It’s our last day in Tahoe. It’s just us girls. I promised Boo that today we would go rafting down the Truckee River. We got up early and headed into Tahoe City around 10:00am so we’d be one of the early ones. The river rafting companies wouldn’t let us go…..because apparently you need two adults on each boat. Determined to keep my promise, we trekked across the bridge over the river, crossed the highway…..and bought our own boat. I’m not the strongest person in the world and with the boat, the oars, our huge bag of lunch, drinks, Boo’s life preserver……I think I looked like an ant carrying 50 times it’s weight. Boo and I waited to cross over the highway so we could get back to the river access and cars on both sides stopped on the highway… let us pass. We must have looked that pitiful.
It was drizzling and 58 degrees and the water was freezing, but here we are….stoked and ready for our adventure:
As I was figuring out how I was going to steer this boat down the river it actually ended up being easier with one oar. Right away, we met the nicest family who had met up from Grass Valley and San Francisco. They were all tethered together and were jokingly making fun of our boat model. We had model 300 and they had model 400. I have to admit I did have boat envy for a brief moment…..but they didn’t have oars. I traded an oar for a Mike’s Hard Lemonade. (Hey, Float-illa the Hun, if you’re out there somewhere… was nice meeting you all!)
We brought enough food and drink for about 10 people. I was prepared for a 5 hour trip. Boo ate half of a watermelon in one sitting:
There were about 5 rapids but none were too bad. Honestly, I think our boat was much easier to control than the larger boats. The water was high and the current was really strong. I had to selectively find some small little coves for Boo to swim and play in. There was only one incident where a large boat of about 6 people couldn’t steer their boat and pinned Boo against a rock.
We found a large eddy to swim in for a while. The water circulates around and around so you don’t get pulled down-river. Boo pee’d behind a few bushes. Whenever we hit smooth water I would pull out my phone for a photo. I’m surprised I made it to the end with my phone dry.
We went 5 miles and it took us 3.5 hours. I’d do it again in a second.
What a wonderful adventure that you BOTH will remember forever! 😀
What a fantastic thing to do with your daughter.
Looks like SO much fun! I always love having mother/daughter bonding time, and I’m sure Boo loved every second of the day with you 🙂
Great Times, I Bet 🙂
Awesome story! Loved it! This will stay in her memory forever 🙂
Once again, Ashley…you amaze me. What a wonderful, wonderful role model Boo has in you!!!
What a beautiful day! And I’m loving the fauxhawk. Work it, girl!
What an amazing day! I don’t picture you as an ant at all, but a freaking superhero. I wouldn’t have been surprised at all if you tucked the boat and all its accessories under one arm, boo under the other and flew over the highway, (or at the very least jumped it 😉
Amazing! Such a fun day!
You’re freakin’ amazing. I woul never even have the guts to vacation alone, let alone go river rafting. You are a NO FEAR sort of girl and I love it! You look absolutely stunning. The first picture you radiates health, happiness, and sheer joy. Beautiful.
You are such a good mom! I love your gumption to do it yourself! I agree with the others – a memory of a lifetime!!!! Yay, Ash!
This rocks in so many ways. LOVE you traded an oar for a Mikes Hard Lemonade…..we could SO be friends 🙂
Ok how did you get back up the river to your car?
And did you strap it to the top of your car
And bring home???? Or just re-sell it to the next mom
Ready for an afternoon adventure??? 🙂
I deflated it and you can catch a “river taxi” back up to the top 🙂
I was totally going to ask this. I was like HOW ???? I wouldn’t have known it was possible! Very Cool Trip girl.
We livedin Jackson Hole, WY for a few years. We bought my hubby a boat like your the first year we were there….so many great memories of John, our oldest Ciaran and I in that thing…..go girl, so glad you and Boo just struck out on your own <3
Your are awesome! Omg love your rocking hair style!
You seriously look so healthy and beautiful Ashley! Its so good to see that. I love all your hilarious little antics and adventures : )
I live in Reno, so you’re in my neck of the woods. How cool! I’m glad you and Boo enjoyed your day on our beautiful river.
What a good momma.
Sounds like a fun day! Did you know that they make a waterproof cover for your iPhone? I think you need one for your next river adventure!
if anyone ever had any doubts about what a rockin’ mom you are (which is highly unlikely), then there is no chance of it now….you.are.awesome! ….and you even look hip the whole time. wow. the inspiration meter just topped out. rock on!
We live just south of SF and are headed to Tahoe in 2 weekends. We have been going back and forth about taking our 2.5 and 4.5 year old girls floating the river with us and would love to know if you’d do it with ones younger than Boo.
Thanks! So glad y’all had a great trip!
you only live once!!! Glad you kept your promise!! It looks like you were too!!! Love it!
You rock! I am in awe and aspire to be more like you! I shouldn’t let fear keep me from doing things alone with my little ones.
You are so brave! And what an amazing mom! That is an adventure Boo will always remember and treasure, I’m sure.
What memories you’re making with Boo! Looks like so much fun.
GiRLPoWeR!! Way to show your girl how to make Plan B. And the hair, fierce.
This is awesome! I’d like to think if be as courageous as you. You need to get a life proof case for your phone before your next water adventure. It takes great underwater pictures and was even sturdy enough to save my husbands phone from falling off the top of my SUV going down the road…not a scratch or crack to the phone, the case has some slight road rash. I love ready about all your adventures, thank you for being such a brave strong lady and sharing your life with stranges. You’re a true inspiration!
