I had to break this out from my other graduation post since it got so long. Anyway, this was a project I worked on all year: a digital yearbook for Boo’s class. I took video clips from throughout the year and created a digital compilation for all the parents and teachers.
The interviews at the end are my favorite:
Here’s a quick overview of the process:
Bravo, such a wonderful video. I wish I had made this while my almost 12 year son was this age. such a brilliant idea!
What a beautiful video. Boo is a very lucky little girl to have you as a mama…Good Job!
pure amazing. that video is unbelievable. I wish I had more time to do something like this for my daughters school. I wish I was there more.
amazing. absolutly amazing.
Wonderful video! Will attempt this for my 1st grader next year! Thank you for helping us momma’s better document these years.
That’s precious! I just finished making our fifth grade video a week ago (which every year ends up being an hour and ten minutes long no matter how many pictures I think I’ve weeded out! The kids are just too darned cute!) I use Sony Vegas Movie Studio, which I love, but with all the music and video it took about three hours to render. I’m looking into After Effects because of the animation capabilities. I have a PC, so this is probably a moot point, but I’m curious. Does iMovie run off a keyframe system?
That video brought a tear to my eye. My kids just turned 16 and 14 and it seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. I wish I could turn back time and do more things like this to preserve the memories. You are very inspiring.
Wow, you have a real talent! That was so heartwarming :-). You have inspired me – thank you for sharing 🙂
Great video, great songs, and a great compilation of the kids first year in school! Priceless!! I actually cried coz it was so dang sweet. My daughter is 26 and my son turns 15 this year. How quickly the years pass from when they were this age. How I’d love to see such a video of them. – Karen
You always make me smile! I loved this! You are such a special Mom. It reminded me of my girls at this age. Such a sweet and busy time. I don’t know these kids…but they are precious! Definitely teared up. You are AMAZING and Boo is a lucky little girl! 🙂
What a great way to show who each person was. This digital yearbook gave glimpses into reality- a reality these kids will love to look back on. Excellent idea and amazing editing choices. What kind of camera do you use?
Hi Ashley,
You are so inspiring..because of this post, I just began working on my sons digital yearbook! I showed his teacher this video, so she understands why I’m always videotaping all the kids..she watched it (twice, cried both times) and is so excited to see what I come up with. I hope it’s like .0002% as good as yours! It’s a lot of pressure and a lot of work but I can’t wait to see how it turns out! Just started putting clips together and adding songs tonight..I’m hooked!
One question, did you use your video on your DSLR for this yearbook? Would iPhone video be ok?