wondering if u could share the image clip you used for the Hot Now sign. I am doing my daughter a doughnut party and the images I try to download say they are too grainy to enlarge. Any help would be welcomed. You have such a cute daughter and you are an inspiration!!!
What a perfect party! Everything looked amazing! 🙂
I love your blog and I check it every day….. I love all of your great party ideas you have as well…. My sister and I are planning a mini baby shower (20 plus people) for my little sister this weekend and I LOVE the font you used on the party favor bags for the donut birthday party you threw for your daughter and I was wondering the name of the font you used?
Thanks so much!
I love what the Krispy Kreme Party!!! My husband loves their doughnuts. I have been trying to come up with something special to do for him at work even though he is turning 36 🙂 and this is absolutely perfect! It is a family owned business and they are always doing contests once a month and the winner has to bring in Krispy Kreme doughnuts so it’s a win win situation! Can you help me a little….like the artwork for the table cards and sign you had on top of doughnuts with her name and their logo how did you do this? Also did you just take a photo of the sign and take it to Staples and have blown up. His birthday is next Thursday so any help I would greatly appreciate!!! God bless and thank you….Christy
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Okay, THAT WAS BRILLIANT! Happy Recovery 🙂
Wow!!!! Amazing! Would you ever sell the printables for the party? Love this!!!!
Love every detail of this party! Please tell me about the “choose joy” bracelets though! Over the years those words have become my mantra and I want one!
Here is a link Leigh: