This is one of my favorite “go to” tops right now. I can use thin jersey fabrics for a dressier look, or upcycled old tees for a casual every day look.
I recommend a serger for knits but this can be sewn with a regular machine as well. Perfect for tweens and adults. The instant download PDF pattern includes the basic style and tips for piecing.
Here’s one I made from an old t-shirt, some yardage and a few knit scraps:
Here’s my friend Katherine in the top she made. I love the bright colors!
My friend Olivia made a striped version. Love those boots!
Photo credit Olivia’s Ultimate
A casual look on the left and a more dressed up version on the right:
Can’t wait to see what you make!
Thinking about buying a serger? Check out my FAQ section on recommendations!
so totally my BFF’s style. i will be sending her to this pattern.
How easy is it to make? After making the first one how long to make the second. Only asking that because it usually takes longer to make the first one than the others.
It is SUPER easy to make! Very beginner knit!! It took maybe 30 minutes after I got the pattern assembled.
& my top used LBB fabric! I got asked TWICE today where I bought my top!
Great tops! I have a serger on my wish list. Hugs!
Love your scrappy version, I am keeping this in mind as a project for my old tshirts!
Just bought the pattern last night. Can’t wait to make one for myself! yayyy!
ooooh I love this…just what I have been looking for! Perfect for summer time in NZ! x