I can’t believe I have my phone right now. If you could see where I lost it you’d be surprised too. Earlier this evening, I picked Boo up from school and we drove home…….and I accidentally left my phone on the top of the car. As we pulled onto the highway I heard “thud….thud” and realized my phone had just dropped off onto of the busiest streets in the desert. Ugh. I just envisioned the cars behind me crushing my phone into a gazillion pieces. Boo and I pulled the car onto frontage road and walked up and down at a distance to see if we could see it on the road but never could find it. It got dark quickly.
We went home and I was pretty upset that I’d probably have to buy another phone. Mr. LBB said he’d take the bike over to the highway and call the phone to see if maybe it fell into one of the oleander trees that line the road. Boo and I said a prayer that he wouldn’t get hit by a car. A few minutes after he left, our home phone rang and it was MY phone calling.
Me: Hello?! Did you find my phone? (I figured it was Mr. LBB)
Man: Hi there. Just wanted you to know your phone is safe.
Me: Oh my gosh!!! Where did you find it?!
Man: Right off highway 74….a car almost ran over it and I stopped to pick it up. Sorry it took me so long to call you…..your phone was dead and I had to charge it up first.
My phone had bounced off my car…..onto the highway……. and landed about 20 or 30 feet onto a side road. Crazy. The nice man, Mr. M, gave us his address and Mr. LBB went and picked it up. We tried to give him a reward but he wouldn’t take it. I have his address so I’m sending him a surprise in the mail anyways. My phone just has a little bit of road rash but otherwise it’s fine. I have it in the indestructible Otterbox…..it just came away with a few scratches. I still can’t believe it didn’t get crushed under all that traffic.
I read a statistic this afternoon that 50% of people won’t return a lost phone if they find it! So glad Mr. M fell into that 50% that does.
That’s awesome! Mr. M is super cool! Your phone’s adventure is definitely a good ad for Otterboxes!
Oh my gosh, that is a crazy awesome story!
Sounds like Mr. M knows how to pay-it-forward too! Good things happen to good people. 🙂
Yay! So awesome when that happens it’s not just getting the phone back that makes it so great it’s knowing that 1.there are great people out there no matter what the negative people in the world believe, and 2. that you prayed and God listened :)..and I have been putting off getting an otterbox but I will be off to get one now! Those phones are not cheap!
There are honest people in the world but this is truly a blessing and very honest gentlemen. I am so happy you got it back and I LOVE the otterbox. Think that is what saved it. Hope you are doing well today. So very glad that you had gotten good news the other day. God be with you daily and Love, Peace, Prayers and Faith be with you all.
Oh my gosh this is wonderful to hear and bonus that you got your phone back 🙂
Gotta love those otterboxes!!! congtrats on getting your phone back
Yay! Glad to hear the Otterbox saved it–that is what I have on my phone. I’m lovin’ your good news this week!
WOW that is great… that is such a busy road… wow!!! AMAZING!!!
You never know Mr. M might have a bigger effect on your life than just returning the phone… I always feel like an encounter with some changed someone’s life in some way!
I know i would be lost without my phone. i am so glad Mr. M is such a great person. It sounds like you are having a great week!
That’s awesome. What a nice guy.
I have a otter case on my phone too. Just the commuter series one. But its awesome. My hubby has the tradesman series, and i think his would survive anything…
Glad it wasn’t crushed and was returned safely :). Enjoy the rest of your weekend :).
This has been a great week for you!!!
We found a phone and it has a password!! How do we return it?
That is so amazing! There really are nice people in this world. My husband left his phone in a public restroom once and realized a few minutes later and it was already gone. He checked to see if anyone had turned it in, nope. He called the cops and they were just going to file a report. I was able to track it with gps and sure enough it was heading down the highway. Luckily my husband also has a work phone so he was talking to me and I was telling him where to follow the dot down the highway lol! The guy eventually stopped for gas and my husband had the police meet him there and he got his phone back! haha It was quite the adventure 😉
So glad you got your phone back and congrats on the wonderful news from earlier this week! 🙂
That is great that he actually returned it. I lost mine before and in the end someone found it then sold it to a mentally handicap person. Then that person was using it and downloading ringtones and games on it. Poor guy really thought he had a new phone to use until I called it and he answered.
Good things happen to Good people
Soooo great!!
I have a friend who once put her iphone on top of my car and then we drove away. We heard a thud but didn’t know what it was until 10 minutes down the road and she couldn’t find her phone. Then we figured out what the thud was. I thought the phone had to be crush…we had been driving on one of the busiest roads in my hometown…which is a part of atlanta and there is a lot of traffic…We drove slowly down the road to check back for the phone and then I spotted it. It was face down in a turn lane. My friend jumped out of the car and grabbed it right before a car turned right where it had been. It survived without a scratch – and that was before the otterbox. It was a miracle…I was convinced that phone was a goner.
Glad your phone survived its own adventure. And now just remember to never put your phone on top of the car. haha.
That is wonderful!!!!! Yay!!!!
love this story! my dad found one on the road (he was on his bike) totally shattered and crushed. i was going to try and get it back to the owners via serial number and calling their service provider, but it happened to ring and i was able to answer it with my headphones! got it back to them too! 🙂 even though the screen was totally demolished, it still worked! similar to your story! and you are basically an advertisement for that otter box! 🙂
Kudos to Mr. M!!
I have an idea… whatever it would cost you to replace, give in southwest airline $$. That was our pay-it-forward this week, and it brought joy to a family that needed medical assistance to get to a doctor’s appointment. Wish we could do MORE!!! LOVE choosing joy, always have! NEW MEANING!!! You all know we love you!!
Jenn that is awesome!
