Boo’s Box o’ Princesses and BOYville dolls were such a big hit last Christmas that I decided to commission my friend Stephanie Corfee to make a Christmas Nativity version! I spent the last few days painting Baby Jesus, Jo-Fess (as Boo calls him), Mary and the rest of the Christmas peeps:
I used 2″ peg dolls for Mary, Joseph and the three wise men. I purchased mine from Casey’s Wood Products.
I used an angel peg doll, boy pegs and baby pegs for the angel, shepherds, and baby Jesus (also from Casey’s Wood Products):
I use regular inexpensive craft paints. Here are the flesh and hair colors I used. I mix them together for blends:
I always paint the flesh colors first:
And then work backwards in terms of layers: hair…..
….then clothing….
It makes sense to work on all of them at once and in stages so you don’t sit and watch paint dry!
A little secret I’ll share….for small details I use Chalk Ink markers! They are opaque and juicy…..great for faces and clothing detail. You just need to make sure you spray the finished dolls with a clear protective spray when they are finished.
When my dolls were finished, I printed out the download on to card stock:
I cut out all the pieces and created little easels for the backs of the smaller ones:
Here’s a look at how the manger is created. I printed the download out twice and to add wood panels to the end. Also to make the double sided angel wings.
The finished Nativity scene! Great for a gift or holiday decor. Let your little ones color in the scene as they see fit with markers or crayons:
The sheep and the shepherds:
The three kings with their crowns and camel:
The angel of God:
Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus:
To give it as a gift you can put the pieces into little linen bags…..
And add it all to a jar….so the barn piece doesn’t have to be folded:
Note: I closed my digital shop and I am unable to offer these for free anymore. They are now listed on Etsy but only for $1.00 to help cover the cost of upkeep for this website. Thanks for understanding!
Click here to visit the listing or click the image below:
Make sure to check out the other peg doll projects I’ve done with Stephanie….great for handmade Christmas gifts,
I just LOVE Nativity’s! This is adorable!
Super cute , not sure how I missed the princess and hero versions
So fun! Thanks!
Ash!!! These turned out so cute!!! Great job!!
Could I ask what “clear, protective spray” that you use when you are finished? I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by so many choices! Absolutely love this project. So adorable with the color-yourself backdrops and scenery pieces.
Hi Tina! Any brand should work 🙂
My 12 y/o and I were so excited to see this post! We have hosted a craft party for tween girls so we can’t wait to do this with them!
Again!!..Ashley!!..What a wonderful Project!!..I am up early!!..Hit, the Latte Stand! ( yes,!..Seattle) Hmm..( Honestly), after my Coffee Latte..Donut”Boston Cream” my Fav!!”..( if Safeway, only has Scones!!..I, Pull A “Boo Face”.. (as I have..pretty well! copied) At, least,..squirt, that ” Dried Up Scone..with Pudding!”..It works!!..Thxs , Miss Boo!..
on…a more serious note..I have read..” Am I Still a Girl”..Blog..Saddened,..for, Sons, Family, Friends, ( I Felt like I, to!..Knew Jen)..Jen, is out..of her Misery!!..I, Am reading.”To Heaven and Back”..written by powerful!..the, Author, gives..”KUDDOS!..for Heaven”(0n Katie Couric(sp)Show..last week..Dang!! That Cancer..when time..your..”Cures”.. Repeat..or EMail..You, , are so Healthy!..All, those, “natural” cures, Chemo…I, only, recall, Coffee…Hmm,..Enemas..on your list, of Many! Cures, you…were trying..( do not know..reason for Coffee..Enemas, heard off,..pls Educate!! Also, the Journal..Project..has bought forth lives!..thank you!! I, RN,[email protected]
Love this! So, so sweet!
This is absolutely wonderful! Thank you so much!!!
What a great idea! We love our princess ones I made our daughter for her 3rd Birthday!
Super cute! I LOVED the princesses (made 3 sets last year!) and look forward to making the nativity this year.
I love the peg doll kits; they are so fun to make! Please keep them coming.
My kids are going to love this. Thank you so much!
These peg projects of yours are darling! I am in love with them. I’ll be using these for sure. I’ve already got the pegs…guess I better start painting.
Thank you so much! What a special project–I made my neice the princess pack for a Christmas gift and working on boy version also. Now I need to get busy and make this to send right away. I love it– so thanks again! ( & to Stephanie)
I like this because I could make a more accurate Creche’. I don’t knw when the Wise men started showing up at the stable but it just isnt so! What I really don’t understand is when a Creche’ at the store doesn’t even have at least one shepheard. They WERE the ones there. I plan on making this for my grandson and I will probably make 6-8 shepherds. I made the princesses and prince’s for my granddaughter. My grand son isn’t quite old enough to be into super heros. Keep the ideas coming because they are so much fun to make.
thanks SOOOO much for sharing!!
WOW this is such an amazing idea! Love it 🙂 Thanks for sharing! Pinning now.
Hannah ♫
Sew Lah Tea Dough
Love love this! My little ones will love this! Thank you!