Ok….Cisplatin officially kicked my bum this time. I barely remember much of the car ride home on Thursday night…..except that I didn’t feel well. Anything I wrote the last few days is kind of a fog. I remember thinking all I needed was a dark room to fall asleep in. Then I slept most of Friday and Saturday. I’m feeling much better today. My friend Megan gave me some detoxifying Dr. Singha’s Mustard Bath…..and I tried it out today…..desperate to get rid of any toxic chemo left in my body. I promised my mom that I would do some skin brushing and a few enemas to help my body get rid of every last drop. TMI…..but I think I’m cleaned out…..literally. I just pretended I was in some fabulous spa…..listening to Lana Del Ray playing in the background. Now I just need a few massages!
I don’t know why this time was worse than the last one…..I guess chemo starts to take a toll on your body. I know I have at least a minimum of 4 more rounds left…..that is if my tumor markers were to hit zero finally. I’m praying really hard!
Here I am in my dark cave….going to try to take a walk tonight once the bright sun goes down a little over the mountains:
Mr. LBB took Boo to the park to play with some friends this afternoon. I’m watching The Rock for the gazillionth time…..I love Sean Connery.
Lisa updated the shop front page to reflect Spring coming! Stephanie Corfee has done some fabulous artwork for the new line. Can’t wait to share!
Feel better. Stay strong.
Sending (((BIG LOVE))) ~ feel better Beautiful! <3
Hope you feel better praying you have a better day today, you are strong and I think Rambo is really kicking butt 🙂
Glad you are feeling a little better today! Have a great walk 🙂
Go into that cave and get yourself feeling better!!
Lots of prayers
Prayed for you in church this morning Ash! Thinking of you daily and how you choose joy. Can’t wait to get my bracelets to hand them out to my friends and family. Sending love and virtual hugs your way.
keep on keepin’ on!
You amaze me every day- i know your life is not normal right now, but i cant believe how you keep on doing the things you need to do to run your household and your business. I only hope that i would be able to tackle something this big with the same positive attitude that you have
Despite it all you still look great! Praying for you 🙂 Rest up!
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
– Isaiah 40:31
Ashley you are simply amazing! While in church there were a few scriptures that made me think of you but the one in particular was 2 cor. 12:9 “my grace is all you need for my power is strongest when you are weak.” This was explained more in depth by saying that this is Gods empowerment that gives us the ability to go beyond our NATURAL ability. Ashley, you have such a purpose, you are going through some tough stuff but it is through His grace that gives you the ability to keep moving forward in such a beautiful light! He is using you and just as Jesus said in John, “may peace be with you. Just as my father has sent me, now I am sending you.” I truly believe that. We all stand in amazement of your strength and honesty through all of this. And I am sure there are many more people that have gone through similar journeys, people that have had similar strength, but He has chosen you to go forth with your life experiences with complete transparency so others will learn from it and others lives will change from it! I know my life has forever been changed due to a newfound perspective. I know that god continues to have big plans for you still! Stay in prayer, forgive yourself, lean on others, and stay true to who you are! We adore you and you have all of us coming together in prayer, good thoughts, positive affirmations, etc. Whew! Didn’t mean to be so preachy, that just came from my heart! Xo
I adore you. Completely adore you. And I want you to know in my own dark moment this morning, when faced with a grueling decision- I CHOSE JOY. I was struggling with what to do, and this tiny sound in my head said “choose joy”, and the answer was clear.
Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. For inspiring us. For inspiring ME.
Just, thank you…you are a candle in this dark world!
Stay strong and rest in Him.
Love seeing your smiling face!!! I’m sorry it hit you so hard this time, but hopefully that means its kicking the cancers butt!!! Look forward to hearing that you’re feeling better all the time! Love and prayers, Ashley!!
Love you…. Wish I could take a stinking dose of chemo FOR you. xoxo : )
Thank you for your continual encouragement, even while feeling crummy. Your “choose joy” mantra keeps popping in my head all the time. Thank you for your inspiration. Praying for you and your family.
Ashley, you are a peaceful warrior.
You are strong, beautiful and loved.
I keep you in my prayers.
Sending you love and blessings
You are so brave girl. I know you probably don’t want to have to be, but you are. When my mom when through chemo I always told her how strong and tough she was and she’d sometimes say “I’m tired of being strong and tough”…but I was so proud of her anyways. I’m proud of you for soldiering through!
If the chemo is kicking your butt, then it is definitely kicking cancers. Think about you all the time and I love sharing your story.
I appreciate how you aLways look for the positive. You inspire me to do so just in my daily life.
I appreciate how you aLways look for the positive. You inspire me to do so just in my daily life.
Continue to nourish your body! When I went through chemo my tastebuds changed, but I always made myself a fresh fruit smoothie for breakfast w/ GreenSuperFood powder from Whole Foods. It supports body alkalinity & boosts enery & immune system. Gluten & soy free & Vegan :o) Thinking of you!
You are an amazing woman! You are truly an inspiration to keep fighting whatever it is that is plaguing us!
Que Dios te cuide y te de salud, se lo pido de todo corazon.
Hi Ashley,
I found your blog by accident and am adding you to my prayers! I haven’t gone back and read your old entries but just wanted to encourage you to check into a whole foods vegan diet. There is strong evidence to support that any kind of animal product consumption influences cancer growth. God is greater! mamalee
Another detox bath we use is 2c. Epsom salt, 2c. Baking soda, 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the hottest bath you can stand. Soak 20 minutes at least. Afterwards scrub body well in coldest shower you can tolerate.
Add lavender essential oil to hot bath too for extra relaxation.
This is a detox bath and helps relieve muscle and joint aches.
Praying for you all.
I hope you had/have a fantastic walk!
Praying for more strength and for your numbers to do go down.
Love what someone said above, that you are a peaceful warrior. Joy brings peace. Makes me think of Jesus…He brought Joy to the world and peace on earth!
You are also a beautiful warrior. So good to see pics of that lovely face of yours.
Good job detoxing. I think I may get brave and try the enema thing. Over and over I have read how completely good it is for you. I just got 2 mercury fillings removed and I think a detox may be in order as I was swallowing bits of mercury walking out of the dentist office…that could not have been good! I wish I would have done it during treatment…I was so overwhelmed with all the good things one can do when it came to supplementing health that enema’s just seemed out of reach. So proud of how you are tackling your cancer from all angles. xo
Rest up girlie! Don’t overdo it! I am praying for number zero for you!
So glad you’re feeling better. Praying for you! You’re doing everything you can so hang in there- this soon will pass.
Thinking of you… You are incredible.
feel better soon!!
I do believe it when they say chemo will slowly kill you — to try and save you. It works though! I had the same cancer as my grandma and a similar one as my mom and I’ve now lived longer than either of them — and I’m only 42. (Like that, “only 42”! When you’ve gone through what we’ve been through — screw the whole worrying about your age, you’re happy for every single birthday!) Hang in there. Find what works for you — but don’t worry if you’re too tired to get out of bed — those days happen. You can get out of bed tomorrow. xoxo
Rest, be well, and enjoy your walk!
Praying for you!!! Hope you feel better this week! Thank you for sharing your story, you are one strong woman!!!
I understand about the exhaustion of chemotherapy. After one of my treatments, I slept for 18 hours. Scared my husband half out of his mind!
Hang in there you are doing great. The Rock is also one of my favorite movies for the same reason. He has aged so well. 🙂