Just a quick little story:
The other day, just a few days after the one year anniversary of my dad’s death, my mother was packing her car to head to North Carolina. She left her purse in the car briefly and as she jumped back into the car to do another errand her purse was nowhere to be found. She lives in a gated community and it’s usually pretty safe…..so it’s likely someone was watching and quickly took up an opportunity to steal it. It was devastating that someone would take such an opportunity but thankfully a few months back, she had color photocopied all the cards and her drivers license. My mom was able to quickly cancel all her credit cards and have new ones issued. She had to go immediately to the DMV (for the second time in a month!) to get a new drivers license before she left the state. She didn’t have to wait long at the DMV and once it was her turn it only took a few minutes to get a replacement because she had the photo copy of the old version. The DMV worker straightened my mom’s wig (my mom shaved her head to lesson the blow for Boo when I shaved mine) before she took the photo and dried my mom’s tears of relief that she was able to get a new license so quickly.
After getting her new license, my mom went to Target to purchase a new wallet and purse but only ended up getting a wallet because she just felt so sick about the whole thing. She saw a purse she really liked…..but just had no more energy to make such a huge decision. It wouldn’t be a huge decision for most people but my mom holds onto clothes and purses FOREVER…..I can’t remember the last time she got a new purse! Anyways…..she walked away that day with just the new wallet. A few days later she was at church, and a new friend from her Griefshare class handed her a gift. My mom cried as she pulled out the VERY purse she had been eyeing at Target (her friend didn’t know). My mother’s friend exclaimed that an overwhelming voice had told her to go to the store and get a new purse for her before church. My mom wasn’t even supposed to BE at church….she was supposed to be on the road back to NC…..and my mom’s friend was shocked that she had actually cancelled her trip because of the tropical storm. She said she couldn’t ignore the voice that told her to make the trip to Target before the service.
From my mom:
“God is so good to care about every detail of our lives…..even if we do not understand ….why I had this tribulation! I learned a lesson….never leave my purse for a second. Also, be sure to copy everything in your wallet on a color copier and put it away for safe keeping. Love, a blest mom”
I re-photocopied my wallet today…..and so I’m passing on the tip to all of you too. Share it with all your friends too!
Don’t leave your purse unattended! Even in your driveway 🙂
This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
O.K. that story gave me goosebumps. Great tip too. I was just thinking this week that if my wallet got stolen, I wouldn’t even know what was in there.
Awesome story. I love stories of how God cares about us so much even something as small as a new purse or using a friend to cheer us up is not beyond His reach.
Wow….goosebumps. Thanks for the advice, too! A woman stole my purse years ago & I remember how panicked I was and how I drew a blank on what was in my wallet. Luckily I caught her, but good avice :O)
God is so good, isn’t he..My friend since fourth grade and i were discussing this last night as to why I have to go through the pain of a second divorce. Why would a loving God cause me that kind of grief…our only answer was that either he will bring my husband back to me in the way HE desires him to be my husband, or he will bring me a husband greater and more loving to me and my five babies than I could ever imagine!!! Its up to me to sit back and watch the show though….all the while remaining true to HIS word and HIS faith! Thank you for sharing and again, for these sweet little reminders to stay in the word. Love to you and your mom…xoxo
God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.
Thanks so much for sharing…I’m so very happy for your mom. Good advice for all too!
Awww! Gotta love when people listen to that still small voice inside them. Awesome! Glad your mom got that blessing. I have had that feeling many a time and have learned no matter how stupid whatever sounds logically to do it. The PINK Program started like that. One of my best friends from college lost her baby at 5.5 months pregnant and I had this overwhelming feeling to do something. I prayed about it and two days later started it. It has forever changed my life. http://LilLizaLou/pink-program God is always at work. We just have to pause long enough and wait quietly to hear Him.
Helps to put the link correctly. http://lillizalou.com/pink-program/
Wonderful idea!! I wish I had done this in college when mine were stolen.
Ok, someone tell me why it matters to COLOR photocopy everything? Wouldn’t black and white do the same thing?
No idea….my mom just insisted that it had to be a COLOR copy…..maybe that’s what DMV required. A black and white copy is probably fine…and better than nothing!
Thanks for asking that, I was gonna ask the same question. But I just figured she must have said color for a reason and I would just do it.
I have done this in the past….thanks for the reminder, need to update my copies! It sure is sad we have to be so protective but God has a way of making all things better. Have a wonderful week!
What a little miracle! Five years ago I was in a very “nice” section of town at the park w my then 3 month old. Rather than tote my purse I left it in my car w a sweater over it. When I returned to my car the window had been smashed and my purse had been stolen. I was devastated. Especially when I thought that my engagement ring was in it (long story there). Anyhow, after I found my ring at home I called my mom ( I had cancelled all my cards). I was really distraught. The other thing of value in my purse was my sketchbook with my son’s infant footprints in it. She said,”maybe your lesson is to learn to let it go. Once you do, ask God to bring it back”. I thought she was nuts. But I tried to let go and then asked god to bring it back. Two weeks later I got a call from a professor at the University where I work. She had been hiking and a man handed her my purse, said he had found it and that he had no phone so he couldn’t find the owner. She had found my University ID and looked me up. It had been rained on but miraculously my sketchbook was unharmed and the entire contents were still there. Amazing, no?
