Get to know the elusive Mr. LBB! He finally agreed to an interview….
So Mr. LBB, do you like being called Mr. LBB?
I have no opinion. Sorry.
Well, we are off to a great start. What exactly do you do for a living?
I co-own a business called SC Industrial that does drilling, blasting, excavation and rock mitigation. We also build and remodel high end homes and clean waste-2-energy power plants using explosives. Basically, we hang off mountains and blow sh*@#t up.
That sounds dangerous. What does Ashley think about that?
Let’s just say that every time I leave for a job site I get the question “is your life insurance in check?” If I’m dealing with explosives it’s usually “when’s the last time you increased your life insurance.” But in reality, my job is actually safer than many industrial-based jobs.
What do you like best about your job?
It lets me be an intellectual behind a desk and also work with my hands in the field. It’s the best of both worlds. Boo loves hanging out with the guys. She tells people that our company “moves mountains……like Armageddon.”
“Uncle ” Walker explaining unicorns and space:
Our friend “Uncle” Chris even has a tattoo of her:
Do you have any tattoos?
No. But maybe one day.
How do you help around the house?
I do everything……except for brush Boo’s hair.
Does Ashley have any responsibilities around the house?
Yes, but she finds ways to get someone else to do it. I don’t care how she gets it done….as long as it’s done. She does do all the grocery shopping though. I can’t stand the grocery store. It’s paralysis by over analysis……I get stuck when there is more than one choice.
Do you craft?
No way. I’ll make stuff out of wood though if Ashley asks. I’m more of a lawn and garden guy.
Do you decorate?
I have no opinion on decor except that it’s comfortable.
What’s the worst DIY project Ashley’s done?
The pillows on our couch….she never finished them. And they’ve been there for 2 years.
How do you feel about Lisa mooching food from your fridge and eating all your leftovers?
I didn’t know. I’m pissed now. Actually, we’ll call it even….I borrowed an extension ladder from her house recently.
What’s your favorite project Ashley’s ever done?
The Sinclair Gas Station painting. My great grandfather owned a Sinclair Gas Station. It now hangs in my office.
Do you read the blog everyday?
About every other day. I try to be supportive of everything Lil Blue Boo.
Do you have a favorite post?
Are you there, God? and maybe the one where Ashley talked to the horse telepathically.
Have you ever written a post for the blog?
Yes, the day after she woke up in ICU. Lisa was getting a tons of emails and we needed to say something. It’s called An Update from Brett.
Does anything ever surprise you about the blog?
The love and generosity that people have for someone they’ve never met in person. We do everything we can to pass it on. I try to read every comment….but it’s gotten a lot harder lately!
How do you feel about Ashley sharing so much personal stuff on the blog?
Well Ashley strategically keeps me out of it……I’m actually a very private person. All my friends will laugh at that comment because I’m an open book to them…..but only to those that I know and trust.
How did you really feel when Ashley got on the roof that day following chemo?
It was a testament to how truly impatient Ashley is.
When has Lil Blue Boo popped up in your life unexpectedly?
Playing Battle of the Sexes one time the question was “What is a fabric with small pastoral scenes on it?” I knew the answer: toile. I’ve never lived it down.
What’s it like every day at the LBB headquarters?
If I’m lucky enough I get to spend about 30 minutes there during the work day. I come home for lunch and eat lunch with the gals in the office. It’s my comic relief. There’s always a ton of energy. But, they always forget to buy me lunch when they get takeout and I’m left with Boo’s mini frozen pizzas.
Do you help with ideas?
Any idea I have is quickly shot down. There is a lot of eye rolling.
How do you deal with all the craft crap laying around?
It looks like Michael’s Craft Store threw up in my house.
What do you do when your wife wants to buy something new for the business?
I say “yes ma’am.” I’ve learned to not have an opinion on things that don’t really matter to me.
What’s your least favorite thing about Lil Blue Boo?
It never stops. Never. Even when she’s on vacation or relaxing on the beach…..she’s thinking about what she’s going to make. She’s always been a craftaholic… she just has a license to do it.
