Just a quick check-in because I’m not feeling so hot today. Yesterday was a long chemo day 8:45am to 5:30pm:
Cisplatin…..yuck. During the entire drip I kept feeling heart palpatations…..about 4 hours through my chest started hurting…..so I mentioned it and immediately there was a swarm of nurses. They stopped the drip and took my blood pressure, oxygen levels, etc and injected stuff in my IV….they said the left side of my body was splotchy and I was having a reaction. Dr. L said I needed the entire dose of Cisplatin though so they turned the drip up faster to get it over with.
Earlier in the day I begged to be “let out” haha. The first nurse said no……but the head nurse said yes. I told her I’d find a way to escape. So she opened up the back door for me and let me into freedom! I sat in the sun for a while and got some Vitamin D. I snapped a pic with me and my trailing IVs outside……I think I look like I have cancer in this photo….or a cyborg from the future. Sallow and dark undercircles….that’s why I was outside with my IV getting a tan!
So I’m stuck in my big, comfy bed this morning…..feeling like I got hit by a truck…..but it’s worth it…..my father-in-law called this morning after checking for my blood test from yesterday. My tumor markers had been holding at 8…..and yesterday they registered at 2. Thank you God! He saw Dr. L during rounds at the hospital this morning and the first thing Dr. L said was “looks like the Cisplatin is working.” So I’ll just pray for another drop next week! My father-in-law is a cardiologist and thinks the heart stuff is because my potassium is low….so how do I add potassium to donuts?
This photo has nothing to do with anything except I thought it was cute. Diesel asleep under the ear of this big stuffed dog as I left for chemo yesterday:
I woke up this morning to a new t-shirt that my friend Stephanie designed for Team Ashley….I think it’s the coolest ever. You can read about it here.
Please bear with me the next few days…..I’m really behind on replying to messages and emails. Lisa has collected them all for me into a folder so they don’t get lost. Have a great day!
I am so sorry that you’re not feeling well, but I am super happy that your count looks better! I’ve been wearing my choose joy necklace in your honor.
I want that t-shirt. Those words hold so many meanings. First and foremost, do not fear because God is in control! Much peace a rest to you this weekend!
Praying extra hard for you today, Ashley. You are the most beautiful cancer patient I’ve ever seen – inside and out. I’m so excited about the shirts – I ordered one from my phone while I was at the park with my kids! Hang in there – get some rest and we are sending prayers for you that tomorrow will be a better day for you.
PS – let Lisa take care of you!!!!
What wonderful news about the cisplatin. The picture of Diesel certainly is cute. May you have a joyful weekend.
WOOHOOOO on the Cisplatin!!!
Lisa, good luck with the letting you take care of Ashley LOL!!!
Someone needs to phone Krispy Kreme and make them introduce the New Banana Donut… They can call it the Ashley!
Ash, you’re doing such a great job!!!! Congrats on the drop in markers!!!! Woo hoo!!!! And thanks for sharing the cute pic of Diesel. That’s sure to make everyone smile. Rest up so you can enjoy the weekend!
Nothing but love & light your way Ashley!!! I truly hope you know your courage inspires me, your strength connects me with my own. I used to let fear rule, i used to have SUCH a hard time thinking about my daughter growing up without me, but it is a waste of precious energy and we all need to enjoy the moments we have!!!!!
praise the lord! god has heard our prayers and is healing you. congratulations!!!!
Wonderful news! Rest and don’t worry about getting anything else done!!!
Banana donuts? Potato donuts? Hope you get some rest today.
So happy your numbers are down!! And I love, love, love that t – just purchased one and can’t wait to wear it.
Great news that they are dropping!!! Don’t do anything today except going potty, eating, and sleeping! This Lisa is fantastic! Love that shirt!
Thinking of you. I hope you start feeling better soon and that this course of action keeps working as well as it is.
SO glad that the numbers are down! What wonderful news! Praise the Lord! Rest Rest Rest! Praying for you!
there is tons of potassium in green bell peppers, and i also take potassium supplements for the redistribution of water in my body.. getting cramps really easily… i’m so happy things are going well for you… sorry you have to feel like poop for it though… always praying for you and yours!
