Boo: I don’t think they really want us to set the church on fire.
Me: Yeah I don’t either. What do you think it means?
Boo: I think just to be really excited about God.
This is one of our favorite songs:
I love the words:
Build Your kingdom here
Let the darkness fear
Show Your mighty hand
Heal our streets and land
Set Your church on fire
Win this nation back
Change the atmosphere
Build Your kingdom here
We pray
Tonight we had our usual Friday night dinner at a local pizza place. I’d met a homeless woman the other day in a different place and she was sitting right there in front of me again. I said her name and she looked up in disbelief. I asked her if she’d eaten today and she said she hadn’t. She said she was having a hard time finding things. I drew her a detailed map of the neighborhood and asked the waitress for a box to take the woman some dinner. The waitress brought me a plate, utensils and napkins instead so that the woman would have a proper setting.
We ate dinner and the family sitting in the booth next to us said a long prayer over their own meal. Boo had said her school’s prayer over ours. Sometimes I feel like there’s so much light in the world….the darkness should be very afraid.
As we left I introduced Mr. LBB and Boo to the woman outside on the bench. I want Boo to see people, all people. The woman asked if we had cigarettes but then before we could answer she said it didn’t look like we smoked. Thank you for thinking of me tonight. God bless you. Now I feel like we didn’t do enough for her. I told her maybe I’d see her at breakfast tomorrow. I’ll see if God works that one out. I have a feeling he will and I’ll run into her again.
Me: You know Lynn was once just a little girl like you.
Boo: Everyone was once little like me Mommy.True.
Increase in us we pray
Unveil why we’re made
Come set our hearts ablaze with hope
Like wildfire in our very souls
BEAUTIFUL. Beautiful. beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for posting and reminding us Christians to get out of our little world and take the time to show love to those in need. Setting the world on fire, indeed. xoxo
I feel like I struggle daily with loving Him enough, casting aside my flesh. such a daily fight that most days I lose.
I hope I raise my children to truly see ppl. you are a wonderful inspiration.
Thank you!
So heartwarming and beautiful … thanks for the reminder!
Ashley, you have the kindest heart and the things you are teaching Boo just give me so much hope for our world.
Children can be so intelligent, insightful and aware of the world around us that it will surprise us.
You continue to show us how much good there is in the world – I had tears in my eyes a I read it. We are in Canada visiting at the moment and we are not used to quite the same homelessness where we live and it is quite eye opening. I take my hat off to you, your hubby and your little girl who has definitely been here before, xxx
Thank you for this,thank you. God bless you and your family. It brought tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart
Beautiful. You are spreading the light of Christ! What a priceless life lesson you are teaching Sienna. God bless you and your family, Ashley!!
We are your church, this says it all.
Amen! Thank you for sharing your faith! What an encouragement you are…… Keep being a light 😉
Beautiful, Ashley. Thank you.
Great post! That’s right, The battle has already been won! So… You DON’T have to worry, because God’s will see you through. Just be ready for your miracle, because there’s is alwasy miracles for those to believe… because he will see you through hard times! Every morning you should wake up and say, this is the day the lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it, God will be holding my hand through this day, and the holy spirit will guide my speach and thoughts daily. You have nothing to loose. 🙂
hipsters for jesus!!! i’ve heard this song and i know it but i had never seen the band!! lol boo was right, it means just be excited about god!!! so cool to me as we studied matthew 16 in church sunday, then our small group is studying samuel. one reason god loved david so much was because he was on fire for him! dancing and prasing even when no one else was!!!
love this!!
and btw- my husband regularly gives rides and money to folks he sees. sometimes the last $10 in his wallet!
Love makes the world go ’round. And light lives in Love.
Just beautiful. Boo is going to be such a bright light in this world because she has a mother like you. I pray that I too can teach the same to my boys.
Beautifully awesome! Don’t understand why anyone would ever send you hate mail. You continue to inspire me <3
*not hate mail meant mean mail, was also referring to the other post that I also really love btw “YOU ARE A PEACH, YES YOU”
I absolutely LOVE this song. Light IS all around us. It’s so sad that not everyone is capable of seeing it.