What’s your favorite thing about Lil Blue Boo?
It’s really the best thing that ever happened to us….mostly because it gives Ashley a place to funnel all her energy. If she can’t create she’s kind of a drag (laughs)…..
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
In the evening, every TV in the house is monopolized by either my wife’s addiction to reality TV or my daughter’s VeggieTales. Although now Boo is starting to be interested in Holmes on Holmes and Yard Crashers which I love to watch too.
Oh, and Ashley never cleans a dish…..they pile up in the sink every single day. There are also cups of drinking water all over the house because she forgets where she puts them.
Do you buy into the Choose Joy thing?
Yes. Except for when someone questions my integrity……or when the IRS is incompetent. Here’s my soapbox moment: the IRS is the only institution in America where you are guilty until proven innocent.
Have you ever done a coffee enema?
Yes, I’ll try anything she wants me to…..once.
Have you ever designed a dress?
Once…all I did was pick out the fabrics.
Oh how cute… must be so proud. Did anyone buy it?
Any parting words of wisdom today?
Peace out. Choose Joy.
We are going to start having Mr. LBB as a periodic contributor on the blog….talking about marriage, being a dad, cancer and other topics! If you have something you’d like to ask him or want him to address just leave it in the comments!
Awesome! This was a fabulous post! 🙂
So cute! I love this. Ash and I must share some DNA cause I never do dishes and my nightstand is filled with water cups…a new one each night and none of then make their way back downstairs. We must be lucky girls to have men who will begrudgingly tackle dish duty for us. Can’t wait to hang out in a month Ashley and Lisa!!!!!!!!
Just an awesome and truthful post. Thanks for always sharing =)
Choose Joy!
Crafty Hugs-
your husband sounds very supportive and like alot of fun!! I think that it is great that he loves you for who you are and accepts you for you!!! 🙂
That was awesome. I love that he lets himself be called Mr. LBB… mine took offense to Mr. LLL. (Poor guy, but it is really so much easier.). Yay on marriage posts and life… Blessings to you all… and I read the post after Ashley went in the hospital, and was like, this guy loves her to pieces…
Great post! Love it! Can’t wait to see what all Mr. LBB has to share 🙂
What a great guy 🙂
What a great hubby!
Awesome interview. That totally made my day. You two couldn’t be a more perfect pair. Oh, and you make an adorable little Boo too!
LOVE IT. So nice to have a bit of personality to go with the name and face. He actually reminds me a lot of my husband, Brent 🙂
Choose Joy!!
Gosh I just love you guys…nope, I don’t know you at all but feel like I do 🙂 Your blog always makes me smile!
Can’t express how fun this was to read…I love your family, like seriously creepy stalker love. 😉
“Ya’ll” are amazing!!
Tell me if I am right, that mountain sure looks a lot like Entiat area or should I say Wenatchee area.
I remember Ashley asking me to yell Lil Boo Blue says hi when I drove by. I did but no one waved back, I was crushed.
What a fun post. I like his (or yours if you’re reading) answer about your work – getting to use your intellect + having a hands on business. Sounds just like my husband – best of both worlds! And that’s funny (or sad) that you come home every day for lunch but get left off the take out order!
((((((((MR LBB)))))))))))
YOU SO ROCK on so many levels!!
I am very grateful that Ashley and Boo have you in their lives!
Thank you for letting Ashley share what she does on this blog!
You and the girls are always in my thoughts and prayers!!!
God bless!
Kelly D < 🙂
I loved reading this. You two are a good match and you surely are good parents with that open banter with so much love. Thanks for doing the interview!
That was fun.
I like all these husband interviews lately. Shows another side. Have you read PDub’s Marlboro Man posts lately? Hilarious.
I love it! Good job Filter!
Toile, I die!! What a riot, I found myself smiling at the end.
I am so impressed that you got him to do it. What a guy!!!
That was so funny! What an interesting job he has! Sounds like you have a great guy. Thanks for sharing MrLBB!
This was both awesome and hilarious to read. Thank you Mr. LBB for sharing…and what a fun job to have!
