On the way to Trader Joe’s tonight Boo dragged me into a hobby shop…..
1st thought: Mr. LBB would love one of these…..
2nd thought: Who am I kidding, I would love one of these…..
Me: I’ll buy you one of these rubber band guns….if you promise not to shoot the dog with it.
Boo: I don’t think I should get one….I think I would shoot the dog.
I love her honesty.
I’m guessing this Gatling-rapid-fire version might be too much temptation for her then. It shoots 192 rubber bands a minute. Diesel would be the last samurai.
OMG! My son would love this! But sounds dangerous! I can see hurting kids…
Oh boy… your “hater” readers are going to have a field day with this one!!
I do not know what they are thinking when they make that crap. I have one of these that was my husbands as a child and one that was given to my daughter by my husbands parents of course. I always thought it was too dangerous and I am some one who does not think that a lot.
You should get Boo a marshmallow gun. The dog will thank you when she is shooting little marshmallows at him and he is eating them.
hm…i wonder if theres a hobby lobby around me! <3
My son has one of these. Never once thought of shooting the dog until now. Maybe he’ll stay out of the garden now. ; )
Oh, I’ll never shoot the dog. He’s too cute!
You have got to be kidding! We just came back from camping in Lake Placid and told our kids they couldn’t get one and then suggested we should watch “A Christmas Story” when we get home. Yesterday our friend – who travelled with us – came over with a gun for each of our sons. Her family stopped our their way home from camping to buy them. Fabulous, did you get them for your guys? we asked. Her reply was a “no” with a smile. 🙂 I do have to admit that they are fun and I’m kind of glad she got it. Shhh, don’t tell her.
p.s. They only really hurt if you put three or four elastics on at a time. Now my middle son wants me to make a Bulls Eye out of vinyl on my bosskut for his closet door.
Oh you just brought back an awesome memory for me…we used to have rubberband ‘wars’ when the kids were little…like 3 & 5 yrs old. It was so much fun. We didn’t use big rubberbands and we always aimed low or toward the couch they were hiding behind, but boy did they laugh and giggle when they’d nail us. Unfortunately they never missed like we tried to do. And no one ever nailed the dog! 😉 Thanks for the laugh/memory!
Roflol! At least she is honest and knows when to walk away from temptation. I am pretty sure a marshmallow gun is not the answer for your dog either… With his sensitive tummy… Heaven knows what kind of bombs you’d wake up to!
We never passed a Cracker Barrel , on our way to NC shores for vacations ( From Kansas, its a long drive, I should be forgiven! ) that we didnt have to listen to our son beg and plead for one of these. We finally relented and were soundly thrown out of Chinese restaurant in Gatlinburg when my son shot an out of uniform policemen square in the eye.
We didnt stand much of a chance with this son, our baby of the family. He once told his preschool teacher that he put our dog in the microwave! Despite our denials, I think she believed him!
Born To Be Bad should play at his wedding.
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! I raised two boys and have a stepson older than the two of them. OMGoodness – IS THAT ROFL!!!
totally agree about the marshmallow guns. those are a blast.
“You’ll shoot your eye out!!!” a la Christmas Story 😉
I want one of these. They would be a blast at the office.
I want to post this – but it’s bad enough that my throwing pennies and other objects at co-workers to get their attention turned into a little $2 air nerf missile gun the turned into the rapid fire ones – in every cube.
Then I went to work in another department/team. But I could always return with more serious fun-eaponry just to wreak havock!
My nephew was debating between one of these and a model airplane the other day. His decision was based on the fact that he was not allowed to shoot his sister or the cat with the rubberband gun. He now sneakily aims the model plane at the cat. Lol
I can just picture your dog as a little fury warrior. Lmbo. Thanks got the amusement.
My boys just bought those on our travels to the East Coast…many a general store and gift shop had them at Mount Vernon and Williamsburg.
Little did I know that the CAP gun would excite the oldest boy (my husband). He found one at a General store and was like a kid in a candy store! He even let them fire them inside our hotel room, despite ALL warnings on the labels.
All I can say….GOOD LUCK.
We live in a small town, and my in-laws bought these for my kids from either, Orschlen’s, Town and Country, or Ace’s Homestore. Any kind of store that sells farm type equipment, like little John Deere tractor toys and such!! I couldn’t believe they bought these for them! But they made sure they knew the rules first: no pointing your gun at anyone, no shooting people/pets, only shooting at the setup targets, and wait till everyone has run out of ammo before going to retrieve your ammo from the targets so no one gets hurt. So far, no one has been injured!!
Her honesty is so precious to me.
She’s the COOLEST!!!
Rory is just awe struck by that picture, he WANTS one. And I am secretly relieved that they don’t sell them in France given the bickering this summer holidays is themed around. So far today we’ve already had the bashing each others heads with a plastic cereal bowl and they’ve not been up long…
My son has been scouring Amazon for Nerf guns. They are expensive and not nearly as much fun as a rubber band gun. Thanks for the idea! I’ll be at the hobby shop today.
Hahaha first day back to work this week after a mini vaca, the perfect story for a chuckle on the train. Although truthfully, the title of this scared me as I am a dog lover so I had to see what was up 🙂
Oh how I appreciate you and your sweet girl!! You both just make me laugh out loud. Thank you for sharing so much of yourselves!
I LOVE her honesty!!! It made me LAUGH so hard. 🙂 Then I had visions of her chasing him around with it.
Would choose the marshmallow gun over these. My boys never found every rubber band, and all I could think was …. Bet a bunch of poor little birds have their beaks rubber banded shut! 😉 Plus you can try to shoot the marshmallows into mouths!
LOVE your blog! My son had both a rubber band shooter and a marshmallow gun when he was younger with distinct rules on how they were to be used. If misused they were taken away. Be careful with the marshmallow shooters and dogs though – when the marshmallows get damp they get sticky and can get stuck in a dogs throat as they gulp them down. We never had a problem with our dog but a neighbor lost their dog that way.
I have to admit…I’m with Boo…don’t think I could resist the temptation to shoot the dog…or our chicken…now that would be funny…lol
Oh my gosh….your kid is the greatest
LOVE your recently discovered blog. Stayed up past midnight reading about the emotional/physical year you had —– and amazed at your upbeat outlook. You are an inspiration. Is Diesel a yorkie? We have one named Lucy – greatest dog ever. I also have to tell you I SO identified with your generic-miralax in your coffee every morning. My husband makes me that delightful concoction every morning and lovingly calls it my crappicinno! Keep smiling beautiful lady!
Oh Ashley, you will love this. Here at Wells Fargo, we all have the little nerf missle guns. We use them daily…sometimes more than once daily.
Love her honesty, that’s great!
omg that looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
I think Boo is pretty smart!!! Have you ever heard the saying, “Out of the mouths of babes…” Please do not get that….I have enough to worry about. Your adoring mom
I am 61 years old, and I want one of those!!
A ha ha ha ha- that is awesome! My husband and I were crackin up after reading this 🙂
I’ve seen that Gaitlin too- its crazy cool but expensive. It’s just fun… But teaching the little ones not to shoot directly at parts that would hurt the worst.
So honest! So funny!