So glad you had a drop in your #’s! That drug sucks, but you’re strong and you will get through this! So glad you like the shirts 😉 Steph definitely ROCKS! We all love you! xoxo!
I’m sorry the Cisplatin is making you feel yucky– but I am sooo relieved and ECSTATIC to hear it is doing its job! I had a rough day yesterday (Nothing even close to what you are doing through) and I kept repeating “Choose Joy” in my head and it really worked! Thank you!!
that is wonderful news! thinking of you today.
♥ and hugs
I don’t think u look like u have cancer I think u look beautiful. Let Lisa take care of you. So happy ur numbers r down!
I hope you feel better ASAP! Thank goodness for better numbers! I ordered my t-shirt earlier this morning! Have a great weekend Ashley! Thoughts and prayers are still flowing your way!
I’m so sorry that the Cisplatin is making you feel so ill, but praise God that it’s working! Banana splits have potassium … just saying … or you could be healthier with the juicing an eating fruits and veggies. 🙂 Diesel is so cute! I keep telling my hubby I want a cute little dog, but we’ll see. Praying that God gives you the rest you need and makes you feel better soon. He’s working in your life, no doubt!
Been waiting to hear how you’re doing. So glad your tumor markers went down. You’re so amazing. Hope u feel better soon!
BANANA donuts!!!!!!! or banana glazed donuts. or banana filled. or a donut with a banana smoothie. or a banana smoothie filled donut. ya, that’s all i got.
oh, and praise God on shrinking tumors!!!!
God is good all the time! So happy the all the prayers are being answered and that you saw a change for the good this week. Seems like Dr. L found the right stuff for you. I hope next week brings more of the same.
Great news about the drop in the tumor levels!! Fight on girl friend! You have the love and power of thousands of women behind you in this battle (and in my opinion you rock a bald head better than GI Jane). Sending lots of loving vibes your way from Northern California! K
This post made me think of a quote I saw this week. (Can’t remember where, but immediately wrote it down.) “Your faith must be bigger than your fear.” I have a tough time doing this day to day and I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to do so in your situation. Praying for healing.
You don’t know me but I have been following your blog for a little while. My mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer last June and she is fighting this disease with all her power. Just wanted you to know, you are such an inspiration. Every morning I wake up and the first thing I do is pray for my mom and for you. So happy the chemo is working. Keep fighting…
Glad to hear the numbers are dropping! Take it easy and rest. It’s what your body needs! Many prayers!
Hi Ashley, I just wanted to let you know I so enjoy reading your posts and I am amazed at your creativity and energy. You manage to put a smile on my face even when writing about awful chemo.
Today I ate a doughnut and thought of you. It was blueberry and slathered in sweet, sweet glaze. My healthy side said, “no doughnut for you” but then my fun side said, “choose joy”…and sometimes joy comes in tasty blueberry goodness. Hope today brings you love, relaxation, and a potassium pumped doughnut.
Yippee! Cisplatin kicks butt!
Love the new shirt! Hope you have a great weekend!
Ashley, I don’t know you, but came across your blog about a month or two ago (eighteen25). Sending prayers.
I’m so glad to hear it’s working. I hope it keeps up! And I hope you’re feeling better soon.
Yay for shrinkage! 😉
Keep smiling!
Praying for you all,
Praying for you…His strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9. Your journey is an encouragement to many and I love your willingness to be open and honest about it all. Lord bless you!
I just bought my shirt! I can’t wait to wear it with pride. We’re all praying for you here in Buffalo, NY! Much love!
Hi Ash,
When I first read the title of this post, I thought it said, “Fear Not. Will Rule.” And I thought to myself, she WILL rule. That girl always has the best attitude! Your attitude is just as positive with the actual title, but I just thought I’d share that little bit. You amaze and inspire me each day.
So great to hear that your numbers are down. I have been praying for you everyday!
Just ordered my shirt-love it!!! Hang in there. As Lance Armstrong has said about how he approached surviving cancer- you just “FIGHT LIKE HELL.” So many folks you’ve never meant are cheering you on!!!!!!
