Good morning! I’m still in bed…recuperating from the Cisplatinum chemo from yesterday. I double up on nausea meds….Zofran and I swear by the Compazine suppositories…..those help me sleep. I’ll probably be here a few days but I’ve got a few good movies to watch. Lisa is bringing me some cake donuts this morning…..I think it’s the only thing I’ll be able to get down right now…..along with my diluted G2 grape Gatorade. Look at my cute, soft jammies from my friend Vicki. I can’t complain about anything right now: comfy bed, movies, donuts and jammies.
Yesterday was a long day but I get to meet some really great people. First of all, everyone at the doctor’s office had seen me on the news. I was a little embarrassed. Here’s the awesome part: I had someone ask for my autograph yesterday. A nice man who accompanies his friend for chemo treatment brought in my news article and asked me to sign it. First he stopped at my chair and asked if I was “Ashley, Lil Blue Boo”. It set off a chain reaction in the infusion center. One man across the room then asked the nurse if I was a movie star. She knows I’m not, but she told him she’d find out haha….and walked across the room to ask me. I told her I wished…..I wished that I was in Lifetime Movies. I watch so many of them I could probably jump right into any story line just fine!
I took about a 2 hours nap in chemo yesterday. I’d never been able to sleep before in there! It was kind of nice. Mr LBB has his hands full. He’s so busy with work and Boo….and then he like to accompany me to see Dr. L when we meet and then he picks up Boo and picks me up from chemo after that. And then he takes over the role of Mom and Dad all night, all morning…..he gets to take her to 2 birthday parties……one tonight and one tomorrow. But he has a great attitude about it all…..just looks a little weary at times.
Our drive home is only about 5 miles….so pretty at night in the desert:
Some yucky news this morning… tumor markers went back up this week despite the 2 rounds of Cisplatin. I asked Dr. L why I was so tired lately and he and Mr. LBB started laughing “you have no idea what this stuff is doing to your body.” I guess I just think things won’t affect me sometimes. Dr. L said that years ago before they had some of the drugs to counteract the side effects, they would hospitalize patients for about 8 months who were on Cisplatinum…..mainly for testicular cancer…..and it WAS like the movie Dying Young. I’m so thankful for medical advances and that I can do my treatment outpatient and just a few days are bad at at time. I did notice ridges in my fingernails…..I never had those before. They are like tree rings…..each one marking a new round of treatment.
I’ll be resting all day and doing my “detox” regime tonight: detox bath, enemas, skin brushing, juicing. Goodbye toxins. Lisa is working on the launch of the Spring line today….so excited for that. I haven’t had to do a thing really except for design work. Today will be a crazy day. She rocks. She sent me a photo from the donut shop this morning…….she should be home any moment with goodies. Woot!
Make sure to check out Stephanie Corfee’s artwork for the Team Ashley auction starting next week! It’s amazing!
That Lisa is a great friend to you. What a special person to have in your life. I pray for some good rest, and have fun detoxing. I hope Mr. LBB also gets some rest.
Praying for you and love reading your posts! Thank you for the inspiration!! I feel like we should be giving it to you and you are such a blessing to so many!
you make God smile with your attitude!
My father-in-law is in surgery this morning to have a tumor removed from his lung. Just wanted to tell you how much inspiration I find in your posts…I’ve been sharing them with my husband… and we BOTH appreciate your words! Hope you feel better today. 🙂
You are such an inspiration! I know God is using you in so many lives right now–I’m just a reader but your posts have stuck with me on hard days. Keep trucking’ and God bless!
Enjoy that donut! Lisa is awesome. She sent me the news cast, You both did great, Consider yourself a movie star. Rest! Rest! I love the new spring line.
Take care Cuppy
You are so amazing, and you have a wonderful friend & husband. I hope you have a nice relaxing day in bed today. Still sending good thoughts your way.
God Bless you! Stay strong – we are all rooting you on. I am so happy you have wonderful people like your husband and Lisa to keep you going.
