My kid is definitely not missing a sensitivity chip. In fact, I think she got a few extra of them….so if anyone needs an extra let me know. The first sign: she cries at the end of every. single. movie……even Hancock. The more emotional the music, the more emotional she gets. Don’t even get me started on how she reacts at the end of Armageddon…..the whole 10 minutes at the end where everyone is reuniting and Harry dies? Wow. She even cries at those touching ESPN stories.
I get it. I cry at them too. Legends of the Fall. Secretariat. Joy Luck Club. Lifetime Movies. Pixar’s UP. Undercover Bosses when the CEOs surprise the workers at the end. And it used to be every Oprah episode.
Yesterday she saw her friend Elle (Lisa’s daughter) at school for the first time in a few days. She ran up to Elle and hugged her tight. She didn’t let go for a long time. It got kind of awkward so Lisa said she peeked around to see if Boo was joking……but Boo was bawling. Boo, struggling through sobs, said: I missed you Elle……and I’m so sorry your fish died.
I’d forgotten that I told her that Elle’s fish Frida died. I just said it in passing…..not thinking it was something she’d remember. It wasn’t our fish. Poor fish….but it was actually Elle’s second fish Frida….Lisa quickly replaced the first one when it died. It wasn’t even the original Frida. [Read more…]