Banana donuts! Or at least banana chocolate chip muffins. I heard once that dreyers or breyers ice cream is high in potassium. I’m hoping you heal quickly from both cancer and the treatment. Praying for you everyday.
Girl, I’ve been reading each day, even if not posting. So glad for the confirmation of positive news. Sorry you have chemo days and after effects, but so glad it’s working! I’m sending hugs and love to surround you. Rest,
Hooray for the good news! Your going to beat this Ashley.
I love the shirt! Sorry you are feeling yucky but yay for the good news.
You look kick ass, sweetheart! I’m praying extra hard for you!
You told her you’d find a way to escape. Ha! I’m sure she knew you’d do it, too! so glad the markers are down, Ashley. Rest up.
Yea for the number 2!!! If you can get some blackstrap molasses, butter some bread, put it under the broiler until it’s toasted, then pour the molasses on it. Oh so good, and molasses is one of the best sources of potassium, better than banana I think. Avocado is really high too!
Focusing on the #1 this week.
Ashley, you never cease to amaze me. You are an inspiration. Your faith, your attitude, your strength. Wow. WOW!
Sending prayers and wishes of healing.
Oh. And I think you need to look up a recipe for banana donuts!
whooo hoooo! Tumor markers are down!!!! Let’s all do the HAPPY DANCE!!! AMEN to that! I knew this HAD to work . . . keep up the great job Ashley . . . you are on your way to kicking cancer’s ass! Ba-bye cancer . . . Ashley is coming for you!
Hope you feel better today but I am sure you are thinking it is all worth it. I am sure you would take a week of feeling like this if it’s going away! Take it easy & I am sure in a couple days we’ll see a pic from Lisa of you climbing in a tree or something – you crack.me.UP!
I eat bananas to keep my potassium up. So maybe you should eat some banana donuts. ;o)
Hope you get to feeling better soon, so happy that the numbers are going down.
Praying that needed rest helps you feel better soon.
Yayy!! So glad the count looks better!! Im so sorry you’re having a rough day today. Praying that you will be able to rest and feel better asap!
Eat lots of bananas and drink some coconut water! It has tons of potassium in it. They have flavored ones too now, in case you’re like me and cant stand the taste of straight coconut water. 🙂
1. That’s awesome that the tumor went down!
2. Diesel is adorable.
3. That shirt rocks.
Hooray for falling numbers!! Oh and let Lisa take care of you. She offers because she loves you not because she thinks you’re weak <3
Yay for falling numbers and keep strong, you are such an inspiration! I just ordered my tee – can’t wait!
Ashley, that picture of Diesel is priceless!! My precription advice is “take a look at Diesel’s picture at least five times a day, everyday!
My heart empathizes with your pain, although my body cannot image how you feel. Yes, you look like you have cancer in that one photo. But, my dear, look at what you just went through prior to that pic – you must have been so exhausted.
Where do you live, again? T-shirt in the warm sun (Jealous!).
I absolutely love the new T-shirt design – it is fabulous, and the creator of the design is clearly very talented.
I may “have” to order one………..!!
You remain in my prayers daily, Ashley.
You are SO determined to win this battle, it is encouraging to me and my little woes.
Rest well.
Choose Joy!
P.S. Since our blogs have common ideas, and because I love it, I created a link from my blog to your, and I used your “Choose Joy” pic as the badge. I love it!!
Not a cancer patient – that’s a fighting face!! You are tough as nails, Ashley! Hurrah on those numbers coming down. Thinking of you.
So glad to hear your numbers are going down! Take it easy, and rest up. You really are such an inspiration. I’ll keep praying for you and hope you feel better soon!
I don’t know how to get potassium in donuts….stuff it in your veggie/fruit juice and enjoy the donut. 🙂
SO excited that the chemo is working!
My husband randomly brought home a box of Krispy Kremes yesterday and I immediately thought of you and your love for doughnuts. I said a little prayer for you right then and there. Get lots of rest and so excited to hear that the chemo is working! :0)
– jen
So glad to hear about your falling numbers! I hope you get some much needed rest this weekend so your body can fight even harder next week. 🙂
Great news on the Cisplatin! Sorry you are feeling crappy today though.
Love the new Fear Will Not Rule shirt. Ordered mine and cannot wait to wear it.
