I had my blood test yesterday morning. When I picked up the phone today I was a little nervous to get the results but my HCG numbers stayed at 2. Yay! I have to admit I kind of forget that I have results coming each week…..I move on so quickly to the next thing. I had an appointment today with my OBGYN to see about my hormones……and how my ovaries are doing. My terminology was “are my eggs dead?” The doctor said we’ll know eventually what my hormone levels are and whether I’m going in early menopause or not. I’m not in a hurry to figure all that out yet.
Here’s a new project I started this week……making all of the dresses I’ve made Boo (the one’s she’s grown out of) into a big double-sided quilt for her. I’m hoping to finish it tomorrow but I leave for the SNAP conference early Thursday morning so it might not be completed until next week. My mom flew in today to help out with Boo while I’m in Salt Lake City…..she and Boo spent all afternoon swimming and playing volleyball in the backyard. Life is good!
What a wonderful keepsake!
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
Thats an awesome idea!!
Love that idea. I wanted to do something similar for my boys but haven’t quite gotten it done!
What great news about your HCG numbers. Fingers crossed it stays that way!
I wish I could quilt lol I need to figure it out…I have a sewing machine just sitting all lonely in my house lots of things I would love to do with it just gotta actually take the time to sit and figure it out lol
So so glad your mom there and levels are good. Still praying 🙂
I’m thinking that is going to be a huuuuuge quilt.
How is it that I live in Utah and Work next to thanksgiving point and didn’t even know this (SNAP) was going on!!!!??? well now that I know I am totally going to register, hope they still have spots. 😉
So wanted to do this, but……..procrastination. Babies now 8 & 10 :/
Great news!!! I want to make a quilt!!! You’ve inspired me.
Congrats on the numbers! I love the quilt idea too… I am saving all of my girls’ swim team shirts to do a quilt with 🙂
I made one of those with all my kids clothes from their first year. It took forever but it is amazing!!!
Great news!
I am making a quilt with my little ones baby clothes (onesies etc) and I am wondering if I should be putting interfacing on the back of each knit piece….are you doing that or just leaving them as is?
You cut up all those fabulous dresses?????? I’m dying over here!!!!!!!!!!!
Wishing I was still in UT! I’d come see you at SNAP! Good luck and have fun! The quilt is an adorable idea by the way!
Congrats on your numbers!!
That quilt is going to be amazing. I’ve got boxes full of my boys clothes…I figure I’ll stop collecting when they turn 5 and actually put quilts together. :o) Looking at your quilt I might add some squares of fabric from the clothes I’ve made them too.
YAY!!! YAY!!! I am sure you have fabulous eggs! So glad those numbers are staying down.
Yay!! Hope your eggs aren’t dead! 🙂
Love the quilt idea! I cut squares using your scraps, and made them into rainbow colors for a blanket but never sewed them up! I may need do it soon! It won’t be as big as yours!
And Salt Lake City! You will be in my neck of the woods! I live about 40 minutes from salt lake now!
Woot Woot for HCG at 2!! Have a wonderful time at SNAP. 🙂
Ashley I’m so happy to hear your wonderful news!! The quilt is beautiful and such an awesome keepsake for your daughter! I hope you have a great trip!
can’t wait to see the final project. please share when you’re done!
I love it! My mom made me one from t-shirts I’ve collected over the years, I absolutely love it.
I have been following your blog for over a year now and haven’t left a comment until now. The reason – you are going to be in SLC which is where I live! I hope you have a wonderful time at SNAP (even though I don’t know what that is) and enJOY our beautiful mountains and weather. I am so glad your numbers are staying steady and I will continue with my prayers.
So glad about your numbers!! The quilt will be fab….my girlfriend made one for me using most all of my son’s hockey jerseys from age 6 to 17. Love it!!
Another shy SLC resident here who has been reading your blog every single day for quite a while, but never commented. : ) I’ve even shared your story with the girls I teach at church, and even mentioned that we should paint our scriptures. hehe
I have never heard of SNAP, but will be at the Tulip Festival Friday morning with my mom and sister, so I’ll have to check it out! So lucky that you get to come right during the Tulip Festival, which only goes on for 2 weeks. I hope you have a fabulous stay! If you have time to head downtown (15-20 minutes on the freeway from Thanksgiving Point), you should check out the brand new City Creek Center mall. Have a safe trip!
cool ^^
wow…she had a lot of dresses 🙂 love all the little designs!!
Aw, that quilt is going to be cute and colorful!
I made a t-shirt quilt a while back, and really wish I still had some of my childhood clothes to make a quilt of. Somehow my childhood doesn’t seem real, and old t-shirts, clothes, or quilts helps make it seem real(er).. ha. I had never thought about making a clothes quilt until a few years ago… I guess they weren’t popular for parents to make in my day. Boo will love it… and will really be glad to have it when she’s older.
Double-sided quilt? Wow, that sounds like a lot of work. I made a lap size ‘crazy clothes quilt’ and that took me forever. A double-sided patchwork? Oh my. I gotta see it… soon… hurry, missy. 🙂 I’m sure it will be adorable like everything you make! So happy to hear that your levels are ok and your mom is visiting too.
