Kind of. I attended a soccer game. Does that count?
I have to admit I tried as long as possible to keep Boo from sports. We did karate for a while but it was such a struggle to get her there three days a week that I decided we weren’t doing it anymore unless she cooperated 100%. One day a week would have been okay but three days was too much. Then they mentioned out-of-town tournaments on the weekends. No thank you. Anyway, a few months ago we were passing by the karate place:
Boo: When can I take karate again?
Me: Uh….um….the karate placed closed for a while.
I lied.* Seriously. Horrible right? I suck.
*Remind me to delete this when Boo is old enough to read the Internet, it will be our secret.
Mr. LBB signed her up for soccer this year. He’s been taking her to practice one day a week. Two days a week she’s doing dance at her school’s after school program. The deal is she has to have all her homework done by Wednesday or she can’t do the extracurricular activities.
Yesterday was her first soccer game. I was kind of dreading it. When I was Boo’s age I played soccer for a season, my soccer team never scored a goal. Not one single goal. It didn’t really bother me. I’m not very competitive at sports. I’m perfectly happy making clover chains on the sidelines.
Usually I can’t even tell you if it’s basketball or football season….I think it’s football right now? Is that right?
I was not prepared for this world of kid soccer. A few teams had their kids running serious drills and had cheerleaders on the sidelines. Parents are yelling instructions over the coaches and the referee. I’m just trying to locate if my kid is in the game or not and wondering if there is a concession stand. Can she pick up the ball with her hands if she is the goalie? (Yes I asked that. Cut me some slack, I do have some brain damage.)
Mr. LBB: That’s the team we play next week.
Me: They look really serious. I think we should call in sick.
I think our little town is surprising laid back……thank God. I’m so happy that Boo seems to have gotten some of her dad’s athletic genes because I’ve been known to get tangled up in my own feet. I think Boo had a really good time out on the field, after the initial meltdown of having to wear the shin guards underneath her socks. They itch.
At home I made Boo take a shower after the game. She had blue spirit paint in her hair. We have a white linen couch. I didn’t plan for blue hair when we opted for white home decor. I double suck now.
Boo’s team won their first game yesterday. I can’t tell you what the final score was. I lost count after one goal.
30 years later and I’m just perfectly happy on the sidelines making clover chains…..if we had clovers.
Cute! We have a pretty laid back league. My daughter plays U6 soccer which is ages 4-6. It’s 3 on 3 and there are about 5/6 teams that we play 2 times each. After U6 you get into U8 and then difficulty goes on from there, goalie, positions, plays and so for forth. We have a travel league that gets more competive but for now I like 1 practice a week and 1 game a weekend. My sons baseball league is a little imore in depth but just as wonderful. I have another daughter who is itching to play next spring, we have have yer round soccer here.
Incredible how she is watching the ball all the way in! Perfect form!!
G Kash
Me too girl…me too.
I hate to admit it, but growing up I was the cheerleader on the sidelines for my brother’s team! Now both girls are playing and I am the Team Mom, Banner Making (you should check out my sewing skills!), Snack Bringing, Picture Taking, Website Managing, sweating my ass off on Saturday morning-afternoons, Soccer Mom.
Go Pandas! Go Damselfish! Soccer Mom……out!
What a great photo!
This has been my first year as soccer mom, too. And with my son (5), he has been able to wear his shin guards on the outside of his socks, and then pull the top of his socks clear down to cover the shin guard. (His socks fit him like thigh highs!) It keeps them from itching his legs and from falling down on his shins. Don’t know if this will work for Boo, or not, but worth a try! 🙂
I always wore two pairs of socks .team socks over and my ‘magic’ socks under. Magic socks made us win. I wore the same pair for years and years.
Wish my girls were interested in soccer
I love your view towards the sports, it reminds me of the children’s book “Ferdinand”. They wanted him to be a bullfighter but he just wanted to sit under the tree and smell the flowers. That was my mom’s favorite children’s book. 🙂
I can show you how to make dandelion chains. Or how turn a blade of grass into a whistle. I could also show you how to “shoot” weed heads…thats my favorite thing to do while waiting on the sidelines….unfortunately, weeds are few and far between on the sidelines of a swimming pool, which is what my kids are doing now. Inside. Blah.
My daughter’s team is the Blue Dolphins…When I cheer for them I always want to yell, “Go G’dolphin” (Disney’s Blackbeard’s Ghost). She doesn’t think it’s so funny when I do.
The longest quarter or half ever is when my son or daughter is playing goalie. Stresses me out to no end. But they have fun so it’s all good. As far as the itchy shin guards we put on the socks and pull them way up then put the the guards and fold the down socks over the shin guards. Hope that helps some.
We have a cheerleader. We go to watch the girls cheer the football boys. I watch a little of the game. They were funny trying to decide to run or not. The girls were pros. My g-daughter was the head cheerleader Saturday so that was fun. Sounds like Boo might be a real little soccer player. Get ready to be a soccer mom. 😀
For us, the fun is making spirit gifts. Once a crafter, always a crafter.
Oh man, I love this. I would much rather make daisy chains on the sidelines and I have no idea if she can pick up the ball with her hands if she is the goalie. She looks great out there!
Oh man … I’m with you! We’ve been double immersed into the world that is soccer with 2 in it! “Soccer people” are a subculture all their own. LOL. Let’s just say, nothing makes me feel weirder than going to a game, pretending interest for the sake of my darling kiddos (who I love, of course!) … all the while wishing that I had brought my knitting needles or something crafty to do! 😉 Totally. Don’t. Get. It. Last week, I had flashbacks to being in middle school and that horrible feeling when it’s lunch and you don’t have anybody to sit next to! 25 some years later, go to a soccer game, and I realize that … nope, still not the cool kid!
Good part is, kids like it and I must say … it looks like it’s great exercise! LOL.