This was a great post, very interesting to get opinions from the “other” side LOL. My favorite comment was “It looks like a Michaels Craft Store threw up.”
Can’t wait to read more posts by Mr. LBB
FABULOUS! love hearing from mr lbb!
Loved this post. Very funny (and honest) post about loving and living with a craftaholic wife.
Loved it! He is such a doll & he has so much LOVE for Ashley.
Loved the interview…so refreshing after all of these months…He’s gonna start something on your blog…he’s gonna end up being a favorite…!!!! U 2 go together like salt and pepper….!!!!!
I just found this blog a little over a week ago, and so glad I did. The interview today, was such fun to read. And the picture at the beginning of the interview of Boo and “HANDSOME” husband is really what made me read the entire article. Seems like a very special family, and gotta love everything about that!!!!
Mr. LBB, speaking as someone who also likes to blow s#$% up: Are you hiring?
LOVE the post!! So great to hear from Mr. LBB!!!
enjoyed the interview. i’d like to know how you two met and how he proposed.
Does he have a single twin brother?
Can I clone Mr. LBB?
Ha,… that’s the best job description… hanging off mountains and….
I swear the entire LBB’s have the best sense of humor. Will you all change your last name to LBB?
Why did “Uncle” friend get a tattoo of her? Cute.
Mr. LBB,
I have told Ashley several times that I pray for you and Lil Boo quite often.
It was awesome to hear a little about you.
This is awesome! I always wondered what he did for a living… Mr. LBB should come up with a DIY post to share 😉 Even if it incorporates blowing something up…
Love this interview!!!! Mr. LBB is very witty!! 😉
Sounds like cool dude. 🙂
Gotta’ love a smart guy with a big heart!
What 3 adjectives most describe you, Mr. LBB?
How/when did you and Ashley meet?
I want to know how they met also!
Great post! He really is quite elusive. I wish I had a question, but can never think of something I want to know until someone else asks first. Then I’m all, ‘thats a good question, why didnt I think of it?’ I loved this post and look forward to hearing more from Mr. LBB in future posts.
I want to hang off mountains and blow stuff up. How cool is that?
that was awesome! mr lbb sounds like a great guy – what a blessing! can’t wait to hear more.
What a funny family you are. Speaking from experience, it takes a very patient husband to deal with a crafty wife’s craft crap. Then again, I don’t harp on his “craft crap” in our garage…ha, ha, ha.
I don’t have any questions, but wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading this. It’s always nice to see someone you “know” from another perspective. Thanks Mr. LBB!
Great job Mr. LBB! 🙂 And I agree with you on the IRS…we had that pop up recently and had to prove our innocence! Thankfully it ended up not being too bad and we were right, even better!
Thanks for sharing Mr. LBB! You are awesome and have an amazing family. I love Ashley and continue to pray for her and all your family. You all are so blessed to have each other and can overcome any obstacle or challenge as long as you have the love and support of family. And you have a ton of support from friends here who are inspired by you all! God Bless!
Nice interview! lOl I think I am the proud owner of the Mr. LBB dress!
You can tell he has a great personality. Funny how answering a few questions can make us feel like we know you guys…Oh, and now my son wants to blow something up!! Choose Joy!
great interview! i can relate to mr LBB when doing grocery. lol
Can he start giving classes on how to be the perfect husband and partner?? Or, can he clone himself and send the clone to me? I need to marry someone like him. I am happy he’ll be contributing to the blog! 🙂
Oy, Patrick has given up on trying to find all my water glasses throughout the house 😉
Loved this! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Loved it…you have been such a supporter and pillar of strength for Ashley during this ordeal…your love is obvious! But for some reason I saw you in my head as a white collar suit wearer…not a mountain blower upper…just sayin!
Nice to know you guys are so normal! Looking forward to your next interview,
I read this to my husband and he laughed so hard, he says there must be a maker gene, because I leave cups everywhere, don’t do dishes, and whatever bit of Michael’s didn’t make it to your house is definitely in mine! My Mr CG actually named himself that a few years ago because I stay at home and everyone always knew me as *His* wife, or later on as our kids mom, but never as myself. When I started blogging, and sharing the things I made, he said that for a change he was going to be Mr cathgrace, because he would much rather be known for what I do than anything, which I thought was sweet.
