Boo: Do you think we should pray for the devil tonight?
….that’s what I overheard Boo ask my mother the night of the Boston marathon bombing. I had to Google that one.
I tried the next day to change her context of the word “marathon” by impressing her with feats of endurance:
Me: See this guy? He ran the Boston Marathon…he ran for 2 hours straight.
Boo: 2 hours?! without even TURNING?
Then it’s just too much:
Boo: I don’t want to know about any more bad stuff in the world.
Me: But I always want you to hear it from me first.
Boo: It’s too scary.
Me: I know, but we need to pray for them.
Boo: How about I don’t know……and then YOU pray for them?
And then I saw this:
Thanks for the good people in this world!
That video…. <3
Wow! What a video – wish there were more people like that in this world!
Awesome! Great message to start the day. Thanks for sharing.
That video just really warmed my heart. I am with Boo, my heart is so exhausted from tragedy after tragedy.
thank you♥
I heard on the radio that when there are kids or you just get too overwhelmed with all the bad stuff to look for the helpers. I think a famous person said it, but I don’t remember who so I can’t give credit. The point they were getting at was yes this is tragic but look at all those people helping in the face of this tragedy.
I believe it was Mr. Rogers. I used that quote with my kids when we were talking about recent events in Boston. We’re getting ready to run a half marathon here in the city where we live, and my son was telling me that he’s afraid to go with us b/c he doesn’t want bad stuff to happen. I almost cried when he said that until I remembered this quote from Mr. Rogers and told him that there are more good people than bad out there. He’s two and a half so I’m not sure that he got the quote. I do love that quote, though. Blessings…
I agree, Ashley. There’s much good in the world too. Its just its overshadowed by more sensational negative information. It is tough as a parent to tell my 5 yr old to be careful without building paranoia in her.
A beautiful video. Thank you for sharing.
Heartwarming video Ashley. Are the majority of us just TOO busy and in a hurry? To what end?? Some miss the best parts of life. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing that beautiful video.It made my day! We should try to be like that wonderful man every day! God bless kind and generous people!Have a nice day! Donata
This is your spiritual path on Earth 🙂 You’ve been chosen to heal people’s soul and to share the love around you ^_^ <3
I love the conversations you have with Boo. The video is awesome. But I kept thinking about the person in the car who was filming it… how could they sit there and film the whole thing and not get out and help? I kept expecting the person filming it to get out and help. Reminds me of the paparazzi who filmed Heidi Klum rescuing her nannies and child. Couldn’t put the camera down long enough to jump in and help her? Sigh.
I don’t know what to say except I needed this today. This principle applied could change our lives. Thank you. <3
Oh! Thanks so much for sharing. So sweet that it brought tears to my eyes. I needed to see that today!
Hope you are doing well, you have been on my heart lately. I just kind of pop in over here every once in a while, but pray for you and your family. Have the most wonderful spring weekend!
I just have to tell you that this quote you posted is perfect. Without even thinking I turn to your blog when I need a little lift up, and every single time you have something on here that makes me feel better and happier. Thank you for being you!