God works in our lives. I have already copied my cards years ago but need to update.
Recently after returning to MD from being snowbirds in FL we found that we had a house fire while gone. It was contained in master bedroom and bath. Some people said you were really lucky. Mi said not lucky but blessed.
Just a note to all. PLEASE close all doors in the house when you go out or on vacation. If there is a fire it should help to keep it contained. Ours lacked oxygen and it went out by itself. This was taught at fire prevention week when I was 7 years old. Now 63 years later that lesson paid off.
Love it. I have to admit when I read in the Bible about the details required when they built the temple, I was always a little bored. Then I did a Beth Moore Bible study on the temple & was blown away. I walked away with the truth that God does care about the little details of our lives. Thanks for the tip of copying the cards. Great idea!
Crying reading this….your poor Mom. I’m so glad her friend was obedient to listen to Gods voice and bless your Mom. I’m here in NC…..if I knew where she was I’d go give your mom a hug!
Dear Ashley,
I know you probably already know this, but just in case you don’t or you’ve forgotten in whatever moment you’re in: you have a gift {and just thanks for sharing it}. Thank you for sharing your writing, your stories, your whimsy, your journey, your mommihood adventures, and your heart.
g i n a
Lovely story and great advice! A few years ago I dropped my wallet in downtown Seattle. I realized it hours later after coming home – during a power outage no less! It was quite a night, trying to make phone calls in the dark to cancel my credit cards.
Anyhow, about a year later I got a call from a local photographer who had been photographing some flowers in a downtown garden. He’d found my wallet in a flower bed and turned it in to the local police. I picked it up and was shocked that it was still fully intact – missing the $20 in cash I’d been carrying but everything else was there! The whole thing did a lot to restore my faith in my community.
This story reminds me of my experience about 7 yrs ago. Every morning, I would drop my daughter to school and park my car in front of the school building while I walk her down to the school’s main door. I usually lock all the doors of my car but that particular day, I said since I’m only dropping her off half way to the school building, I left them unlocked (not the best idea!!!) and the worse part is I decided not to bring my bag with me so I hid it under the passenger seat. I’m pretty sure no one is around that time, I looked around twice and then I got off my car with my daughter. While walking, I would look back and check my car and no one was there. As soon as I walked my daughter half way, I kissed and hugged her and went back to my car. Still nobody was around near my car, except for the cars parked in front of the school, mostly for teachers and workers. As soon as I got in my car, I immediately checked my bag (I’m not sure why I felt something bad is gonna happen) and guess what??? my bag is not there! I thought for a second that I was dreaming or something that I had to pinch my wrist to see if I was indeed awake. I felt so lost and shocked! My hands were shaking, I wasn’t sure where I was going…unfortunately, my fone was in the bag too so I drove home to tell my husband. Surprisingly, he was waiting at the door and told me, ur bag is missing right? I was like how did you know??? My hub said a guy called him a few minutes ago using my celfone and said I saw ur wife at school today and that she likes Victoria Secret panties…I was speechless and thought I was gonna faint at that very moment. It was just bizarre! So we called the police reported the incident and went to my daughter’s school to let them know and asked to check the security camera. Unfortunately, after a few days, they told me they didn’t see anything because my car was not caught by the camera. I was devastated but whatelse can I do??? thankfully, right on that hour I cancelled all my credit and debit cards. I didn’t had any cash on my wallet and bag but my daughter’s ID was there. I swear whoever that person was, he has no conscience. Lesson learned, never leave your valuable items in the car unattended, never trust a place or anyone and leave your car unlocked. I hope that it will be my first and last horrifying experience.
Wow, I can’t believe someone took it out of her car as she left it for a split second! Poor Mom. I think I’d be more personally violated too — someone watching, ya know. Glad she’s safe! And what a lovely testament to God’s goodness when her friend bought the purse she was eyeing. Great tip to photo copy all contents of the wallet in case of emergency!
This a precious reminder on both counts. When we get so caught up in the little tiffs in life, God is always there. Even for the skinned knees and just plain “grouchy for no reason” days and He longs to be close to us and wants us to be happy. 🙂
I think I”ll be photocopying my stuff tomorrow, too!!
Wow, what a great tip as well as a touching story about how our Heavenly Father can use us to touch the lives of others as long as we listen for those promptings.
Ashley, Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. God & our Mum in Heaven send us inspiring gifts as well. Our Angels live with us all.
I had my purse stolen two years ago during lunchtime, it was hanging at the back of my chair and someone stole it without me or my collegues (we were sitting all at the same table) notice anything!
