I keep thinking about that little hummingbird that was following Boo around the other day. I love that so many of you said it was my dad shadowing her as she handed out her little boxes. My friend Megan sent me this today:
It says:
Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time, carrying our hopes for love, joy and celebration.
The hummingbird’s delicate grace reminds us that life is rich, beauty is everywhere, every personal connection has meaning and that laughter is life’s sweet creation.
It’s true.
Life IS rich.
Beauty IS everywhere.
Every meeting we have, no matter how brief, has meaning.
I wanted to tell more of the story behind the video.
The man that picked up the box in the little movie: he opened it and said he didn’t think it was meant for him. Boo insisted that he take it…..and give it to someone grumpy. First he jokingly gave it to his friend. (implying that he was grumpy)……then he put it in his inside coat pocket. I wonder who he handed it off to?
We were standing at a crosswalk and I whispered “Boo, what about the lady standing behind us?” Boo had a box in her hand and looked back at the young woman. She started to hand her the box and then hesitated…..she asked me to lean down and whispered in my ear: Can I have one of the OTHER boxes? She reached into my bag and looked through all of them until she found the one she wanted to give the young woman. It read: YOU ARE PRETTY. She gave Boo a huge hug.
The young man in Starbucks…..he’s always so nice to every single customer. Boo placed her order for a muffin and as we were leaving she said “I want him to have a box”…..so she cut back in front of the line and I heard “This is for ME?”
The woman at the end of the video where the bracelet pops out…..she was just visiting. Boo was so excited that one of her boxes would be making it all the way back to Canada.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
How wonderful! And inspiring!!
Loved the stories about the people that Boo gave the boxes to. You have no idea how many people you touched with this video. I’ve shared it with my daughters, coworkers and husband. My daughters (who are 25 and 23) were both so touched! We’ve talked about it for days and how very special both Boo and you are! My husband (who is a man of few words) said – “very sweet, Makes you have a little more hope in humanity”. He is a little grumpy at times, but smiled watching Boo! Thanks again for sharing this!
Aww….tell him thank you….I wish Boo could give him a box 😉
Love hear the stories about how it all went down. It can be hard to be nice to people, they don’t always let you
Arrghhh! BEAUTIFUL. I hope she has a a sibling one day to teach the way. And I hope you are well. 🙂
I,agree with above comment..Leslie! I, am Pround..to “know” you!..Your, “Dad”.. Plus Mother, must be “GLOWING!..with Pride!.. Ashley,..your Talent..”beats all,”..You, inspire Me!..to be a “Better Person”..What, a wonderful Birthday Party!..for the “Lil Girl..that melts your Heart!”. Thank you!..you have “Taught Me.. To live!!..each Day!” Do, you read your “posts” from “Friends”..I, hope you ..”Enjoy”.. MX Kudods!..I, respond, to your Blog..more than any other ..MX Blogs!..I, wonder..if you absorb!..”your Groupies”..I, hope, you read comments! (I, have never received..any reponse). Hugs!..Julie (RN)
Excuse..spelling “Kudos,..not Kudods! ( a little OCD) LOL! From last note…Julie
I almost cried when no one picked up the box! What a sweet girl with sweet parents. Inspiring.
Thank you.
Stunning little girl you have AND you are a stunning mama!! I can’t even handle this video. Again… stunning.
You have the most beautiful heart and you are instilling that on your daughter and I couldn’t be prouder of you and I don’t even know you. This was a beautiful video! You are doing so many wonderful things with your blog. I can only hope to be as good as this when my boys are a wee bit older. (they are only 2 and 1) Thank-you for inspiring me and warming my heart on this cold Friday in February 🙂
Ashley you are so neat. You inspire me to be more kind and teach my kids more kindness too. Thank you, Heidi
Last summer was the season of the hummingbird for me as well. I was sitting in the yard doing a large image transfer on a shipping pallet when I became aware of the little tiny birds chirping in the garden. I was profoundly reminded of my grandmother who had passed on a few years ago and was my strongest artistic influences in my life. I thought amusingly wouldn’t it be great if she were talking to me through these little birds.
Five minutes later I got up and went to the side yard and started watering when suddenly I looked down and saw this little tiny hummingbird on the path in front of me.
