I’m just getting back into the swing of things since getting back from vacation. Oh, and Lisa’s computer was dying a slow and painful death…..so we just spent all day installing software, trying to set up a wireless printer, transferring files between computers. 8 hours gone…..just like that.
In boredom, I decided to rename my WiFi for my neighbors:
At first I wanted to use a Star Wars reference…..and then I learned that Lisa has never seen Star Wars. What?! My second choice was: IGAINEDNINEPOUNDSTODAY…..because I did…..and I was kind of pissed so I wanted to tell everyone. (actually, it was 9 pounds over the last two weeks…..apparently I ate a lot on vacation).
So, let’s make this fun and interactive: What do YOU think I should name it? (and keep in mind we have kids for neighbors)
I’ve always wanted to name our internet “FBI Surveillance Van” but my other half refuses since we live on a military base and says it might cause trouble. But you can certainly get away with it!
Now that is hilarious!!!!
I don’t know if you remember the Offspring song Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) but because of that ours was Pretty Fly (For A Wi-Fi) for awhile. Have fun finding something hilarious!
Our is “pretty fly for a wifi” 🙂
Great minds, etc!
that’s awesome
IVESEENYOUNAKED.. I mean if there were no kids!
I like this one! Might have to steal it:)
Lisa has never seen Star Wars??!!! :O
Pinterest find from several months ago: hideyokidshideyowifi
Haha! I like this one!
this is good. surely you guys have seen the autotune of antione dodson!!! love it!! we still sing it all the time. and also the ‘backing up’ autotunes, that lady is CRAZY!!!
Hahaha those are all great!
Someone in our neighborhood has FBI surveillance van! Ours is Melee Island from the Monkey Island games. It was Doofania (Phineas and Ferb) for a while. I want to change it to Death Star, but SOMEONE in this house won’t let me!
Ours is NoFreeInternet4You. My husband wants to change it though, because he’s afraid it might serve as a challenge for hackers. 🙂
My husband named ours “notyoeffinwifi”
When I lived with my sister I would rename her wifi ridiculous things every week. “douchebags-anon” “iluvfreckledbutts” “corisxxxcam” “hollywoodhillbillies”. I am sure she was so happy when I moved out. Haha.
Someone in my hood has a network called zombie fried chicken. I really want to knock on their door and meet them.
I had no idea that I could name our wifi – you have made my Monday!
I hope it’s password protected, too?
Well crap, now I want to rename my wifi!
Let’s get back to this whole never-seen-Star-Wars issue. Are you kidding?!? I seriously don’t see how that is even possible…..
I concur. This is a serious issue!!!!
we have had major issues with our wifi since we moved last summer… so far, it has been:
shizzle my nizzle
FBI Surveilance Van (I know I spelled that wrong…)
and whatever the name of the guy on the phone helping us was (I forget now)
… and those are just the ones I remember
Ours is named FBIWIRELESS, so the neighbors don’t hack in. Don’t ever want to hack into the FBI. 🙂
How do you spell the sound that Chewbacca makes? Because THAT should be it.
Or just “chewbaccanoise” lol
One of my favorites is “Virus Trap.”
Have Lisa watch star wars and then name it. Theforceisstrongwiththisone
Love this one!! haha
Ours is boobs…my husbands nickname from his mom was booboo….
HAHA! this one totally made me laugh.
I wonder how you name your wifi.. I have been carrying for my elderly parents and I will admit.. I opened my laptop to see if there were any networks. .. Bad girl.. Nope there were none. My wifi password is something to the effect of “pissmeoffgirl”….I was so sick of wireless setups that day that was it.. Then my little grandaughters come for xmas with their new Kindlefires… Gramms what is your wifi password.. What do I tell them??? I knew right when I did that they would run home and tell mom and dad … “gramm’s wifi pass word is pissmeoffgirl…”.. Yip they sure did too.. Think ahead gramma
That made me laugh out loud! Thanks for sharing!
How sad am I ? I have neither seen Star Wards nor have I got wifi or a laptop.
I, too, have never seen Star Wars. Or Pretty In Pink, Top Gun, ET, 16 Candles, Rainman or Driving Miss Daisy. I have, however, seen Britney Spears’ Crossroads movie like three times. Oh yeah. That’s how awesome I am!
