I just finished organizing all of Boo’s papers from the end of the year and read through the last of her sentences….they aren’t as funny as “I can bloe it up” and “look out people“…. but they still made me chuckle.
I hope it’s not a hostile takeover:
Yes, I go to Michael’s a LOT:
I don’t think she’s forgiven him yet for the coffee mug incident:
Sounds dire right?
Complimenting the teacher:
And I thought I’d start making new Booisms all pretty and bring out some of the archived favorites….no idea what number I’d be on but 231 seems like a good number:
My seven year old was itching her arm pits last night and when I asked her what was wrong, she says to me “Maybe I am getting hair.” Raising three daughters is going to be sooo much fun.
LOL! From the mouths of babes.
Too adorable!!!
I was once joking with my youngest daughter and said…”you act like I took you to raise or something…”. She said… “Who’s Ray?” lol
What a character she is already! I LOVE it. What a JoY she must be to you.
Praying for you, never ceasing.
I would love to know how you organized all of Boo’s school papers as well! I have a little boy just finishing Kindergarden:)
Booisms are ADORABLE!:)