I had some CT scans today. I always just drive myself because I’m on a mission to get in and out so I can get back to life as quickly as possible. I always ask the nurses to take photos for me. Ever seen the movie Stargate? That’s what the scanner reminds me of. (have you ever noticed I relate everything in my life to movies?)
It is SO freezing cold in that place. I love when they bring me a warm blanket right out of the blanket oven as they hook up the iodine.
Is it just me or is there’s something so wrong about all the warning labels outside the door as you go in.
I didn’t wait to hear any results. I meet with Dr. L on Thursday so I think I’ll just wait until then to hear them….unless he decides to call me for some reason. I’ve got fun stuff to do this week and my time before chemo on Thursday is precious. I’ll let you know when I know…..promise. Tomorrow I get to babysit my little niece Courtney…..you know the one…..the little cutie in my rite of passage video. She’s spending the day at Lil Blue Boo so my sister-in-law Carolyn can spend some quality time with my other niece Cari.
I’ve had a few MRI’s in my time and I never understand why they can’t turn the heat up in those places. I’m praying for you-and sending all my good vibes your way!!
Because they produce a lot heat so the rooms have to stay cooled. I agree, it’s like entering a refrigerator! 🙂
I hope you hear good news on Thursday, and have a productive few days before chemo. 🙂
Sending lots of good vibes your way and waiting for Thursday ~ (((hugs))) <3
Ashly, among the many things I am learning to love about you is you ability to squeeze every last ounce of productivity out of a day! Good for you!!!
Waiting is such a hard thing, but it never seems to bother you. You are incredible.
I so feel for you! I’ve been in the Donut, MRI, CT at least 40 times with dye and without. Of course I’m allergic to iodine, so need to expensive dye, always a pain with the insurance co. :/
Those warnings are so nice and comforting, I like when I had a lung embolism and the scan wasn’t working at 2:30 am. They had to use the old fashion xray machine with me inhaling nuclear mist. The tech saying “please don’t exhale my way”. LOL If it was Mary Jane I’m sure it would have been “oh, please, share a whiff will ya”.
I’m glad you have a sense of humor in all this! You remind me of my mom and even myself when I wake up and the Chronic Migraines/Fibro/Back Injuries all scream at ones. You say Choose Joy, I say look for the Silverlining. There is always someone worse off than myself. Use humor and laughter to make it through the day, to make it to the next. My mom battled her cancer for nine years, she hardly ever cried, she choice was to enjoy her granddaughter, laugh, do as much as she could, we had a lot of laughs. I miss her every day, especially her jokes and funny Dutch American accent. You would have liked her. She would like your “Choose Joy” and would have squeezed herself into a large tshirt. lol
Anywhoooo, waiting for your results dear Ashley. Prayers and healing light being sent your way from our island.
Hugs and love, Ruby
Praying for you for wonderful results and hope you get a lot done and feel well . Prayers are with your family and you daily.
So proud of the peace I see, hear and feel when I read your posts. It is quite amazing. I read this post before I saw your “painted my Bible” post, so when I got to it, it made me smile for I so see peace!
I wrote a CT scan post and feel like a total drama queen compared to you! LOL. Really, I’m at peace-ha-with how I am wired but I think what you are showing us is the peace the Bible talks about that “passes all understanding.” It is beautiful.
I also love that you share the not so peaceful moments like realizing med mistakes as they are slipping down your throat. I SO relate to the “did I take that med or did I just think about taking that med?” “did I just overdose?” so funny to see you put my experience into words. I’m better at it now that life doesn’t consist of a billion meds weekly.
Blessings, my fellow blogger. I think of you often and pray daily.
Shrinking thoughts. I’ve been praying for you nightly.
please have a wonderful week til chemo.
Ok so now I know you are truly out of this world and amazing. As a two timer w breast cancer my scanxiety has always been so high I couldn’t imagine waiting to get my results until i decided to get them my onc knows im always waiting to exhale until he calls me Wow, wow, wow. You go girl! Way to live with cancer, not letting it rule you the way it does so many. What a true inspiration you are!
I agree with Anna! One of the scariest things in life to me are scans! I literally get sick going to them. I love your attitude about the results!