You slipped in that your tumor markers went up… 🙁 I’m praying. I’ve been praying… And I’m going to make sure that I add your hubby and Lisa to my prayers more often. YOU are brave and amazing. You may not be a movie star, but in my book you are a Rock Star! BIG TIME! XOXOX
Ditto….love you Ashley!
Awww Ashley! You are such an inspiration! I am praying for you friend and know that God is touching so many lives through your choice to choose joy 🙂 Enjoy your doughnuts!
Good morning beautiful lady, so sorry markers went up must call Rambo to say what up. On a good note those donuts look yummy enjoy and just relax with your movies. Keeping you in my prayers 🙂
You would make a GREAT Lifetime movie! What does the markers going up mean? Does it mean you are super super special? Praying for you. I sent you the link to the news story in your email… Enjoy life from the bed today… rest up, and dream of soap stars gone wrong, ex husband stalkers, and all the other story lines on Lifetime… Who knows, maybe they WILL make you a deal for a Lifetime movie… that would be Sweet… They could call it Sweet Dreams- The Lil Blue Boo Story. 🙂 That would be perfect… Or you could make a new line called that… from the Donuts, and have a donut as the artwork… I think that would be PERFECT… (that’s a free idea…. feel free to use it I would be honored.) Although, I think Loo would need at least one thing with a donut on it if you did… 🙂
MMmmmm donuts (in Homer Simpson’s voice). I hope you can get some rest today. Enjoy your donuts and movies today. I hope Mr. LBB and your family can enjoy a relaxing weekend. It’s so nice to have such support surrounding you. Sorry to hear about your markers going up, I keep my hubby updated on you and he always fillls me in on how all that medical stuff works. Take care Ash, I will be thinking about you. And if you are ever in my part of town again, FYI we have a Chick-fil-A here. It can be my treat. 🙂
really sorry to hear the tumour markers were up this week – hopefully just a last growing spurt before they keel over and give up! Enjoy your donuts and detox! x
Enjoy your donuts and movies today! I hope you have a good day of rest and hopefully Mr.LBB can get some rest too. Lisa is a wonderful friend to have in your life.
Blessings 🙂
HATE that your markers went up . . . did you ever get an explanation about that? Bummer but maybe your body was using all it could fighting something bigger & uglier instead that we may never know about – let’s look at it that way right? Maybe next time will be the good news about the markers – k – that’s what we are goin with! =) I am so excited for your auction next week & reallllllly hope I did you proud on my designs I did for the auction. I really wanted to do something that was YOU & I couldn’t decide ,so I sent all 3 of my art print designs for the auction. lol I look at it this way, people need things on the ‘low’ end of the auction poll to bid on too but I am hoping they will just have them listed as downloads with a donation, which is what I suggested.
Anywho . . . have a nice relaxing day in bed, enjoy your doughnuts & take it easy. Don’t worry about Mr, LBB & the little one as I am sure they are fine knowing that you are resting. Prayers always my sweet friend! xoxo
I can’t Thank You enough for chronicling your journey through this. I also had a molar pregnancy started in July 12, 2011. I was fortunate enough to only require 3 rounds of metho.I sit here in tears. Not because I feel pity for you but because I only wish I was half the person you are. My journey has left me so incredibly weak at times. I have lacked support from family and friends. I feel very freakish at times. There aren’t many people to relate too. You truely are inspiration to me. The way you just keep plugging along with life rarely a complaint. Always able to find the positives. Inspiring to me. Thank you again!! I’m so sorry to hear your tumor marker has increased. Did your Dr. offer a reason as to why? I’m thinking nothing but positive thoughts for you each and every day.
I’m sorry to hear your markers when back up. We’ll keep praying. He is bigger than this thing called cancer.
Btw, you are a star. The people who follow you know so. I’m glad you got to give your autograph. You are a wonderful inspiration. You may be the only bit of joy the people at chemo see. You be like Moses and keep plugging along. We’ll be like Aaron and hold you up; some of us in person, some of us in prayer.
