“With malice towards none, with charity for all…..”
Maybe the elf isn’t so bad…..
I’m thinking I may need to retire him….I don’t want to be associated with Elf on the Shelf my whole life.
The really sad part? I’m hoping Boo doesn’t remember about the Elf this year.
CLICK HERE to visit all the Elf on the Shelf posts THAT EVER WERE.
I’m kind of over the Elf thing too, but my kids LURVE him. This year the Elf is going rogue – writing graffiti with dry erase markers on windows and pictures, knocking stuff over in the bathroom – with the idea that eventually Santa will call the naughty Elf back to the North Pole for some corrective measures. Buh bye, Elf.
These just make my day. So funny!
where do you get these ideas?!?!? cracking me up
Not sure why, but a “Flashdance” Elf comes to mind.
I’m sure you can get creative with that one.
Why don’t you start another blog dedicated to hilarious Elf pics? 😉 If my friend & I decide to move in together, we decided we need an elf. . . Just for the sole purpose of doing crazy things with it! 😛