You rock my socks. So awesome.
And P.S. it *is* fabulous that you didn’t soak your phone! I went canoeing WITH another adult and we capsized and both killed our phones…hahahaha! We never thought we’d stop laughing. Bye bye Blackberry 😀
Team Lilblueboo for the win! (Yet again!)
What a great day! We’re going rafting on Labor Day with our 5 year old..I was a little nervous but you guys make it look easy! Glad you had a fun day!
xo, Dawn
That looks like fun…..sadly I would have not thought about buying a boat and would have disappointed my daughter. You ROCK!
I love the memories you’re making with your daughter, so inspiring! God bless
I love river trips! I’m so anxious for the day my kids are big enough to do this!!!!
That looks like so much fun! I love that you didn’t give up and went and bought your own boat!
LOL I would have been pointing and laughing at the people who told you “no” as you slipped into the water. But I’m naughty like that. Glad y’all had a blast! You are rockin’g the ‘hawk darlin, looks gorgeous.
That sounds so fun! Today we spend time at the river with family just throwing rocks and watching a small whirlpool that had formed. My son thought it was the greatest thing ever. I love how kids are in their element being outside. Although we are suburbanites I am determined to get them out more this fall to hike and explore. So glad you look healthy and happy!
ooh. World’s funnest Mom ever, you are, you are.
i just read about a girl, Cindy, who they just found to have cancer and they put her in the hospital and now she is going through a very rough time. they do not know if they are going to be able to save her. i think all this happened the first day she was in there and that was only 3 or 4 days ago. she also has a little girl. i thought you might like to know of this and maby could help her some. they are asking for prayers and comments on Cindy on Funky Junk Interiors on Face Book. you have been there so you could give her some helpful knowledge. i have been one of those who has followed you through your time and am so amazed and very glad at how you have made it through all this. do not be angry at me for i just thought i would let you know about Cindy.
got an error the first post- anyway, i had acknowledged that even if i had thought of buying a boat i probably could not have afforded it. Plus, camping/boating and you look younger than you web photo.
GOOD MAMA!!! Boo will tell her grandchildren about “the time my mom took me boating, just the two of us…..”
What a memory-maker 🙂
You are making moments happen for yourself – I love it.
Erin M.
THAT is a perfect day! And a perfect memory that will NEVER fade!! You couldn’t possibly be a better mother!
Oh my gosh, you are so sweet. This will be a wonderful memory for Boo as she gets older. Too cute!
You are such a great mom! I hope I’m as cool as you when my kids get older!
You’re so awesome and BRAVE!!! I don’t know that I’d have the gumption (is that how you spell it? i.e. ‘balls’) to pull off an outing such as this with one of my kids… I might consider doing it with the oldest who’s an excellent swimmer, but WOW! Ashley, you’re an awesome mom.
What a wonderful day. You will both remember it forever 🙂
What an amazing day you ladies had! Boo is truly lucky to have such an adventurous mom. BTW, I love your hair! Wish I had the confidence for that!
I’m so glad that you didn’t let the proprietors of the river rafting company stop you n L’il Boo from having your fun day. I love when others tell me or any other woman that you can’t do something. Just try stopping us, we are women,watch us roar !!
Good for you!! I am so glad the 2 of you had such a wonderful time! Fabulous decisions, met fun people, way to go!
I missed you on that river by a WEEK! What a bummer, I would’ve flipped as if I’d seen a celeb… We actually got stuck up on a rock in one of the “rapids” and it was so fun. I took my friend and our 2 daughters, while the dads got both boys. It’s such a fun ride isn’t it? Did you stop at the restaurant at the end and get an ice cream???
LOVE that you bought your own boat. You are unstoppable!
You are brave!! I would be too chicken to do it alone!!
Looks like so much fun and such good memories you are making. What did we ever do before our camera phones. So easy. 🙂
Girl you are looking so beautiful, healthy, and I’m loving the hair style. : )
I have always wanted to do that rafting trip … we were just crossing that bridge where you launch a few weeks ago. Such a beautiful area and the river looks so serene and pretty 🙂 Glad you had fun and yes, adorable hair!!!
Thank you for pouring out your LOVE-OF-LIFE, and constantly reminding us that today is good day, to be ALIVE!
The world is a better place because of YOU!
Melanie (in far northern Cali where the smoke is surrounds)
Opps, where the smoke surrounds.
Keeping all of those affected by the fires in our thoughts!
why can’t you ever do anything adventurous, cool, or fun?
We were just there last month! Looks like you had fun!!!!!!
How fun!!! What a special time for you two girls!… Great memories made. Also… I am loving the hair! It rocks! So pretty! Michele M
Love it! A day to remember.
Did you show your fanny on Fanny Bridge? That’s the bridge that goes over the river. Love North Lake Tahoe and have rafted down the Truckee River several times. Some years the water is low so the whole thing is a bunch of rapids. Other years, it is full and a lazy smooth trip. Looks like you got to experiance the perfect blend. I am so impressed you made the day happen for Boo. What a wonderful mamma (well, besides letting your kid sell “beer” that isn’t really beer – tee hee.)
Buying a boat and doing it yourselves was a much classier way than using spicey words. What awesome memories you will have to share with your grandchildren.
Ah the memories! My friends and I inner tubed down the Trukee numerous times and had many wild adventures that I cherish. In fact, I’m heading up there on Tuesday to reunite with my buds and we are planning on a Trukee River repeat. Glad to know there is still enough water.