I cut about 5 inches off. It was Boo’s idea. I’ve always wanted to be a hair stylist…..so of course I said yes.
Me: Well….it’s shorter….I’m not sure it’s that straight though.
Boo: I love it….I feel like I’m in college.
Living a simple, creative life in #smalltownusa Bryson City, NC. Renovating a 1960s ranch house and an old train depot. Thank you for reading! Read more in my about section.
In college! That’s awesome!!
So if I cut 5 inches off my hair will I feel like I’m in college again?
haha! I think I am going to cut my hair this weekend…
Boo is adorable!
I cut 9″ of my daughter’s hair a couple of summers ago (at her request) and she loved it at first, and then has spent the last year and a half trying to grow it back! I don’t think she realized how much a part of how she saw herself was wrapped up in the waist length hair!
Haha! What a cute reply! 😀
LOL! An adorable “old soul.” I cut my girls’ hair, too. Straight across…hard to mess-up.
My daughter had nearly waist length hair and if I needed to trim it, I would take a ruler or something that had a straight edge and comb the hair, then apply the ruler against the hair and cut above it with great success.
Boo is hilarious!
Her hair has grown so long!! You take after me except I had to cut your hair bc we lived so far out in the country and three children’s haircuts were half the food budget back in the ’80s!! You are a wonderful caring mother. I am so proud! mom
I just cut my daughter’s hair too. She’s 3 but her hair is down to her bottom. I knew it was time when I walked past the bathroom door and saw her sitting there, holding her hair up so it didn’t fall in the pot. 🙂 poor girl.
I didn’t use safety scissors 🙂 but I didn’t get a straight cut. I’m horrible at cutting girls hair… but too cheap to take her somewhere. Her hair is super curly so it’s hard to tell. (at least that’s what I’m telling myself until I’m brave enough to go at her hair with scissors again)
She’s adorable. I trim the back of my youngest son’s hair sometimes so he doesn’t have the mullet look going on. My oldest has gorgeous curls that rarely need attention unless we’re cutting it all off.
5 inches cut will make taking care of her hair much easier.