Whatever works.
Boo rarely responds to her name….especially if she is watching TV. She has selective hearing…..so now to get her attention, instead of calling her name I yell out:
or maybe:
or sometimes:
Then there’s an immediate “What did you say Mom?”
And then I respond:
Could you take your dish over to the sink please? Thanks!
Boo’s Fashion Tip of the Day: Tool belts compliment dresses
(because you never know when you might need a plastic wrench….at church)
She looks fabulous, and that smiles makes the outfit complete! And you really never do know… plastic plumbing can be fickle!
Haha I love you guys! How is temple going? 😉
Well today after Sunday School Boo said we are “Christian Jews”…..so I guess that means we can choose temple OR church! I’m glad I’m down to one service a week now 🙂
Raise a child in the way that THEY should go! Not, the way you want them to go!! Awesome, as a child I would use a toy blender(which really blended too) to make me and my dad beer (apple juice). That time was one of the many memories I have with the weird and fun things I did with my dad (my mom was in the hospital alot when I was younger, but she is better now.)
Keep up raising her how she needs to be raised!!
A wrench just might come in handy! You never know with these things.
Many years ago, during the children’s story, the Pastor mentioned something about worms and right on cue as though he had been properly prepared, my eldest son pulled a fake worm out of his pocket. It was part of some old fishing lure and he had been carrying it around for days. Timing is everything they say.
Perfect! I’m trying this with Sophie today. She has selective hearing also. 😉
Boo is going to start a new fall trend…..better stock up on the plastic tools belts now!
Pretty sure this will be a more effective way for me to get the midget’s attention sometimes… Thanks for the tip! And Boo is too cute! RIDICULOUS!
I have a two year old with selective hearing…I think he gets it from my grandmother-in-law who I’m fairly certain is only pretending not to hear.
That is my little boo too. I think I’ll need to try “falling batman”! Hysterical!
I sat here reading what you use to get Boo’s attention and giggling. We have the same issue with both my kids, and I honestly never thought to yell random stuff like that… usually I end up walking to their faces and saying… “excuse me… can you hear my words??” However, I think I will give this a try… might be much less time consuming throughout my day.
And the tool belt… good fashion statement. My girl wears ruffles everywhere (still at 9) and would never be caught dead with one… my 3 year old son however won’t leave the house lately without the pink fish from Cat in the Hat, cuz you never know when you might need a pillow!
Thanks for the tip, my boys have barely any hearing at all whent he tv is on.
LOL so funny :). As for Boo, I can’t believe how much she has grown :).
Had I only known when my boys were young – will pass this on to them for the grandkids!!
Love a girl who loves her tools and is a fashionista to boot.
I totally needed a plastic wrench at church today…and didn’t have one! LOL I love it!!
Smart! Everyone needs inspiration to be the best parent they can be! I’m sharing.
I’m so going to use these with my 4 year old!!! The girl goes deaf when cartoons are on in the morning! As for the fashion, Lydia wears her Ariat Fat Baby cowgirl boots with everything!!! I must admit….I do think its cute 🙂
GREAT IDEA! I should totally use that one. In other news, did you make that dress Boo is wearing? I love the bow!
Hahaha! I’m so glad I’m not the only mother yelling random things at their children to get their attention… Yelling ‘chocolate’ works wonders for my four year old’s listening skills!
You should see if there is a Messianic Jewish Temple in your area and take her. She’s love it and it would be very educational for her.
Boo is awesome. I just love the relationship the two of you have together.
I use a similar technique when they stop paying attention to a book I’m reading. I’ll add some ridiculous part about something totally off subject.
Awesome. I will try this on all of my kids – even the one I married. When the tv is on it sends a signal to his brain to stop listening. Oddest thing.
Ha Ha, it works on the husbands too. Love the tool belt Boo!
Great way to get her attention ;)!
Started using this and it works!! My mother looked at me like I was crazy when I said “there’s a monkey in the corner!”, but my son turned right around!