Your spirit shines through … you look amazing! Hang in there, for after the hurricane comes a rainbow 🙂
Maybe you have some Housewives to catch up on!? I know I do:) I’ll be praying for the Mister.
I hope you have a relaxing and restful next few days, and are feeling better soon. Great job on your positive attitude-keep it up and hang in there. You CAN do this and your positive attitude is making all the difference. I’m praying for you and your family and Lisa.
Thank you Lisa for being such a caring and kind person and for supporting Ashley and her family. 🙂
You CAN do this Ashley!!! 🙂 Hang in there!!!
Hugs, love & sugar bombs. xoxox
We lovingly refer to doughnuts at our office as “sugar bombs”. xoxo
Have a wonderful day with your new jammies, donuts and movies!! I took those compazine suppositories when I was pregnant… they made me feel super sleepy!! Gotta go, three minutes until Beaujolais launches, lol!!! HUGS!
Ashely, I’m so sorry to hear about the markers, but very glad you have a comfy bed and movies to watch and have a wonderful detox ritual ahead of you. You can totally compete with Meredith Baxter Birney – we need to get you into a Lifetime movie. Though we haven’t met, I keep up with you through posts from Jenn W. and Staci F. (I went to PDHS with Staci, Ben, Mr. LBB, Greg, Todd, etc.) and you remain in my thoughts. We are hoping to be back in the Desert in the fall and it would be great to meet you in person. Many positive thoughts and prayers to you. Christin (P.S., since I have started following your blog, I have seriously increased my donut intake. I crave donuts every time I read, and have to head to the Krispy Kreme by my house (in Atlanta) way too often…ha.)
I hate to hear that your tumor markers went up, you are in my thoughts every day. I am super excited for the spring line today – I’m totally stalking the store and the FB page 😉 I hope that you rest well today and that you get stronger each day!
Sorry to hear that your markers went back up. We will keep praying for you, as well as your support network. Much love.
So glad you are in this world. You are awesome.
Ashley!!!you rock !!!!you just keep that positive attitude going!!! I am sooooi proud of you!! The donut diet i love….. And your friend lisa is awesome!!! Enjoy the movies and rest!!!love the new collection….YOU ARE A GREAT INSPIRATION!!
Somebody posted homer Simpson saying “Mmmmm donuts” and I just remember the episode where he made a deal with the devil and his head turned into a donut…….he was reaching up and eating chunks of his own donut head and marge said something like, “homey, quick eating your head!”…and he said “awww, but I’m so moist and tasty!”
Love you ash….prayers, prayers, prayers….
In a movie or not in a are a shining star, Ashley! Sending you all my strength…
Praying for you and Boo and Mr. LBB. Stay strong and rest up(all 3 of you)! You do look awfully sassy in your new jammies! I could live in good pj’s! Sending you lots of love and I pray that the God who is strong enough to conquer death and wise and able enough to create the world in 7 days, will heal you and remove all signs of cancer from your body.
Ashley, I’m so sorry to hear the markers went up. You are such an inspiration and I love to read your blog. Your husband seems like such a wonderful guy. He truly is living your vows–in sickness and in health. And what a great friend you have in Lisa. Everyone wishes for just one friend like that! :o) I wish you the very best and send lots of prayers your way.
Keep smiling that sweet smile Ashley! We love you!!
Hi, I’m Gaëlle, I dicovered your blog a few days in Belgium. You make so many beautiful things, it’s a pleasure. Take care, see you son ^-^
Ashley you are so inspirational, btw, I just ordered my choose joy bracelets 🙂 can’t wait to receive them in the mail.
Compazine suppositories are the best! Although, my MIL never could understand how they would move to my stomach and not make me throw up. Somethings just aren’t worth explaining! Thought you would get a kick out of that!
Pray for you often and will pray especially for your markers to go back down!
