Tonight Mr. LBB and I took Boo to a movie……for the first time. No, our kid isn’t deprived….she’s been to the movies a gazillion times….just with her grandparents. I would just rather watch movies at home. 1. it’s inexpensive and 2. there’s a pause button (I missed the Twilight engagement scene in the movie theater because I had to go to the bathroom!)
We saw Brave. Halfway through:
Boo: I can’t fall asleep Mommy.
Me: Maybe because we’re in a movie theater?
It was a little scary in parts for a young kid I think. We covered Boo’s eyes a few times. But I loved the message…..and was totally entertained.
Now I can’t stop talking in an Scottish accent: I shall tell you of William Wallace…
….and just found a piece of popcorn in my bra.
I have a great abyss. Some people out there might call it cleavage. But mine is far superior. The other day I was eating a cake pop at a party and it had been dipped in chocolate, and then 100’s & 1000’s. I think I had one thousand of them in my bra. They were all over me. It was disgusting!
I’m glad I didn’t take my 29 month old and only my three yr old… The nudity I could have done without!!
20 month old!!
Hey Ashley… there’s an app for that. Really. It’s called RunPee for iphone. You tell it what movie you are watching and it tells you when to Run! Pee! It vibrates to signal its time to go and then tells you what you missed. It signals you during a scene that isn’t a super big deal. Isn’t that awesome! No more missed important scenes! Enjoy:)
OMG I have to look that up, how cool!
Saw Brave with my girls tonight. Have to say that I like Madagascar 3 more.
But we were all trying to do a Scottish burr on the way home!
I want to take my 4 year old to see it 🙂 I don’t have high hopes for her attention span though. We went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 and 15 minutes into it she was more entertained with the lights in the isle 😀
We’ll probably wait to see it. I have heard that it had a few scary bits. Aria actually hasn’t been to see a movie on the big screen at all. I just know my kid and at 4, I think she is still a mite too antsy to sit through an entire movie in the theater. 😀
I want to see this soooooo bad. I’ve got hair just like the girl and every time the commercial comes on I say to my little girl, “Look Lilly, that girl looks like Mommy.” and she of course just looks at me like whatever. The storyline sounds super fun.
You are Brave! I never, ever enter a theater – I will pay a sitter, beg my husband, but do anything but go sit in one {something to do with the smells and the noise}. One day on the forum you should ask all of us the weirdest thing we ever found in our bras – I once found a very important screw from a desk my husband was building – we had to drive to Ikea to get the replacement part and I found it when I was getting ready for bed. I never, ever told Mr. BP!
You just put a big smile on my face this morning after a long sleepless night.
Thanks for sharing.
my stepdaughter lost her engagement ring at the gym. After disassembling the treadmill and looking everywhere it was in her sports bra the entire time!!
My hubs took our four year-old. She was SOOOOOO excited. I got a call 40 minutes into the movie that they had left. She didn’t like that the queen turned into a bear – which I hear wasn’t all that scary, but she found it frightening. I guess so much so that she wouldn’t sit through the rest of the movie.
I think you just gave away an important part.
Too funny….that’s like me saying bless you in my class when the bell goes off, or trying to open my house door with the car remote…as for the popcorn in the bra….great place to stash a snack 🙂
….and just found a piece of popcorn in my bra.
if it did not hurt to laugh i think i would have peed my pants with this statement.
you are the only blogger i read and and so happy i found you. also i posted a picture on the fb page. 😉
So not doing that yet! My 6 year old son is so easily upset by things in films that we have to watch them at home so I can talk him through it, and if necessary fast forward on visual with me providing a precis of what we are missing.
Woe betide if they get them to watch films at school! I always get a “we watched.. (insert film here).. and he got a bit upset and had to go and do something else”.
What makes me laugh is that his 3 year old sister is now holding his hand to help him through the scary bits.
I saw this movie last night, and loved it! I might have a small obsession with Scotland and Medieval times, so Pixar (love ALL of their movies!) making one of their movies with that setting put me on Cloud 9! The whole ride home my 21 year old brother and I were speaking in Scottish accents! Well… I did anyway! His turned out to sound more German or something! 😉 And yeah, some parts were scary! I even jumped a few times! And most of the older men from the clans really did remind me of Braveheart! Especially the guy with the blue war paint! He looked like an older, skinnier, not-taken-good-care-of Mel Gibson! (as William Wallace of course!)
You just made me laugh! thanks!
Did you eat the popcorn you found in your bra! hehehe
We took our girls to it today. My 2 1/2 yr old fell asleep which was nice but my 4 1/2 yr old loved it. We had to cover her eyes a few times when the mean bear was on but other than that she really enjoyed it. I loved the message in the movie and it def made me hug my little girl a little tighter 😉
I took my almost 3 yr old for the first time too! I am 8 moths pregnant and so happy I waited before we went because she has a good enough attention span and now it was a special ore-baby thing for her with mommy 🙂 I also dropped a piece of popcorn down my shirt! Okay like 3 pieces…and for some reason I failed to remember I had a belly so when I went to shake it out it got trapped against my belly so I had an odd looking misplaced belly button- I had to discreetly stick my hand up my shirt and pull it out or I would have gone CRAZY. As for scaryness, it was a bit scary but my little girl just hid her head in my chest. Hen I told her it would be okay and it was just pretend she seemed to understand just fine. She can’t quit talking about me turning into a bear now though. Lol.
We are planning to take our 2 1/2 yo to see it at the drive-in this weekend. It doesn’t even start until an hour after bedtime though so this could either be super fun, or a total nightmare. I just have my fingers crossed that she falls asleep before the 2nd movie, and isn’t still awake during the ride home at 2 am! (heck this is sounding stupider by the second!)
I always end up with popcorn in my bra too!! how does that always happen? At least now I feel normal LOL
I cannot wait to see this movie! It looks so cute. Cute picture! 🙂
My husband took my two older ones to see it and had to leave 1/2 way through.
We saw it yesterday and I loved it. I was SO happy to finally watch a Disney movie where one of the parents wasn’t offed and that the female lead didn’t have to find her happiness and redemption in winning a man. The relationship and experiences with Merida and her Mother gave my 10 yo daughter and I some great things to talk about. LOVED it! And beautiful to watch too.
I was so excited to see a show where the female is a strong, independent character, but think with a PG rating it may be delegated to the video list so it can be watched and discussed with Riley (he is only 4). Miss Molly 2 is an expert at scanning for G rated shows she wants me to take her to these holidays…..none of them grab me, but it will be our girls day!!!