Keep up the good work. You are such an inspiration to me and thousands of others.
Oh Ashley I’m thrilled your markers have shrunk! I’m praying!!! Keep strong..I’m sending you love and extra strength.
Poor girl- I hope you feel better soon!
You should have someone get you a Yonanna- it makes a quasi-ice cream from frozen bananas and other fruits. I think it is easy enough for Sienna to make it for you.
I think my mom bought one in the grocery store but they have them at Bed, Bath and Beyond
REST. If you feel better, spend the time with your family. That’s what’s most important. We are all praying for you – every day. You got good news and that’s wonderful. Stay strong – choose joy indeed!
Very glad yo hear that your numbers are down!:)
I had to get that t-shirt! It’s awesome — just like you! 🙂
Hurray for numbers decreasing! You look fantastic with your drip outdoors. 🙂 And just get banana filled donuts, hehe. I love that picture of Diesel!
so happy to read about your numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
get your rest…..get your potassium 🙂
have a joy-filled weekend ♥
Hugs to you and yours. So happy to hear your news.
Yay for the drop in numbers!!! The pic captures Warrior Ashley. Diesel is awesome, the t-shirt is awesome and so are you. Much love to you. Rest, rest, rest. Lisa seems to be good at everything. I bet she would be pretty good at taking care of you…
Awesome news about the cisplatin! I love the movie Kung fu panda – and I think your mantra should be “there is no charge… for awesomeness!” You truly kick tail! Prayers to you today and over the weekend for energy and recovery before the next session.
Your cyber pals from Charlotte!
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.
-Proverbs 15:30
That t shirt is rustic looking very cool. And so happy the Cisplatin is working! Rest sweet Ashley, rest.
Best news I’ve hear in quite a while!!!!! I’m praying for you and believing that what I pray about will be! Rest up today, sweetheart. That body needs all the energy you can scrounge up to beat that cancer. Seems it’s doing a pretty good job! Love you!
I love the shirt. It is such a catchy saying and so true. Sorry you are feeling crappy but sounds like the chemo is working….”knock on wood”. Fingers crossed it continues to work and you can feel better soon. Hang in there, I’m praying for you 🙂
Yay! For good news!! Keeping you in my prayers always!
YAY for good results and the beautiful shirt!!!! Take your time and rest Ashley. May the Lord continue to heal you!
Yay for a two instead of an eight!
Love the new shirt!
And I must say, that if you have to “get hit by a truck,” thank goodness for a big comfy bed to snuggle in.
Hurray for good numbers! I had Cistplatin this past summer, and it is a beast. My potassium dipped way low and I had heart palpitations all the time too. Good news is that there’s lots of potassium in avocados so munch on guacamole. 🙂
You’re amazing, Ashley 🙂 Positive energy, prayers, & thoughts 🙂
No good for feeling so crummy but HOOOOORRRRRAYYYY for lower numbers! Praying for rest and strength and el pollo loco for some energy.
I’m thanking God for low numbers, sunshine and a really cute t-shirt! I’ll continue to pray for your recovery and higher energy! Maybe it’s time for a banana shake?
I’m not usually one to wear anything that would be read across my 40, almost 50 year old boobies, but I just had to have one of these awesome “Fear Will Not Rule” shirts…ha ha…cancer be damned!!! I will wear it proudly, in your honor and for everyone I know that is fighting cancer and any other fear causing ailments.
I’m SO glad that this latest round of chemo seems to be working. HOORAY!!!
Great news about your number. Hope you get to feeling perkier. Praying for you. Choose Joy!!!!!
Love the new shirt!! You’re a rock star sista, keep it up!
I’m soooo thankful to God that your markers went down. That’s huge! Take it easy okay!
Loved the picture of Diesel, he’s so cute and the shirt is awesome! xoxoxo
I found your website yesterday.I just ordered some of the new shirts.I will be giving them to my daughters.I hope you get feeling better soon its so hard being the strong rock all the time even when we are sick.You are a beatiful soul and by writing and shareing your story it really is help so many others to stop and think about whats really important in their life’s.Thank you for that !