You have taught me so much Ashley!
Praying for good results.
You look so calm going in to the CT. I had one and I kind of freaked out, might be because I was pregnant with my daughter at the time (I might have had a MRI, which everone is safe for prego people).
I hope the scans bring nothing but good news to you and your family!
Praying that the results are great on Thursday! Love how you are enjoying all of your chemo-free time. Give that niece and extra squeeze and enjoy each moment!
You poor doll. 🙁
Hope you have an enjoyable few days.
Have you had the contrast dye that “makes you feel like you’ve wet yourself” according to staff but actually feels a bit ruder than that? We have to laugh because we’ll die regardless/ Eventually. Of old age. In our sleep. Best thoughts and wishes to you and yours, Leslie
Praying for good news!
YOU are a JOY! Praying for positive results. EnJOY your times ‘off’ from chemo! God bless.
Praying morning and night you will get good results. You are so sweet have a wonderful day 🙂
Reminds me of Stargate too, so long as you don’t disappear when you go into it!
Not a day goes by that I don’t think positive thoughts for you!
Haha! You are BRAVE girlie! When I have my brain mri, they put a hood over my head. I’m such a claustrophobic mess when I go in. They have to cover my eyes with a towel first or I cannot do it……completely.freak.out. That makes me a CHICKEN girlie…ha!
You rock!
Sending healing thought your way! (I’ve often wished I had one of those blanket warmers at home. :))
There are bath towel warmers or just put in your dryer for a few minutes.
You are far braver than I, but then I’ve never had to be so brave. I’ve had a couple go ’rounds with MRIs and one CT of the head in which I was not a willing participant. For that they strap your little head concussed head down 🙂
My family wishes the best for you and yours. You are a generous soul to share your fight.
Crossing fingers for good results! 🙂
Oh how I pray that your results are good. About the blankets…I was so impressed when I went in for surgery and they hooked up my gown, yes my gown, to a set of hoses that blew warm air into it. AWESOME! Going in for a mastectomy wasnt anywehere I thought I would ever go in life but that heated gown made it somewhat worth it. Now if I could only figure out how to get one of those at home. Hugs to you.
Love you! I got Pizza Roll goo on my “donutted to team ashley” shirt today. 🙁 Very sad!
I too have chosen joy since I started reading your blog. And choosing joy has totally changed my life and how I spend my time, thoughts and emotions. You have taught me so much already with, I am sure, so much more to come. Bless. xxx
You have made it so clear to all of us. Live life to the fullest. And you have inspired us to do just that. You have tons of love coming your way. I know you can feel it.
Good luck!
Diane D.
You are amazing ~ and you always make me smile! Choosing joy has become my mantra after finding your blog. I so wish I had one of those blanket warmer thingies. The rooms are truly icy cold, protecting all that equipment. I just know that you’re going to receive some good news this week! Prayers for you and your family continue.
Have lots of fun times between now and Thursday 🙂
Thanks for the pics! Good, now I know what to expect when I go for my head CT on Friday. Take blood out anytime…but don’t inject stuff into me!! Who knows that better than you, right?! Take care 🙂
Thinking of you.
Oh, Ive been kind of down today till I read your post Ashley! You always help me to smile and I sooooo appreciate YOU! Thank you, Sweet Pea!
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”
Psalm 119:105
You are so tough! The dreadful CATscan drink! I had mine a couple weeks ago-I took the nurse up on her offer of a “Depends” and it turned out to be a jumbo diaper-ha! (I was expecting a discrete pull- up.) Took me a couple hours for me to feel like the dye was gone & I was “normal”. I pray for you daily and wait expectantly for you to receive good news. We are moving across the country this weekend and my choose joy bracelets are waiting for me at my new address-I’ve got several loved ones in mind who I’ll be giving them to. Love you, even though we haven’t met!
I know you’re already drinking tons of water but the dye from the CT scan is kind of hard on the kidneys so drink a little extra when you have them. That “warm” feeling is very hard to describe… I’ve not had any accidents yet but it’s a different feel for sure.
There’s power in prayer & I believe in miracles!
Choosing Joy daily 🙂
Praying for good news.All the best.
big hug