This might be why my husband doesn’t really like to grocery shop.….
…..and it might be why I prefer to grocery shop…..
….it’s never a simple list:
I kind of felt bad as soon as I sent it…..but then I took a screenshot because, well, he’ll thank me when I save him from food poisoning one day.
haha – I always write out the list VERY specific if I send my husband too 🙂
Hey, i’m with ya! I ALWAYS check dates, and grab a product closer to the back. Its just common sense, really.
It doesn’t matter how detailed I write it, I still get a separate phone call for each item to make sure, ask questions, etc…. Plus he has a rule that over 3 items from the store is a mandatory list.
Oh yeah, there are always the calls, just to be sure, you know. 🙂
I am just like you. I am always trying to teach my husband these things, but i gotta say that sometimes it happens that I myself forget to check dates when in a hurry.
Ho ho ho. Yep. But I also take great pleasure in getting bargain ‘close to date’ luxuries sometimes. My husband did food tech and says f it’s not opened it’s usually all good.
My 8yo son asked the other day, “what would you do if you won $1000?” I replied, “buy three weeks groceries:… Sad but true, Cost of living- at least here in NZ- has gone crazy.
I’m a HUGE date checker. Nothing worse than spoiled food that you paid good money for!
hahahhaha I do the same thing! Except my lists also have the names of the brand I like…it can take three lines to just describe what butter to get! Seriously! Poor Dave….and then once he’s there I usually get no less than 4 phone calls to verify if he’s getting the proper items! Sucks to be him! 😉
LOL that is awesome :).
I have worked with my son to look at ‘the date’ on everything. He now makes sure on everything in the cart! (He’s 10). I hope I make a daughter in law happy one day! 🙂
Hahahaha. LOVE it!
I actually took a picture of the Dishwashing detergent BOX the other day and texted it to my Hubby….BUT, he still came home with the wrong stuff! So, I then made him go back to school shopping for supplies with me. I gave him the kindergarten list and our kindergarten son, the gawker, the short attention span kid, the “I want one of everything” kid, the “Are you sure I have seen ALL the Cars 2 supply options?” kid! And I took of with our second grade daughter, the “spot what I need from a mile away, run and get it, and get the heck out of this store” kid! Needless to say, my husband looked like he had been through a war zone when we were done! He so caught a case of back to school shopping flu…racing heart beat, headache, spikes in blood pressure, short term nausea, hot flashes, clammy hands, fevers…..and after we got home, night tremors, feelings of depression, overwhelming feelings of sadness…..ya know…all that jazz.
He has since, informed me he will no longer help shop for school supplies.
Poor guy! LOL
But atleast I now know he is INDEED capable of the task should I ever be rendered “unable” or disabled or if anything should ever happen to me (like if I were to say……get committed for having a nervous breakdown in a store over having to buy 3 LARGE Elmers glue sticks that were $2.74 each, and there are only 7 left on the hanger, and the couple in front of me gets all 7, and says to her daughter “We should just get them all incase you use up most of them before school starts”!)
Because….yes….the above IS a possibility!
totally unrelated to groceries…..
wait you have 23 messages!?! ok i think i need to join a support group! maybe i should start one in your forum 🙂 i have had to turn off my notifications and delete some apps because if i see anything with a red number by it im ON IT! like right then! when i get more than 3 or 4 shows backed up on my dvr i start worrying like i have so much to do… HELLO SELF! its old dvred shows and an app update… who cares? apparently i do!
I laughed when I saw this post because I just downloaded a shopping list app today that you can choose specifiC brands from the list or add your oWn and it has pictures! You can even sync and send between iPads and iPhones and take your own pictures to add if one isnt there. You can choose sizes and add notes too. I made the comment that it would be perfect for sending lists to Your husband!! He’d have a lot less excuses for not getting it right.
Im more concerned that you have 23 unread text messages. you are one popular lady!
I was thinking the same thing. Popular lady!!!
I’m more concerned about “how much” my other half is going to spend when I send him to the store! It’s kind of a joke but, every time I send him I tell him “please don’t spend $50” and every time he spends $50 even if all I have on the list is milk and cheese!
Wow! And I thought I liked to micro manage! ha ha On another note, I am one of those apparently strange people who like to open each link in a new tab so that I don’t lose the original web page I was perusing (for some reason, this irritates my husband to no end). For some reason, on your site I can’t open links in a new tab and then I end up skipping over links I meant to click on because I didn’t want to leave the page and then forgot to go back. Any way you can change this? Feel free to ignore this if you think I’m coo koo!
This is too funny. I do the same things. It’s always “check the date – get furthest date out – make sure that furthest date out is not too soon.” I don’t really like to send my husband out for groceries because he comes home with things that are not on the list and has spent more money than I would have.
My 5 year old niece was over for lunch recently. She had a squeezer yogurt thingy as part of her lunch. My mouth dropped open when she said “T.T., this yogurt is expired.”. Let’s just say she comes by observant/control freak honestly. My 5 year old might notice if the yogurt was on fire.
My list always includes what aisle and shelf it’s on. If not he’ll call saying he can’t find it.
Hahahaha you crack me up!!!
That is EXACTLY how I shop too, must be a gal thing 🙂
And how do you have TWENTY THREE other texts…..dang miss popular!
I write like lists like this also. I also write out the brand I want him to get and what color the packaging is and usually the aisle that it is on. I obviously do more grocery shopping and that is fine with me!
And thanks for the interesting fact about grapes. Who knew?!?
Hey Ashley! I read your blog all the time and I love it. Recently I tried to join the forum and I received an email saying I didn’t meet “membership requirements.” It says my membership was deleted. 🙁 I tried to reply to the email but it didn’t work. Any idea why? Besides the obvious “membership requirements.” I don’t think I broke any rules, I was just trying to ask a sizing question about one of the patterns.
Whenever we talk about checking dates, The Far Side cartoon comes to mind where he’s sitting at the table eating cereal and the milk carton has a picture of Amelia Erhardt on the side (remember when they used to put pics of missing kids on the milk cartons?) and the caption was: “How old is this milk?” To this day I still find it hilarious!!
Girl, how do you take a screen shot of a text? Clearly, I should not be allowed near an iPhone. Thanks!
If you have never heard it, you MUST go on YouTube and listen to Jeannie robertsons never send a man to the grocery store.
Husband’s have no idea. I mean, they eat the same food we do…but somehow they don’t register what it is they are putting in their mouths. He comes home the other day with La Victoria salsa…LA VICTORIA?!?! When have we ever eaten this brand of salsa. Grumble grumble. I can’t cmoplain too loudly I mean, he does go to the grocery store on a moment’s notice. I just need to remember to be VERY specific. Love your blog.