Well, even though I had over 8 hours of chemotherapy dripping away yesterday I woke up feeling really great! My friend Shari of Soren Lorensen Design is in town for the Palm Springs Art Festival and Lisa and I met her bright and early at my favorite breakfast joint Keedy’s:
Yesterday was a long day!
I sat next to the nicest man…..Mr. W. We talked almost the whole time about life, food, travel, what we would do if we won lottery…oh he DID WIN the lottery once…..so cool! I think I met my match in joyfulness. He has the best spirit. He has been widowed twice due to cancer. His current wife had a radio show as a matchmaker…..man he told some great stories. The most touching story? his first wife put together a book of all his favorite recipes to pass them on. He told me when he left that his day was better having sat next to me…..but I think my day was perfect having sat next to him!
So I got my big bag of neon yellow Methotrexate……the nurses said the back of my bald head was neon yello when I left. My white blood cell count fell from 9,000 to 3,000 this week…..that’s still really high! I have no idea why they stay so high. Seriously. Dr. L is surprised too. Maybe it’s donuts. These drugs like to eat everything in sight in the body….ever see the movie The Blob? That’s what it reminds me of. The great thing is my skin is super clear and I used to get these small cold sores on the side of my mouth when I was run down…..but the chemo has eaten all that up too.
I just felt achy last night and Boo and I watched cartoons until about 8:30 while Mr. LBB worked late. Boo and I played Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock. Never heard of it? Watch the video….it’s awesome:
Anecdotal evidence suggests that in a game of Rock Paper Scissors that players familiar with each other will tie 75-80% of the time due to the limited number outcomes….I suggest Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.
My HCG (tumor marker) number came back and it’s holding steady at 2. At least it didn’t go up right?! The tumors in my pelvis sure are stubborn. I’m still convinced there just isn’t a huge blood supply to them so maybe that’s why they aren’t shrinking like they should. Think zero for next week!
Now I’m resting. I tried to work on my button painting for a bit but just too tired today. Maybe later. Have a great one!
LOVE Big Bang!!! Bazinga! Love you girl,praying for 0!
WE LOVE The Big Bang Theory and watch the reruns everyday on one of our local t.v. stations. When we can’t find it on t.v. we get out the disc and watch them that way. Dh and I practically know all the dialouge by hearts. I guess I like the show because the Sheldon character reminds me so much of dh.
My daughters keep getting me to watch Big Bang. . . think I am going to have to now.
Love reading your updates and hearing about the people you meet on your journey through chemoland! Praying those markers go down down down…
Rest Up. Loo is currently standing on a table (remember she is only 18 months old) singing Single Ladies, (Thank You Chipmunk movie for introducing her to the song)… One day I will catch her doing it and get a video… it is pretty funny. Hope you have a good evening. (It is evening here), also did I tell you Lil’ Liza Lou’s PINK Program is going to be on the LOCAL TELEVISION NEWS!!!??? I know I didn’t yet, but I wanted to tell you. It will be on WAVE3, on February 23rd, and I will post a link on the website. Much love to you, and hope you continue to feel good today. 🙂
I bet you meet some of those most fascinating people there.
LOVE Big Bang Theory!!
Thanks for making me smile! :o)
I love your posts….I relate to what you are saying and you help to keep inspiring me..thank you!
I used to be a blackjack dealer here in Vegas and I actually met the winners of U.S. Rock, Paper, Scissors championship. My boss and I went head to head with them in a best out of five and both of us lost….and when I say lost, I mean that neither of us won a single game. They are mind blowing. Praying for you everyday Ashley! Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us.
I’m glad you had a good day. Praying for a zero and zero for good. Keep drinking those smoothies!!!!
Man how do you keep your white blood cell count so high? Mine is in the gutter at the moment 0.27…. Lol, but in the two months since my diagnosis, I have yet to break a fever ( knock on wood )… I hope next week your at zero, or at the very least have some improvement. And I love Big Bang Theory…
Prayers heading your way…
I love that you had a clip from Big Bang theory! It is my favorite show, and I feel like I’m living it. My boyfriend is an aerospace engineering student, and he lives with all other engineering students. I often feel like Penny.
Glad your numbers didn’t go up. Praying for 0 for when they test you next!
You are my HERO. I LOVE The Big Bang Theory
Husband and I are obsessedddddddd with Big Bang. Sheldon is th best!!! What a neurotic weirdo! Love him. Glad you are feeling so well today. Crossing my fingers that it continues through the weekend so you can have some good family time!! I got my shipping confirmation that my necklace is on its way! Soooo excited!!!!!
Your cheerfulness is an inspiration. Best wishes for low, low numbers next week.
I have not eaten at Keedy’s in over 20 years. I am so happy they are still open. They used to have the best burgers served in plastic baskets and thick malts in those paper cone cups. And you got the whole malt can, too!
That was on last night’s Big Bang Theory but it was Sheldon explaining it to Kripke! So funny that it popped up here today too- funny episode last night! Glad to hear you met such a nice new friend!
I only recently found your blog, and already you have been such an inspiration to me! I wish you the very best outcome next week! God Bless!
Praying for zero!
May God wrap His healing arms around you…glad you are feeling well.