Just placed my order from the spring line! And now I too want a donut!
You are such an inspiration!!!! Keep up your positive attitude! 🙂 I’m praying and thinking of you!!
This will be long and a little cheesy, but..
Sometimes I’ve heard God asking “Are you ready? I have a use for you.” And I know that it might not be pretty or fun or easily full of joy. It might be painful and terrifying and require me to give Him all parts of me, including my family. So I’ve ignored Him. I haven’t obeyed, I haven’t submitted, and I haven’t trusted. I know you didn’t choose cancer, but you did place your trust fully in Him and submit your life to His will.. and you’ve done it joyfully. I just wanted to let you know that He IS using your life, your experience to do amazing things in other people’s lives. I’ve been so encouraged by the way you’ve been steadfast in your knowledge that this painful thing will be for His glory and you’ve embraced it. While my own heart is still gripped with fear of what He might ask of me…. he’s clearly holding you up as an example of the love, faith, and trust He wishes from us.. or rather.. for us. I’m sure that He’s using you in far greater ways than to just encourage me but because you said “Yes” to him, I’m getting closer and my faith is becoming stronger.
This is totally true and well said!!! Better than I could have ever said it!
Thinking of you and praying for you…
Happy Friday Ashley!
I just wanted to make sure you knew about OIL PULLING – Do you know about it as a detox therapy? Simply swish and swoosh a tbsp of cold pressed sunflower oil, or coconut oil in your mouth for about 10mins and it works at bringing out toxins from your mouth which apparently is miraculous for your body! I’ve been doing it for about 5 days now, and I think it really does make a difference – to skin problems, body aches, etc. Might be interesting to you:
just know that I’m praying for you.
Keep it up Ashley, you’re doing great with such a good attitude! And I will be sure to say an extra prayer for Mr. LBB as he takes care of the household. We’re rooting for you and praying everyday.
Praying for you. God has a plan, never forget that. Enjoy your donuts! 🙂 It makes me laugh whenever you talk about them, my husband is obsessed with donuts. In fact, he left for work early this morning so he could get some. 🙂 Donuts make his day happy, lol.
As usual I draw inspiration from you. Thank you for sharing your story. I too am heavy on zofran, compazine and lorazepam for nausea the past few days. However not compazine suppositories as you gracefully said. You’re too funny, and I applaud your honesty.
Just had my FINAL round of chemo the other day! I’ve been mixing Gatorade and water down too. Those donughts normally sound delightful. However my current food of choice is toast and thin pretzel sticks, 🙂 Always the best to you.
Ashley, You are an amazing inspiration to us all. I pray for good things and Much JOY to come your way.
I have a question…. If the purpose of the medication is to “poison” the cancer in your body wouldn’t detoxing after a treatment nullify the effects of the drug?
I hope you have a comfortable donut filled weekend!!
Ashley despite all that you have gone through & that you will continue to go through you are amazing! And a thought I had after reading this post, was “Ashley should totally do an ALL Donuts line next time around or in the near future!” That would be pretty cool! Just saying…Hope you bounce back quickly this weekend & can enjoy the cuddles with Boo & Mr. LBB!
Ashley, you ARE a star, you know. So glad to see this update today. Hope this weekend brings rest for all members of your sweet family. The new line is wonderful. I will have to hunt down some girls to spoil with it. (:
Hi Ashley, I’m a new follower and found you on Pinterest. I spent most of the day yesterday reading your posts and admiring your creativity.
Sending you a big cyber {{Hug}}
It never fails-when I read your posts I’m so inspired and humbled by your grace and positive outlook. We should all follow your way of thinking with all things in life, because life is a precious gift.
Praying those markers go down. I
In my opinion, you are doing so great. Take all the time you need to recover. Your husband will reap his reward in heaven and your daughter will see what sacrifices her Dad is making for her Mom. What better model of love could she ever see in her lifetime! That is true love and she will have that standard to measure her future husband with. Take care and I look forward to reading more posts!
