Fun with the new iPhone panorama function last night:
The right side of my office:
A photo wall in my hall. I think I like the curved wall effect. Maybe I should remodel:
How did I manage that wall? It was pretty easy actually. I used my laser level run tape all the way down the hall for the top and bottom line. Then I made an identically spaced tape line on my guest room carpet. I arranged the photo frames on the floor first, then transferred them to the wall. As long as the top and bottom edges of the top and bottom frames line up the middle ones won’t matter as much!
Ok so I did indeed go out and buy the new iPhone….but only because I was in the ice ages with my hunk o junk! How do I find this panorama feature?
My question is WHERE DID YOU GET ALL THOSE FRAMES? I want to do a photo wall so badly, but frames are too darn expensive. Help?!?!?!?!
Aaron Brothers 🙂 Once a year they have a buy one get one for a penny sale! A few were spray painted too from their original color…..check thrift stores!
Yea, I have seen searching the local thrift stores but havent had any luck. I am looking into Aaron Brothers though!
That is a REALLY cool app!! I wonder if it could make closets look bigger?
So cool!!! I love walls full of photos all in black frames!