Ok, water glasses around the house remind me of Signs. That one pet peeve may end up killing an alien and saving your life…. Think about that. And I would also like to suggest Mr. LBB fulling disclose his bowl habits. We know Ashley’s, it’s his time.
Favorite answers: michael’s craft store throwing up! And making stuff out of wood. Mind in gutter. I know! He seems really funny!
And please share the TV with him! Lol!
So fun meeting Mr. LBB and it would be fun to hear from him more! It’s always nice to see a guys perspective on things. They just think differently. As always, wishing you all the best!
haha I loved it!!!
Exactly what I expected him to be like 🙂 You do a good job of keeping him under wraps but I knew he’d be a smart alec 🙂 Great post!
By far this is my most favorite post!!! Thank you Mr. LBB! I am going to print this post and put it in my husband’s office. Let’s just say everything you said about Ashley (or the pet peeves at least) is how my hubby feels about me.. Oh and especially the CUPS!!! My hubby just hasn’t crossed the “Yes Mam!” thresh hold!
One day Mr.LBB I will get my husband to be as courageous and as patient as you… one day!
Funny you guys said “craft crap” because my hubby thinks he is genius because he thought he made up that term! hahaha!
OMG – that was hilarious! So fun to read about him & what he thinks about everything! What a hoot! Gotta be a blast around your house w/ the 3 of you – love the fact that you all OBVIOUSLY live life & have fun. I believe laughter & ‘cutting up’ is what the key is to marriage. That’s what I do at least. If you are reading this “Hi Mr. LBB!” Peace out dudes! lol
Oh my word, this post was so fun! Thank you for all you share and for making this amazing blog a family affair. I always look forward to new LBB posts, and I know I’ll enjoy future Mr. LBB contributions!
Mr. LBB has a great sense of humor. Can’t wait to read more posts from him.
This a great post! I hope we get to read more about behind the scenes at lil blue boo!
This was so fun to read and learn more about your relationship! Mr. LBB – you seem like one awesome husband for Ashley and I’m so glad you have each other. Ashley- do you hate to clean? I haaaaaaaate it!! I wish I had someone that could do it for me!
you guys are awesome :]
great post 🙂 thank you
Well done, Mr. LBB!
Great read! – looking forward to the next installment 🙂
With everything going on in their lives…It’s so refreshing that Mr. LBB has such a wonderful outlook on life!!! Waiting for the next installment.
I LOL’d pretty hard at the “michaels threw up in my house and glasses everywhere” comments… sounds like exactly what my husband would say!
Awesome interview!! That was pretty funny 🙂
I love his interview! My boyfriend would say exactly the same things. 🙂
oh, that was great!!!!!! hes a mr. smarty pants isnt he??? that should be his name mr. sp instead of mr. lbb!! lol i loved reading his answers. i always thought of him as a lawyer, idk why??? haha i always like seeing pictures of his cute face !!!
Loved getting to know the Mr. very cute and witty, made me smile, as you always do!
That interview was just brilliant! I, too, want to know how y’all met 🙂
Your husband is hilarious! I love that he’ll be on the blog periodically. And, also, I hope that’s true about you not doing dishes…it would make me feel so much better! :o)
That was super cute! We love to watch yard crashers too! When I had my wedding business my hubby hated it and he use to say the same thing-“It never stops!”
oh by the way Mr. LBB is a stud muffin…ha!
Bahahaha! Love it. And I admire the honesty! Wow….sounds like he has the coolest job EVER. Who DOESN’T like to blow sh** up??
I got my (6yr old) daughter totally into all the discovery/Animal Planet shows too, cuz I cound not STAND cartoons (except for Tom & Jerry and Roadrunner). She is now addicted to Tanked, Sons of Guns, American Pickers, and several others. Beats the he** out of Spongebob. 🙂
Can’t wait to hear more from Mr. LBB!!
