You know when people say “we’re having a party later….you should stop by“……usually thinking the other person won’t show up?
Well……I showed up.
It was at our neighbor’s house behind us and I’d never met them before. I decided to go and jokingly complain about the loud music…..since that’s why they stopped by in the first place: to warn us about the loud speakers.
Well now I know my neighbor. He’s Burt Goldman, known to his fans as The American Monk. He gave me a copy of his book. Then he introduced me to the highlight of my day: his aunt, Bea Cohen…..the oldest living female World War II veteran in California.
Seriously awesome. Bea is 102 years old. She even threw out the first pitch at the Dodger’s Stadium the other day. I thanked her for her service, gave her one too many hugs, and was truly touched.
Recently she was asked “Might I live as long as you. Do you do anything special?” She replied “The power of prayer.” You can read more about Bea Cohen here.
God bless Aunt Bea!
After we left the neighbor’s house, I took Boo to the Christian Bookstore….which is all she wanted to do today. I spent most of the time trying to keep Boo from harassing customers because that’s what she does at the Christian Bookstore: she asks random people if they will read to her. If they try to ignore her…..she just follows them around until they feel uncomfortable and then they probably just end up leaving.
When we first walked into the store, the woman behind the cash register (Rebecca) said “Hey! Long time no see!”
Me: I don’t know if you remember, but the last time I was here….as I was checking out….you insisted on praying for me. You held up a long line of customers with your super long prayer.
Rebecca: I remember.
Me: Well, I want you to know that my cancer has all but disappeared. So thank you for that.
Then she gave me a high five.
Yeah….the power of prayer.
I have to share what we bought today: The Action Bible….a comic book bible….I had a similar one when I was growing up…..and because of it I know every story in the bible. I figured it would be fun to read to Boo. The author, Sergio Cariello, used to work for Marvel and DC Comics. I can’t even imagine how long it took for him to draw all of the pictures in this thing:
You know who probably could use some prayer? Lucius Malfoy…..from Harry Potter. I got this in the mail today from my friend Sasha:
(And with the unlikely chance that Jason Isaacs is to ever visit Lil Blue Boo in a gazillion years…..unless maybe he wants to make an iPad cover or spray paint a desk for himself…..Thank you Jason! You rock!)
Of course it’s easy to choose joy when you have your own lego character:
As if this day couldn’t get any better……Tori Spelling wrote about something I made. Seriously….she wrote: “This DIY is one that the kids and I will definitely be making for Dean.”
What?! Am I existing in some alternate universe this week? Do you know what this means? It MEANS Tori Spelling had to actually visit my website. Okay, maybe it’s just someone that works for Tori Spelling that visited Lil Blue Boo…..but CLOSE enough. I love her. And if I saw her at Walmart, I might beat myself up until I got the courage to ask for a photo.
P.S. I’ve just written a post about WWII, an American Monk, Lucius Malfoy, the Bible, and Tori Spelling. 2 high fives?
That’s so awesome. Such a blessing of a day! ^_^
I love the Action Bible! It is fantastic! We got it for all the children at our church!
What a wonderful day!
awesome sauce.
well and just to let you know- Jason is big goofball but he is a perfectionist too- he skateboards on set and is kind to everyone. everyone! and he hope you get you get your nice long blonde hair back so you can match his alter ego’s hair
off to catch up on the US open. rooting for the local kid Beau. Always fun to watch a local.
choose joy baby
Maybe tori spelling google search some “pooping topics” and ended up at lbb!
I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!! What a great start to it!
Your awesome. I love Tori Spelling too!!
You just never know what a day has in store for you!! Unplanned surprises are the best!!
Love this post! It’s all over the place and random just the way I like to read them. My ten-year-old son has The Action Bible and loves it. He reads it on his own all the time.
And yeah. You’re famous.
Awesome day!!! Triple high-fives to you!
What an amazing day!
There certainly is power in prayer. I have been praying so hard for my poor daddy who was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. There is also power in choosing joy like you do each day.
I’ve been trying to do that as well in the midst of witnessing his fight. You have been a huge inspiration. I have had to consciously tell myself a lot lately to Choose Joy as I’ve watched him suffer both physically and emotionally. I’ve encourage him to keep choosing joy, too.