I hope everything goes well with the conference and with the discussions with the doctors. I have been wanting to do a t-shirt quilt for awhile and was wondering how you are doing yours. Are you using a stabilizing fabric? All the best!
For my moms 60th birthday we made a friendship / sisterhood quilt. We had all the ladies and girls who loved her most decorate white fabric with their name. Lots of beautiful fabrics were used to create the squares that went on to complete her quilt. 72 days later my mom lost her fight with cancer. Her casket was wrapped with her quilt at her funeral. It was so beautiful and will remai or of the most treasured items. I am not a quilter but the memories they can evoke are just magical.
I am so happy for you and the fact that your numbers are staying put. I am so excited for this weekend. The only reason I am attending SPARK is to meet you. I hope after you get a few years away from your cancer journey you write a book about it because the world needs to see how you have faced it with grace, beauty, and humor and that other can too.
The quilt is going to be fabulous! When my daughter turned 10 this year, I had my mom make a quilt for her (she is the quilter, not me!) using a bunch of t-shirts from over the years – Girl Scout tees, camp tees, school tees, sports team tees. It turned out so fun! She loves it!
So excited to see you at SNAP. I won’t make it to the conference but I am vendor at the queen bee market and hope to see you there 🙂 xoxo It would be great to finally meet in person!
awe, come on! Seriously?? Don’t make a quilt. HAND ME DOWN them all to ME. Ok, just kidding. (well, kind of.) The quilt looks great.
Congrats on continuing good news. So happy every time good news comes to you!
IN celebration you should have a shot of wheat grass, and then go buy some doughnuts. Maybe I will celebrate with some doughnuts too.
I read your blog all the time, but I just realized SNAP is in SLC. You’ll be in my neighborhood and I can’t go because it’s sold out. (and I wouldn’t be able to afford it anyway) 🙁 I hope you have a wonderful time here! It’s supposed to be beautiful weather. Let me know if you need a break from the conference and want to enjoy a nice walk/hike. 🙂
If you suddenly get hug attacked by some random smaller brown-haired person at SNAP-just know it’s me 🙂 I’ve been waiting for SNAP and the opportunity to meet you IRL. I’ll try not to act like a total dork-but no promises 🙂
Newlyweds on a Budget
You are so talented!! LOVE IT!!
I always praying life continues to move forward for you all. Have a great rime at Snap!
Yes, life is good. Sending love and hugs from New Zealand. xx
My mom made quilts out of my sisters and mine old clothes as well. She still has them. Glad your results were good!
Yay for the bloodwork! Have a wonderful time at SNAP.
So happy to hear that your levels are staying the same, Ashley. Have fun on your trip.
High 5!! Life is good!
2 is good! No, 2 is awesome!! YAY!!
Love the quilt! Great way to up-cycle those dresses!
Life really IS good!
Awesome quilt idea!! I love it!
So glad to here you are doing so well.
Pulling for you everyday!!! You’re such an inspiration! Fabulous idea for the quilt! 🙂
I wish mine could be so consistent and beautiful… I’ve saved all my favorite outfits for all three of my kiddos and plan to make a memory quilt for each of them… and thanks to you, I plan to print some of my favorite photos of them on printable fabric to include in the quilt… I never knew it was possible until I started following your blog… so thank you!!!!! I can’t wait to see your finished quilt!
Oh my gosh, that is going to be an amazing quilt! LOVE it!!! Hey, you are in my city! That is so dang cool. I wish I was coming to the conference and could see you. If you need anything, let me know. 🙂
Dear LBB, I’m Judit from Hungary and I just love your blog.
Now I cant resist to suggest You the paleotic diet. I’m on it already for 1,5 years and I have a friend, who has PCOS, and coud heal it with this way of life.
Wish You the best!
So happy for your good results. will keep you in prayer, You have been such a big inspiration to me. Love the idea of your quilt. can’t wait to see it done 😉
What a cute idea!!! Can’t wait to see it finished. Hope you had fun at Snap!
Ashley the quilt will be gorgeous! Are you going to put a light batting between and quilt it or have it quilted? I know you have already thought of this but be sure and make a label for the back! A fab keepsake but one Boo will also enjoy now.
So thankful for your numbers! You are an inspiration above and beyond!!
@brianne regarding question on backing for baby clothes quilt. If they are delicate it is a good idea but I personally would not use a fusible type of backing.
Onesies could be a little stretch but use a ball point needle when sewing. 🙂
Greetings from Costa Rica! I have been reading your blog and I admire what a strong woman you are.
I felt that I had to share this with you: I had uterine cancer myself and I have been well for six years now. Don’t be very concerned about early menopause, you just take the replacement hormones and life goes on just like usual. Seriously, I can’t tell you anything that is different from before my “eggs where alive” 🙂
Keep being strong!
As we say in Costa Rica: Pura Vida! (it’s a way of saying that you are full of life and well: just like you)