Ongoing series!
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Note: A quick note before I get a gazillion comments….it’s not illegal to alter coins….as long as you never try to spend them again.
I checked with the treasury department. I might be breaking some law with the international coins….so extradite me.
Everywhere I’ve traveled overseas….I’ve kept a coin from that country. I had them in a jar, but I recently took each one and stamped them with the year I traveled there: [Read more…]
Me: Um, what is that?
Boo: It’s a butterfly.
Me: Oh……
…..and the wings are regrettably transparent.
Get your mind out of the gutter…’s JUST a butterfly.
Although I did have a flashback of this. It’s JUST a swan.
A few other recent conversations:
Me: You don’t act this way in school….why do you save all the whining and sassiness for Daddy and I at home?
Boo: Because…..I don’t want to be bad in front of my teacher. I just hold it in ALL day…and then….when I come home…..I just can’t hold it in anymore.
Boo: I know what a boy’s “fine china” is called.
Me: Oh, yeah?
Boo: Peanuts.
Me: Yep….that’ll do.
Boo: When will the Olympics be back on??
Mr. LBB: ….when you’re 9.
[insert meltdown]
Not a Booism….but I think I found a Halloween costume idea.