Ok…didn’t intend to go into all of that. I was just going to leave a quick comment and all of that came pouring out.
P.S. Tori Spelling might be fabulous, but you my dear are fabulous in my eyes. To a little southern girl blogging in ole’ Tennessee…Ashley of LBB is a celeb. LOL!
I adore this post. Loved it all. And tori spelling?!? Awesome!!! Oh and Brandon says he wants that bible
I love reading about you’re great day. I too had a great day with my brother visiting from California. Spending time with my family and having us all together. My father is 78 and frail… it makes me think how many more visits will we have like this,?How many more Fathers Days…Birthdays…Holidays? It made me think of you and your father and I made sure to “CHOOSE JOY” today…
Thank you for always reminding me of this.
Kathy O’
Fun day and a fun post to read. My 6 year old son has the Action Bible also. The first day they talked about it at church he made us take him to the bookstore at church and buy it. He had enough money in his wallet and was so proud to buy it for himself. He reads it a lot to himself and with daddy for a little more explanation.
What fun reading your post! High five!
Tori Spelling?? I would die on the spot.
Yes! Two high fives AND a knuckle bump pretty lady!! What an amazing day! Also — I’ve been eyeing that comic book for my son! I’m so glad you like it! I think maybe now I’ll try it!
Have a great rest of the weekend! xo, Reannah
You are so hilarious! FYI, if I ever see you out in the world, I will probably dare to ask you for a picture.
I might die if tori commented on my blog!! Totes 2 high fives!!
i LOVE you!!! xoxox
This post made my day! Made me lol! Sounds like you had a pretty dang exciting day! I just love the way you put things!
2 high five, fo sho!! What a great, great day!!
Sounds like you had one delightful day and that you really needed it!
What a beautiful day indeed. xo
Yep…you are ALL THAT…and much more! We appreciate you sharing your creativity and life story….all the way here on the east coast.
Three High fives…the third is because you are so awesome!!!!!!!
hi Ashley, I went onto your blog to see if you had written any new posts…well….loved that you went to meet your neighbors and I just wanted to tell you I was thinking of you today. hugs, Valerie
How fun! You meet so many fascinating people! I actually stayed in the same hotel in NYC as Tori and Dean. I know this because my then 16 month old daughter refused to sleep and was screaming up a storm so I whisked her down to the lobby at 2am. Down there she was happy as a clam and I was chasing her around in my pajamas when in walked Tori and Dean after a night on the town. I was so mortified, I couldn’t get up the nerve to approach her but she gave me a sweet smile as she passed by.
OK you just make me laugh so hard. I think I pretty much cry and laugh in about everyone one your posts. That is the best gift
LOTS and lots of High-5s – You have made me laugh – AND choose joy!
Hahahaha! Reading your blog = the perfect start to my week. S x
I don’t know what it means, but this is the second time today I have read the words, “Malfoy”. I never even knew who he was until today, and now you are writing a post about him…crazy weird! Anyway, LOVE that the lady prayed for you…and LOVE that you followed up with her. Great story, and yes, prayer TOTALLY healed you, Ashley!
You never cease to crack me up…and my husband too! Ha ha ha. Sounds like an AMAZING day, I’d take it
You’re totally going to end up on Tori’s new show, “Craft Wars”!
I bet you would win, too! Lol.
Geez a lot of high 5’s all around. That post was mind blowing all ending with Harry Potter characters. That would be the best day ever:) Have a great week Ashley! xoxo
thank you for the smile..:)
We have the action Bible too! And my kids love it. The 13 year old has read it cover to cover, twice. It is a great copy for children!
My son has read the Action Bible about 100 times, I always want him on my side when playing Bible Trivia!
I’ll bet if Tori Spelling spent 10 minutes reading any one of your great posts, she would feel honored to have a photo taken with you! NO DOUBT!
Speaking of the action bible? I have one called the Brick Bible. It is the Old Testament done in Legos!!! Rocks my world.
They need a like button on blogs.
So glad to hear your cancer is gone.
A very interesting day! What a blessing!