Boo has been asking for a skateboard so I thought I’d make one for her using a blank board. I just finished it up and took it out for a test run today. My skateboarding skills are a little rusty…I think it’s been 25 years since I was on one:
It rides pretty well! A custom skateboard would be a great Christmas gift or even an auction donation….or just hanging on the wall for a shelf or custom decor.
You can buy blank boards from Amazon (this one is 8″):
To create the design I printed out the Choose Joy design that I use on t-shirts and used a Tracer projector (one of the best investments I’ve ever made) to enlarge the design to it could be easily traced. (Note: I leaned the board up against a wall in a dark room and attached it to the wall with painters blue tape. The projector then enlarges the image.)
Here’s the traced design:
Next I filled in the design using black acrylic craft paint (I used Apple Barrel Brand) and a small detail brush:
Once the design was finished I sprayed it with a gloss lacquer spray (I used Krylon Clear Gloss Lacquer):
I purchased a heavy duty sheet of grip tape that would be easy to apply (I didn’t use the kind that came with the wheels and trucks). To transfer my design to the back of the tape (in reverse) I drew my design onto parchment cooking paper using a highlighter:
Then flipped the parchment paper and pressed firmly so the ink would transfer onto the backing of the grip tape:
I used a combination of a razor blade and a pair of scissors to cut out my grip tape design:
I laid both pieces of the grip tape on top of the board to make sure they were aligned correctly:
Using a little bit of painters tape I taped half of the grip down….
…..and peeled the backing off of the other half and carefully pressed it into place. then I repeated for the other side. (basically working from the center out to avoid air bubbles)
The adhered custom grip tape design:
To get a clean edge on the grip tape I used a screwdriver and firmly rubbed the edge of the board all the way around to score the edge of the grip tape:
The scored tape:
I peeled the edges of the grip tape back up (the screwdriver will push them down) and used a sharp razor blade to trim along the scoring line:
Trimming all the way around the skateboard:
I took some of the scrap tape and used it to sand all the grip edges to make sure it was properly adhered too:
The custom grip tape!
I used a sharp object to poke through the grip tape where the pre-drilled holes are:
I ordered an inexpensive truck and wheel set from Amazon (and a skateboard tool). It included ball bearings, washers, trucks, and wheels:
I attached the trucks to each side like below onto the 4 screws:
I used the skateboard tool to hold the hex nuts in place as you tighten the screws from the top of the board:
One attached truck. The opposite side should mirror it:
For the wheels I ordered, I put a ball bearing (the red/back circle thing) into either side of the wheel:
The wheel goes onto the truck, followed by a washer ring, and then a hex nut. Use the skateboard tool to tighten the wheel into place (test the wheels….I leave mine with a little resistance so that they board doesn’t go too fast):
A finished wheel:
So fun to have my motto of “Choose Joy” on the bottom of the board. Hopefully Boo will keep it forever. I took it to school yesterday to have someone check the wheels for me. The boys in Boo’s after school homework club said “oh please do an after school class for us!” I think I could swing that.
The wheels are a little small for Boo….larger wheels would be easier and smoother for her to ride but I’m thinking I’ll make one more so we can ride together:
Since Boo IS “Lil Blue Boo”….it’s only fitting that it be on top of the board. Although she’s now insisting that I change the name to “Big Blue Boo”….but that kind of reminds me of “Large Marge”?
Yeah I’ll never grow up.
I just wish I was still a little closer to the ground. Being almost 6 feet tall….I have SIX FEET to fall if I eat it. Now they just need to repave my street!
The end.
I’m sure I’ve insulted some skateboarding expert with this tutorial. It all worked for me though. If you have doubts about your wheel attachments or have trouble with the grip tape just take it all to your local skateboard shop and they can help you out!
Supply Source List:
Basic Skateboard Truck and Wheels
looks so cute!! nice patience, man!!
This turned out awesome!!! My 5 yr old really wants a skateboard – might be fun to make one for him =)
I love the design! Great idea.
I really hope some emails from outraged skateboard experts make it into your next hate mail round up!!
You are truly amazing Ashley!!! This is an amazing project! My husband would flip his lid if I made him a custom board, wow!!
Ummmm….that mountain view!!! Gah! It’s gorgeous! 🙂