One of the reasons I love living in the desert is that we can head up Highway 74 and 20 minutes later be in an entirely different world. The palm trees and sand turn into towering pine trees and the temperature can drop almost 30 degrees. We drove up early Saturday morning to visit our friends at their ranch for a big Memorial Day yard sale…..and we ended up staying for three days.
They have pet llamas:
Checking me out:
Here’s some random knowledge for you:
The next door neighbor has a pet ostrich. If I had a ranch I would definitely have one:
The yard sale started Saturday morning and we had so much fun we decided to extend it into Sunday and Monday. We are a pretty “type A” bunch so everything was always perfectly organized and rearranged constantly. Anything I sold instantly ended up being spent on something else!
Boo had a blast exploring the ranch:
Riding on the little paddle boat:
Jumping on the trampoline:
The drive back to the desert on Saturday night to gather more yard sale items:
By Monday afternoon we had sold almost every item….the couch was the last to go and it worked out perfectly because we lounged on it for three days:
We had some very interesting visitors come and shop. Constant entertainment:
To celebrate the success of the sale we drove up to Idyllwild for dinner before heading back to the desert. We pulled warm clothing from the “unwanted” yard sale pile to wear.
Visited the candy store:
Had a wonderful dinner with friends at Cafe Aroma….where most of us wore yard sale clothing because we didn’t have much else that was warm enough. The kids drew pictures of us onto the table. This is our friend Paul as drawn by Boo:
Then we said our goodbyes and drove back to the hill….back to the palms. I’ve never actually stopped at Vista Point over the desert so we woke Boo up to take a photo:
A family photo….in our “rejected yard sale” clothing… one wanted to buy my 90’s cropped hoodie!
A few of my favorite yard sale purchases from the weekend:
A 5 foot tall dinosaur painting for the office. I have big plans for embellishing it:
A new wardrobe….seriously:
Bags of toys for an art project I’ve been planning to do:
An oil painting:
Anyone else out there love yard sales? It’s like treasure hunting to me….and when it’s my own sale….even though I’m only selling things for $1 and $2 it’s so fun and gratifying!
Speaking of sales…..the one this weekend inspired me to clear out all out excess supplies. I listed it all on this page….thread, blank t-shirts, etc….all at less than cost. I just want room on my shelves again. So think of it as my online yard sale!
Ohhhhh I can’t wait to see that dinosaur all blinged out!
OMG I have that hoody…My 5 year old daughter would love the dinosaur picture. She is T-Rex crazy…I had to buy a Silhouette just so I could make girl dino shirts.