What a sweet thing for a dying wife to do…not sure I would be so thoughtful…just sayin:)… Glad your numbers are looking so good and “0” sounds good to me too..,so “0” it is! Rest!
Love ya and still praying and believing!
Ashley, I have been thinking that all along, what you said “I’m still convinced there just isn’t a huge blood supply to them so maybe that’s why they aren’t shrinking like they should”. Because you were pregnant or at least your body thought you were, and it was supplying the tumor with blood as if it were the fetus. Has the doctor even mentioned that? It seems that if your body might still think you are pregnant and still feeding the tumor, it may be the cause of the growth of your tumors. Sweetie…I pray and think of you everyday. Love you, Cousin Vicki
Must up my prayers another notch.
So glad you had great company yesterday.
Love BBT and enjoyed watching that episode last night…made me laugh so hard, especially since I use rock, paper, scissors in my class (I know) to have students decide who goes first. 🙂
Thanks so much for “checking in”. I have been thinking of you all day yesterday and today hoping that you were feeling not too bad. I’m thinking of zeros from here on out.
LOVE the Big Bang Theory!! Do you watch Community too? It’s another FANTASTIC show that might keep you occupied when you need it!
I am new to your blog and I want to tell you that you are inspiring. Also I hope you take this as the compliment that it is meant to be, you are the most beautiful bald woman! I truly mean that and say that with the utmost love and respect!
Praying for Zero! I am in love with the Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock…..I will have to teach my guys this weekend!
We love The Big Bang Theory too. I think we have seen them all, but still laugh at the jokes. Thinking of you.
Sheldon cracks me up!! He’s a good distraction. You are in my thoughts and prayers always!!!
I just read “belly button painting” instead of “button painting.” Admittedly, I was intrigued… until I thought a moment longer and realized that *surely* wasn’t what you typed. It was a good attention-getter though!
I’m so glad to hear that you had a great day. Praying blessings and rest over you tonight.
Rest well Ashley! And I’m glad you met a new friend. It does make the time in chemo fly by when you are able to sit and share with someone so nice. <<<>>> and prayers coming from Eureka!! And especially praying for the BIG goose egg on your test!! (For those of you that don’t get it a goose egg is another way of saying zero. LOL)
Just saying goodnight to you! Hope you have a great, restful evening!
Sending you “feel great” vibes tonight!!
Ha Ha Love that Show!!!!
“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”
Love that game! Never played it, but I bet it would be fun. Thanks for always being an inspiration to me. You encourage me to find joy in all aspects of life because you never know what is going to happen, and if I dwell everyday on the negative things my life wouldn’t be worth much in the end. Thank you Ashley.
zero prayers going your way. good night.
Isaiah 58:8 ❤
hello! I awarded your blog with “the versatile blogger” come at my page if you can… http://www.steffys.net
Ive never seen this Big Bang programme! I will have to find it on the internet and have a peek!!
In the meantime I am visualising your tumours shrivelling up and dieing, (literally this is what I am seeing, lol), I am also visualising Dr L telling you you are at 0!
Now, I have no idea what Dr L actually looks like, but, in my mind he is slighlty shorter than average, white coat, glasses and nice looking in a Doctorish way! He has short mousy brown hair and has a nice calm air about him.
Sending you love and Joy xxxxx
hey ashley…..I believe with my dr anything under 3 was negative. I have never hit 0….just always “less than 1”. In December we had a little blip and I went up to 1, but still negative and nothing to worry about. The past 2 months I went “Less than 1” again. I would post the question on babycenter and see what responses you get. not many people actually hit 0, but merely stay at 1 or 2…..it could possibly be a lab thing too, and where my lab has a range for negative, some may not?? regardless you are close and practically there!!! i am so happy this type of chemo is working…..get some rest…..praying for you always! Amy
your smile is radiant at the restuarant with your friends – so glad this chemo was a little better for you than last weeks….you are beautiful!
I am so sorry your numbers aren’t better. I recently read an article you may want to consider. Since I know you are eating very healthy, perhaps this: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/241454.php
It’s an article I read the other day which says fasting during chemo may enhance the chemo and starve some of the ca cells.
I wish you the best. xoxo
“Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
– James 1:2-4
I’m really glad you had a sweet man to sit beside for your therapy and you woke the next day feeling good. What a blessing. We’ve had a few games of rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock around our home too. Here’s to having a great weekend and sending a prayer your way that your tumors are “0” next time.
Hello another newbie here 🙂
I had to be the first one to say: I remember that movie The Blob!
I also ordered & received my Choose Joy bracelets & find you a True Inspiration!
I wanted to share another young mom with you…
I have actually been following your blog for quite a while, before this hit much closer to home.
Thanks if you have any suggestions or encouragement for her. 🙂
I’ve never seen that show. Rest up, my friend! Praying, praying, praying for that number to get to ZERO!
Hi Ashley, someone in an online course I’m taking (Letter Love 101) recommended your blog. I’ve spent a couple of hours reading past posts and I’m really enjoying them. I feel like I’ve met a new friend. You are such a wonderfully positive sole and I love your creativity. Hang in there and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for that zero for next week :0)