Remember when I sent out those journals for my Li’l Journal Project? Well, next week I’m starting an extension of that project….something that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time now: a journaling series……daily prompts and activities that we all work on together. If you’ve ever wanted to write, doodle, keep a diary, start an art journal or just document snippets of your life…’s the time to start. Not sure it’s for you? Use it for inspiration, leave it as a legacy, use it to write a memoir, make it a family activity, unleash your creativity, uncover your authentic self…..or simply use it to fill time on the bus or train…..
You can get your daily prompts at the following places:
Right here on the blog
@lilblueboo on Instagram (#theliljournalproject)
@lilblueboo on Pinterest (The Lil Journal Project board)
Right at the start will be a few exercises to help you get over any fear or anxiety of keeping a journal. There will be no pressure. If you miss a day… biggie. If you want to skip a day or skip four days… can do that too. If you want to check it out first and start in a few weeks……perfect…..better late than never!
It won’t be your typical journal. Some days you might be asked to make a list and another day to sketch something small. On another day you might be asked to go back to a page you are unhappy with and make it new with white out and sharpies. An activity might span over a weekend: watch a favorite movie and keep your journal handy to copy down quotes. Some of the harder days will be when you are asked to jot down early memories like who do you remember from your Kindergarten class…..or sketch out your childhood bedroom.
Here’s my promise: you’ll have fun…..and you’ll treasure this book. You’ll be inspired by YOU.
(Note: if you have kids old enough to write or draw they can do it too….and it can be a fun family activity)
Here’s your assignment right now, JUST so you’ll be ready when it starts this week…..make sure to PICK up a sketchbook like this one for each person over the weekend or early next week! Mine measures about 8 x 11″….anywhere around there is fine. Just make sure it has a hard cover (i.e. no leather, fabric, unless you don’t mind altering it). If your budget is tight …..just pick up a notebook at the dollar store….the great part about this project is that there are no rules and I don’t want anything to hold you back from participating if you want to.
Other things you might need right at the start:
A pencil and a black pen*
*any kind you want. I use one of Boo’s princess pencils and a black Precision pen or a black ball point.
Crayons, colored pencils or markers
White Out or correction tape
Other supplies and items may be added as we go along but there’s never any pressure. It’s all about making do with what you have and creating a book you’ll want to write in, work in and flip through for years to come.
I love. love. love. this! I have recently started mommy/daughter journals with two of my daughters. I always loved keeping a diary. 🙂
That’s a neat idea Angi! How does that work? Do you write something and then your daughter’s write something?
Ashley – I’m super excited about this!!! I have a journal I’ve already started a few years ago for school – but I’m going to use it for this I think. It only has about 10 pages used up in the front. I cant wait to do this along with you!
I used to journal every day religiously before I had my daughter. I fell out of the habit and find starting again monumentally hard to do! I will be following along 🙂 Thanks for this!
I’m so excited about this! I think I’ve got my husband on board too so we’ll be doing it together.
Eeeep! I am so super excited about this!!
So excited about this! Have my journal and ready to go!
Which journal do you suggest?
I’m so excited about this! I want to love to journal but have a hard time writing my thoughts out, etc. This will be great for me! Thank you. Off to find a journal tomorrow!
This is awesome. I will definitely be following along. I haven’t journaled in years.
Thank you so much for leading this series – I am excited and so are my daughters!
So stinkin’ excited!!! This looks like fun and can’t wait to get started!
Very excited to do this!!
I am so excited. I’ve always wanted to journal! I’ll buy my sketchbook today!
I think I need this right now. Perfect timing.
Sweet. I have a little bit of a notebook addiction…so there is a brand spanking new one sitting on my counter already. Cannot wait!
I love this idea! I love to journal but end up telling myself I dont have time (its a lie–I really do have time). The last time I wrote, was after my mom died 2 1/2yrs ago. Memories I hadn’t thought of in years were constantly in my head so I wrote it all down because I was desperately afraid that I would forget.
This sounds like fun! Time goes so quickly and so much happens in our lives, sometimes its way too easy to forget the details or not slow down and appreciate things.
Ooh I’m very excited about this!! Thanks Ashley!
I’ve been journaling at least once a week lately but this looks like so much fun. Digging my sketchbook out of the closet today!
