I was totally prepared this morning…..there was going to be no wonky bra on today’s CT scans. I wore a sports bra top….you know, just in case I felt like doing some yoga while I drank my barium sulfate.
I hope the radiologist notices when he does the comparisons of past scans: oh look, finally…she got rid of the wonky underwire. Because I’m pretty sure they pay attention to those kind of things, right?
elevator photo opp
(when the doors opened the woman standing there thought I was taking a photo of her)
My CT scan got scheduled pronto and Dr. L asked them to call him with the results so we can meet again late this afternoon. That. is. efficient.
This was my breakfast. They usually let me drink the Crystal Light version…..I was not happy about this. I am a very competitive drinker and I knew this was not going to go down as fast as the “jungle juice” version.
Then I got home and wolfed down some chicken nuggets…..and I had BBQ sauce packets leftover from my last trip to Chic-Fil-A…..score. The day is getting better and better!
Me: I think something’s growing back in my hip. Look how this side is bigger than this one.
Lisa: It’s probably just fat.
Me: Well, scans are scheduled for Thursday morning.
Lisa: If it turns out that it’s just fat do I get a cookie?
Maybe it IS just fat. I ruled out constipation by increasing my intake of Miralax all last week. It could be just scar tissue too. Or maybe it’s my ovaries trying to come back to life. The possibilities are endless! I’ll let you know when I know. I’ll let you know if Lisa gets that cookie.
Happy Thursday/Monday-ish day!
I wrote over at Hey Look at Me today if you get a chance to check it out.
Oh, I ran into an old friend at the imaging center: Hi Scott! You’re the greatest friend ever for always taking Mr. T to his appointments.
I’ve been a blog stalker for a looong time but wanted to leave a little comment today. 🙂 I’ll be saying a prayer for amazing scans and hopefully you and Lisa will both get a cookie! Lots of positive thoughts coming your way!
I’m rooting for fat also. Cookies for Lisa! I’ve had to drink that gross stuff before, my sympathies – blech! Keep us posted on the results. Lots of happy healing thoughts headed your way. 🙂
Saying fat prayers!!!
I love your health updates, we all care so much about you and it means a lot that you take the time to keep us in the know!
Great job getting the barium down, those bottles are so familiar. Blech. Yes, I’ve written about it too..
I’m sorry you have to look at an area and contemplate what the heck it is. I hate that you have those emotions and I so admire your attitude about it all. We are doing the same here, looking at a thickening in my past tumor area & a swollen lymph node that my Oncologist felt at my 3 month checkup. MRI scheduled for Monday.
Praying for your peace as you wait for scan results…for minimal scanxiety! Much love to you, & many thoughts of you from me!!
I also love your updates in addition to the daily blogs. I’m hoping that it’s scar tissue and sending good thoughts your way. Thank you Ashley for sharing.
My very best wishes to you.
praying for the best.
You are always so positive and funny 🙂 I’ve never had to drink those barium “cocktails” but my daughter dose for Crohn’s. She had a rough time getting down the one she needed to drink. Can’t imagine doing the three. Fingers crossed for good scans!
Ashley, I recently discovered your blog because I love to create and see what other creative people are up to. Then I was surprised to read your “Cancer Chronicles”. Coincidentally, I have been fighting my own “battle” (sort of sick of that verb, but…) with cancer (follicular lymphoma, NHL) since my diagnosis in 2005. In 2006, I caught an very early stage of breast cancer too (not related to NHL). I’ve had a few different treatments, but none as difficult as yours…yet(?). I just want to thank you for being so public with your experiences. I have not been as open about my health struggles–but am learning that it helps to share it sometimes. When I read today’s post, I could relate SOooo much to the Pre-CT scan “shake” — it makes me gag just thinking about having to drink that stuff. I just had a CT one week ago. After almost 3 yrs of remission, there was “slight” enlargement of some lymph nodes but “nothing to be concerned about now” the doc says. It’s hard not to be concerned. Thanks for spreading your message to “choose joy”. I now try to do so each day, and I think of you often.
not sure i’ve ever prayed for fat before… actually I am totally sure this is a first… but I am praying fervently for your fat hips! and that Lisa gets that cookie!
Ewww! Those Barium drinks are the WORST! I had to drink them a few months ago and literally gagged after every. single. sip. Why didn’t the Dr. tell me there was a crystal light version!? Hope everything turns out fine, and you don’t have to go through that (or any other tests) again! : )
I’m sure Lisa will get a cookie out of this one! 🙂 You look great!
Praying for fat hips on both sides!! 🙂 Always remember, if God brings you to it, He’ll bring you through it! You are living proof, lady!! Have a wonderful day!
How come they gotta put a pic of the gastrointestinal system on the bottles? The docs know that’s what those drinks are for. Right??
I’m thinking for a celebration of great test results we should ALL mail cookies to you girls!
Prayers said for strength and healing 🙂
Prayers and positive thoughts thAt Lisa gets lots of cookies!!
Praying for you! God is so good.
You know, if YOU eat enough cookies, it WILL be fat. That’s clearly the best solution for both you and Lisa!
Clean as a whistle you shall be.
Praying MN for a cookie for Lisa and ovaries coming back to life for you 🙂
I’m going to go eat a preemptive cookie right now!
Prayers and joyful thoughts heading your way!
Prayers for you! And cookies all around!
Yep, praying for fat!!!
Praying and crossing fingers and toes for you down here in New Zealand xx
Saying a prayer for you!
praying, and I say on with the cookies 🙂
Praying Lisa gets a cookie!!
I’m here in O-H-I-O and I’m praying for cookies and fat!!
Thinking of you!!!
It must be so hard to wait :(. Even tho I don’t know you my thoughts are with you and your family. Your are truly an amazing woman. Thanks for reminding the world to choose joy and for all your creative awesomeness.
You deserve a cookie just for being so positive!
Thinking of you.
Hugs Ashley :). Praying for fat and cookies :).
I use a straw and swallow it down fast. That way you don’t taste it much. Last time I didn’t have to drink the barium. Maybe the Watery stuff. Can’t remember. I go about once a year for CT’s and the other half for Endoscopic Ultrasounds for a pre-malignant mucinous cyst-adenoma on my Pancreas (found it when I had breast cancer 3 1/2 years ago.) Since my dad died with pancreas cancer and we’re BRCA-2 positive they watch me really close. (Might mention several other family members have died with BC and another cousin with Pancreas cancer). The Doctor’s call me a specia casel. LOL Not the kind of special I’d prefer to be. But, at least I’m well taken care of like you. So happy your results have all been good. I’ll take that cookie now. Oh, wait, I’m on a diet, have one for me.
Ashley you are in my prayers.
so i found you via pinterest (i think garage organization pin). and now i’ve been traveling through your pages for a bit now. you are a beautiful woman inside and out! i watched your video “a rite of passage.” tears came. tears of sorrow and joy. because i know people are going to see your positive outlook on this and know it is HIM who is in control.
next time, i think you should take a picture of the lady entering the elevator b/c that would be awesome.