You all crack me up. I loved all your comments from yesterday on the Email Love post.
A few of my favorites:
Melissa: Ok, If I have to be the first one to be negative, so be it. This is out of control…how do you expect the chickens of the world to be individuals with their OWN needs and desires if they are ALL CALLED LISA???????
Meghan: I love the saying: Dear haters, I have so much more for you to be mad at. Just be patient.
Pamela: I don’t have any chickens, but I will name the next egg I cook after you…. and lisa if it’s a two egg omelet.
And how ironic that everyone is on pins and needles for my inbox to fill up with complaints and insults. That made me laugh out loud a few times.
It annoys me that so many of you get hater mail too. Just forward them on to me. It’s like Christmas. Don’t let them get to you…..maybe the person on the other end is just having a really bad day:
If you get more than one from the same person, then you can start a “cuckoo” folder. I have a few of those. I heart them. They must read my blog several times a day so they are actually being kind of supportive, right?
P.S. I encourage you to take this “How to tell if you are a Troll” quiz over at the Bloggess. (eff word alert) I love her (in kind of a creepy stalker way)…..and her book is hysterical. I could never be an Internet troll…..I’m too lazy….and can never get my comments to post…..because I can never remember my passwords.
P.P.S. And I’m seriously contemplating the next dress being “Beer Delivery Girl”….
I so love your postings Ashley!!!! I have a cuckoo ones too!
Please make a beer dress. That would be hysterical. We call it daddy beverage 🙂
You have the best outlook on life! Very inspiring 🙂
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You are the best. I <3 crazy people.
I will totally buy the beer delivery girl dress! I think people are in bad moods lately…maybe they all were stay at home wives/mom’s and the kids are out of school now so they are super stressed and hate their lives! Either way, the negativity lately on blog comments has been a bit out of control.
I will be the first in line to purchase the beer delivery girl dress.
You CRACK me up!
Oh my goodness, those website names are too funny. 🙂 I wear my “Choose Joy” bracelet all the time – it’s a great reminder. And I love that other people have stopped to read it and ask me about it. You definitely are paying forward the Joy with your life. Love you Ashley! 🙂
Yet again you took your brilliance to a whole new level. Buying up domain names? I wouldn’t have ever thought of that. FLOVE it! And I would buy every little girl I know a beer dress…and I’m a Mormon…and if you know any Mormons you know we’re NOT beer supporters. But I support you AND your parenting skills. So bring on the dress and bring on the beer.
Eternal cheers Ashley!
Yessssssss!!! Beer delivery dress sz 9/10 lol. Just think it will get you more emails which will = another funny blog post 😉
Make beer delivery boy shirts too! We have occasion to need such items.
all I can say is, Keep em coming….LOL..xoxo
Girl you rock! I wish I could have a Cuckoo file like you! LOVE IT!
True story. I had some bad stuff happen this morning and I was getting pretty grumpy. I started thinking of your post from yesterday and how, with all you are going through, you are making light of all of it and turning it into humor. I got off the Pity Pot right then and there. Thank you from the bottom of my little heart for teaching me to laugh out loud at the haters … and give them more if they need it.
Oh Ashley! My birthday is tomorrow and NOTHINg would make my day more than a Beer delivery girl shirt, but pleasssssssse in a woman’s size 🙂 xo
I now have seen the joy in hater mail. Now I want some. To this day I haven’t got any… 🙁 I really want some now. I think I am missing a valuable part of life. 🙂 Mayne I will get some soon. I think you should make the beer dress a throwback to the candy striper outfits. (Not stripper mind you.) Big difference. 😉
YES please do a LADIES size beer girl shirt!! Love the domain names too. So funny =)
I am laughing so loud at my desk that my coworkers had to come over and read the posts from today then I showed them yesterday!. So now we are all over here cracking up !!! SO Hilarious. We all agree you should make the Beer dress, and shirts for all ! This might be your top seller yet !! That would get them all going. That would get your Cuckoo folder full in minutes!!! LOVE IT !!
I think Boo’s next business venture should be a Mojito-Stand! It’s not easy to get a good Mojito!
I would so be buying two ‘beer delivery girl’ dresses. Our girls desperately wanted a lemonade stand this summer, so daddy built them one. Problem is we live on a cul-de-sac of a short street so we never get any people for them to sell lemonade to. However, we live on the corner of two canals and have lots of thirsty boaters motoring by all day long. My girls could make some serious cash selling beer to boaters in those cute dresses.