He is a Keeper..Enjoyed the interview!!
Awesome Interview…Loved Every Aspect of IT !!!
Sweet Blessings to YOU and YOURS … <3
Keep the Stories coming : )
What a sweetheart (in a manly way)! That first pic tells what kind of man he is and his answers just confirm it! Isn’t it great to find such a perfect complement in a partner?!?
Actually, I love the pictures of Mr. LBB’s work. More rock pictures and blowing stuff up LOL!
I often wondered who Asley’s yin is to her yang! You channel strength from each other. Keep writing, there are many men who read on the DL.
Great post – Mr. LLB made me LOL!
Thank you <3
Yikes! I meant Mr. LBB! I meed more coffee!!
This was a nice surprise!
Good answers Mr. LBB.
Great interview!!! Loved it!! My husband is away right now and I have 5 glasses sitting on the counter. The big joke in our house is, if he didn’t ask me to marry him, we wouldn’t have all this stuff. Haha. I am a craftoholic that never has time to craft. When I’m not at my job, I’m helping with our business. I told him that if we have to move again, I’m filing for a divorce and he can have it all, until then it stays!! Lol.
What does Mr. LLB do for down time? We live on the tip of long island, run a shop 7 days a week and my poor husband never gets to blow $¥|+ up.
Take care & Choose Joy
Plus, he must really love you to do a coffee enemia. I read your blog all the time to Sean and I read that and he goes, not for me 😉
What a fun interview! No questions for MR LBB. But what a good sport!
Your interview is exactly you….funny, witty, mischievious, sweetly sarcastic, dry humor, deeply loving, incredible hard worker, a GOOD SPORT, very forgiving. I am forever indebted that you always make me feel very welcome and cherished in your home. Tears in your eyes over Ashley, watching you gently trying to detangle Boo’s Rapunzel hair, doing more than I have ever seen a father/husband do, your big heart and soft touch for all of us, I am very blest. Your adoring mother-in-law.
He’s a good egg, that Mr. LBB!
Pleasure to meet you. I have prayed for your family for a little while now. I am always so blessed to hear about or see “engaged” dads and husbands. It is quite rare these days. I married one and know it is one of the best decisions I ever made.
Take care, choose joy, and love life! God’s best to you and yours.
So cute! Can’t wait to hear more from Mr LBB…oh and I love that he knows what toile is! 🙂
I really enjoyed this, great idea to put some of his posts in the mix. Who thinks of this stuff? I love coming to LBB for inspiration, ideas, for the joy, have been perfectly following for awhile… love the site. This interview has just a touch of something that brings even more to the table. I can’t even think of what to call it. Now, I’m babbling and probably don’t even make sense. Thank you for doing what you do and for sharing it with us.
So Awesome!!! Boo is one lucky little girl to have two very incredible parents showing her the way in life!!!
Love the interview and Mr. LBB’s senese of humor! Looking forward to future interviews. Who interviewed him?
Mr. LBB sounds so much like my husband and I have many of Ashley’s qualities. My husband and I have been married for 30 years and our love gets better and better each year. I think the same is true for your future. Thanks for sharing your love and stories with us.
Love it! Hi Mr. LBB!
Ha. That was awesome! I was literally laughing out loud as I read this (which I probably shouldn’t have done while at work because now the boss thinks I’m nuts… oh well.) Thanks for making my day Mr. LBB!
Ok, now I don’t know who is more adorable.. Brett, boo or Ashley.. What a cute little family.. Will Ashley be peeved when she sees how many comments this blog entry generated. Mr. Lilbluboo.. do you think anyone in their right mind would not look at this one.. Popsicles or Mr. Boo??? No contest.
Thanks for sharing.. awesome job too.
How very fun to hear Mr. LBB’s side of things!
Awesome interview. My favorite part is “we hang off mountains & blow sh*t up.” I actually said “oh hell yeah” out loud. LOL
Nice interview, Ashley.
I loved hearing Mr. LBB’s opinion about life with you 🙂
This is very nice. Very sweet husband you have there.