Good luck with your chemo and I pray your numbers keep going down and it works.When your feeling better I would love to buy your fabric (screen prints you use in your clothes )by the yard.I am always looking for new and diffrent materials and sure others are also .
Thanks for sharing all the ways to make my own fabrics. You are such a great teacher in so many ways !!
Love to you and your Family
I’m thinking banana donuts would be good for potassium. I mean, they say banana has a ton of potassium…
Praying for you! Love the shirt, really cute!
So happy to hear good news!! I thought about your comment to add potassium to donuts and you TOTALLY can.
Here are my suggestions based on the 10 Fruits highest in potassium:
#1 Dried Apricots: Apricot Compote Krispy Kremes with a meringue topper!
#2 Prunes: (hm…maybe you can just eat those straight, plus they’re good for your poop)
#3 Dried Currants – Mmmm, hooray for this one, currants would make a great filling in a jelly donut
#4 Dates – Well, you do live in the date capital of the world, maybe MR. LBB or Lisa can stop by Shields. Actually, have you ever been? They have a VERY informative film in their rustic theater titled “The Romance and Sex Life of a Date” and their date milkshakes are sooooo good on a hot day.
#5 Dried Figs: I like figs, do you? My Dad’s house has a big fig tree in front. If you ever need figs, you have permission to pick as many as your heart desires. Kelly knows the address 😉
#6 Dried Coconut: Now this one is a super winner, frosted donuts drenched in coconut shavings are delicious.
#7 – Avocados: Guacamole & Fresh Chips (chips are kinda like donuts, at least the good ones are, must be steeped and in fried (coconut?) oil).
#8 – Bananas: Banana Cream Filled Krispy Kremes, winner winner
#9 – Nectarines/Peaches: Peach Cobbler Donutlicious
#10 – Oranges: hm, well, this one is a little odd. maybe you should double up the potassium and have a currant jelly filled donut with a huge glass of fresh squeezed OJ. breakfast points.
I think your friends a KK should try out a few of the above recipes and you can be their official taste tester 😉
Hope you’re getting lots of rest today & thank you for filling our days with your wit, candor, inspiring strength and and and and the list could go on and on…
I just started reading your blog not long ago. You are so talented-I am inspired by your creativity, bravery and love of all things donuts. Keep up the great work and the good fight… people like you make a difference in the world!
I’m seeing Bladerunner…I hope the cancer cells feel worse than you. <3
Dear Ashley,
I came upon your blog a couple of weeks ago ,and just ordered a tshirt today with hopes of ordering a necklace if they become available again. I have a son with a rare brain disease and Muscular Dystrophy(only 15 cases in North America). They didn’t expect him to live past one year. He is 7 years old but is more like a 3 year old. He cant walk or talk but understands everything and tries. He has a great sense of humor. I also have a 11 year old daughter who is like a second mother to him. The reason I tell you this is because life can be so wonderful and so stinkin’ hard at the same time! I think you are amazingly strong and positive. My father passed away a few years ago from Pancreatic Cancer. I was with him when they gave him the news in the ER and I held his hand while he died 1 week later. I miss him every day. He was my rock. Anyhow, I feel for you because of all you are going through and continue to go through. I wish you the best and think you are such a great example.
Warm Regards,
Hooray! I really did a fist pump when I read that your marker went from an 8 to a 2.
I very recently stumbled upon your blog from I am Momma Hear Me Roar. I have recently finished the book “Heaven Is For Real” (I see that you have read it so you will know what I am talking about) and I made it my goal to pray for you and your family every night in the month of February. You know that part in the book that says something about how big a persons prayer circle is. If there is power in that I thought it was worth a try. Aside from you cancer chronicles, you are an amzing and creative woman. So many ideas you have provided me to try. Oh and potassium – try a Green Monster Shake. Vanilla Almond Milk, Banana, Spinach (trust me you wont taste it) and ground flax seed. Your mom should think this is a good healthy recipe and the flax seed and spinach might help with pooping. : )
Hey – Wilton sells a donut pan online to bake your own at home. I bet you could figure out some banana ones. I have a pan and it works great! I hope to read more good news in the coming months. Bless your heart and your sweet family.
