This past weekend was the Elevate Conference in Huntington Beach. I loved this conference. I have typically gone to larger conferences and they can be so intimidating. Raise your hand if you’ve ever attended a large conference and gone to the bathroom just so it looked like you weren’t standing by yourself. Just me? Dang. At any conference, the comfortable thing to do is to stay in your own little crowd (i.e. the first people you meet at registration)….but at Elevate the organizers Summer and Jen made sure that didn’t happen. The first few hours were spent doing fun icebreakers and a “speed dating” meet and greet. They kept everyone moving around…..splitting us up into different groups over and over. I’m pretty sure I met every single person who attended which is awesome.
My friend Beki of Whippy Cake was one of the speakers. She gave a ton of great advice about branding…..and she never fails to make everyone laugh.
I was one of the speakers too…..supposed to talk about elevation in trials…..but I got a little off track. It was the first time I’d really talked about losing my dad, miscarriages, surgery and cancer in public. I don’t feel comfortable unless I’m trying to make other people feel comfortable so I went from sad stories to funny stories…..over and over…..I think it was a roller coaster! I don’t remember talking….is there a such thing as post-public-speaking-amnesia?
We put together supply kits for local schools (yeah, that’s the only reason I got to meet The Gambler at WalMart and stalk him for a photo! I had to stop and get supplies!):
We did a DIY sign. Awesome.
The most fun part of the day was the end….when we played Minute to Win It: Battle of the Bloggers. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life. Jacqui (from Baby Boy Bakery) and I got so tangled up in our streamer game that we were literally choking each other…..and then she karate chopped me….I’m pretty sure it was accidental….but I wish I’d thought of it first. I don’t even remember who won.
I’m hoping that Summer and Jen decided to do this again next year….or can I wish for multiple times a year? I think the most amazing thing is that they had never been to a conference before…and every little detail they put together for this one was perfect. Seriously, I’ve thought about doing an event in the desert and I’m a LOT intimidated now. Maybe I could just hire them to help me!
What conferences have you attended in the past? Would you recommend them to others? I’d love to know!
Loved every minute of the conference and meeting you. You have such an amazing heart! Maybe one day we’ll get to speak at a conference together. xoxo
had such an amazing time! it was great to meet you!
i’m definitely up for next year!!
Ashley, I’m back in riverside tomorrow for good!!! want to put together a conference, I’m all in 110% to help you and Lisa out! Planning events and parties is my forte, so let me know!!! It would be ammmmaaazzing! I used to attend a lot of conferences for direct sales companies..before I started Night Owl I was a Pampered Chef girl and a Premier Designs Jeweler!!!! So much fun!!!!
haha post-public-speaking amnesia happens to me a ton!! I was in the district spelling bee for school and seriously, at the end I only knew what word i got out on… not even how i spelled it!! (same thing with my school spelling bee, but I can’t remember any of the words AT ALL.)
I would love to hear you speak in person someday! That would be fantastic!
No. Not just you. I totally use the bathroom as my hideaway so I don’t look like I’m just standing there all by myself. I have a bit of social anxiety. I also visit the food table far too much for the same reason. I’ve only been to academic conferences, but I’d love to attend a crafty one. 😀
Thanks so much Ashley! I loved everything about your speech. It was perfect! We would love to be able to help you!
I go to conferences all the time- some as large as 15,000 people and some as small as 50- but all job specific.
And I know the guy who is director of events at the park hyatt out in palm desert .
I would so come!!! The only conferences I get to go to are for recreation therapy as I need to get ceu’s to keep my certification. Please please please, do a conference!!!
wish I could have been there! sounds amazing!
You and Lisa was were so sweet to come and spend the day with us! Thank you for sharing your incredible spirit with the ladies, I know you have inspired many to push them selves to go after their dreams. Elevate the desert baby! Let’s do it!
Ummmm… shyly looking at my feet and raising my hand. I do the “bathroom” thing when I am alone in an unfamiar place all of the time. And usually I am the only one hiding in the Ladies room since I work in an almost all male industry 🙁
Yep, raising my hand too. I am thoroughly convinced that I leave an aweful first impression when in a new environment. So I either use the bathroom (for hiding and waiting for time to pass 😉 or make inappropriate jokes (yeah, I know, this is probably so not helping with leaving a better first impression 😉
Love your blog, Ashley, and have just become your newest follower!
I hate networking at conferences. Thankfully I have my smart phone to “check” when I’m awkwardly standing in a corner instead of going to the bathroom. Years past, that was me too! Look at the polish on that adorable baby! Post public speaking amnesia — sure! I’ve never been to a blogger conference tho. Looks like they did great on their 1st one!
It was an honor to meet you!
I loved listening to you speak from your heart. Your ability to be so open and honest is inspiring. You truly are amazing. I look forward to back reading your blog and learning more about just how great you are.
And funny!
I have to say my favorite was bonding over streamers and accidental kicks. (Honestly an accident) I’ve never laughed so hard! It was a great way to end the night. I look forward to seeing you again and getting to hang out and laugh with you again.
I’m wishing you the best summer friend!
Talk to you soon.