Let me start off by saying….I’m not a minivan person. If you love minivans, let me be clear: I don’t have a problem with you……they just aren’t for me. Mr. LBB wanted me to go and test drive the new Prius V (the wagon) since our current Prius lease is almost up. The Prius V is a wagon…but I was thinking it looked too much like a minivan. So I was prepared to put up a fight.
When we pulled up to the dealership, coincidentally, one of our friends was there looking at a Prius too. I’ll call him Mr. T.
Mr. T: I can’t believe YOU of all people are even considering cloth seats again…..have you seen your car? There’s crap all over the place.
Me: I have leather seats.
Mr. LBB: No, you have cloth seats.
Me: Never mind.
There was one Prius V on the lot…..and the salesman brought it around for us to look at.
Mr. LBB: It doesn’t really look like a minivan.
Me: Yeah….I guess not. It’s actually okay.
Mr. LBB: So let’s test drive it.
Me: Oh lookie how pretty the blue is around the logo…..I love that.
Mr. LBB: Your old Prius has the same thing.
(Omg…..I AM a car moron)
The salesman took our insurance information so we could test drive the car. I made Mr. LBB drive…..you might remember that I have that huge fear of OPC? Well I have a fear of OPDOPC too: other people driving other people’s cars.
Me: Please turn around I’m nauseous. I don’t feel comfortable driving this car.
Mr. LBB: Are you kidding? You have to at least see if you like driving it.
Me: Does it drive similar to my old Prius?
Mr. LBB: Yes.
Me: Sold.
Mr. LBB: Do you want to look at other colors?
Me: No. I like this one. As long as it has navigation it’s perfect. (I am navi-dependent)
Insert surreal moment: As we discussed the car, an ice-cream truck drove past us going 2 mph, Disney music blaring, trying to sell us ice cream.
It’s the first time I’ve ever really gone through the process of getting a new car. I’ve always just left it up to my husband. We put it in my name this time…..which meant they had to run my credit. Then, I had to take a quiz to verify that it was actually me….and I FAILED the first time. Who FAILS a quiz with their own information? Me, I guess.
So here’s my new Prius V! Yes……I have driven it since we got it home. The only problem is my sunshade….it randomly pops open “swwwoosssh” in the backseat and scares the bejeezus out of me.
I picked Boo up from school yesterday…….and the first thing someone said to me was:
Hey! LOVE the new minivan.
Hey, at least I don’t have to make another car decision or drive anyone else’s car for 36 months!
LOL! I can’t handle minivans either! But I think this one isn’t quite that bad! Maybe you should start calling it a “crossover” like all those car commercials and you can feel better!
Congrats on the new car!
Look at it this way.. and I know you did.. more room for fabric
It doesn’t look like a minivan!!
So jealous! I’ve been wanting to look at the Prius V for so long.
Looks NOTHING like a mini van!
Your stories crack me up! (thank you)
thats a nice car!
actually, we got 2 new cars today, havent even seen them jet!
we sold our new kia sportage into 2 older cars, one mini cooper and one alfa romeo. 🙂
Yeah, that looks nothing like a minivan…. but I LOVE that someone immediately called it that! Perf!
Hi Ashley! I am one of those faithful readers that loves your blog but never comments. Mainly because I am usually feeding our sweet baby while sitting at the computer and typing with one hand stinks. 🙂 But I decided to comment today! I was laughing out loud while reading this!! Also, I am so thankful you are doing better. We have a five year old daughter too and although I do not know you at all I felt like I could relate in some way. My husband will periodically ask me, “how is your blogger doing that had cancer?” 🙂 Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Anyhow…enjoy your new car. Take care!
I am exactly the same way about minivans! Your car looks nothing like a van – I promise! Years and years ago, my husband and I drove my grandma to my brother’s college graduation in our old Land Rover and when she climbed in, she exclaimed, “I LOVE your van!” We still laugh about it.
Haha!!! You mean a swagga wagon? That’s what I want! Something big enough to hold all the babies and not completely drain my bank account!!! But Boo doesn’t need all that crazy space!!! So this fits perfectly!
one of my 11 year old sons friends always wants to ride in my swagga wagon!!
Is it really that big that someone would call it a minivan. That person is even less car-smart than you ;). Jus playing! Isn’t the car-getting process long??? We bought our Prius (reg. size) because I couldn’t justify the extra cost for the lower mileage. I love my Prius. Though we are thinking about getting a minivan eventually.
Literally laughed out loud as you described your possessed sun shade! I’ve had that happen to me and it does scare the ever-lov’n crud out of me!!
oh my! you crack me up! totally laughing at the ice cream truck~ that car DOES NOT look like a minivan! People must be crazy! I am not into minivans either! I drive a big truck! I want an even bigger one!