You crack me up!! The hater emails are comedy gold. You should totally sell beer delivery girl dresses. I would definitely buy one for my LO. By the way, I love the “unkind words spoken out of hunger” e-card. My little princess does that when she is crabby and hungry. We call that being “hangry.” Hungry + angry. 🙂
Lots off cuckoo’s over my way too Ashley 🙂
You. Are. Hilarious. Mean people suck. I love reading your blog and witty responses to life. In real life I think we’d be real good friends. Blog on, sister.
When my granddaughter was about Boo’s age, she was the beer wench at a cow pasture golf tournament, selling beer out of a golf cart. Just wish she’d had a beer dress! Eff ’em if they can’t take a joke!
cannot understand the hatermail. they just have to not click and if they do DO NOT READ.. am i missing something??
If they do not want to read encouragement from one who has been there done that go away.
I feel so neglected…I’ve never gotten any hater mail *sob*
I am dying. I surely don’t understand the emails – but I love reading your responses (both real and “thought”). I have a feeling we would be good friends if we ever met. (Ok, I’m not serious and I’m not stalking you. I think i just get your humor!)
Ha! Hilarious. I love that you bought all those domain names!
My thoughts exactly. That’s great! Who thinks of that? Take that, haters!
And really, if you hate a blog, why would you go through all the trouble to read it. Wouldn’t you just… not?
after the Beer Delivery Girl dress, the idea of which I happen to love, you must create an Ashley Oppresses Chickens Dress. It’s just right.
Ironically… my husband is IN the beer sales and delivery business! 😀 At least I think I’m still married… I haven’t seen him in a few days.. ya know a big drinking “Holiday” is around the corner! :0
You have a smartphone right? Theres an app called Keeper that keeps all your usernames/ passwords/ web links in one place. And its password protected (kind of ironic since I use it to remember passwords). It works well 🙂
Please make Beer delivery girl t-shirts!!! I would wear one in a heartbeat! 🙂 PS: LOVING that you bought those domain names!! Infinite loop of JOY is awesome!!
Oh please please please make a Beer delivery girl dress! I have three daughters who would wear them proudly!
Beer delivery dress… yes!
You could make a beer can with a “Boo Beer” logo on it.
Oh, and we need an adult shirt of that, too.
Dang, why didn’t I think of being a beer delivery girl in college???
OMG yeS to BEER DreSS !!! I will buy one and I don’t even have a little girl! (yet)
This made my day! I’m in bed and laughing so hard that the cats just took off running. My husband, who usually just looks at me like I’m insane when I laugh at blogs, even started laughing. I think we will go to Walmart this weekend to yell at cheese!
Love you so!
I LOVE the infinite loop idea. For extra good kindness, you should make it go right to the infinite loop post. That should REALLY light up the inbox. And while I’m posting, I have to admire Boo’s savvy business sense. I mean, lemonade is so last season and that market is saturated anyway. But beer… well, she’s on to something!
Bahahaha!! LOVE your blog!! Shame on them! Unfortunately, there will always be haters. Sure can get me in a wad at times…but I vow to take your approach to all The Crazies!! And as we say way down south in Alabama – “Bless their heart”, just a nice way to state how pitiful they are. And you just keep showing them…I love it!! Rock on! 🙂
I think you missed: =)
I just got my package of Choose Joy bracelets in the mail today – soo excited!
I am so sad, your comment about losing the best of the best when your hard drive crashed has upset me. I wasn’t a reader back then, so it appears I have lost out on some very funny commentator haters!
Please make a Beer Delivery Girl dress…I guarantee you it will be on of your best selling designs. So many daddies love themselves some brewskies.
Just love the fact that you bought the domain names!! I cannot stop laughing at those nasty narrow minded, misearable haters. I’d like to feel sorry for them but can’t as they made the choice to NOT Choose Joy.
Love you all at Lil Blue Boo!!
I WILL buy a beer delivery dress! You go, girlie!
Holy cow if you made a Beer Delivery ladies size shirt, I would totally buy it :-). Ashley you rock, and we cool Ashleys gotta stick togetha!
Please do a “Beer Delivery Girl” dress. My daughter has been delivering beer to me and hubby since she could open the refridgerator. A “Beer Delivery Service” t-shirt for boys would be awesome, too!
I just took the troll quiz and laughed so hard. Thanks for sharing!