Yay! So happy to hear it’s working…hooray girlie!
Rest up. Pound a banana on your doughnut runs. Be grand and dream big!!
You are simply amazing! Stay positive!
You know who you look like? Not a cancer patient, you look like GI Jane. And you must be GI Jane cause 8 to 2? I’d call that kickin’ ass! As far as potassium in donuts…have you ever tried banana donuts?
I’m still praying for you 🙂 You are in our prayer circle, lots of people have got their heads and hearts on you. If you’re ever in Seattle, go to Top Pot donuts, they have THE BEST donuts ever and, yes, one of their flavors is banana 😉 Take care, lovely lady!
Holaaaaaaaaaaa que felicidad! que la medicina este dando resultados!
woooooooooooooow es una noticia increible estoy hay que celebrarlo!
Muchos besos y abrazos para todos!
Feliz dia.
Con amor Claudia
Sending positive vibes!
Ordered my T – can’t wait to get it, love it, awesome!
Stay strong…….choose joy 🙂
Very happy to hear your cisplatin is working! Keep strong, love the t-shirt, so also went and grabbed me one!!
So glad your levels dropped, but sad that you are feeling so bad. Hope you have had a nice rest in your bed today?
Prayers from NC headed your way…..I thought of you while reading the Feb 6th Jesus Calling devotion…..
Glad to hear the meds are working, so sorry you are feeling so poorly, rest as much as you can!
I know it’s not the tastiest drink around ,but coconut water is full of potassium. It can be seriously gross, until you acquire a taste for it, but a great way to load up on it without having to eat 100 bananas.
Good luck!
So glad to see your post…you had me concerned. I felt like you had taken a licken…but you little lady, keep on tickin! You look like a fighter in your picture btw…so glad those #s are down…DIE CANCER DIE! Please rest and keep getting your Vit D .
Love ya and praying for you,
Took me about 3.1 seconds to go grab a t-shirt. Love it.
Glad to hear the numbers are sounding better and you may feel like crud, but it can’t last. Feel better soon.
I look for your post every evening and was glad the news was good this evening, although sorry you are a bit worn out from yesterday. I received the Choose Joy bracelets today. My daughter and her 4 granddaughters all got one to wear when I opened them. Going to hand out to my bridge group next week. Take care.
I came across your blog a few weeks ago and quietly look forward to each day’s post. It’s time I speak up and tell you how truly inspirational and positive and brave I think you are. Cancer is a very scary thing and you’re taking it on with THE best attitude and outlook! I’m constantly amazed at your energy level, willingness to keep going, and positive outlook given the fact that you’ve been through so much Chemo. I am thinking of you each day and sending positive vibes that you kick cancer’s arse!
I love you. Is that weird? I don’t really care if it is.
YEAH for numbers dropping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your picture is beautiful — you look like a fighter! “Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.” Keep that fightin’ spirit! 🙂
But for now, REST, REST, REST. xoxoxoxo
Thanks for the daily update – I pray for your immediate and permanent recovery.
Ashley, you are such an inspiration to me. You make me laugh and cry. I have had BC since 2002 stage 4 since 2006. I have had continuous chemo for over 5 years without a break. I can relate to so many of your stories. By the way…You look so pretty without hair and you are such a trooper. I think you need to make a Krispy Kreme commercial. Thank You for sharing the good times and the “not so good times.
Go Ciplastin!
You are so inspiring! I just ordered my shirt and will be proud to sport it! Congrats on the good news and I pray soon the news will be even better 🙂 Thanks for sharing your story!
This is the BEST news and has started my weekend out with a BANG, Sweet Pea! I am sorry that you see yourself as a cancer patient. We see you as a beautiful warrior!
I am a big believer in getting some sunshine (Sonshine?!!!!) as there is nothing like some real vitamin D for our health and our mind. I am glad that your dear nurse recognized that!
I received my bracelets yesterday and was very excited to show and share and Choose Joy with my peeps! Big hugs to you, dear girl. Xxxx Meghan
We’ll bear with you – you need a break. So happy to hear the news from your father-in-law. Yay Cisplatin but sorry you feel bad. You are a trooper – I’m so happy you were able to get outside and get some sunshine. I’m sure the nurse knew you were serious when you said you’d find a way to escape! Love you Ashley.
done! I bought one of the t-shirts. I let fear rule in the silliest of times – you are a reminder that I should not fear in the most serious of times!! Thank you, Ashley for really speaking to so many people. God is truly doing a great thing with your words and your life!