I bent over and picked her up. I must have sprayed her with water accidently.
I walked over to the sunlight and sat there with this little tiny creature in my hand feeling absolute joy for 5 minutes.
Then once she was dried she flew up to the trees. I do not doubt for a second my “Grandmo” stopped by to say hello.
This made me cry! So beautiful. You are teaching her so well. Sending a prayer to God today to say thank you for letting you stay here on this great earth to be with that precious child of yours. She deserves it. She needs you.
Bawling like a baby. SO sweet. Inspiring.
So amazing!! I love the back story. You and Boo are suh wonderful people!!
make me cry… the music added to the Beauty.
God bless you for seeing joy everywhere!
tears still falling…
*sniff sniff*
Thank you for sharing that.
Your lil girl is beautiful inside and out.
She is following in your footsteps and one day, she will touch as many people as you have touched, myself included!
You are showing her well. 🙂
Thank you both for that!
It is wonderful that your daughter wanted to do this But the magic dissipated by the filming and posting of this video. Acts of kindness should be done secretly, without publicity. I am sorry to see this corruption of such a lovely idea.
Your comment disturbs me on so many levels. I had tears running down my cheeks from her willingness to share her beautiful daughter and this idea with us. Pherhaps you have not followed this blog long enough to realize this is very much a journal for Ashley…a beautiful legacy. Maybe it wasn’t only about random acts of kindness, but documenting this beautiful sweet time with Boo as she grows. I have a very poor memory, I don’t remember much from my childhood…what a gift all this will be for Ashley and Sienna to look back on over the passing time. She didn’t record all their speaking, who they might target, what the raw feelings of the recipients were…just the idea and act of kindness. Deborah I wish you a bit more happiness and pherhaps a random act of kindness which might soften your heart to put away the criticism. The true tue spirit behind this is so pure and so kind. May you be blessed by someone.
The kindness felt by the people in your video will never vanish!
Sharing doesn’t always have to be for tooting one’s own horn.
Sharing is an inspirational reminder for others that they/we can spread love….this will inspire more people to do what you have done! I’d have never thought to spread love this way…what a neat thing!
You always tell beautiful stories-stories that need to be told. That is why you were given the gift of writing and creating!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and am glad you shared.
You are inspirational in so many ways.
I might not be creative, but I sure can create when I see something inspirational…so I need people like you to give me a start!
Thank you.
Speaking of random acts of kindness: My daughter and I took her 2 little munchkins to the junk store on Valentine’s Day and this nice lady shopper gave the kids each a dollar coin and wished them a Happy Valentine’s Day…they were THRILLED! It doesn’t have to be monetary…just a kind word can make all the difference in the world. Like country singer Johnny Reed’s song, “Today I’m gonna try to change the world”!!
Maravilloso, precioso…..me has emocionado mucho, me parece precioso que su hija quisiera hacerlo. Le estas transmitiendo unos grandes valores.
What a perfect way to show love to others!! I cry now and every time I think about what you and Boo did!!!
We never know how lonely and in despair others are as they go about life! May the Lord bless you even more richly as you obey His commandment to ….love others! I am forever moved by your outpouring of love, mom
This is so awesome and inspiring!
So beautiful! I am inspired.
What an amazing gift to give your child & to some of the people that make up a small part of your world. You are a constant source of inspiration.
So heartwarming and profound that one little person can touch the lives of many with random acts of kindness. Boo is so lucky to have a mother like you and both of you will treasure these times over and over. The world needs more Boo! : )
This is so inspiring! I want to do something like this with my 3 year old. I think it’s amazing that you’re teaching Sienna to love others at such a young age. We should all be inspired to do the same.
Ashley, you are such an example, not only to your daughter, but to everyone who reads this blog. Your video was beautiful and touching. You are a wonderful mother to teach your daughter to love and serve others, and it reminds me to do more of the same with my children. So many times we are too busy with our own lives to stop and help others along their way. Thank you for this reminder, and for always encouraging others to choose joy, in every situation. Although I have never commented before, I read your blog often and you are in my prayers. Your kindness has no doubt changed the hearts of more people then you could ever imagine. Hugs to you and your sweet little family!
This is beautiful, her heart matches her smile.
I cried when I watched the video, it was so beautiful just like your daughter!! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a part of my life.