I thought about you all day yesterday while you were at chemo. I knew you would inspire people and yes you are a “star” Praying those markers go down quickly. Hang in there girl. Cuddos to Mr. LLB and Lisa. What a great support system you have!!!
Eat a donut for me!!
Hugs, and Prayers,
You continue to be an inspiration to all. Trust in the Lord because when you put your trust in HIM, nothing can hurt you. God is with you always. Keep choosing Joy.
Hugs Ashley. You & your family are still in my thoughts and prayers. Hope the cake donuts were yummy :). Think we need a pic of them :).
Been thinking of you…..sorry about the markers going up…I continue to pray. You are so strong!! Rest sweetie….
Thank you for being the wonderful person that you are. It is time for all of us to band together and give a group kick in the butt to those tumor markers. Hope you get lots of rest. Hugs, Laura
Ashley , I think about you every day and what an inspiration you are to me, your family and to sooo many people out there.
You are a star for sure! One of the brightest ones out there, because you are so positive and you change so many of us ,change our way of thinking and to be positive and to choose joy!
I noticed yesterday that my middle son, who’s seventeen, was wearing one of your Choose Joy bracelets that he picked up from my desk. I asked him if he knew what it was about and he did not, but after I explained the story behind it to him he was impressed by your positivity and courage. He is still wearing the bracelet!
Hugs to you from snowy North Ontario/Canada!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
You never realize the power of prayers until you are mentioned in so many…I hope you continue to feel the comfort and strength of all of those praying for you. Thank you for sharing the good, the bad and the pretty. God bless!
I have been nothing but inspired by your words and attitude. I look forward to your posts and updates. You and the rest of your family are in my prayers. Keep on keeping’ on! xoxoxo
One year ago yesterday I was going through my 2nd round of chemo. I also had mine on Wednesdays and was down and out until Sunday usually. I am thankful that those anti-nausea meds are working for you. I never could really get mine under control. Praying for you.
Ashley, you continue to amaze me and inspire me. You’re such an angel, never complaining, always positive. I don’t know if you saw my post from several of your posts back, but do they still use actinomycin D or Chlorambusil for ChorioCarcinoma? Those were the medicines they gave me along with Methotrexate. I just don’t understand why your markers are so stubborn! Praying hard for you, God bless you always. xoxo
Sending hugs and prayers….you are one amazing lady! Hang in there! (( Hugs))
As always, keep smiling – the world needs you! Thinking of and praying for you!!
~Lisa in Nova Scotia, Canada! 🙂 <3
Praying everyday for you. You are a movie star in my eyes!!
Ashley, cisplatinum def takes a toll. Do you juice? Its so important to stay hydrated but juicing is do super good for you and helps rebuild the cells needed once cisplatinum kills the cells to kill cancer. My min was on it and its a strong chemo. Habe in CAN do this even though some days you won’t want to
I’m a radiologist who is crafty (an admittedly unusual combination). I found your website for the crafts, and have stuck around for your story. Your attitude, perseverance, and courage are inspirational. When I’m reading dozens of cancer staging CTs, its easy to become detached from the person that I’m looking at, and the pain they must be going through. Your story helps keep me grounded and helps me to stay focused so I can do my little part in helping make their experience a little better. Thank you.
Hey beautiful..that pic of you is stunning.
I’m sorry about the tumor markers. That must feel very discouraging.
Give yourself and that amazing husband a hug for me. Praying and think of you daily!
I am praying for you Ashley. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful husband,but he is extremely lucky to have such a special wife! I am sorry your numbers are back up. I have been reading all your posts,but haven’t responded to the last few. Your party looked like so much fun and was beautiful! I hope you have a great day and I wish I could give you a big ole southern hug!
A friend sent me business cards to pass out to people who look at my other friends and I when we laugh too loud or get too rowdy in public. The cards say, “Yes, I am a movie star.” I think you need to make some of these to keep in your wallet.