It’s a horrible sensation: I had my house keys inside it, and my address written on the documents, and I live alone so nobody could open if I went home, and no phone to call my parents to come and bring their copy of the keys, and no money even to take the bus to go home or to reach the police station (and my bus pass was inside the bag too). Luckily there were my collegues with me, and they helped me.
But I never thought about making copies, for sure it’s useful! I’m going and make a copy of everything!!!
I have wanted to message you for a while now. At the beginning of April I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. I’m 27 years old and have been married for almost 2 years. My husband and I were just starting to try and have a baby when we found out. Needless to say my diagnosis was a huge shock. Right after I started chemo, someone sent me to your blog and I wanted to tell you how wonderful it has been for me. I know our trials are not the same, but your accounts of your chemo treatments have been so helpful to me. I’m losing my hair and almost to the point of shaving it. Reading your posts about your hair loss and watching your sweet video helped me so much to prepare for it. (although I have to say that I don’t think I’ll be half as gorgeous bald as you are!) It has been so helpful to watch another young person going through cancer and feeling similar feelings. I pray for you all the time and your sweet family. I absolutely love your blog and your attitude. If there’s one thing I’ve learned through all of this, it’s that God is so much bigger than science and doctors and diseases. I believe He will heal me just like He is healing you. He does care about the details of our lives, so much so that He would randomly send me to your blog for encouragement. I have also been blogging about my experience and what God has taught me through it if you’d like to check it out. http://www.leslievogel.blogspot.com I really just wanted to tell you thank you.
🙁 that sucks!!!! bless her heart! how sweet was the lady at the dmv! and that her friend felt the pull of her heart and was completely spot on with what was needed! thats just an amazing story!!!
Excellent idea! Thanks for sharing. I’m sorry your mom had to go through getting her purse stolen, but the story is awesome.
Amazing how after such stories like this ppl still don’t beleive in God .. Well it’s theirs loss. What a touching story and God never fails. God bless you and your family!
I just new it was going to be a great story in the end that I was already crying half way through. Sorry that your Mom had to go through having something so personal stolen from her but glad that there was someone there in the end to make it all better.
Great idea…just copied my cards! Thanks for nudging us into reality.
Love ya,
Amazing power of the Holy Spirit!
SO CLEVER!!! And thanks so much for sharing your God-Story!!! I just love my Lord 🙂
wow, what a great tip! never even thought of it and its so practical! [arent all the best best ideas, though?!] thanks for sharing! and heres a saying my dad repeats often [and one that i love]:
a smart person learns from his own mistakes, but a truly wise person learns from others mistakes. –unknown [at least to me.] 🙂
thank you, thank you for sharing such helpful information!
also, thank you for sharing your mother’s thoughts and reflections about this incident. hugs to her as well. 🙂
Wow, I hate that for your mom but if that wasn’t God letting her know she was there then I don’t know what is! Amazing the way he never lets us forget. So glad you shared this with us.
What a great idea! So sorry for you mom. Nothing worse than feeling unsafe in your own neighborhood. Good thing God was watching over her. Send her lots of hugs!!!
Thanks for sharing!
God is good. Amazing story. I’m going in to copy everything now.
Great tip to photocopy everything! Thanks for sharing your Mom’s story. Our God is an AWESOME GOD!!
I also know what it’s to losing my hair from Cancer. Before it started falling out on my pillow I had my hair stylist shave it off and my husband shaved his head also. The cancer is gone . but can;t have breast implants because the area kept getting infections and radation make it where things don’t heal very fast. I love your website. Hang in there and keep on blogging and sharing crafts.
I have been following your blog now for over a year. I have never commented before even when I wanted to and felt I should. You are an amazing example to everyone that you share your life with. My thanks are overdue, but I say , “thank you” for all they wonderful life experiences that you share. I, too, know that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us very much!
Thank you so much for sharing your mom’s story. (((((HUGS))))) to her! I am working right now, but was thinking the same thing about not knowing what’s in my wallet & needing to cancel cards if it was ever stolen. As soon as I’m done at my desk, I’m going to color-copy EVERYTHING – membership cards, credit/debit cards, discount cards & my teacher ID.
What a Great God we have – and He proves that just as He dresses the lilies of the field & feeds the birds of the air, He does care about those minute details of our lives. Two of my favorite verses are that 1. God catches our tears in a bottle & they are as a sweet perfume to Him; and 2. Zephaniah 3:17 – He rejoices over us with singing & dancing! He truly rejoices over you & your family, for your faithfulness & beautiful testimony of Him.
the story made me cry and the tip is invaluable. Guess what I’ll be doing this weekend!
Wow! Great story. And very touching about the voice that told your mom’s church pal to buy her a purse- especially as she bought the same exact one your mom was looking at! I’ll photocopy the contents of my wallet soon. Thanks.
Praise God!
Thank-you so much, Ashley, for writing this story about the theft! You wrote it exactly as it happened and it inspired my faith in the Lord ….even more!!! We are so blest to have a God who cares about every detail of our lives!
And that I can write this a year later for you to be alive and cancer free. Praise the Lord….I love you, mom