Praise GOD for answering prayers!! Get your rest this weekend girl!!
Ashley… that is the best friggin…. news I have had all day.. I check in to see how you are doing and I see the “don’t let fear rule”.. so I have to share. I live in a midwest town that is nice but has it’s share of gang activity. I am leaving a really long 12 hour ER shift driving home tonight in 6 degrees below weather tonight… I am close to home and I see a young girl walking on the side of the street in a light coat and no gloves. I turn around and drive up and ask her if she wants a ride. I know that I really don’t know what to expect, but that if I don’t ask she may literally freeze or suffer the weather. It turns out she is just about frozen and she is hispanic (a beautiful young girl). We definitly had a language problem, but she was able to tell me that she was trying to get to a restaraunt where her brother worked (miles away).. I take her. When I come home late my husband asks and I tell him. he tells me he is sorry that I should have called the police.. I said I am sorry but I just could NOT let her walk. I can’t always let fear keep me from doing what I think is right. I seriously thought, she may be a gang girl and I am probably be in trouble, but if I am I guess I am.. Anyway, I see your awesome post.. and I won’t let fear rule and neither will you.. Keep it up missy…
Hang in there, friend. Praying for you all the time.
Hugs and prayer, Ms. Cyborg!
Great news and love the t-shirt! You are truly an inspiration! Lots of love your way beautiful!
Hang in there, glad your numbers lok so good though! Sorry it is making you feel so crappy to get there…my prayers are with you.
Ashley – I sent you an email. Cisplatinum is known to cause magnesium deficiency -hence heart palpitations, constipation, muscle cramps. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10212589
Very well known in the medical literature, but your docs may not know. Easily fixed, but please do for your quality of life. Love your blog.
“how do I add potassium to donuts?” …banana donuts?
Glad it’s going well.
Fingers still crossed for you
So glad to read that those tumor markers are shrinking. I’m always thinking of and praying for you!
Morning Ashley: Just wanted to pop in and Say Hi. Stay Strong and Positive.. You Rock!! Love and Big HugsOOXX
Keep Fighting. Keep Healing.
Hugs n prayers
(Bangalore, India)
I love the t shirt, what great friends you have!
You’re so strong!
I’m so happy for your good news about your numbers.
Great job on staying so strong-keep up the good work. You can do this.
You and your family are in my prayers.
I hope you got a lot of good rest today and ate well. Take care and hang in there!!!
I was just introduced to this today, and thought of you. It is called Gerson Therapy. I think you should take a look…along the same lines of what your mom has probably told you as well. http://www.gerson.org
Glad to hear your numbers have improved!
You are awesome……….I will pray for you………..I just bought your t shirt FEAR WILL NOT RULE….. was looking at the different things in your blog, which by the way my daughter is a follower of everyday………you need to have a tshirt done with “CHOOSE JOY”…………..it needs to be on the back of a tshirt, and it NEEDS TO BE BRIGHT COLORS……..Ashley we will do what we can do to help……………our prayers are with you….Do Lime Green with Choose Joy in BRIGHT pink……….you could always do one for men in another color.
Rejoicing with you over that 2!!
I’m so thankful you are surrounded by such a great team…love the care your father in law gives.
I HAVE to get myself one of those shirts. Not only does it make me think of YOU, of whom I’ve fallen hard for, but it has been my big lesson that last year 1/2. Conquering fear. Awesome design..what a talented friend you have.
Ps. no worries about responses. we are all just hear for you and want you to know you are loved.
just bought myself a shirt – and will pray for you as I wear it here in Australia x great news with the markers.
Your light shines brightly! X
My friend named her dog Cisplatin, thinking it sounded regal. Little did I know, it was a cancer drug.
Prayers your way, girlie.
Excellent pieces. Keep writing such kind of information on your site. Im really impressed by your site. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about ema-ep chemotherapy. Regards