The Mountain fire has been burning for three days now.
Check out this photo of the fire from Jay Calderon on Twitter to get an idea of the size.
The sun shining through the smoke cast the desert in an eery sepia color today. Looking out and seeing the white ash reminded me of a light snow….it could be beautiful if there wasn’t such destruction behind it…..because then I remember that each little flake was once a tree or a house or an animal.
Pray for the 2,200+ firefighters up there and all the homes and businesses….and the large animals that are difficult to evacuate.
Update: Here’s the sunset tonight looking towards Palm Springs:
Very scary looking! There’s been so much devastation all around. Here in Alberta, Canada we’ve had severe flooding to the point where people lost their homes permanently. One town may loose many residents never to return because they can’t rebuild there again. It’s all very sad. We will trade prayers across the Border. Stay safe!