So, I use to be one of those gals that said I would NEVER drive an mini-van OR live in the suburbs. Well, guess what? First I moved to the suburbs and then got a mini-van! It’s still not my ideal car but I’ve gotten use to it and when we were in an accident involving a deer over memorial day weekend and I thought I might not have a mini-van any more I was actually kinda bummed. It took me 8 years to get than darn van broken in just the way I like it- very kid (read mess) friendly. Well, I’ll be getting my mini back next week-yea! As a van owner I feel like I kinda have at least a semi-professional opinion here and in NO way does that cute new car of yours resemble a mini-van! (Not that there would be anything wrong with the car if it did look like a mini-van.)
I used to be adamant about never driving a minivan. Fast-forward …. and now I drive a Toyota Sienna and I like it. I can’t park it straight, but I like it. I can barely hear my kids talking to me when they’re sitting in the way back. Clearly, the vehicle has its advantages and that, my friend, would be one of them. 😉 Sometimes I just don’t need to hear a detailed play-by-play of what happened on MarioKart.
So funny 🙂 Love.
this was such a funny post! 😀
i was so NOT a minivan person, but when we got a used one, i found it soooooo practical for everything we had to do. after it broke down, i got the car i had been eyeing out for awhile, the mazda 5. it seats 6, but to me, wasn’t a minivan. i thought it was much more sporty and it zipped around and handled like sports car. i couldn’t believe when people would ask, “who owns that van?” i was like, “really?!”
congrats on the new car! 🙂 would love a prius if i dind’t have to tote around 3 children and all their baseball/softball equipment.
Funny! I have never test driven any of the cars I have owned! So I understand! Congrats on the new car.
I cannot stop laughing! You seriously just made my day! I love your stories 🙂
I hope you love your new car 🙂
As a thin child, I once chased an ice cream truck 4 blocks. He must have been off duty going back to the company. Now I wish I could run 4 blocks. I don’t drive at all but very happy you have a good dependable car to go on all your adventures, er, errands.
Good choice Ashley. If everybody drove a Prius, we wouldn’t have to import any oil. xoxo
I am exactly like you about cars. My car is 12 years old and the last time my husband talked about getting a new one, I broke out in hives. Congrats on the new car. You did good!
That doesn’t look at all like a minivan. I got a Mazda 5 back in March to replace a minivan, and I even had a girl at my son’s school telling another girl in the car line that it was a cool car. Score one for mom, because I never heard that in my Town & Country. LOL
LOL!! I hate car buying too. And I can’t live without my nav. I get lost going anywhere LOL!! Your new ride is cute!!
I LOVE our Prius, we’ll definitely be getting another one….. we drove from British Columbia where we live, down to L.A. and back for $200!
Goodness, I love your posts. What’s with the last pic, though. It’s like your car is propped up, maybe from being delivered, or something. Is that an optical illusion, or do you have a super steep driveway? I can’t figure out why it looks like the back is propped up. rofl!
Laughing about you failing your own FICO quiz. It really looks more like a sedan than a minivan. Congrats!
I LOVE it!!! We so wish these had been out when we were looking for something new. I got a toaster instead… Oh and instead of Slug Bug- we play Prius Punch. mwah ha ha ha!… there are SOOO many regular ones everywhere…
Love the new car 🙂 Enjoy xx
I feel the same way about getting a new car. I hate it!!! I have to admit that I am a mini van driving Grandma and it’s perfect for me and three little ones who I have the privilege of having much of the time. But this last time our lease was up – I actually bought my new van so I wouldn’t have to go through the lease ending every three years, because that’s how much I hate that feeling of getting a new vehicle!! I can stop at any and all yard sales and go on any old dirt road I want!!! Thanks for the blog – I always love it.
Hilarious! I love your blog!
Okay, this is funny because I just got back from the bank where I was getting certified cheques to go and pay for our very first minivan which we are picking up on Monday. I am….well. Twitchy, a little because I was definitely in the never ever ever a minivan, no no no camp. I like driving. I like driving CARS, particularly cars that go fast with a standard transmission. I swore up and down that if I had to have a minivan it had to be tricked out like a rocket ship. Fortunately this one comes pretty close.
In any case, your new wheels do not look like a minivan and I’m sure you will be just fine driving it! Congrats on the new ride!
What? You don’t like minivans or people who drive minivans. How rude! JUST KIDDING!! I never ever thought I would drive a minivan until 3 kids later, I now own a minivan. I envy all the people who drive camaros, mustangs, and challengers. Ugh! One day, I will own you mr. 2-door car!! Anyways, I do not think that looks like a minivan at all. So obviously the person in car line doesn’t know vehicles either. LOL!
I lov eminivans… We don’t have one but want one. I was actually going to look at that prius as a minivan substitute. Kind of like a Mazda5. We don’t need the people space very often so i would feel like better gas mileage would be mre important.
Love the car! It does not look like a minivan!
It does not look like a Mini Van! If you want to see a Mini Van come to my house :). I’m trying to talk my hubby into a new mini van right right now.
That’s AWESOME! I have one of the first Prius models – 2004, with 125k on it and still drives perfect. I think I see one of these in our future. Glad you love it! 🙂