Seriously Ashley and Lisa, you guys rock! All of those people who send negativity your way don’t realize that they are just fueling you and your positivity. Anyone who reads your blog knows that you are an amazing woman Ashley, for all that you do and have overcomed. I come to your blog for inspiration and a good laugh. Haters gonna hate and players gonna play. Keep on playin’ playa!
This made my day! Great post!
I hope between your beer drinking, photo bombing, chicken naming and bad customer servicing you have time to read my email. First off I think you are amazing. Your great attitude is so inspiring to me. I have been a single mom of 3 children for over 6 years. my youngest was 10 months old and my oldest was 4 when I decided to get a divorce. I was living in Atlanta and was 450 miles away from my closest relative and had not worked for 3 years. It has been a long road for me and I often time want to have a pitty party for myself but then I came across your blog and I realized I needed to “CHOOSE JOY” everyday. Because I have 3 beautiful, happy and healthy children, I got to move back to my beloved Indiana and be near my family and I have a pretty good job. But when I start to get the blues I think of you. I think how much worse it could be. I look at the trials you have gone through in the last 15 months and yet you just keep on smiling. It is truely amazing to me.
Secondly, I was once told by the pediatrician that some days were meant to be spent in your pajamas and eating fruit snacks. I’m pretty sure popcorn would fall into that catagory as well.
*My best friend asked me 2 years ago if I had discussed sex with my daughters yet (ages 6 & 8 at the time) and if I thought they knew what it was and I said no but they knew what murder was because I let them watch NCIS & CSI.
* I think the the beer dress would be classier if it said “beer babe!”. That promotes underage alcoholic beverage delivering and sexuality.
* I do not have chickens on my farm however I do have 4 pigs. None of them are named Ashley becuase they are my daughters pigs and they were named after more famous people like Justin Beiber and Salena Gomez (sorry!), but I do believe they “Choose Joy” everyday -atleast for a few more weeks until they go to market:( This being said my daughters wish they had a bobcat to drive because then they would not have to shovel pig poop by hand.
*My son Jacob does have a stuff dog names Ashely but she was named after a little girl he has a crush on (sorry again).
*I think it is ironic that you are the one going through menopause but yet the chicken named after Lisa is the one not laying eggs.
Anyway, this is clearly not hate mail, just long mail. I hope you keep up inspiring people like me through your great blog, stories and wonderful tutorials. May you kick cancer in the “donut hole” and keep helping us CHOOSE JOY!
Oh my goodness you crack me up! I always know I can brighten my day by reading your blog. Thank you for having such a wonderful outlook on life. You inspire me to choose joy every day. Last night when my 2 year old poured an entire bottle of shower gel all over herself and the bathroom floor 10 minutes before we needed to be somewhere I yelled for my oldest to grab the camera instead of getting mad. Then I promptly dumped the baby into the bathtub, clothes and all, and finished getting ready while she played with the bubbles and sang her sweet little songs to me. It’s all in how we choose to react! Keep up the hilarious posts and here’s to the haters that make us laugh!
Greetings from Lisa’s backyard
Just in case Lisa (the human) wants to know how Lisa (the chicken) is doing … still no eggs!
I request a face time between the two to hack it out!
… and no worries, she has a very keen sense of herself! She showed me yesterday when she tried to eat my toe.
She is waiting for her LBB outfit, a beer delivery girl dress or an apron dress with lots of little pockets for the eggs (if there will be ever eggs) will work well!
Too funny! How about “Chicken and Beer Delivery”! Ha Ha Ha! Life just wouldn’t be fun without a crazy sense of humor! Keep it up Ashley!!
I love that you secured those site addys. Absolutely hilarious! Yet another reason why I love coming here to read. 🙂
I don’t think I’m ever going to type in your normal domain name anymore…much more fun to get here from your new ones 😉
You make me laugh so hard!!! I can’t wait to see what kind of mail you get for the dress if it’s your next one. I LOVE THE DRESS!!!
I seriously needed that laugh this morning! And really, you need to make a beer delivery girl dress because I will sooooo buy it!
You get hate mail? I’m stunned.
I’ve blog stalked you for a few years now since stumbling across your site over at Dharma Trading Company, I thought you were amazing before you lost your dad and found out you had cancer-I- I’ve learned you are so much more than just a very crafty gal. I love your honesty in a world of sychophants. Thanks for all the smiles…and for turning me onto Pinterest!
I haven’t gotten any hate mail. It’s just not fair, Ashley. Not fair at all. *major whine*