Happy to hear of Mr. M. We have had our own story with a valuable returned. Makes you smile all day.
Debbie B
That’s great. I dropped mine in the rain yesterday into a puddle. It fell apart and the battery plopped out. Grabbed the wet pieces and dropped them into a bag of rice. So far so good. It acted up today but we’re leaving for vacation tomorrow so I’m praying it lasts until we get home. They have to send it off and mail it back. Funny how we get attached to our electronics. Not everyone is honest so it’s wonderful that yours fell into the right hands.
Lol happy for you ^_^
Bonne journée !
From Belgium
That’s awesome. I’m glad it was found by a good person. If I find a phone I always make sure to return it. Although if I find it in a store I usually just turn it into their lost and found.
That’s nice! I’m sure that where I live (south of France) the ratio of people keeping a lost phone is rather 9 out of 10, though…
Yay for Mr. M! That phone must have 10 lives, eh?
We have returned so many phones that we have found over the years. However, when everyone 1st got iPhones, hubby left his in the bathroom. We called it right away but they had already turned the phone off. Glad you got your back.
Awesome! I accidentally dropped Mr. LLL’s phone in the toilet once… I painstakingly brought it back to life. It was completely submerged for 5 seconds… Bag of rice, silica gel packets, a warm location and a vacuum contributed to its survival. (Just a note to anyone else who might do the same thing. It is thee second leading reason of water damage to phones. Bet you didn’t know that…
Great story. Thank goodness for people like Mr. M.
Whew! What a relief!! It is so wonderful to be the recipient of someone’s good will and good deeds!!! Glad your phone survived to be returned to you! Also rejoicing with you over your fantastic news from the doctor!!!!
It is all that paying it forward….it truly does work;)
my biggest fear is loosing or destroying my phone! I have insurance on it, but all that data! (I have no idea how to update and sync it. I’m going to the genius bar and learning today 🙂 ) I’m glad you got it back! There are some really great people in the world!
Can we get a Woop! Woop! So excited and grateful that this sweet stranger returned your phone! I am sure they want nothing in return and it just made them feel good to find the owner. I helped a woman one day who had lost her car in a large parking deck. We finally found her car after driving around for some time and I was just excited to have met a new friend! To my surprise one day in the mail she had sent me a gift card to Silpada! Yesterday as I was leaving the YMCA I picked up a verse from the “Bible verse jar” they have on the counter. It was… Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” I loved it and when I saw this story… wanted to share. This one is getting glued into my journal for sure!! Have a great weekend!! Hugs and prayers to you and your family! M
I did the same thing…left my phone on top of my car and listened to it thud into traffic. It survived too! 🙂 what a kind man Mr. M is 🙂
Awesome! What an angel 🙂
girl you need to buy a lottery ticket with the week you’re having 😉
OMG! So nice Mr. M
Once I left my wallet on the car to put my baby daughter safe on her car seat and completely forgot about it. I realized when I arrived home and walked around the car to take my girl off the vehicle: My wallet was still on it… 🙂 I felt a hole in my stomach! I´m sure here the percentege of people giving a cell phone (or wallet) back is soooooooooooooo less than yours.
I guess this all happens because of choosing joy 🙂
I was thinking you must have an Otter Box since your phone looks so great. My Hubby has one, and said he dropped it at quite a height while climbing a tower to install a radio off the highway.
Glad Mr. M was so kind!
I’m so glad it was found!!! I saw your phone in a pic on your desk once but didn’t comment. I have the same phone and the same hot pink otterbox cover!!! Isn’t it the best!?!? My phone has bounced off the pavement enough times that without the cover my phone would be done for!!
Great story!!! When my kids were young I would cary stuff..like a casserole…a purse…blueberry buckle…out to the car..put it on the roof and then strap the child in their seat and forget the casserole…purse…bluberry buckle!!!
I have done it so, so many times!! lol …the purse though…a man returned! What a blessing!! the casserole and the blueberry buckle though, sadly did not surive the take-off…lol
Yay God! Keep the blessings coming!
“Every good and perfect gift is from above…”
James 1:17
I love this story, I always left my coffee cup on top of the car. Needless to say I have had to replace many of them. You would think I wouldn’t do this more than once, well maybe not.
Yay! Mr M!!! Our phones are everything to us! Bless him!
Someone else paying it forward!! YAY!!! I was so happy to read a story like this today…just what I needed to hear! xo
So glad you got your phone back. Mine wad lost, or rather, stolen, as no one returned it when it went missing at the zoo. 🙁
Something similar happened to me a couple of weeks ago.I was shopping with hubby and he asked me why I was calling him. I wasn’t but the person that picked up my phone in the car park was and I hadn’t even noticed it was missing. So nice to know there are some honest people in the world
Wow…someone has your back! I think I lost mine like that once… Not sure because I don’t remember putting it on the car ,( and I don’t even have chemo brain) but everyone is sure that is what I did…nevertheless, I have yet to find that phone:(.
Glad you got you phone. Have a great day!
Love ya,
That’s great. I want to say that I can’t believe that 50% of people wouldn’t return a lost phone but I guess its not that surprising, unfortunately.
Yeah! The Otterbox is awesome and it’s the same one I have protecting my iPad! I love the pink…. 🙂
Wow! My phone fell out of my pocked once. I immediately knew I lost it but had no idea where. No one would answer it. I got online and started looking at my call history and someone had found it and was using it! I started calling his numbers and finally got a hold of his mom, who met my husband to pick it up. She felt so bad that her son didn’t do the right thing that she paid for his calls. In the end it worked out.
Yay for Otterbox (it has saved my phone too!) and Super YAY for Mr. M. Glad to know there are still good people around. 🙂
That is so awesome. Otterbox is the bomb! 🙂