I love this idea 🙂
me and my friend are at the edge of our seats for the first post! woop woop!
I’m in!
I’ve been an artist and crafter for most of my life and yet have never been good at keeping any kind of journal, whether it was personal writing or an art journal. Go figure. Maybe I just don’t like cringing when I go back to re-read my thoughts. I like the idea of following your journal prompts….it might take the “omg I have no idea what to say/sketch/draw/doodle/paint” out of the mix! Look forward to seeing your future posts!
Count me in ! WOO HOO! I am soooo ready 🙂
This is a great idea! I kept a journal for years (not a fancy one mind you!) but when the kids came along I sort of never found the time…now that they’re both grown I have no excuse! Going to get me a a big notebook! 😀
This is an awesome idea! Must make sure I get a couple of notebooks for my girls and I :).
OOOOHHH!! Sounds like great fun count me in. I have always wanted to journal. However, I never knew which direction to take it in. Thanks as always for your constant inspirations.
Count me in!! This sounds exciting – and you know I love your art journals.
Woot! Woot! I love this! So excited to start! 😉
I guess since i’m you sister i’ll join in on the party! haha…. jk! I’m super excited too!!!! It will actually be really neat for me to actually compare you yours to see how similar they are! Remembe that one time we both kept journals and it was scary how similar they were!!!!
I was reading through my sisters journals after she passed and it was eerie how similar her early ones are compared to mine. You would think that would be normal if you grew up in the same home/environment but that isn’t even the case with us. I was raised by our mother and she grew up with our dad’s family. I think sisters just have an amazing connection. 🙂
I just organized all my colored pencils, sharpies and other miscellaneous markers…
Can’t wait to spew them all over my nice neat workspace again… lol Seriously- this is awesome- will you be billing us directly or can I give you my insurance card? bah ha ha haa….
I’m in !
Woo-whoo! I’m in!
After the year I’ve had, I think this I’ll be great. I used to journal all the time… And i know that the next year is going to be just as life changing as this one… So I think this is definately going to be good for me… And just so you don’t forget you are still an insipiration to many people…
Okay I love this, so excited to join in 🙂
I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t done anything with my journals lately and was chastising myself. It will be nice to have a journal buddy. Kind of like a workout buddy.
Just bought my journal today! I am so excited (and a little nervous) to get started. Hurray for 50% off coupons at Michaels!
Going on vacation for a few weeks but, I am set to go. Will start with the journal I made from folders. This is a great way to start. Laptop is always a vacation item. lol
Count me in. I used to journal alot but have gotten out of the habit. thanks for the inspiration to get back at it.
I’m in! I can’t wait to start this. I just started “smashing” and trying to scrapbook. I found smashing works better for me, since it’s more of a free flow than structure. Thanks for this opportunity!!
the anxiety is growing right now. i want to do this so badly….. i am going to give this my best effort.
thanks for this opportunity to take baby steps into journaling. xo
I’m in. I have been thinking about art journaling recently.
Mentioned this to my teenage daughters yesterday, and they both begged me to get them a journal while they were at school today so they could start at the beginning with you! Sounds like some mommy/daughter bonding time coming up. Such a great idea!
i just saw this via your newsletter! i loooove this and will be joining along! my is coming up and this is a great way to start the “new year!” i love journaling, but have not done it for myself in a very long time. i have 3 that do for my children. my daughter watched me as i was writing in hers and asked me if i had one for myself. i told her that i didn’t, but how wonderful keeping a diary/journal is. she said she was sad for me. i told her not to be. she’ll get a kick out of me doing this and it could inspire her to keep her own as well! 🙂
i’ve never done the whole drawing and fancy stuff, just writing. i am so excited to do this! 🙂 you never cease to amaze me with your vibrant self!!! thank you for continuing to inspire and move people!
on tomorrow’s to do: get supplies.
big, big hugs you ashley!!!!
Started today! I couldn’t find a journal like yours. Rather than waiting to get started, mine has a leather cover and lines inside. eh. I’m fine with it. I just finised my first entry!
How many prompts will you do? Will this last a month or a few or longer? Would love to know! So excited to get started even though I am behind!
Not sure yet! Still going though 🙂