As for the wifi name? It’d be really random for me like Witchita State Penitentiary 😉 make ’em go “Huh, what??”
Oh, Kristi…You don’t what you’re missing! Your post makes me sad. Start with 16 Candles.
Ours is NotForPublicUse.
We went with “Virus Hole 3K Access.” Scary, huh? 🙂
Oh, and if you DON’T gain nine pounds on vacation, you’ve not really vacationed. Hope you enjoyed every minute and every calorie!!
“itsmellslikesexinhere” I know terrible but it’s from broken lizards.
“getyourown” 🙂
Husband named our faster one “Skynet Global Defense Network” and the slower one is named Surveillance Van.
You, however, strike me more as a “alwayschoosejoy” or “creativemindatwork” kind of gal, though with your impish streak perhaps go for “dieselrockstheblock” or “lovepeacegraffitifurniture”. Perhaps “jellyfilleddoughnut”? “coolchicksgetchickensnamedafterthem”?
Ours is called “The Swan” which is a reference to Lost. The password is “the numbers”. 🙂
Brilliant! I think I want to rename mine the Orchid now 😉
Donutshop, I want a zombie name now!!!! I have to talk to the hubs about changing the name now since ours is a boring belkin name 🙁
OMG she’s never seen Star Wars?????????????? You have to make her watch ALL of them!
EHHH….she totally could skip the most recent ones and live a fulfilled life… But for sure she needs to see the ones with HHHHH–Harrison Ford….Hans Solo–yum.
Thank you for giving me ideas for renaming our wifi. Seems like everyone’s got the password for it too! boo! haha
Well, I think the first step is to sit Lisa down for a huge Star Wars Marathon. Then name it. I haven’t had coffee yet, so my brain isn’t working well enough to come up with a decent name.
Pretty fly for a WiFi.
Thats the one Ashley!
THIS ONE!!! hilarious
this has been very entertaining!!!!! maybe you should take a blog vote bc there are tons of great ones!!! i think a donut, choose joy, or a very random name would be awesome!!
p.s. make that girl watch star wars
http://9gag.com/gag/4887732 I saw this and thought of a combination of the post above and the post about taking Boo’s things.
How about…I can see you….
First off, Lisa needs to sit in front of a screen, be duct taped to a chair and watch the original trilogy like now! Seriously, never with the Star Wars?
Ours is Puddleglum, my husband has a whole Narnia thing going on, our external hard drives are reepicheep and something, his computer is Dawn Treader and his server is White Witch, yeah theres a theme.
I’ve wanted to do the FBI Van thing but it would disrupt the theme lol.
My network is called GETYOUROWN 🙂
well this is made me want to change my name. i’ve wanted to do it for a while b/c the name is my real name and that creeps me out a little.
so does anyone know how to change this info???
[email protected] 😉 you might meet more of you neighbours!
I had a neighbor in college name theirs “naughtysaudi”. I never met her but I always laughed when I saw her. awkward!
We share a driveway with a few other houses and in the middle of the drive is a drain that makes the loudest bang-bang when you drive over it. Someone in the area has called their wi-fi ‘drivearoundthedrainpeople’
I have never seen Star Wars either and what really chaps my husband’s hide is that I don’t even want to. I’ve seen parts, it does nothing for me.
I just changed mine. For some reason, there was mine and then mine [1]. So I named one IveFallenAndICantGetup and the other Tooflyforawhiteguy.
To change the name on a PC, find the little Internet Access icon (ascending lines, like Verizon commercials) and left click on it. Next, L-click on Open Network and Sharing Center. It should bring up “Manage Wireless Networks”, if not, click on that option. Yours will be listed in there with either your name, computer name, or the name of your router (Linksys, Belkin, D-Link…) To change the name, right click on your connection and click Rename!! The rest is up to your imagination!!
you’re so funny and random
my neighbors, or someone near me, has their wifi names FBI SURVEILLANCE VAN lol…isn’t that so funny…kinda creepy but I get a kick out of it every time it pops up on my wifi locator.
How about “coffeeenemasannonymous”? 🙂
My friends is ‘Get Your Own’ and it comes up Get Your Own WiFi 🙂